Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Right on Schedule

WND has been on a roll lately as far as the Middle East is concerned.

As hard as it is to believe, somehow the situation in Syria is turning towards Israel. On the other hand, its not really that hard to believe:

Syrian Uprising Leading to the Golan Heights?

The White House quietly has been urging Israel and Syria immediately to renew negotiations aimed at an Israeli retreat from the strategic Golan Heights...

According to informed Middle Eastern security officials, the Obama administration believes an accord with Israel will strengthen the position of Syrian President Bashar Assad, whose regime is threatened by unrest similar to the protests that toppled the leadership of fallen Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

Lets hope and pray that this isn't true.

The White House is pushing an agreement whereby Israel would either evacuate much of the Golan Heights, or Syria would agree to lease the territory to Israel for a period of up to 30 years.

Assad blamed the ongoing anti-government protests on foreign "plots hatched against our country."

Israeli security officials believe the Muslim Brotherhood is deeply tied to the riots in Syria.

The Brotherhood, the most organized opposition group in Egypt, wants to create an Islamic caliphate. Both al-Qaida and Hamas are Brotherhood offshoots

The sources said Netanyahu told Russia that even if Assad coordinated with Iran, the Syrian president is still more desirable than dealing with a Muslim Brotherhood entity.

Back to the issue of the Golan Heights - and we see two sentences which encapsulate this whole issue:

Syria twice used the Golan, which looks down on Israeli population centers, to mount ground invasions into the Jewish state.

With Assad's regime faltering, the White House has been pushing Israel to surrender the Golan in an accord with Syria.

In other words, we would be pushing Israel to give up very important, strategic land by giving away the Golan Heights - land which has vital from a military perspective. Giving up the Golan Heights would make Israel very vulnerable to attack. Perhaps if it happens, it will be for that very reason, prophetically.

Headlines for a day

For the first story - this is something fascinating and the story is just breaking:

Possible First Century Christian Lead Plates

One of the most significant features of the plates are their ties to ancient Christianity. It would make these documents the oldest Christian documents ever discovered in this region and can shed some new light into what some of these early believers taught and understood about the Gospel.

Ancient Sealed Metal Plates With Perhaps Secret Temple Texts Discovered in Middle East?

This find is interesting for a number of reasons:

-The books are written on metal plates (lead and copper)
-They are bound by rings on one side (also known as codices)
-Many of the books are “sealed” on all sides
-They appear to be from the first century AD, and may be the earliest Christian documents ever found
-Scholars have noted that, if authentic, this could be bigger than the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
-They appear to be written in an archaic Hebrew script
-Some appears to be written in code
-The sealed nature, and code appearance of the text, suggests that these may contain “secret teachings,” perhaps even “Temple based documentation”
-A number of recognizable symbols appear, including the menorah (which can be seen in the photos above), branches, fruits, trees, and of the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot), associated with the enthronement rituals of ancient Davidic kings, and with the coming of the Messiah

More details from the BBC:

More Details About Ancient Metal Plates"

Some additional details include:

-There are 70 or so “books” or codices in this collection, each between 5-15 leaves made from lead, and bound with lead rings.
-The leaves are about the size of a credit card.
-Some experts and suggesting the books may have been made by early Christians in the years just following the crucifixion.
-There is uncertainty whether they are of Jewish or Christian origin, but several say there is evidence of Christian origin in the signs and symbols used in the books.
-Some purported symbols include a cross, a tomb, and the city of Jerusalem. A menorah is also seen as representing the holy of holies of the temple in Jerusalem, and the presence of God.

Ok, now the daily headlines:

Strategy to invade Israel posted on Facebook

Social-networking sites, specifically Facebook, are being used to promote a campaign that appears to target the very existence of Israel, with hundreds of thousands worldwide seeking to join in a plan to "return" to and take over the original homes of their families in "Palestine" on May 15.

...the idea being circulated is "for millions of Palestinian refugees to march en masse in return to the original homes of their families in Israel."

The movement's plans call for this to be much more than just a visit, however.

One page, "The 2011 March of Return," said, "The goal of [the Facebook] group … is to organize a march of millions, who, on May 15, 2011, will realize the Right of Return to Palestine in deed as well as in word."

Syria: Sound of a dictator preparing for a long battle

Syria's Assad: Israel, Foreign Media to Blame for Unrest

Israel fears the alternative if Syria's Assad falls

Israel deploys unique missile system

Deadly volcano that's one of the most dangerous on Earth

Church ad pulled from OC theater previews: Mentions Jesus

Libyan rebels sold Hizballah and Hamas chemical weapons

Senior Libyan rebel “officers” sold Hizballah and Hamas thousands of chemical shells from the stocks of mustard and nerve gas that fell into rebel hands when they overran Muammar Qaddafi’s military facilities in and around Benghazi, DEBKAfile’s exclusive military and intelligence sources report.

According to our sources, the rebels offloaded at least 2,000 artillery shells carrying mustard gas and 1,200 nerve gas shells for cash payment amounting to several million dollars.

It is also not clear whether the shells and gases were assembled upon delivery or were travelling in separate containers. Our sources report that some of the poison gas may be intended not only for artillery use but also for drones which Hizballah recently acquired from Iran.

This may be the most interesting development of the day. We know that Israel had already stated that they will consider the use of such weapons the same as any other WMD - and that Israel's response (if such weapons are used) will be the same as if a nuclear bomb was used against Israel.

This development will be worth following very closely.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Who Stands With Israel?

To be honest, I'm not completely sure what to think of Glenn Beck, but lately he seems to be on the same wavelength as many prophecy watchers in terms of what he is seeing in the world around us. This recent article is interesting because it expounds on many of the posts seen here recently:

Who Stands With Israel?

Of course, there is the whole thing about Soros unleashing his minions in attempts to destroy conservative news outlets such as Fox News, but frankly that takes a back seat to the prophetically related actions taken by Soros, so we won't even go there. As tempting as it would be to point out the irony in the "freedom of speech" aspect which is being ignored, but we already know that Soros favors totalitarianism regimes so this comes as no surprise. Lets get to the quotes:

For example, do you know about the Soros-funded International Crisis Group? Look up the International Crisis Group. It is -- oh, it's quite amazing. And it seems to be right in the center of almost everything that is happening overseas, especially in Libya now and Egypt.

International Crisis Group has consistently worked to support the group in the Middle East who want to establish an Islamic government, including the Muslim Brotherhood and even al Qaeda. There is a report that came out in June 2008, it's this one. It's entitled "Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood: Confrontation or Integration?"

This has already been discussed, so lets move on to more interesting information:

Now, while Soros' group advocates for these radical groups, he then singles out Israel, calling them, I'm quoting, "the main stumbling block" to the transformation of the Middle East. He added in this report, "In reality, Israel has much to gain from the spread of democracy in the Middle East, as the United States has. But Israel is unlikely to recognize its own best interest, because the change is too sudden and carries too many risks."

Remember, George Soros says Israel is the main problem in the Middle East to transformation. Too scary for them.

George Soros is also the guy that believes that this, quoting him, "The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States." Whoa!

...let's look at the direction in the Middle East. Do you think it's headed toward, toward peaceful conclusion, to a happier world? Do you think it's going to end well or not so much? Are things happening that are beneficial to survival of Israel or not so much? Is there any leader in the world standing up for Israel or not so much?

Then the article moves on to Israel, the new UN "mandate" regarding the now infamous "responsibility to protect" doctrine::

Hamas is calling on the Arab League to stop Israel from exploiting regional instability to carry out massacres against Palestinians. Wait a minute. That one goes under the responsibility to protect -- which is this new George Soros/Cass Sunstein wife kind of thing. We'll get into that later. OK. Got it.

