Sabtu, 03 Januari 2009

The situation in Israel and upcoming elections

Most prophecy watchers are following the developments in Israel very closely, for many of the reasons stated thus far.
Isaiah 17 suggests that we would see Israeli cities appear to be evacuated - prior to the complete destruction of Damascus.
We now see this vision of Israeli cities as "deserted" and "abandoned".

A recent update by Joel Rosenberg reveals that this is already happening. We can see where Beersheba, for instance, appears empty, as an estimated 40% of citizens have fled to safer cities because of the ongoing missile threat from Hamas. According to the London Times, there is little sign of the 186,000 inhabitants of the city - exactly fitting the description seen in Isaiah 17.

I'm not saying that this is the same - specific - vision that Ezekiel recorded, just prior to Damascus' destruction (although this possibility certianly exists). However, it does confirm the concept that Israeli cities can and will appear "deserted" or "abandoned" in light of incoming missile attacks - we now have proof that such a scenario is not only possible, but it is happening, and happening now.

Only a few weeks ago, it was hard to envision a situation that would force Israeli cities to become desolated - but here we are, seeing it happen as we watch. Its amazing how rapidly prophetic developments can fall into place.

What does this have to do with the Israeli elections?

Because of the current conflict, the Likud party is surging in the polls, only a few weeks before the Israeli elections. Benjamin Netanyahu, their party's leader is well-known as a "hawk". Based on his constant rhetoric, over the past several years, it is clear that he will take a very different approach towards Israeli enemies, and the surrounding terrorist groups.

More importantly, it is assumed that if he wins the election the odds increase dramatically that Israel will launch an attack against the Iranian nuclear facilities - before they have time to assemble a nuclear weapon (if they haven't already). Mr. Netenyahu has made these intentions very clear; he will not tolerate a "nuclear Iran". Period.

The political landscape in Israel will change significantly if Mr. Netenyahu gets elected to the top position in Israel. The election is approximately one month away. All during a time of major conflict in the region, a conflict that shows no sign of slowing down.

Things seem to be happening very rapidly at the moment. I can't help but to focus on some of Jesus' last words regarding these overall, end-time prophecies:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28)

Or, we could turn to the last words found in the book of Revelation:

"Amen. Come, Lord Jesus.
The grace of the Lord Jesus be with God's people.

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