Minggu, 01 Januari 2012

Two Articles Tell The Story In The Middle East

These two articles tell the story. In fact they really could stand as a representation of the entire 'peace process' which we have been observing for years. You could look at the titles alone and get the idea.

Peace Process Must Involve Hamas As A Player

We see a Prime Minister (does it really matter which specific country? does it really matter which "leader"?), in this case Turkish Prime Minister Erdogan who, while meeting with Hamas Prime Minister Haniyeh in Istanbul Sunday makes an incredible statement:

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayip Erdogan met with Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh in Istanbul Sunday, saying that any process leading to a solution of Palestinian issues must involve Hamas as a player.

Erdogan's comments were reported following the meeting at his home in Istanbul. Palestinian media outlets said that Turkish Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu was also present in the meeting.

Erdogan also expressed support of Hamas and Fatah’s reconciliation and said he hoped the Palestinians will establish an umbrella organization which would democratically represent all political players among the Palestinians.

Hmm....So Hamas must be involved in any peace process huh?

Am I the only one who sees this apparent contradiction and subsequent "problem" involving making peace with Hamas?

This article below (which was posted earlier today) reveals the obvious:

Haniyeh In Sudan: Hamas Will Never Recognize Israel

So Israel is supposed to make peace with the organization who refuses to recognize their very existance?

Hamas’ Prime Minister in Gaza, Ismail Haniyeh, reiterated on Saturday that his organization will never recognize Israel and will never give up on Jerusalem, Channel 10 News reported.

He also called for the establishment of a “Jerusalem Army,” an army of Arab nations who will conquer Jerusalem from the Jews, the report said.

While Haniyeh’s comments are consistent with ones he recently made during Hamas’ 24th anniversary celebration, where he said Hamas’ long-term strategic goal is to eliminate all of Israel, they are not consistent with comments made by other Hamas officials in the past week.

Oh, and then there is that little additional statement "Hamas long-term strategic goal is to eliminate Israel".

So let us take a quick look at the absurdity of this situation.

World leaders (and Erdogan is just the most recent example) and the media insist that Israel give up their land, all defensible borders and Jerusalem - to a group who is sworn to their destruction and refuses to admit that Israel has a right to even exist.

This contradiction is maddeningly frustrating and the MSM will ignore it, the "quartet" will ignore it, and outside of a few prophecy sites, no one will even acknowledge this ridiculous set-up for Israel. Almost everyone involved, outside of Israel, simply looks away and pretends that _____ (insert your pick: Hamas, Hezbollah, Fatah, PLO, Muslim Brotherhood, Iran, Egypt, Syria, etc) never made such statements.

Such is life in bizarro world.

I'll take New Jerusalem, thank you.

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