Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Another Surge in Quakes

This is another pertinent story that is being ignored by the MSM.

Over the last several days, we have most certainly seen a very high activity level in quakes and they have occurred in "diverse places":

- 5.1 Greece (11-26)
- 5.2 China (11-27)
- 4.4, 6.2, 4.6 Indonesia (11-27, 11-28)
- 4.9 Kamchatka (11-27)
- 6.1 New Zealand (11-28)
- 5.0 Tonga Islands (11-27)
- 5.1 Peru (11-28)
- 4.8 Leeward Islands (11-28)
- 4.7 Mexico (11-27)
- 5.0 Kuril Islands (11-26)
- 5.9 El Salvador (11-26)
- 5.5 Venezuela (11-27)

Earthquake Map.

Thats a lot of shaking on this planet. Earthquakes have steadily risen over the course of this "generation", as described by Jesus. And, of note, they have occurred in cycles, or perhaps better described as "birthpains" in association with all of the other signs that we observe. Because of the vast array of monitoring stations that have been created - again - during this generation, man has the ability to monitor quakes which are occurring in "diverse places".

Exactly as Jesus described.

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