Reports this week also say that Abbas ordered lawmakers to complete a draft legislation for future state. So, in other words, draft the legislation to have an independent state within six months -- within six months that would be -- oh, yes, that would be the ninth month of this year.

So, let's go with what else we know here. The U.N. is recognizing Palestinians as independent state. Yes. Yes. We got that one, too. Or this, or this, or this. All right

Muslim Brotherhood is now poised to grab power in Egypt and Libya. That's going to be great. They say that they're just ready to declare war against Israel.

That brings us to the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine. This states that states have the right to protect the population. In fact, the responsibility to protect the populations from genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethic cleansing.

This apparently is what was happening in Libya. That's what we use, justification to wage kinetic military action against a country that, as Defense Secretary Gates said, was not vital interest to the United States. But we had a responsibility to protect.

The "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine, it worked in Libya. And they're going to try it again against Israel, because the stakes are just too high.

I hate to post so much of this article, but the following observations about Israel and the Middle East just have to be publicized whenever and however possible, so here it is:

Name the country in the Middle East that has the values generally speaking that we have. I can only name one. Why are we standing with all of those against Israel?

They tolerated more provocations than probably any other country in history, and despite having enough arsenal of nukes to obliterate their enemies. Believe me, they can take care of themselves. How many have they lobbed? Answer, zero.

While everyone complains about the evils that Israel has done to the Arabs and then picks apart each tiny imperfection with their democracy -- democracy, by the way, a republic is ugly -- tens of millions of Arabs, tens of millions have suffered atrocities at the hands of their own countries.

Gays are still tortured today and killed, bloggers jailed without cause, women humiliated, raped and murdered, dissidents killed, protesters shot, terrorist born, suicide bombers given by their mothers.

But Israel is the evil one? That's the obstacle to peace?

Let me ask you this, how many homosexuals have been stoned to death by the Israelis? How many adulterers have been buried up to their neck in sand and stoned to death in Israel? How many bloggers have been jailed without cause? How many terrorists are wearing a yarmulke?

But now, the world is being led to the water that Israel is the evil one. And it's about to drink. Don't drink that water.

By contrast, look at the surrounding Arab world:

A woman can't walk down the street alone and be safe. And not because she's in a dangerous neighborhood, but because she walked alone without a man? How do you possibly stand with that country? How do you possibly stand with a group of people that say I'm going to kill you if you don't go to my faith?

A country that treats women or people who are at all different like a dog, treats a woman as a piece of furniture or a sexual toy that can be raped. The courts will allow it.

How is it that a country like ours actually listens to those evil people saying this is evil? And we believe it. How many Israelis have taken someone off the streets and then beheaded them on videotape just for political reasons?

Our administration is siding with the wrong side. They are standing against good and encouraging evil in the Middle East. We are reprimanding the nation that is as flawed as we are and protecting the aggressors. We are protecting the killers and the terrorists. We have gone from a nation who was doing the wrong thing by siding with Mubarak to a nation who is doing an even greater evil by arming al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood which empowers Iran and also in the end destroys Israel.

It is not difficult to tell good apart from evil. Let's start with some simple ideas: voting rights. Generally speaking, which is better, voting rights of Iran, Muslim Brotherhood, those who run al Qaeda? How about free speech? Rights of women? Rights of homosexuals? America and Israel or the people we seem to be siding with?

I stand tonight with Israel.

What a powerful commentary. Its hard to add anything else to this. In fact, I think I'll read it again.

Tradisi Gembok Cinta Di Korea Selatan

Gembok Cinta Jalan-jalan ke Seoul, Korea Selatan, rasanya tak lengkap jika tak mengunjungi salah satu ikonnya yakni Seoul Tower. Selain bisa melihat seluruh Kota Seoul, Anda juga bisa menemukan ribuan kunci cinta yang konon merupakan lambang cinta sepasang kekasih.

Dari ketinggian 236,7 meter, kita bisa melihat keindahan Kota Seoul. Gedung-gedung bertingkat hampir memenuhi seluruh area seluas 605,52 km pesegi ini, Rabu (30/3).

Seoul memang dikenal sebagai salah satu kota terpadat di dunia. Seoul Tower adalah menara komunikasi yang dibangun di atas Gunung Namsan di pusat Kota Seoul. Sehingga disebut juga dengan Namsan Tower.

Wah! Ada ribuan gembok terkunci dengan berbagai macam tulisan. Jenis gemboknya pun bermacam-macam. Ada yang besar, kecil dengan berbagai tulisan yang berisi tentang harapan dan cita-cita. Ada juga yang memasang menggunakan rantai sepeda. Lucu ya...

Ternyata tradisi memasang gembok di Seoul Tower ini dipopulerkan sejak 1990-an. Banyak pasangan kekasih yang menuliskan nama dan harapannya di gembok setelah itu dikunci, dan terakhir kuncinya dilempar jauh dari atas menara. Nah itu artinya nama yang tertera di gembok kini sudah terkunci selamanya. Tradisi ini dinamakan love lock atau kunci cinta. Wah... Romantis ya!!

Foto Fotonya

Who Is America Supporting In Libya? (and the rest of the Middle East)

Ostensibly we are supporting the "rebels" who are clashing with the government in Libya. The rationale for this has been somewhat unclear at best.

Now, it appears that we are supporting radical Islam. The next question would appropriately become: Why?

Lets look at the facts around this issue:

Admiral: U.S. studying Libyan rebels -- after going to war on their behalf

Admiral James Stavridis, commander of NATO and overall chief of U.S. and coalition forces in the Libyan war, says American intelligence agents are "examining very closely" the rebel forces for whom U.S. forces have gone to war.

So far, Stavridis says, the U.S. has discovered "flickers" of the presence of al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, although Stavridis calls the opposition leadership "responsible."

Well isn't that just grand. We will be pouring billions of dollars into the region, not to mention the lives of our soldiers, and we didn't bother to analyze just WHO we would be helping, in advance? Really?

And the "new terminology" that our administration is using is priceless: "flickers" of al Qaeda? Ok.....

Appearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Stavridis was asked by Republican Sen. James Inhofe to comment on "reports about the presence of al Qaeda among the rebels, among those with whom we are associated."

at this point I don't have detail sufficient to say that there is a significant al Qaeda presence or any other terrorist presence in and among these folks

So basically he is saying that we don't have enough information? And why is that? Shouldn't such information be obtained before engaging in such effort? OR - is this a form of tap-dancing in order to avoid the obvious?

Stavridis' testimony raises two questions. One is the extent of al Qaeda and other terrorist presence; what is a flicker? The second question is why the United States did not complete its "due diligence" before, and not after, going to war. "I don't say this critically of you, because you didn't make this decision," Inhofe said to Stavridis, "but wouldn't that have been a good idea to find out before we took the steps we are taking?"

Unbelievable. Just unbelievable.

The lack of knowledge about the Libyan opposition has become a major question in the Libya conflict. At Monday's Pentagon briefing, Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin asked another top official, Vice Admiral Bill Gortney, a very simple question: "Do you know who the opposition is, and does it matter to you?" "We're not talking with the opposition," Gortney responded. "We have -- we would like a much better understanding of the opposition. We don't have it. So yes, it does matter to us, and we're trying to fill in those gaps, knowledge gaps."

Wow. This leaves me speechless.

West's fears over spectre of al-Qaeda among rebels

It should come as no surprise to the West that intelligence officials have identified "flickers" of al-Qaeda among the Libyan rebels seeking to overthrow the regime of Colonel Muammar Gaddafi.

...there is nevertheless disturbing evidence that the Islamist terror group is seeking to turn the current political unrest to its advantage.

The Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, a militant Islamist group committed to the establishment of a fundamentalist Islamic state in Libya, was set up in 1995 by groups of Libyan jihadi fighters who had returned home after fighting with the Mujahideen in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union.

