Kamis, 01 Januari 2009

Israel, Syria and Isaiah 17

The world is now watching the conflict raging between Israel and Hamas.

It appears that Israel will not immediately withdraw from this conflict, despite enormous pressure to do so. Israel's position is that they will complete this mission - a mission of destroying the missile launching capability of Hamas, in order to give Israeli citizens safety from the daily missile attacks which have been coming from Hamas, within the Gaza strip. Not an unreasonable goal. Imagine the reaction of the United States, if Cuba was launching approximately 100 missiles into southern Florida, on a daily basis.

There is one additional, interesting, dramatic prophecy that may come into play. This prophecy doesn't receive much attention, outside of prophecy circles, but its certianly worth watching.

Isaiah 17 provides us with this prophecy. It begins with an announcement:

"An oracle concerning Damascus: See, Damascus will no longer be a city but will become a heap of ruins"

The term "no longer be a city" is also translated to mean "cease to exist as a city".

This is relatively easy to see as a future prophecy, because currently Damascus IS an existing city. In fact, Damascus is considered to be the oldest inhabited city, period. And to repeat - it still exists. Therefore this prophecy is yet to be fulfilled. Something will happen to completely destroy Damascus as a city.

There is ample speculation regarding how and why this prophecy will unfold, particularly in light of the current conflict. We may have some assistance with subsequent scriptures.

"The cities of Aroer will be deserted...." (Isaiah 17:2)
(This is a reference to the Israeli region just to the east of the Dead sea)

"The fortified city will disappear from Ephriam..." (Isaiah 17:3)
(This is a reference to the old "northern kingdom" of Israel, where today, large Israeli cities exist).

To add to these scriptures we see similar verses:
"In that day the glory of Jacob will fade" (17:4), another reference to Israeli taking an initial "hit".

These two scriptures appear to refect the fact that Israel will most likely receive an attack. Referencing verses 2-4, its easy to see how cities will appear "deserted" during a time of regional conflict. In todays conflict, many areas of Israel have already seen the population hiding in their safe-rooms, and the streets seem empty at times, resulting from the ongoing missile attacks. As missile attacks escalate, one could even envision evacuations as well, leaving the Israeli cities as seemingly "deserted".

But Israel will respond:

"In the evening, sudden terror!
Before the morning, they are gone!" (Isaiah 17:14).

In other words, whatever destruction comes upon Damascus will be sudden - within the span of a night.

There is always speculatiion as to how this will happen. From a brief overview of this chapter, it appears that certian Israeli cities will appear evacuated - whether this is from a literal evacuation, or simply, how the cities appear "deserted" because so many Israeli citizens have retreated to their safe-rooms and are in hiding within their homes, etc. This process is already starting because of the missiles coming in from Gaza into Israeli cities.

"Damascus" has become symbolic of Syrian's anti-Israeli stance, plus it harbors a safe-haven for all surrounding terrorists groups, particularly Hezbollal. It is also rumored to have a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction, including chemical-tipped missiles and biological weapons. There has also been much speculation that Iraqi arms were shipped to Damascus prior to the current Iraqi war.

Syria has also threatened Israel with "gas" loaded missiles, which would create massive terror and destruction in Israeli cities, if used. It would definitely lead to the evacuation of Israeli cities, as described in Isaiah 17.

In turn, Israel has stated that they view use of such missiles the same as a nuclear attack - in other words, Israel will respond as if hit by nuclear missiles - should Syria decide on such chemical/biological attacks. Certianly, if Syria sends in such missiles, its not hard to envision Israel eliminating Damascus.

There are of course, other potential scenarios. Any attack from Hezbollah will be considered as being directed from Damascus. Its also possible to envision some kind of biological or chemical accident which would leave Damascus desolate. Perhaps the destruction of Damascus is part of the Ezekiel 37-38 scenario that we've discussed so many times.

Its hard to know exactly how or why this will happen - but it will happen. Whether it fits into the current conflict (or subsequent escalation) or not, is anyone's guess. But whenever we have significant warfare in the region, its worth remembering this prophecy.

Things are moving rapidly right now. At the same time, we have seen an ominous increase in ebola outbreaks. There are more concerns about spread of the "bird-flu", and human-human transmission. A severe form of Rotavirus is hitting the UK hard this year and spreading. Earthquakes and volcanoes are making the news daily - From Russia to Yellowstone Park, which is considered to be a "supervolcano"; we have also seen quakes in highly unusual places during the last month. The impending conflict between Pakistan and India is making daily news. Russia is moving south again, further into Georgia. There are too many links to post.

It looks like the earth is experiencing another birth pain - just as described by Jesus.

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