Sabtu, 10 Maret 2012

Rockets Continue to Strike Israel

More Rockets Fired From Gaza As Violence In Israel's South Runs Into Second Night

After a several hours of quiet on Saturday, more rockets were fired toward southern Israel in the evening, bringing the total number of rockets fired over the weekend to over 100.

Schools was called off in Sunday in Ashkelon, Be'er Sheva, Ashdod and other regional councils in Israel south, affecting some 207,000 students.

During the escalation that began on Friday, the Iron Dome system intercepted 28 of the 31 rockets it targeted. The missile defense system is designed to only intercept rockets identified as heading toward populated areas.

Victoria Nuland, U.S. State Department Spokesperson said the U.S is "deeply concerned by the renewal of violence in Southern Israel." She added that the U.S. condemns "in the strongest terms the rocket fire from Gaza by terrorists into southern Israel in recent days, which has dramatically and dangerously escalated in the past day. We call on those responsible to take immediate action to stop these cowardly acts."

Earlier, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with regional council heads in Israel's south and said Israel will continue to strike whoever plans attacks on Israeli citizens. "We will improve the home front defenses even more," Netanyahu said, "also by purchasing more Iron Dome systems, which proved themselves again this weekend."

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