What is not in doubt is that since the uprising various al-Qaeda spokesmen have surfaced to condemn Col Gaddafi's dictatorship and call for the creation of an Islamic state

And last week Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, a prominent Libya rebel leader, admitted to an Italian newspaper that many of the jihadists who had fought allied troops in Iraq were now fighting to overthrow Gaddafi's regime.

Al Qaeda: Arab revolts herald 'great leap forward'

Yet another article which informs us of what is really going on in the Middle East:

Al-Awlaki says rebels in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and "mujahideen brothers," calls on Muslims in West to kill "Jews and Christians."

Al Qaeda's most influential English-language preacher said revolts sweeping the Arab world would help rather than harm its cause by giving Islamists freed from tyranny greater scope to speak out.

al Qaeda preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, in an article published online on Tuesday, said the removal of anti-Islamist autocrats meant Islamic fighters and scholars were now freer to discuss and organise.

"Our mujahideen brothers in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya and the rest of the Muslim world will get a chance to breathe again after three decades of suffocation," he wrote, using a term that refers generally to Islamic guerrilla groups or holy warriors.

The most disturbing aspect of this recent information is the unsettling idea that perhaps we DO know who we are supporting in the Middle East.

Its hard to figure which scenario is worse - complete ignorance regarding who we are supporting in these efforts vs. intentionally supporting radical Islam and then lying about it. What a dilemma.

Either way, what we are witnessing is a transformation of the Middle East in terms of the few countries who had been relatively stable and unlikely to participate in a coalition against Israel, into a highly unstable rabid, radical Islamic element who's sole basis for living is to destroy Israel and "reclaim" that holy land.

I guess it had to happen this way for the remaining prophetic events to unfold. What else can be said?

Tokoh Asli Hanamichi Sakuragi (slam dunk)

Pasti semua udah pada tau cerita manga slam dunk donk ya..? manga yang sempat menyabet beberapa kategori penghargaan di jepang ini sempat populer di indonesia dan animenya juga pernah tayang di stasiun TV lokal. nah cerita manga bergenre sport ini diperankan oleh tokoh utama bernama hanamichi sakuragi, dan ternyata penokohan hanamichi sakuragi di ambil dari kisah nyata, jadi hanamichi sakuragi ini orangnya bener-bener ada.

Hanamichi asli lahir pada tahun 1968 dari keluarga yang sangat sederhana, ibunya meninggal ketika dia masih kecil, sehingga hanamichi di besarkan tanpa belai kasih dari seorang ibu, dan inilah yang membuatnya menjadi seorang yang keras dan gemar berantem, semua masalahnya diselesaikan dengan jalan kekerasan (sesuai dengan cerita manganya si sakuragi emang demen berantem kan?).

hanamichi memliki postur tubuh yang jangkung, pada usia 12 tahun aja tubuhnya udah mencapai tinggi 175 cm, jauh lebih tinggi dari tinggi anak normal seusianya. karena sering berantem tubuh sakuragi jadi terlatih, suatu hari dia berantem degan seorang siswa di sportzone universitas tokyo. gerakannya yang lincah dan kekuatannya dalam berkelahi justru menarik perhatian seorang pelatih tim basket, dan hanamichi pun di ajak gabung masuk tim basket.
pada sebuah friendly match melawan atlit nasional hanamichi yang saat itu berusia 17 tahun menunjukkan kemampuan yang luar biasa dia mencetak 33 point sendirian 10 shoot, 1 nailed, 1 tri poin, 1 tembakan yang gak diketahui jenis tekniknya, dan 2 free shoot. meskipun pada akhirnya timnya di bantai 59 - 115. namun sakuragi telah menunjukkan sebuah bakat yang luar biasa dan menjadi pusat perhatian sampai-samapi dia disebut2 sebagai "harapan baru dunia bola basket jepang".
namun setahun kemudian ayahnya jatuh sakit , hanamichi pun kembali ke tokyo untuk menjenguk ayahnya, tapi sungguh malang, saat akan menyebrang jalan sebuah mobil dengan kecepatan tinggi menghantam tubuh sakuragi , meskipun tubuhnya kuat tapi efek benturannya terlalu fatal, hanamichi pun segera dilarikan kerumah sakit, tapi sayang dia meninggal sebelum sampai diruang operasi.
yang jelas dunia basketball jepang telah kehilangan satu bibit muda berbakat, dan dari kisah nyata inilah takehiko inoue membuat kisah slamdunk yang berhasil menyabet beberapa kategori penghargaan.

Tite Kubo-pengarang komik bleach

Noriaki Kubo, lahir pada tanggal 26 Juni 1977 di Prefektur Hiroshima, Jepang Lebih dikenal dengan nama Tite Kubo.Karya ciptaannya yang terkenal adalah Bleach.

Kubo-sensei mulai menggambar manga di sekolah menengah. Itu dalam tahun ketiga sekolah menengah di mana dia awalnya menulis manga pertama, Zombie Powder. Ia diserahkan kepada seorang Shonen Jump kontes namun kalah karena kurangnya pengalaman. Namun, ia menerima panggilan telepon dari salah satu editor majalah, menyarankan mereka bekerja di sana bersama-sama. Zombie Powder akhirnya mulai publikasi pada tahun 1999 (dalam Weekly Shonen Jump) dan berlari untuk hanya 4 tankoubon atau novel grafis. Itu dihentikan oleh Weekly Shonen Jump karena kurangnya popularitas dan overdosis konten seksual.

Awalnya Shueisha menolak menerbitkan Bleach karena dinilai temanya mirip dengan beberapa series yg pernah dikeluarkan sebelumnya. Kubo-sensei sempat down, tapi bangkit kembali setelah menerima surat dari Toriyama Akira pencipta dan artis dari hit manga Dragon Ball yg memberinya semangat.dan tak lama kemudian, pada tahun 2002, Bleach akhirnya diterbitkan dan mulai serialisasi di Shonen Jump.Itu seketika menjadi hit
Jika mangaka lain memulai karir dengan menjadi asisten mangaka, karir Kubo dimulai ketika ia memenangkan penghargaan Hop Step th 1995 dengan karya Fire in The Sky. Debutnya dimulai dengan Ultra Unholy Hearted Machine di edisi Summer Special.Kubo-sensei senang bermain game, salah satu game favoritnya adalah Bio Hazard 4.

"Ada kemungkinan muka Hollow terinspirasi dari topeng yg dipakai anggota band SlipknoT yg mengisi musik game Bio Hazard. Salah satu band favorit sensei penggemar manga Hachimitsu to Clover ini adalah Nirvana."
Banyak fans menduga terpilihnya Morita Masakazu [seiyuu] sebagai Ichigo karena sensei pernah main Final Fantasy X. Sensei yg pernah menggemari mangaka Kouga Yun ini sangat senang menonton, baik di TV maupun bioskop. Acara TV kesukaannya adalah Tom And Jerry dan sensei ini menyempatkan diri menonton Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi disela kesibukannya. Mangaka kelahiran 26 Juni1977 ini sangat senang ketika Bleach dianimasikan. Ia bahagia karakter-karakter ciptaannya bersuara dan bergerak. Yg hingga kini disiarkan di TV Tokyo.
Berikut ini adalah karya beliau yang lainnya.

