Selasa, 03 Januari 2012

Egypt: Muslim Brotherhood Reality

If you recall, when the "Arab Spring" took over Egypt and we were promised (by our administration and the MSM) that democracy would reign - there were very few reporting on the realities of the Muslim Brotherhood and their imminent takeover.

Since then, there have been an array of publications and commentaries pointing to the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood is indeed taking over Egypt and they may not be as moderate as we were told.

Israel-Egypt Peace Appears To Be Nearing Its End

Egypt's new dominant political force, the Muslim Brotherhood, vowed this week to increase Cairo's hostility toward Israel and possibly even cancel the Camp David Accords.

This was contrary to all the grand statements by Egyptian, Israeli and Western diplomats that the Camp David Accords were in no danger, but comes as absolutely no surprise to observers viewing the situation through the lens of reality.

In an interview with the Arabic newspaper Al-Hayat published on Sunday, Muslim Brotherhood deputy leader Dr. Rashad Bayoumi insisted that his group will never recognize Israel or its right to exist "under any circumstance."

Bayoumi's remarks followed the first two rounds of voting in Egypt's first parliamentary election since the fall of former dictator Hosni Mubarak. The Muslim Brotherhood is on track to control 40 percent of the parliament by the time the third round of voting is completed this week. Allied Islamist party al-Nour will come in second place by winning around 30 percent of the vote.

Western leaders have tried to downplay the fact that Egypt's next government will be controlled by Islamist parties with ties to Hamas and other terror groups. But for anyone listening to Egypt's new leaders themselves, it is clear that Egypt is going in the direction of Iran and that the days of the Camp David Accords are numbered.

Another lie making the media rounds is that Egypt's revolution and even the rise of the Islamists is good for the country's 8-10 million Coptic Christians...the rising Islamic tide in Egypt has claimed many Christian lives, and Coptic leaders have complained that the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamists are leaving them out of crucial decision-making processes that will determine the future of Egypt.

By all accounts, Israel will soon have a second Islamic Republic to deal with, this time on its very doorstep. And it will be heavily armed with the best American weapons.

The vice continues to tighten around Israel as the world's anti-Israeli sentiment grows - exactly as we would expect from the prophetic scriptures.

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