Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Earth Signs

While we become immersed in the geopolitical "signs" around the world, we often forget that as we approach the Tribulation, the earth is also experiencing "birth pains".

JiJi Press – one of Japan’s largest news sources – reports:

Tokyo Electric Power Co. on Monday reported an increase in radioactive materials leaking from damaged nuclear reactors at the Fukushima … plant.

The total amount of radioactive cesium that leaked from the containment vesselsof the No. 1 to No. 3 reactors reached 70 million becquerels per hour, up 12 million becquerels from the December level, the power firm said.

...there is some evidence that the increase in radiation corresponds with recent earthquakes.

Or it could be due to the possible escape of nuclear fuel from the nuclear container vessels.

Indeed, a Fukushima whistleblower allegedly claims that radioactive fuel is coming out from beneaththe containment building

Sunday, Jan. 22 at 10:59 p.m. EST), NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory caught an extreme ultraviolet flash from a huge eruption on the sun , according to the skywatching website

The solar flare spewed from sunspot 1402, a region of the sun that has become increasingly active lately. Several NASA satellites, including the Solar Dynamics Observatory, the Solar Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), and the Stereo spacecraft observed the massive sun storm.

According to NOAA, this is the strongest solar radiation storm since May 2005, and as a precaution, polar flights on Earth are expected to be re-routed within the next few hours, Kathy Sullivan, deputy administrator of NOAA, said today at the 92nd annual American Meteorological Society meeting in New Orleans, La.

In addition to generating stronger than normal displays of Earth's auroras (also known as the northern and southern lights), geomagnetic storms aimed directly at our planet can also disrupt satellites in orbit, cause widespread communications interference and damage other electronic infrastructures.

"There is little doubt that the cloud is heading in the general direction of Earth," announced in an alert. "A preliminary inspection of SOHO/STEREO imagery suggests that the CME will deliver a strong glancing blow to Earth's magnetic field on Jan. 24-25 as it sails mostly north of our planet."

Earthquakes are back in the news. We can't forget about this important sign of this generation:

Just a few quake numbers from around the world over the last couple of days:

6.3, 5.2, 6.2, 5.1, 4.6, 4.7, 5.3, 5.5, 4.8, 4.8

There is a 70 percent probability the Tokyo metropolitan area will be hit directly by a strong earthquake of magnitude-7 level within four years, according to data compiled by a University of Tokyo research team.

The preliminary calculations conducted by a team from the university's Earthquake Research Institute were based on intensified seismic activity in the area after the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11.If a magnitude-7.3 earthquake occurs directly under northern Tokyo Bay, as many as 11,000 people are expected to die and about 850,000 buildings to be rendered totally unusable or destroyed by fire.

According to the Meteorological Agency's observations, after the March 11 disaster, earthquakes of magnitude 3 to 6 occurred an average of 1.48 times a day in the metropolitan area through December. This was about five times the pre-disaster average.

There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries after a 5.8-magnitude earthquake struck central Chile Monday afternoon, authorities there said.

The U.S. Geological Survey gave the quake a preliminary magnitude of 6.2.

The earthquake was about 16.5 kilometers (10 miles) deep, Chilean emergency officials said, and its epicenter was about 62 kilometers (40 miles) northeast of Concepcion, Chile.

The U.S. Geological Survey says the earthquake had a preliminary magnitude of 5.1. The epicenter was in the coastal town of Rio San Juan, about 155 miles (250 kilometers) north of the capital and 22 miles (35 kilometers) northeast of San Francisco de Macoris.

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