Cerita pendek
- Ultra Unholy Hearted Machine
- Rune Mater Urara
- Bad Shield United

- Zombie Powder
- Bleach

Biografi Eiichiro Oda-pengarang komik one peace

Eiichiro Oda adalah seorang mangaka kelahiran 1 Januari 1975 di prefektur Kumamoto,Saat Eiichiro Oda kecil, Eiichiro Oda selalu berangan-angan sebagai bajak laut dan ingin menjadi mangaka. Pada umur 17 tahun, Eiichiro Oda mengirimkan karyanya berjudul Wanted dan memenangkan berbagai penghargaan. Pada umur 19 tahun, Eiichiro Oda menjadi asisten Nobuhiro Watsuki dalam pengerjaan Rurouni Kenshin. Bersamaan dengan itu pula, Eiichiro Oda menggambar Romance Dawn yang merupakan bab awal dari One Piece. Pada tahun 1997, One Piece terbit pertama kali di majalah Shonen Jump dan menjadi salah satu manga terpopuler di Jepang. Manga One Piece ini pun menjadi Manga no 1 di Dunia bukan hanya di Jepang .
Ada kejadian unik dibalik pembuatan Wanted!, yaitu 3 hari sebelum deadline penyerahan naskah, Eiichiro Oda mengalami kecelakaan mobil! Yang konyol, dalam perjalanan ke rumah sakit, hal pertama yang terpikir olehnya adalah bahwa hari itu ia harus mengembalikan kaset video yang dipinjamnya^^; Dokter memutuskan bahwa Eiichiro Oda harus diopname 1 hari. Dan selama di rumah sakit itulah ia berjuang mati-matian menyelesaikan Wanted! yang berlatar belakang dunia western. Dalam karya ini, Eiichiro Oda menggunakan pen name Getsuk ka Sui Moku Kin Do [Moon Fire Water Wood Gold Earth], yang bisa juga dibaca Senin Selasa Rabu Kamis Jumat Sabtu. [Di jepang, kata Bulan Api Air Kayu Emas dan Tanah dipergunakan sebagai nama hari]. Setahun kemudian, karya pertamanya sebagai mangaka profesional berjudul Kami Kara Mirai No Present [Hadiah Dari Masa Depan Pemberian Sang Dewa] yang dimuat di majalah Jump Original edisi Oktober 1993. Menurut Eiichiro Oda karyanya ini terwujud karena sudah lama ia ingin membuat manga dengan tema takdir dan menggambar adegan kehancuran. Namun ditekankannya lagi bahwa itu bukan berarti dia ingin menghancurkan dirinya sendiri, walau ia mengaku menyesal karena harus meninggalkan pekerjaan part-time nya. Pada tahun yang sama,Eiichiro Oda juga meraih Gold Honors dalam ajang Hoop Step Award [kontes pencarian bakat yang diadakan Weekly Jump setiap bulan -- kini namanya berubah menjadi Tenkai Icchi Manga Awards] untuk karyanya yang berjudul Ikki Yako [Perjalanan Malam Seorang Setan].

"Menurut Oda dalam sebuah wawancara untuk Shonen Jump, penjahat favoritnya di One Piece adalah Buggy Badut"dan Bajak laut nyata favoritnya adalah Blackbeard (Edward Teach).Ia menikah dengan Chiaki Inaba, yang telah memainkan Langsung Nami selama Festa One Piece panggung pertunjukan.Dia awalnya merencanakan One Piece seri selama lima tahun terakhir, dan sudah direncanakan keluar akhir. Tapi cerita terus jauh dari harapan, dan popularitasnya telah membengkak ke proporsi yang sangat besar.

(Ketika ditanya tentang perasaannya terhadap Akira Toriyama) Dia seperti dewa bagi saya, tentu saja. Dia berada di dimensi yang berbeda. Lebih dari apa pun, dengan keterampilan menggambar terlalu bagus untuk menjadi kenyataan!Ketika aku masih kecil, saya menggambar untuk bersenang-senang dan menerima pujian untuk file. Aku menjadi berlebihan dengan keyakinan dan menyatakan bahwa saya akan menjadi seniman manga. Pada saat itu, aku ingin menjadi yang terbaik dalam menggambar gambar. Aku percaya bahwa orang yang paling menarik adalah orang yang menciptakan manga terbaik.

Biografi Masashi Kishimoto-pengarang komik naruto

Masashi Kishimoto lahir di Prefektur Okayama,Jepang,8 November 1974; umur 35 tahun) adalah seorang mangaka Jepang.Saat Kishimoto-smasih kecil, acara TV yang paling favorit salah satunya adalah Doraemon. Semua teman-teman Masashi Kishimoto menyukai Doraemon dan menggambar karakter-karakternya. Kishimoto-sensei adalah yang paling perfeksionis. Ia menunjukkan bagian mana yang salah pada gambar teman-temannya dan menunjukkan cara menggambar yang benar.

“Jika sekarang aku berpikir tentang itu, tentu saja aku adalah anak yang menyebalkan!” jelas Kishimoto.

Waktu beranjak SD, Masashi Kishimoto sangat suka menggambar. Selama sekolah ia mencoret buku catatannya dengan gambarannya, bahkan ia tetap menggambar saat ia sedang bermain petak umpet dengan teman-temannya sambil menunggu ditangkap. Anime favorit Kishimoto-sensei adalah Doraemon, sampai suatu hari ia melihat Mobile Suit Gundam, semua yang ia gambar adalah karakter dari anime tersebut.
Setelah tergila-gila menggambar Mobile Suit Gundam, muncul anime baru, yaitu manga terkenal dari Akira Toriyama-sensei: Dr. Slump. Masashi Kishimoto bercerita tentang betapa ia tidak percaya, bagaimana bisa gambar Dr. Slump sangat bagus dan ia mulai menggambar karakter-karakter anime itu. Ia bahkan sampai ikut serta dalam lomba menggambar Arale-chan menggunakan crayon.
Menjelang kelulusan SD, Kishimoto sangat tergila-gila pada Dragon Ball, manga paling terkenal dari Akira Toriyama-sensei. Kishimoto-sensei sempat memberi perenyatakan betapa ia sangat terobsesi pada Toriyama-sensei, “Beliau bagaikan dewa bagiku, aku selalu menggambar tiap karakter yang bermunculan dalam Dragon Ball.” Dan akhirnya Masashi Kishimoto membuat keputusan yang tidak akan ia sesali. Ia mulai dengan berpikir “Manga itu luar biasa” dan ia ingin menjadi mangaka populer seperti Akira Toriyama. Kishimoto membuat karya pertamanya yang berjudul “Hiatari-kun”, tentang seorang remaja ninja.
Ketika menginjak SMP, Kishimoto memfokuskan diri pada hal lain selain menggambar. Baseball mengambil bagian penting pada saat itu. Menggambarpun hampir tidak ia lakukan lagi karena tidak ada waktu. Namun pada suatu hari ia melihat poster yang menurutnya sangat bagus. Gambar itu ternyata adalah “Akira” karya Katsuhiro Ootomo.
Kishimoto mulai menggambar “Akira”, dan gaya gambarnya berubah banyak. Tapi, betapa banyakpun ia mencoba meniru, ia tidak bisa. Mustahil untuk ditiru. Efek, desain, dan setiap detil gambar tersebut amat berbeda dari mangaka lain. Akhirnya Kishimoto-sensei menyadari, karya yang hebat adalah karya original, dan meniru gambar orang lain tidak berguna.
Kishimoto mencoba menggambar dengan cirinya sendiri, tetapi ia tetap tidak bisa. Ia pun akhirnya menyerah dan mengahabiskan sepanjang masa SMPnya untuk meniru gambar Ootomo-sensei.

