Jumat, 20 Juni 2008

Ezekiel's Prophecy Rapidly Approaching

The rhetoric coming from Israel, Iran and the U.S. has heated up considerably this past week. Prophecy watchers have been closely following the developments between Russia, who we believe is described in Ezekiel 38-39 as the leader of the invading force against Israel, combined with Iran (aka "Persia"), and many other, Islamic countries surrounding Israel. Just this week, it was revealed that Israel launched a large scale military exercise intended to simulate an attack on Iran, specifically, Iran's nuclear facilities. An ap article this week described a "substantial show of force" by the Israeli air force in which over 100 F-16 and F-15 fighter jets flew over 900 miles in this exercise (roughly the distance between Israel-Iran), and according to one "U.S. defense official", was a demonstration that Israel is serious about the need to confront the nuclear threat from Iran. This "exercise" was intended as a strong warning to Iran.

Predictably, Iran responded with a strong response, stating that it would retaliate if Israel takes such action. In the same article, Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shaul Mofaz confirmed that Israel will attack Iran if Iran continues its nuclear weapons program.

This rhetoric between Iran and Israel is becoming more and more ominous by the week. As we approach the second half of 2008, we also hear the clock ticking, as Iran gets closer and closer to having functional nuclear warheads. Israel has stated several times, that their intelligence indicates that Iran will have these weapons "on-line" by the end of this year.

I'm not that great at math, but according to my expert calculations. thats a window of approximately six months.

Keep watching for the next big event(s) in the middle east.
Many of us believe that we're seeing Ezekiel's prophecy shaping up exactly as described.

It may be a good opportunity to brush up on Ezekiel 38-39. We know exactly how these events will conclude, as the news of these imminent events have already been written - in advance - and authored by God. God also gave us a little more information regarding this massive attack on the land of Israel, and this is where it gets interesting. According to God, and as written by the prophet Ezekiel, God made a declaration: "I will display my glory among the nations" (Ezek. 39:21), and "I will make known my holy name among my people Israel...and the nations will know that I am the Lord" (Ezek 39:7). Somehow, as God intervenes, as a result of this attack, He will make it obvious that the intervention is indeed, directly from Him.

Interesting indeed.

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