Jumat, 27 November 2009

While we're watching

This little piece of news is potentially "interesting", just in the spirit of watching the consolidation of the EU, now under the Lisbon Treaty. I was reading another (uninteresting) article about the new EU President, Mr Van Rompuy see here, and stumbled on this statement (which, in turn led to some "investigations" on my part):

"Meanwhile, the internal rules also make it clear how powerful the secretary general of the council - Frenchman Pierre de Boissieu - will be. Referred to by the Swedish EU presidency as the person who 'oils' the EU's machines, Mr de Boissieu was until now the deputy secretary-general of the council and will assume his beefed up role on 1 December, when the Lisbon Treaty comes into force."

Below are three articles which provide more information on Pierre de Boissieu:

"Secretary-General behind the scenes at the EU".

Wikipedia summary of Pierre de Boissieu.

"A Brussles Legend".

Interesting quotes from these articles:

"Pierre de Boissieu is a Brussels legend. To some he is the epitome of all that is worst about the Eurocracy-a highly intelligent, secretive, scheming, know-it-all French bureaucrat who has managed to make the transition from being his country’s ambassador to the EU, to being the deputy secretary-general (top man, basically) at the council of ministers. At least he is just as hard on his own team as everyone else’s. As France’s ambassador he was famous for his ill-disguised contempt for some of the pathetic politicians sent from Paris."

"In practice, the post is best described as ‘the spider in the web’. The Secretary-General must keep track of all actors and act as an adviser, coordinator and administrator all at the same time. But despite its central role, the post is described in just one sentence in the Treaty of Lisbon. It says that “the Council shall be assisted by a General Secretariat under the responsibility of a Secretary-General appointed by the Council”. On 1 December, Mr de Boissieu will take up his post and will then become responsible for the Council Secretariat’s 3,500 employees."

This is interesting, because it appears that the position of Secretary-General is very powerful, and is primarily a "behind the scenes" scenario. These types of positions, in my opinion, are always worth watching.

Additionally, any activity within the EU Council is of potential interest, simply because Daniel 7 describes that the antichrist will rise from and later lead "10 Kings", which will come from the "revived Roman Empire" and provide the basis of power, according to both Daniel 2 and 7. The EU Council is led by the 10-country membership of the Western EU, (Western European Union description here), which is clearly the most important and powerful body within the EU. Now we have an interesting, powerful, "behind the scenes" individual who may be of potential interest as far as prophecy watching.

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