Saat ia di kelas XI, Kishimoto berhasil merampungkan komik pertamanya yang berisi 31 halaman. Ia menanyakan pendapat adiknya. Tapi yang ia dapat hanya “Jelek”. Ia tidak terima perkataan itu dan bertanya lagi pada ayahnya. Ternyata jawaban ayahnya sama saja. Kishimoto tetap antusias dan mengirimkan komiknya itu untuk Jump Magazine Award, tapi gagal dan komik itu selamanya menjadi tumpukan terbawah pada meja gambarnya.
Kishimoto tidak menyerah dan membuat banyak komik lagi. Tetapi komiknya selalu saja tidak bagus. Ia heran mengapa komiknya tidak bagus dan apa yang membuat komik orang lain bisa lebih bagus?Karena ia menghabiskan waktunya untuk mencari jawaban tersebut, Kishimoto lulus SMA dengan peringkat 38 dari 39 siswa. Keaaan menjadi serba salah. Tidak pandai menggambar komik, juga tidak pintar di sekolah, lalu akan jadi apa ia nanti? Masashi Kishimoto tidak menyerah dan berusaha lebih keras untuk menjadi mangaka Jump. Jika sekarang Kishimoto mengingat kembali semuanya, Ia tidak banyak berpikir, “Yah, semua akan berhasil!. Syukurlah karena aku bodoh!”
Sekarang Masashi Kishimoto berhasil meraih impiannya menjadi Mangaka Jump yang terkenal, komiknya tentang ninja yaitu Naruto .Masashi Kishimoto menjadi mangaka terkenal semenjak karyanya, Naruto sukses besar baik di Jepang sendiri ataupun di negara-negara lain. Pada tahun 1999 Naruto pertama kali dipublikasikan di Shounen jump membuat Kishimoto menerima penghargaan hop step. Saudara kembar Masashi Kishimoto, Seishi Kishimoto juga merupakan seniman manga dengan karyanya yang terkenal 666 Satan.

wajah wajah pengisi suara naruto

Junko Takeuchi - Naruto Uzumaki
Chie Nakamura - Sakura Haruno

Noriaki Sugiyama - Sasuke Uchiha
Kazuhiko Inoue - Kakashi Hatake

Houchu Ohtsuka - Jiraiya
Koyama Rikiya - Yamato
Satoshi Hino - Sai
Nana Mizuki - Hinata Hyuuga
Kosuke Toriumi - Kiba Inuzuka
Kawada Shinji - Shino Aburame
Rumi Ochihai - Kurenai Yuuh
Showtaro Morikubo - Shikamaru Nara
Kentaro Ito - Chouji Akimichi
Ryoka Yuzuki - Ino Yamanaka

Jurota Kosugi - Asuma Sarutobi

Yoichi Masukawa - Rock Lee
Koichi Tochika - Neji Hyuuga
Yukari Tamura - Tenten
Masashi Ebara - Maito Gai
Toshihiko Seki - Iruka
Akira Ishida - Kazekage Gaara
Romi Paku - Temari
Yasuyuki Kase - Kankuro

Selasa, 29 Maret 2011

Connecting the Dots

This one comes with the usual caveats regarding websites.

First came the revelations that al-Qaeda has strong connections to Libyan Rebels (here). Then we saw where we are seriously considering increasing support for these rebels by arming them, which would effectively equal arming al-Qaeda in the region. That's bad enough - and certainly enough to make one wonder if we are intentionally arming radical Islamic groups.

Then, we saw where this new "doctrine" of following UN mandates - which apparently, allows a provision for entering a sovereign country when it is determined that "responsibility of protecting" comes into play. The question became "could this be used against Israel?"

Then we see this article - again, in the context of "connecting the dots". It also comes under the heading of "what is our long-term plan for the Middle East?"

That answer may be even more haunting than much of what we have seen lately in the region:

Holocaust denier at heart of Obama's Libya doctrine

A staunch denier of the Holocaust who long served as the deputy of late PLO leader Yasser Arafat served on the committee that invented the military doctrine used by President Obama as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.

Its all about the "Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect", and guess who is firmly in this picture? You guessed it - George Soros.

As WND first reported, billionaire philanthropist George Soros is a primary funder and key proponent of the Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, the world's leading organization pushing the military doctrine. Several of the doctrine's main founders sit on multiple boards with Soros.

Now it has emerged that Palestinian legislator Hanan Ashrawi served on the advisory board of the 2001 commission that originally founded Responsibility to Protect.

That commission is called the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty. It invented the term "Responsibility to Protect," while defining its guidelines.

Ashrawi is an infamous defender of Palestinian terrorism.

Her father, Daoud Mikhail, was a co-founder of the PLO with Arafat. The PLO was engaged in scores of international terrorist acts and was declared a terrorist group by the U.S. in 1987.

That's a pretty strong radical Islamic pedigree. There is more:

During the First Palestinian Intifada, or war of "resistance" against Israel, in 1988, Ashrawi joined what was known as the Intifada Political Committee, which sought to advance Palestinian goals through both politics and "resistance." She served there until 1993.

Discover the Networks notes Ashrawi has long defended the Hamas terror group as a legitimate component of the Palestinian "political spectrum."

She has stated she does not "think of Hamas as a terrorist group."

Ashrawi has long been a Holocaust denier. In the July 2, 1998, edition of the official Palestinian Authority newspaper Al-Hayat Al-Jadeeda, she published an article calling the Holocaust "a deceitful myth, which the Jews have … exploited to get sympathy."

I don't know about you, but the above descriptions look pretty "radical" to me. Denying the Holocaust? Really?

With Ashrawi on the advisory board, the International Commission on Intervention and State Sovereignty first defined the "Responsibility to Protect" doctrine.

In his address to the nation on Monday, Obama specifically cited the military doctrine as the main justification for U.S. and international airstrikes against Libya.

Indeed, the Libya bombings have been widely regarded as a test of "Responsibility to Protect."

"Responsibility to Protect," or "Responsibility to Act" as cited by Obama is a set of principles, now backed by the United Nations, based on the idea that sovereignty is not a privilege but a responsibility that can be revoked if a country is accused of "war crimes," "genocide," "crimes against humanity" or "ethnic cleansing."

One can see those "dots" beginning to connect and its a scary sight. The ramifications are almost unthinkable.

And of course, Mr Soros is (as usual) lurking behind the scenes:

Soros himself outlined the fundamentals of Responsibility to Protect in a 2004 Foreign Policy magazine article entitled "The People's Sovereignty: How a New Twist on an Old Idea Can Protect the World's Most Vulnerable Populations."

"If governments abuse the authority entrusted to them and citizens have no opportunity to correct such abuses, outside interference is justified," Soros wrote. "By specifying that sovereignty is based on the people, the international community can penetrate nation-states' borders to protect the rights of citizens.

But who decides? Who determines when a nation's sovereignity can be completely ignored and when the "international community can penetrate nation-states' borders"?

More from Soros:

"In particular, the principle of the people's sovereignty can help solve two modern challenges: the obstacles to delivering aid effectively to sovereign states and the obstacles to global collective action dealing with states experiencing internal conflict," he concluded.

And this:

WND previously reported how the group has been petitioning for the U.S. to normalize ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition in Egypt, where longtime U.S. ally Hosni Mubarak was recently toppled.

Aside from Evans and Soros, the group includes on its board Egyptian opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei, as well as other personalities who champion dialogue with Hamas, a violent offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Soros' own Open Society Institute has funded opposition groups across the Middle East and North Africa, including organizations involved in the current chaos.

WND also reported that doctrine founder Thakur recently advocated for a "global rebalancing" and "international redistribution" to create a "New World Order."

"Toward a new world order," Thakur wrote in a piece last March in the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, "Westerners must change lifestyles and support international redistribution."

OK, so lets connect the dots:

1. The new "doctrine" as embraced by the UN, and as led by at least two Soros' funded groups allows for the invasion of a sovereign state under the vague conditions of "Responsibility to Protect".

2. The Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect, who is behind much of this new philosophy, is funded by Mr Soros, and includes on its advisory board holocaust deniers, supporters of Islamic terrorists, the PLO, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood - all of whom are involved in the recent uprisings in the Middle East.

