Minggu, 15 Juni 2008

There will be famine and earthquakes.....

According to Matthew 24:7, Jesus made the following declaration: "There will be famines and earthquakes in various places". These are two of the signs that Jesus informed us would be occuring just before the conclusion of this age, or, during this last generation. He also said that these signs, along with two others (warfare and pestilences) would occur in a cyclic manner, similar to birth pains.

Since the beginning of this calendar year, we have seen two emerging stories that are noteworthy throughout the world. Because of a complicated interconnection between oil prices and food such as corn being diverted to energy needs, flooding in some parts of the world and a lack of rain in other parts of the world, we are now facing a significant problem with food shortages also known as "famine". There have been an array of articles sounding the alarm that we have what is being referred to a "silent tsunami" regarding food shortages, as rice and other food staples are being rationed in many parts of the world. This has led to rioting in some regions, and food rationing in other regions.

We also know from biblical prophecy that these problems with famine will continue to increase, and during the Tribulation period, it will take one day's worth of wages to purchase enough food for one single day. In other words, 100% of a days wages will have to be used for the purchase of food: "A quart of wheat for a day's wages, and three quarts of barley for a day's wages" (Rev. 6:6). Needless to say, the problem of food shortages will continue to worsen.

Obviously the signs that Jesus gave would be items/events considered as "newsworthy", otherwise we would not be aware of such events. Food shortages and resulting famine are very much a part of today's news.

This is at the same time that "significant" earthquakes are making daily headlines, with a magnitude 6.8 just this week in Japan, and the magnitude 7.9 having just occured in China with > 70,000 deaths already recorded. Because of resulting refugee camps, and migration of China's citizens fleeing destroyed towns, diseases ("pestilence") are beginning to spread in these regions of China. The death toll will certianly increase over the coming weeks and months in China.

Jesus gave us signs which would be easily identifiable throughout the world. Famine and earthquakes certianly meet this criteria, as both are making daily news this summer; signs which are very easy to track and observe.

Rumors of war in the middle east are also making daily news. Israel "attacking" Iran's nuclear facilities is now becoming an "unavoidable" scenario in the middle east - one which will have enormous consequences which will impact the entire world. This is not only "unavoidable" but seemingly imminent.

Jesus gave us the signs. Are we watching?

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