Senin, 02 Juni 2008

Iranian President Threatens Israel Again

On Monday, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad once again proclaimed that Israel will soon disappear. As widely reported, he predicted that Muslims would "uproot satanic powers" and he reaffirmed his prediction that Israel will be soon wiped off the map.

As recently reported, President Ahmadinejad stated that Israel is a "stinking corpse" and destined to disappear. This type of rhetoric, coming from Iran has been increasing in recent months, and proclaimed not only by President Ahmadinejad, but by several other public figures over the past several weeks.

This is particularly bothersome, as Israeli intelligence has been reporting their expectation that Iran will be "on line" with the capability to produce nuclear weapons by the end of 2008. The clock is ticking as that date rapidly approaches. Israel has threatened to destroy these Iranian nuclear facilities, but with the political upheavel in Israel, its difficult to see such dramatic military action taking place in the immediate future. There are also rumors circulating, which include U.S. involvement in such an attack, before the end of the President's term.

President Ahmadinejad has approximately 18 months left on his term, and he is determined to destroy Israel before leaving office. It appears that he will have nuclear capability before his term ends. This can only lead to one of two scenarios:

1. Iran does acquire nuclear weapons, and nothing is done to stop this process. The thought of this Iranian leader having such capability is almost unthinkable, but the world must prepare for this possibility and the possibility that he will attempt to launch these weapons upon Israel.

2. Israel and/or the U.S. will destroy Iran's various nuclear facilities, of which there are many, scattered throughout Iran. Such action will also kill many Russian workers and scientists while inflaming the Muslim population in the middle east. Because of Iran's close ties with Russia and Syria, its easy to envision their involvement in a massive retaliation directed against Israel.

Once again, we see clear evidence of the situation in the middle east shaping up exactly as described by the prophet Ezekiel. How these events will develop from this point, as usual, is unclear. However, Iran's rapid progress towards nuclear capability and the increasing rhetoric for Israel's destruction points to an imminent decision for both the U.S. and Israel. Will they allow Iran to complete their goal of the manufacture of nuclear weapons? Or, will they bomb Iran's facilities? If so, will this action serve as the match which will ignite the middle east?

The scenario described above may well be that catalyst. Its hard to imagine a "soft landing" with this current crisis building between Israel, Iran and Syria. And all of this is occurring while Hamas and Hezbollah continue their arms build-up on the borders of Israel.

We keep seeing more and more signs almost daily. I can't help but recall the words of Luke:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near."
(Luke 21:28).

Comforting words indeed.

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