3. The last "dot" would be the use of #1 and #2 above to take forcible action against Israel - under the premise of "Responsibility to Protect", in this case, the "Palestinians" who are suffering under "Israeli occupation".

Its almost too easy to connect these dots.

The world is encircling Israel and there appears to be no way out for this tiny nation - who must survive against all odds. Just as they have for centuries.

But God has always delivered on His promises to Israel and the current situation is no exception. As stated before, God is placing Israel into a situation in which they will ONLY have God to call upon in order to save them from imminent destruction.

And as stated so many times, God delivers. In a big, epic manner. In such a manner that every human on earth will realize that God delivered the Nation of Israel:

"In the days to come, O Gog, I will bring you against my land, so the nations may know me when I show myself holy through you before their eyes." (Ezekiel 38:16)

"...and all the people on the face of the earth will tremble at my presence" (Ezekiel 38:20)

"And so I will show my greatness and my holiness and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations. Then they will know that I am the Lord." (Ezekiel 38:23)

Also of comfort - as we watch "man" attempt to plot against Israel - while ignoring God's warnings - comes from Psalm 33:

"The Lord foils the plans of the nations;
he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.

But the plans of the Lord stand firm together,
the purposes of his heart
through all generations.

Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord
the people he chose for his inheritance.

From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind;
From his dwelling place he watches
all who live on earth -

No king is saved by the size of his army;
no warrior escapes by his great strength

But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him
on those whose hope is in his unfailing love...

We wait in hope for the Lord;
he is our help and our shield.

In him our hearts rejoice,
for we trust in his holy name.

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord,
even as we put our hope in you."


The Syrian Time Bomb

That's the the title of the latest article from Foreign Policy Magazine and it details how Syria may be the most important country of all, in terms of Middle East unrest we are witnessing:

The Syrian Time Bomb

While one war rages in Libya, another rages in Washington as to the necessity of U.S. action there. Indeed, Defense Secretary Robert Gates said as much this weekend, noting that Libya was not a "vital national interest." But if Washington is looking for an Arab state in the throes of unrest, one that is key to its regional and national interests, planners might want to pay more attention to Syria, which is currently undergoing upheaval not seen since the early 1980s.

The next quotes seem lifted directly from the pages of biblical prophecy:

Syria lies at the center of a dense network of Middle East relationships, and the crisis in that country -- which has now resulted in the deaths of well over 100 civilians, and possibly close to double that number -- is likely to have a major impact on the regional structure of power.

If the regime fails to tame this domestic unrest, Syria's external influence will inevitably be enfeebled, with dramatic repercussions across the Middle East. As the crisis deepens, Syria's allies tremble. Meanwhile, its enemies rejoice, as a weakened Syria would remove an obstacle to their ambitions. But nature abhors a vacuum, and what will come will be unpredictable, at best.

And that quote above could apply to almost any country in which we are seeing violence and unrest: "nature abhors a vacuum, and what will come will be unpredictable, at best." And at worst, we will see what we have seen in Egypt and Lebanon, where radical elements of Islam will take over, or are in the process of taking over. Be careful what you ask for.

The protests started in mid-March in Daraa, in southern Syria, a city that has suffered from drought and neglect by the government in Damascus. The heavy hand of the ruling Baath party was particularly resented.

The government, to put it bluntly, responded poorly. Troops in Daraa fired live rounds against youthful demonstrators and virtually all communications -- Internet and telephone -- were shuttered to prevent the seepage of unrest.

By all accounts, the debate about how to deal with the growing protests has led to increasingly violent confrontations inside the regime between would-be reformers and hard-liners. The outcome of this internal contest remains uncertain.

We can see the ramifications of whatever happens in Syria - throughout the region:

Meanwhile, Turkey is deeply concerned by the Syrian disturbances: Damascus has been the cornerstone of Ankara's ambitious Arab policy. Turkey-Syria relations have flourished in recent years as Turkey-Israel relations have grown cold.

Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his foreign minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, have actively sought to mediate local conflicts and bring much-needed stability to the region by forging close economic links. One of their bold projects is the creation of an economic bloc comprising Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan -- already something of a reality by the removal of visa requirements as well as by an injection of Turkish investment and technological know-how.

Turkey's loss, however, may turn out to be Egypt's gain. Freed from the stagnant rule of former President Hosni Mubarak, Cairo is now expected to play a more active role in Arab affairs. Instead of continuing Mubarak's policy, conducted in complicity with Israel, of punishing Gaza and isolating its Hamas government, Egypt is reported to be pushing for a reconciliation of the rival Palestinian factions, Hamas and Fatah.

The upshot of all of this turmoil in the Middle East may wind up involving Israel - so what else is new?

Undoubtedly, the failed peace process has bred extreme frustration among Palestinian militants, some of whom may think that a sharp shock is needed to wrench international attention away from the Arab democratic wave and back to the Palestine problem.

They are anxious to alert the United States and Europe to the danger of allowing the peace process to sink into a prolonged coma. Israeli hard-liners, too, may calculate that a short war could serve their purpose:

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's far-right government may sense weakness and quietly dream of finishing off Hamas once and for all. Syria has been a strong supporter of Hamas and has given a base in Damascus to the head of its political bureau, Khaled Mashal. Turmoil in Damascus could deal Hamas a severe blow.

On all these fronts -- Iran, Iraq, Turkey, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel -- Syria is a key player. But its internal problems now threaten to reshuffle the cards, adding to the general sense of insecurity and latent violence in the region.

To close, we go back to Syria:

Meanwhile, Washington seems at a loss as to how to respond to the growing unrest in Syria. In tempered language, the administration has condemned the use of violence against civilians and encouraged political reform. But the undertones are evident: Stability in Syria may still preferable to yet another experiment in Arab governance.

Assad will need to act quickly and decisively -- and one hopes not harshly -- to quell the rising current of dissent.

This edifice may now be crumbling, and the United States would be wise to spend a little less time thinking about Libya and a little more time thinking about a state that truly has implications on U.S. national interests. If things go south in Syria, blood-thirsty sectarian demons risk being unleashed, and the entire region could be consumed in an orgy of violence.

Unfortunately, we already know where all of this is heading and declaring such as "an orgy of violence" is very consistent with what we know is coming from Isaiah 17 and Ezeliek 38-39. It is most definitely coming.

Now we see this development:

Syrian Cabinet resigns amid huge protests

Syria's Cabinet resigned Tuesday to help quell a wave of popular fury that erupted more than a week ago and is now threatening President Bashar Assad's 11-year rule in one of the most authoritarian and closed-off nations in the Middle East.

Assad, whose family has controlled Syria for four decades, is trying to calm the growing dissent with a string of concessions.

State TV said Tuesday Assad accepted the resignation of the 32-member Cabinet headed by Naji al-Otari, who has been in place since September 23. The Cabinet will continue running the country's affairs until the formation of a new government.

The resignations will not affect Assad, who holds the lion's share of power in the authoritarian regime.

As mentioned before, one of the roots of the current situation involves the fundamental differences between the Sunni majority and the ruling Shiite branch.

The protests and ensuing violence have brought sectarian tensions in Syria out in the open for the first time in decades, a taboo topic here because the country has a Sunni majority ruled by minority Alawites, a branch of Shiite Islam. Assad has placed his fellow Alawites into most positions of power in Syria.

The unrest in the strategically important country could have implications well beyond the country's borders given its role as Iran's top Arab ally and as a front line state against Israel.

Exactly - once again, its all about Israel - the epicenter. All of this unrest will ultimately, somehow end up in coalitions who will attempt to destroy Israel. For now, we're just watching these things coming together, but we know the ultimate outcome. Its all described in the pages of biblical prophecy - we just don't know what exactly how we get there. Meanwhile, we watch in fascination as it all comes together - exactly as God informed us.

