Selasa, 24 November 2009

War Games

"Analysts speculate Israeli-Iranian war scenario in wake of Iran defense maneuver". This article provides several potential scenario's involving the inevitable conflict between Israel and Iran. This is very sobering as every scenario is difficult and very messy. War games are being conducted by both Israel and Iran as the clock winds down.

In another article worth posting today, and we should do this more frequently, we see the increase in Christian persecution continuing. In this article we see how China continues to ramp up their efforts to persecute Christians:

"China: Persecution Increases".

Across the world there are countless Christians who are imprisoned, tortured, in hiding, worshiping and having bible studies in secret locations, attempting to witness without being arrested, awaiting phony trials and life imprisonment or death, starving, beaten and separated from their families. We need to pray daily for our brothers and sisters who are enduring these hardships.

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