Kamis, 28 Agustus 2008

Politics and Prophecy

As much as I try, its hard to avoid politics during an election cycle. Over the years, I have developed a singular interest in politics. That interest is atypical, as I don't watch politics for the purpose of seeing one party win or lose. I watch politics in order to see how various prophetic developments may occur based upon who occupies the oval office. But this year, specifically, the next 5 months may prove to be very interesting.

President Bush has approximately 5 more months in office. During this period, Iran will most likely have nuclear capability, if they don't already. Israel is painfully aware of this fact, as the clock is ticking, day by day. A countdown that forces Israel to face the potential for their complete destruction, by a leader who has promised such on many occasions. Israel also knows that they have a "favorable" administration in office now, and that may change in a few short months. That fact puts tremendous pressure on Israel to make decisions based on the U.S. political climate.

Additionally, there is good evidence (here) that a military buildup has been ongoing in the Persian Gulf, where a large percentage of the world's oil supply is shipped on a daily basis. The U.S. has sent the largest armada to this region since the Gulf War began in 2003. French and British ships are also moving into this region, paralleling the U.S. movements into the Gulf.

This is a very large show of military force in this tenuous region. We have been watching this region, as we know from the biblical prophets, notably Ezekiel and Zechariah, that those countries surrounding Israel will launch a massive attack upon Israel. This attack, according to Ezekiel will lead to God's direct intervention - an intervention that will be obviously performed by God and God alone. Its hard to imagine what that will look like, but it will obviously be quite dramatic.

The Middle-East is a powder keg at the moment. Tensions are extremely high right now. And because of politics, and the political process in the U.S., we may be seeing some epic events take place over the next five months. The window of opportunity for Israel to take action is rapidly closing - based not only on U.S. politics, but also because of Iran's imminent development of nuclear arms.

Keep watching. I believe Jesus is preparing His return - to gather His Bride, the Church, for an early "exit" from this planet. Its a promise:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me. In my fathers house there are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me, that you also may be where I am."

Jesus is coming. I believe this will be soon, probably sooner than most folks realize.

Are you ready?

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