Eaglehawk Neck-Tempat Indah Dengan Sejarah Mengerikan

Eaglehawk Neck pernah menjadi tempat yang mengerikan dimana tahanan disiksa dan diteror. Hari ini, adalah tempat tenang indah di mana alam telah hampir menghapus jejak sejarah yang buruk. Eaglehawk Neck pulau Tasman link ke daratan Semenanjung Tasmania di Australia.


Pulau ini dikenal dengan perkerasan ditutupi, fenomena alam yang jarang terjadi yang disebabkan oleh erosi. Fitur utama dari wilayah yang terkena sejenis erosi adalah batuan yang retak menjadi empat persegi panjang biasa. Eaglehawk Neck adalah salah satu contoh yang paling karakteristik untuk jenis seperti erosi.

Seperti yang kita katakan sebelumnya, pada paruh pertama abad ke-19, tempat ini host penjara di Port Arthur. Hal ini terkenal dengan garis-garis yang disebut anjing yang dibuat di leher untuk mencegah melarikan diri tahanan mencapai laut.

Pelabuhan Atrhur penjara dikenal sebagai salah satu penjara paling disimpan dalam waktu itu dan hanya beberapa tahanan berhasil melarikan diri. Salah satu dari mereka yang berhasil melarikan diri dari penjara ini adalah Martin Kas yang menjadi terkenal dengan dua kali melarikan diri dari penjara. penjara yang sekarang menjadi museum ulang dan ini adalah salah satu lokasi wisata paling banyak dikunjungi di Australia.

Suara buruk tempat ini telah baru-baru ini diperbarui pada tahun 1996. ketika pembunuhan massal yang mengerikan terjadi di sana, namun, masih tetap tujuan wisata yang indah.

Pulau-pulau Indonesia Pada Zaman Kuno

Dalam berbagai prasasti, pulau Sumatera disebut dengan nama Sansekerta: Suwarnadwipa (“pulau emas”) atau Suwarnabhumi (“tanah emas”). Nama-nama ini sudah dipakai dalam naskah-naskah India sebelum Masehi. Sumatera juga dikenal sebagai pulau Andalas.
Pada masa Dinasti ke-18 Fir'aun di Mesir (sekitar 1.567SM-1.339SM), di pesisir barat pulau sumatera telah ada pelabuhan yang ramai, dengan nama Barus. Barus (Lobu Tua - daerah Tapanuli) diperkirakan sudah ada sejak 3000 tahun sebelum Masehi. Barus dikenal karena merupakan tempat asal kapur barus. Ternyata kamper atau kapur barus digunakan sebagai salah satu bahan pengawet mummy Fir'aun Mesir kuno.
Di samping Barus, di Sumatera terdapat juga kerajaan kuno lainnya. Sebuah manuskrip Yahudi Purba menceritakan sumber bekalan emas untuk membina negara kota Kerajaan Nabi Sulaiman diambil dari sebuah kerajaan purba di Timur Jauh yang dinamakan Ophir. Kemungkinan Ophir berada di Sumatera Barat. Di Sumatera Barat terdapat gunung Ophir. Gunung Ophir (dikenal juga dengan nama G. Talamau) merupakan salah satu gunung tertinggi di Sumatera Barat, yang terdapat di daerah Pasaman. Kabarnya kawasan emas di Sumatera yang terbesar terdapat di Kerajaan Minangkabau. Menurut sumber kuno, dalam kerajaan itu terdapat pegunungan yang tinggi dan mengandung emas. Konon pusat Kerajaan Minangkabau terletak di tengah-tengah galian emas. Emas-emas yang dihasilkan kemudian diekspor dari sejumlah pelabuhan, seperti Kampar, Indragiri, Pariaman, Tikus, Barus, dan Pedir. Di Pulau Sumatera juga berdiri Kerajaan Srivijaya yang kemudian berkembang menjadi Kerajaan besar pertama di Nusantara yang memiliki pengaruh hingga ke Thailand dan Kamboja di utara, hingga Maluku di timur.
Kini kekayaan mineral yang dikandung pulau Sumatera banyak ditambang. Banyak jenis mineral yang terdapat di Pulau Sumatera selain emas. Sumatera memiliki berbagai bahan tambang, seperti batu bara, emas, dan timah hitam. Bukan tidak mungkin sebenarnya bahan tambang seperti emas dan lain-lain banyak yang belum ditemukan di Pulau Sumatera. Beberapa orang yakin sebenarnya Pulau Sumatera banyak mengandung emas selain dari apa yang ditemukan sekarang. Jika itu benar maka Pulau Sumatera akan dikenal sebagai pulau emas kembali.

Jawa - Pulau Padi

Dahulu Pulau Jawa dikenal dengan nama JawaDwipa. JawaDwipa berasal dari bahasa Sanskerta yang berarti "Pulau Padi" dan disebut dalam epik Hindu Ramayana. Epik itu mengatakan "Jawadwipa, dihiasi tujuh kerajaan, Pulau Emas dan perak, kaya dengan tambang emas", sebagai salah satu bagian paling jauh di bumi. Ahli geografi Yunani, Ptolomeus juga menulis tentang adanya “negeri Emas” dan “negeri Perak” dan pulau-pulau, antara lain pulau “”Iabadiu” yang berarti “Pulau Padi”.
Ptolomeus menyebutkan di ujung barat Iabadiou (Jawadwipa) terletak Argyre (kotaperak). Kota Perak itu kemungkinan besar adalah kerajaan Sunda kuno, Salakanagara yang terletak di barat Pulau Jawa. Salakanagara dalam sejarah Sunda (Wangsakerta) disebut juga Rajatapura. Salaka diartikan perak sedangkan nagara sama dengan kota, sehingga Salakanagara banyak ditafsirkan sebagai Kota perak.
Di Pulau Jawa ini juga berdiri kerajaan besar Majapahit. Majapahit tercatat sebagai kerajaan terbesar di Nusantara yang berhasil menyatukan kepulauan Nusantara meliputi Sumatra, semenanjung Malaya, Borneo, Sulawesi, kepulauan Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua, dan sebagian kepulauan Filipina. Dalam catatan Wang Ta-yuan, komoditas ekspor Jawa pada saat itu ialah lada, garam, kain, dan burung kakak tua. Mata uangnya dibuat dari campuran perak, timah putih, timah hitam, dan tembaga. Selain itu, catatan kunjungan biarawan Roma tahun 1321, Odorico da Pordenone, menyebutkan bahwa istana Raja Jawa penuh dengan perhiasan emas, perak, dan permata.
Menurut banyak pakar, pulau tersubur di dunia adalah Pulau Jawa. Hal ini masuk akal, karena Pulau Jawa mempunyai konsentrasi gunung berapi yang sangat tinggi. Banyak gunung berapi aktif di Pulau Jawa. Gunung inilah yang menyebabkan tanah Pulau Jawa sangat subur dengan kandungan nutrisi yang di perlukan oleh tanaman.
Raffles pengarang buku The History of Java merasa takjub pada kesuburan alam Jawa yang tiada tandingnya di belahan bumi mana pun. “Apabila seluruh tanah yang ada dimanfaatkan,” demikian tulisnya, “bisa dipastikan tidak ada wilayah di dunia ini yang bisa menandingi kuantitas, kualitas, dan variasi tanaman yang dihasilkan pulau ini.”
Kini pulau Jawa memasok 53 persen dari kebutuhan pangan Indonesia. Pertanian padi banyak terdapat di Pulau Jawa karena memiliki kesuburan yang luar biasa. Pulau Jawa dikatakan sebagai lumbung beras Indonesia. Jawa juga terkenal dengan kopinya yang disebut kopi Jawa. Curah hujan dan tingkat keasaman tanah di Jawa sangat pas untuk budidaya kopi. Jauh lebih baik dari kopi Amerika Latin ataupun Afrika.
Hasil pertanian pangan lainnya berupa sayur-sayuran dan buah-buahan juga benyak terdapat di Jawa, misalnya kacang tanah, kacang hijau, daun bawang, bawang merah, kentang, kubis, lobak, petsai, kacang panjang, wortel, buncis, bayam, ketimun, cabe, terong, labu siam, kacang merah, tomat, alpokat, jeruk, durian, duku, jambu biji, jambu air, jambu bol, nenas, mangga, pepaya, pisang, sawo, salak,apel, anggur serta rambutan. Bahkan di Jawa kini dicoba untuk ditanam gandum dan pohon kurma. Bukan tidak mungkin jika lahan di Pulau Jawa dipakai dan diolah secara maksimal untuk pertanian maka Pulau Jawa bisa sangat kaya hanya dari hasil pertanian.

