Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

2012: A Coming New World Order

2011 gave us the early trends - trends which should dramatically escalate during 2012. Below we see a couple of previews for what we can expect to see this year:

Police State 2012: No Need To Wait, Its Already Here

Below are a few highlights but the entire article is a must read:

In reality, the police state is already here, and to understand this we need look only at the decades-long history documenting the step by step construction of this system.

Surveillance, spying and snitching are used as ways to keep people from rebelling against the government.

Laws are arbitrary and punishments immediate.

And the laws are enforced by a menacing, militarized police force.

Seen in this context,we can properly understand that the police state is not some distant far off possibility. On the contrary, the legal, technical and bureaucratic infrastructure for a system of outright state control under a unitary executive has been carefully laid over the course of decades, not just in America but in country after country around the globe.

For in reality the police state is not an entity, not some monolithic thing or a state of existence that only has an “on” and an “off” position, but a process, a spectrum, something that always exists to one extent or another.

United States Economic Forecast for 2012

“The head of the International Monetary Fund, Christian Lagarde, recently stated that we could soon see conditions “reminiscent of the 1930s depression” and that no country on earth “will be immune to the crisis”…

”There is no economy in the world, whether low-income countries, emerging markets, middle-income countries or super-advanced economies that will be immune to the crisis that we see not only unfolding but escalating”…
The first six months of 2012 are going to be a very key time. National governments and big European banks are scheduled to roll over huge mountains of debt. But if they can’t find any takers that could bring the global financial system to a moment of great crisis very quickly.”

Clente - Top 12 Trends 2012

Hold onto your hat, your wallet, and your wits.

After a tumultuous 2011 in which many of the trends we had forecast became headline news around the world, we are now forewarning of an even more tumultuous year to come.

Hyperbole it's not! Our research has revealed that at the very highest levels of government this megatrend has been seriously discussed. Read on:

1. Economic Martial Law: Given the current economic and geopolitical conditions, the central banks and world governments already have plans in place to declare economic martial law with the possibility of military martial law to follow.

2. Battlefield America: With a stroke of the Presidential pen, language was removed from an earlier version of the National Defense Authorization Act, granting the President authority to act as judge, jury and executioner. Citizens, welcome to "Battlefield America."

4. Climax Time: The financial house of cards is collapsing, and in 2012 many of the long-simmering socioeconomic and geopolitical trends that Celente has accurately forecast will come to a climax. Some will arrive with a big bang and others less dramatically but no less consequentially. Are you prepared? And what's next for the world?

9. Big Brother Internet: The coming year will be the beginning of the end of Internet Freedom: A battle between the governments and the people. Governments will propose legislation for a new "authentication technology," requiring Internet users to present the equivalent of a driver's license and/or bill of health to navigate cyberspace. For the general population it will represent yet another curtailing of freedom and level of governmental control.

By His Fruits Ye Shall Know Him: Obama's Subversive Appointments

Transnationalism is, in part, the theory/doctrine that the U.S. should subordinate its sovereignty to the U.N. in the interest of world comity. Policies which weaken national sovereignty such as open borders, rights of illegals, and the promotion of challenges to dominant religious and cultural institutions are consonant with transnationalist objectives.

Postconstitutionalsim (or, more commonly, non-originalism) is the theory/doctrine that the Constitution should be a "living" document adaptable to modern realities. Indeed, the Constitution should not be locked into the 18th-century mindset of the original framers.

The two doctrines dovetail nicely, and many of Obama's most influential appointees openly advocate the agenda of the twin sisters. They include:

Take a look at these appointees and read carefully (there are links within the article providing proof of these statements below):

Harold Koh - Chief Counsel, State Department

Koh believes that America should defer to the International Court of Justice to determine legal precedents. He believes that all distinctions between American Constitutional law and international law should vanish. He further believes that sharia law should be applied to some disputes in U.S. courts.

Todd Stern - Climate Czar

Stern thinks that international agencies, such as the United Nations, should take the lead on forcing climate change solutions down the throats of national governments. Stern has proposed that world powers form an "E8" group, which would meet yearly and dictate environmental policy to the rest of the world.

John Holdren - Science Czar

Holdren wants the government to dictate family size and advocate a "planetary regime" run by the United Nations

Eric Holder - Attorney General

Can there be a better example of undermining national sovereignty than Holder (who is also a member of the ACS) joining with a foreign country (Mexico) to sue Arizona over its immigration laws? "It's almost like they are competing with each other to see who will be the plaintiff," says Kris Kobach, the law professor and former Bush Justice Department official who helped write the law.

Holder also uses the DOJ to mainstream Islam. Under his guidance, training manuals for the FBI and other security agencies have been bowdlerized to ensure that Islam and violence are made to appear antithetical.

Samantha Power - National Security Council

Ed Lasky, news editor for American Thinker, writes in his article The Power of Samantha Power that "the Soros-linked Samantha Power continues to work with Barack Obama to weaken the concept of American sovereignty and empower the international community at the expense of American independence.

Preeta Bansal - General Counsel and Senior Policy Advisor, Office of Management & Budget

Bansal is a leader of the American Constitutional Society. Like the ACS, Bansal is a strong supporter of illegal alien rights, terrorist rights, and other rights not enshrined in the Constitution. ACS is America's main networking group for far-left attorneys and is where Bansal is recruiting many of Obama's judicial nominees.

Cecilia Munoz - Director of Intergovernmental Affairs, Executive Office of the President

Munoz is an open-borders advocate who served recently as the vice president for the National Council of La Raza (NCLR), where she supervised all legislative activities. La Raza is the nation's foremost supporter of "rights" for illegal aliens and the granting of amnesty to the millions of illegals here in America.

She also served on the U.S. Programs board of the Open Society Institute, a George Soros-funded group.

Cass Sunstein - Regulatory Czar

Sunstein openly advocates behavioral modification by "nudging" people into the proper mindset for the 21st century. The masses are too stupid to be convinced by argumentation and evidence. Naturally, he supports the "Fairness Doctrine," the wrongly named concept which allows the government to regulate the airwaves.

Mark Lloyd - FCC Chief Diversity Officer

Lloyd's view of the 1st Amendment is...well, refreshingly novel:

It should be clear by now that my focus here is not freedom of speech or the press. This freedom is all too often an exaggeration. At the very least, blind references to freedom of speech or the press serve as a distraction from the critical examination of other communications policies. ... [T]he purpose of free speech is warped to protect global corporations and block rules that would promote democratic governance.

Like many of Obama's appointees, Lloyd worked for George Soros, the foreign billionaire who funds anti-America groups.
He seems to be enamored of dictators, even publicly praising Venezuelan Communist dictator Hugo Chávez's "incredible ... democratic revolution."

One of Lloyd's solutions to "balance" the media is to fine conservative radio stations up to $250 million and give the proceeds to National Public Radio. Get ready for censorship like America has never seen before.

Also in the news:

Jihadist Group Declares War On France For Being 'Hostile To Islam'

Report: Magma Causing Uplift In Oregon

Court To Hear Obama Eligibility On Merits, First Time Ever, January 26

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