Minggu, 18 Januari 2009

Gog-MaGog back in focus

There is so much going on in the world right now, prophetically - so much information coming across the news wires, its hard to keep up.

We're watching the situation in the Middle-East, and the growing involvement of the EU into the plans for a comprehensive peace plan for Israel and her neighbors. We're watching these developments closely, as the world calls for a leader, any leader who can ensure a "final" peace plan in the M-E. At the same time we keep one eye on Russia and Iran, as biblical prophecy has informed us of an upcoming massive attack upon Israel, as led by the Russia-Iran alliance.

More interestingly, perhaps, is the motive for this massive attack, as described in Ezekiel 38-39. Why does Russia invade Israel? We get several clues in these two chapters - clues which are now coming into focus. First, a couple of pertinent scriptures found in these two prophetic chapters:

In the words of Gog himself we see the following information pertinent to the attack: "I will plunder and loot" (38:12). Later, we read a commentary provided, which paraphrases the response of other countries as they watch this invasion taking place: "Have you (Russia et al) come to plunder? Have you gathered your hordes to loot, to carry off silver and gold, to take away livestock and goods and to seize much plunder?" (38:13-14)

The image that we receive here, written thousands of years before the fact, is that the invading forces are launching this massive invasion in order to "plunder and loot". In addition to silver and gold (don't forget, when Ezekiel wrote this prophecy, many "goods of value" that we have in present day, were unknown at that time). The term "to seize much plunder" suggests items in addition to the silver and gold mentioned.

What does Israel possess that Russia so desires? Speculation for years has ranged from food production in the time of a famine (Israel is one of the main food producers in the region), to the value of the dead sea minerals (which holds tremendous value), to taking advanced Israeli military equipment. But these discussions have been largely based on speculation.

We may now have a much more interesting reason for Russia to "plunder and loot".

As detailed in the book "Epicenter", Joel Rosenberg does an excellent job of detailing Russia's plans for complete dominance over gas and oil in the region. Its apparently one of the main reasons for their alliances with the various Islamic countries in the region, including Iran. By establishing such dominance, Russia could control the region's energy and thus, control the region. Just over the past 2 weeks, the EU has been perplexed that Russia has essentially cut off oil/gas supplies, thus revealing the EU's dependence on Russian "energy". In fact, many commentaries have suggested that Russia's recent military action into the nation of Georgia was to secure the only existing pipeline not currently in Russia possession (in the region).

However, recent developments may change Russia's plans.

Just this week, a HUGE reservoir of natural gas has been discovered in Israel article here. Described as "massive", "one of the biggest in the world" and "inconceivably huge quantities", the reserve is being billed as something that will not only create Israeli energy independence, but more importantly - Israel can also export from these massive quantities. It is also expected that oil will soon be discovered, as gas is often a "surrogate marker" for the presence of oil reserves in close proximity.

These findings will create a major problem for Russia. We have already seen them invade the northern half of Georgia, most likely to secure control of their oil pipeline. Russia is clearly in no mood to share the energy wealth in this region, and will see these Israeli findings as a significant threat to their plans.

Prophecy watchers, for years, have speculated that Israel could discover a large oil and gas reservoir in their land, effectively "forcing" Russia's military to take action. Now, Russia has major competetion and this competetion isn't from one of Russia's allies, its from the enemy of Russia and Russian allies. And given the "massive" reservoir of gas (and most likely oil), Russia can't take this lightly. It represents a SERIOUS threat to their plans.

This finding is very significant prophetically. A finding that prophecy watchers have been watching for and anticipating for years - has now occured as predicted:

Russia now has a reason to invade Israel. A big reason, or, as stated a "massive", "inconceivably huge" reason to invade.

Keep watching - the pieces are falling into place at an incredible rate. Just as predicted.

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