Kalimantan - Pulau Lumbung energi

Dahulu nama pulau terbesar ketiga di dunia ini adalah Warunadwipa yang artinya Pulau Dewa Laut. Kalimantan dalam berita-berita China (T’ai p’ing huan yu chi) disebut dengan istilah Chin li p’i shih. Nusa Kencana" adalah sebutan pulau Kalimantan dalam naskah-naskah Jawa Kuno. Orang Melayu menyebutnya Pulau Hujung Tanah (P'ulo Chung). Borneo adalah nama yang dipakai oleh kolonial Inggris dan Belanda.
Pada zaman dulu pedagang asing datang ke pulau ini mencari komoditas hasil alam berupa kamfer, lilin dan sarang burung walet melakukan barter dengan guci keramik yang bernilai tinggi dalam masyarakat Dayak. Para pendatang India maupun orang Melayu memasuki muara-muara sungai untuk mencari lahan bercocok tanam dan berhasil menemukan tambang emas dan intan di Pulau ini.
Di Kalimantan berdiri kerajaan Kutai. Kutai Martadipura adalah kerajaan tertua bercorak Hindu di Nusantara. Nama Kutai sudah disebut-sebut sejak abad ke 4 (empat) pada berita-berita India secara tegas menyebutkan Kutai dengan nama “Quetaire” begitu pula dengan berita Cina pada abat ke 9 (sembilan) menyebut Kutai dengan sebutan “Kho They” yang berarti kerajaan besar. Dan pada abad 13 (tiga belas) dalam kesusastraan kuno Kitab Negara Kertagama yang disusun oleh Empu Prapanca ditulis dengan istilah “Tunjung Kute”. Peradaban Kutai masa lalu inilah yang menjadi tonggak awal zaman sejarah di Indonesia.
Kini Pulau Kalimantan merupakan salah satu lumbung sumberdaya alam di Indonesia memiliki beberapa sumberdaya yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sumber energi, diantaranya adalah batubara, minyak, gas dan geothermal.Yang luar biasa ternyata Kalimantan memiliki banyak cadangan uranium yang bisa dipakai untuk pembangkit listrik tenaga nuklir. Disamping itu Kalimantan juga memiliki potensi lain yakni sebagai penyedia sumber energi botani atau terbaharui. Sumber energi botani atau bioenergi ini adalah dari CPO sawit. Pulau Kalimantan memang sangat kaya.

Sulawesi - Pulau besi

Nama Sulawesi konon berasal dari kata ‘Sula’ yang berarti pulau dan ‘besi’. Pulau Sulawesi sejak dahulu adalah penghasil bessi (besi), sehingga tidaklah mengherankan Ussu dan sekitar danau Matana mengandung besi dan nikkel. Di sulawesi pernah berdiri Kerajaan Luwu yang merupakan salah satu kerajaan tertua di Sulawesi. Wilayah Luwu merupakan penghasil besi. Bessi Luwu atau senjata Luwu (keris atau kawali) sangat terkenal akan keampuhannya, bukan saja di Sulawesi tetapi juga di luar Sulawesi. Dalam sejarah Majapahit, wilayah Luwu merupakan pembayar upeti kerajaan, selain dikenal sebagai pemasok utama besi ke Majapahit, Maluku dan lain-lain. Menurut catatan yang ada, sejak abad XIV Luwu telah dikenal sebagai tempat peleburan besi.
Di Pulau Sulawesi ini juga pernah berdiri Kerajaan Gowa Tallo yang pernah berada dipuncak kejayaan yang terpancar dari Sombaopu, ibukota Kerajaan Gowa ke timur sampai ke selat Dobo, ke utara sampai ke Sulu, ke barat sampai ke Kutai dan ke selatan melalui Sunda Kecil, diluar pulau Bali sampai ke Marege (bagian utara Australia). Ini menunjukkan kekuasaan.

Extreem : Inilah Budaya Potong Jari Yang Berkembang di Daerah Papua

Jika salah satu bagian dari keluarga kita ada yang meninggal dunia, paling paling kita hanya menangis 7 hari 7 malem saja paling lama. Atau teriak teriak kayak orang kesetanan. Tapi lain halnya dengan masyarakat pengunungan tengah Papua (Wamena).

Ungkapan kesedihan akibat kehilangan salah satu anggota keluarga tidak hanya dengan menangis saja. Mereka melumuri tubuhnya dengan lumpur dan yang paling sadis, mereka juga harus memotong jari tangannya. sebuah tradisi dari masyarakat yang tidak mengenal pengetahuan.

Hampir sama dengan apa yang dilakukan oleh para Yakuza (kelompok orangasasi garis keras terkenal di Jepang) jika mereka telah melanggar aturan yang telah ditetapkan oleh organisasi atau gagal dalam menjalankan misi mereka. Sebagai ungkapan penyesalannya, mereka wajib memotong salah satu jarimereka. Bagi masyarakat pengunungan tengah, pemotongan jari dilakukan apabila anggota keluarga terdekat seperti suami, istri, ayah, ibu, anak, kakak, atau adik meninggal dunia.

Pemotongan jari ini melambangkan kepedihan dan sakitnya bila kehilangan anggota keluarga yang dicintai.

Ungkapan yang begitu mendalam, bahkan harus kehilangan anggota tubuh. Bagi masyarakat pegunungan tengah, keluarga memiliki peranan yang sangat penting. Bagi masyarakat Balim Jayawijaya kebersamaan dalam sebuah keluarga memiliki nilai-nilai tersendiri.

Pemotongan jari itu umumnya dilakukan oleh kaum ibu. Namun tidak menutup kemungkinan pemotongan jari dilakukan oleh anggota keluarga dari pihak orang tua laki-laki atau pun perempuan. Pemotongan jari tersebut dapat pula diartikan sebagai upaya untuk mencegah ‘terulang kembali’ malapetaka yang telah merenggut nyawa seseorang di dalam keluarga yang berduka.

Pemotongan jari dilakukan dengan berbagai cara. Ada yang memotong jari dengan menggunakan alat tajam seperti pisau, parang, atau kapak. Cara lainnya adalah dengan mengikat jari dengan seutas tali beberapa waktu lamanya sehingga jaringan yang terikat menjadi mati kemudian dipotong.

Namun kini budaya ‘potong jari’ sudah ditinggalkan. sekarang jarang ditemui orang yang melakukannya beberapa dekade belakangan ini. Hal ini disebabkan oleh karena pengaruh agama yang telah masuk hingga ke pelosok daerah di Papua.

Tapi di sebagian tempat masih dapat kita jumpai saat ini yaitu mereka yang masih tinggal di pedalaman hutan Papua.