Selasa, 03 November 2009

More birthpains

There are so many pertinent news articles today, we need to categorize:

1. Revived Roman Empire (Daniel 2,7):

"Klaus signature completes EU treaty ratification". So its signed, sealed and delivered. Its a "done deal" as they say. There is no turning back now; the EU, as predicted 30+ years ago by prophecy scholars such as Dwight Pentecost and Hal Lindsey has finally happened - we formal have a formal "United States of Europe".

Also in this context we see the immediate push to fill the two most important and powerful positions, the EU president and the head of foreign policy:
"EU to call extra summit on top jobs". Here, we read that the EU will call for an "extraordinary summit" in the coming days to discuss and select the top spot, the EU President and presumably the head of foreign policy as well. For some reason, the EU wants to select these positions very quickly.

2. Israel surrounded by her enemies (Zechariah 12), War/Rumors of War (Matthew 24) and potentially Gog-MaGog (Ezekiel 38-39):

"Israel: Gaza rockets can reach metro Tel Aviv".
"MI chief: TA area in Gaza rocket range">"I chief: TA area in Gaza rocket range". To draw a composite picture of these articles, it has been determined that Hamas, operating out of Gaza, has the new capability of reaching Tel Aviv with missiles manufactured in Iran. Also of interest, it appears that Turkey may have a key role in transporting the weapons into Gaza. It is hard to imagine that the terrorists organizations would actually send missiles into the heart of Tel Aviv, but if it does, Israel would respond with massive force.

Additionally, to add more gasoline to the fire, military evidence confirms that Hezbollah (operating from southern Lebanon) is receiving missiles from Iran via Syria and Turkey. read here "Hezbollah receives arms from Iran via Syria, Turkey".

3. Rumors of War (Matthew 24):

"Gas masks for everyone in Israel".
We see these activities right now in Israel:

"The israeli military is preparing to distribute new gas masks to the entire civilian population in readiness in for a potential chemical attack."

"But now, the Israeli military is preparing to distribute 4.5 million new masks from January, starting with residents in the north and centre of the country who are seen as most at risk of a chemical attack."

"It estimates that Israel could face the threat of thousands of rocket warheads, some of which weigh half a ton."

4. The confirmation of the covenant (Daniel 9:27), and Jerusalem as the "burdensome stone" which will "cut into pieces" those who attempt to divide Jerusalem (Zechariah 12):

"Barak: Trip to USA for Drafting Agreement With the PA". Here we see the following:

"Defense minister Minister Ehud Barak and Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu are traveling to the United States this week to meet with senior White House officials in an effort to draft an agreement to be offered to the Fatah-led half of the Palestinian Authority, under Mahmoud Abbas. Such an agreement, Barak said Tuesday, will include a 'viable Palestinian State' and the end of Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria."

"In a Voice of Israel government radio report, Barak was quoted as saying that the negotiations with the PA are intended to reach an agreement that includes 'the end of the conflict and all mutual claims, the establishment of an economically and territorial viable Palestinian State alongside Israel, and the end of the occupation that began in 1967.'"

In other words, with this agreement, they would be going back to the pre-1967 borders, which would involve Israel giving up part of Jerusalem. The warning against this particular action is a strong warning, as issued in Zechariah 12.

What makes this more interesting than the usual movements towards a peace plan?

The fact that we are rapidly moving towards having a European Union leader, whether its the EU President or the head of the foreign policy - who will have the clout and power with the formal capability to "confirm the covenant", between Israel and their surrounding enemies - for the first time in 2,000 years. I have speculated that the "confirming" of the covenant may be fulfilled by the person responsible for sending in peacekeeping forces, which would "confirm" the covenant.

Either way - according to biblical prophecy, when that happens, the world will learn two important warnings: This will mark the beginning of the Tribulation, and the individual responsible for "confirming the covenant" will later be known as the antichrist.

There are a lot of things happening right now, prophetically. Every prophetic sign that has been given biblically - signs that indicate the Tribulation is approaching - and the same signs which indicate that the Second Coming is rapidly approaching - continues to progress towards the final days of this generation.

It is amazing how rapidly things are coming together. Amazing, but not unexpected - after all - we've been warned.

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