Rabu, 21 Maret 2012

Evening Updates:

Once again, quakes are in the news:

- Yesterday’s earthquake has been labeled by the Mexican authorities as the strongest since the devastating 1985 earthquake (see below this images of this update).
- Gradually images from the damage are published in many media (see below this update).
- 300,000 people in Mexico City have no drinking water
- Authorities are calling the population to remain calm (ER : after every earthquake some “…” people are talking about a new even more powerful earthquake. Such a rumor goes on quickly and people often start to panic, hamster, etc.)

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has surpassed previous acts of chutzpah and tells German television the Holocaust “was a colonialist plan that resulted from a lie” that Israel exploits to suppress Palestinian Authority Arabs.

Speaking through an interpreter to Germany’s ZDF public television, Ahmadinejad asserted that Jews “never were rulers of this land. They made a story named Holocaust, and the Palestinians have to pay the pricefor it.”

He repeatedly called Israel “an artificial state."

Israel and Germany signed a contractpurchasing a submarine Wednesday. This will be the Israeli Navy's sixth submarine. Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Defense Ministry CEO, Maj. Gen. (res.) Udi Shani and Secretary of State of the German Federal Defense Ministry, Wolf Rudiger, attended the signing ceremony.

According to the IDF Website, Navy Commander, Maj. Gen. Ram Rothberg referred to the purchase of the new submarine while speaking at the naval officers' graduation ceremony. "Strategically, especially today, I am pleased with the approval and signing of a contract purchasing the Navy's sixth submarine, 54 years after submarines were first put into use in the Israeli Navy. The strength of the IDF and the State of Israel, and its operational flexibility, will grow tenfold," said Maj. Gen. Rothberg.

Dolphin subs are the most expensive single vehicle in the Israel Defense Forces and are considered among the most sophisticated conventional submarines in the world. Each submarine is armed with torpedo tubes, which are also capable of firing Sub-Harpoon missiles. The submarines are also able to deploy mines, and are reputed to be able to carry nuclear-tipped Popeye missiles.

If Israel suspects that Iran is about to attack it, it could use the submarines to threaten Iran with a devastating counterstrike launched from the waters that surround it.

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