Senin, 29 Desember 2008

Conflict in Israel: The "rules" of engagement

We've seen this scenario too many times to count. The "rules" of engagement - "rules" which have been determined by a combination of the media and the Islamic terrorist groups; "rules" which follow a predictable pattern. Before looking at these rules, we must remember one important fact: there is no desire for peace by these terrorists - only the desire to completely destroy Israel, so that it no longer exists. This is not a secret, because the terrorist groups in the region, namely Hezbollah, Hamas and Fatah make their intentions quite clear.

The terrorist groups and the media have set up these rules of engagement, and it goes something like this:

1. The terrorist groups launch missiles into Israel. Over and over. Last week alone, to cite one such example, approximately 80 missiles were launched from Gaza, into Israel, every day. Yet this fact received virtually no coverage in the mainstream media. No one seemed concerned that missiles were being launched into Israeli cities, farms and children's schools every day.

2. The terrorist groups launch these missiles from locations that are embedded in their communities, ensuring civilian deaths should Israel take any action to prevent these missiles from being launched. In other words, the terrorist groups set up a scenario that will certianly lead to civilian deaths. They do this for a purpose (see below).

3. Israel warns the terrorist groups (in this most recent example, from Gaza, courtesy of Hamas) over and over to stop the missile strikes or Israel will have to take action. Hamas ignored the pleas, while expecting, at some point, a response from Israel. Hamas then places more civilians in harms way, also known as "human shields" (their words, not mine). The mainstream media ignores the Israeli pleas for Hamas to stop the missile attacks.

4. Israel finally takes action, and destroys the Hamas missile assembly locations and the missile firing locations. As expected, some of those civilians in the immediate area are hurt and/or killed, just as Hamas planned. The media and the Muslim population becomes "outraged" and goes public with the breaking news of Israeli "occupation".

5. The world condemns Israel for their "aggressive action".

In these last days, the truth seems elusive. Prophecy watchers have been observing the recent missile attacks against Israel on a daily basis, with almost no media attention. Now that Israel has finally taken action, we see the predictable "outrage" and media coverage of Israeli's response - as if Israel just decided to "invade" the region, unprovoked.

This most recent conflict may differ from previous conflicts however in a few important ways. Of course, the predicted media/Muslim response has gone according to the usual plan, aka the "rules of engagement", but Israel may ignore the media this time:

There is much speculation that Israel will continue into Gaza with ground troops, which would ensure a broader and longer lasting conflict.

Additionally, Iran has publically made a call to all Muslims to enter the region and fight along with the Hamas terrorists
(article here). This sounds very similar to the build up preceeding the predicted epic battle described in Ezekiel 38-39, and represents another step towards further escalation.

Hezbollah has also threatened to invade Israel from the north, and as a result, if this does happen, Israel has threatened Syria (who backs Hezbollah, along with Iran) with military action. This marks a much more aggressive approach by Israel, than the usual limited response.

This situation could spiral out of control quickly. With every passing day, if this conflict continues to escalate we may see one or both of the following scenarios - all potentially significant prophetically:

- Creating more public attention and pressure towards confirming a peace plan in the middle-east; a situation always ripe for the anti-christ to arise and finally "confirm" such a plan, according to Daniel 9:27.

- Creating the scenario predicted in Ezekiel 38-39, which will involve a massive, epic invasion of Israel by the surrounding Muslim countries, as led by Iran and Russia - only to be supernaturally and dramatically ended by God Himself.

Whatever happens with this current conflict, will most likely result in either a small "stepping stone" towards a greater prophetic fulfillments, or, this conflict could actually result in a specific, dramatic prophetic fulfillment (as stated above). At this point its hard to know.

Either way, we'll be watching.

UPDATE: Joel Rosenberg's Weblog is providing some excellent updates on this stutation blogspot here

Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Conflict in Gaza: Is this the beginning?

Despite repeated warnings and pleas from Israel to the terrorist group Hamas, missiles have continued to land on Israeli soil from Gaza. Hamas ignored these warnings and finally Israel took action.

Israeli air strikes have now destroyed several Hamas
buildings and the death count in Gaza already exceeds 150 according to
a reuters article, as the Israeli military targeted the Hamas infrastructure and pledged more strikes if necessary.

As usual, its difficult to know if this most recent conflict will escalate
into something bigger, involving more of the surrounding terrorists
groups, or if yet another "cease-fire" will be created. We know from
biblical prophecy that one of these conflicts will escalate into a
broader war - one that will be supernaturally and dramatically ended by
God (Ezekiel 38-39).

Another article from Jerusalem reveals a number of reasons that this
most recent conflict may escalate.

Prophecy watchers will be paying close attention to this situation in the Middle-East.

Israel is also in the midst of their election cycle, with elections to be held in early Feburary. This election will determine how Israel will react to the terrorist groups and, more importantly, how Israel will deal with Iran as they enter the "nuclear club"; those nations who possess nuclear weapons.

These are certianly interesting times in Israel. Any noteworthy change in and around Israel is potentially loaded with prophetic implications. This recent incursion into Gaza, combined with new political leadership in Israel, in a matter of weeks, could make subsequent developments very interesting.

Minggu, 21 Desember 2008

Christmas Season

During the Christmas season, we focus on the amazing, miraculous birth of Jesus. It is a wonderful time for a Christian, as we consider the enormous impact of the birth and life of Christ Jesus. It is a time of reflection and celebration. As glorious and prophetic as the birth of Jesus was, evil still lurked. We know from the scriptures that King Herod, upon learning of Christ's birth, immediately began a process of trying to have Him killed:

"...Herod is going to search for the child to kill him." (Matthew 2:13).
"...and he gave orders to kill all the boys in Bethlehem." (Matthew 2:16).

This process hasn't changed in over 2,000 years. As we celebrate the birth of Christ Jesus, evil still lurks in this world.

The New York Times, hardly a biblical prophecy news site, has declared that Iran now has enough nuclear fuel for one nuclear weapon. This "tipping point" is something that prophecy watchers have been waiting to see. Many of us believe that the last remaining prophecies will fall like dominoes - once the "powder-keg" is ignited. This "powder-keg" could very well be Iran's development of nuclear weapons.

At the same time, we see renewed calls for the total destruction of Israel. Hamas Cleric Muhsen Abu 'Ita, representing Hamas, a puppet organization for Iran, has again called for the "annihilation" of Israel.

At the same time, Iran's leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - a leader who controls the use of nuclear weapons in Iran, again declares that "Israel is at the end of its life".

Connecting those dots doesn't take a lot of imagination. The person responsible for the development of nuclear weapons in Iran is also calling for the total destruction of Israel.

Just as Herod could not succeed in killing Christ Jesus, those who oppose the God of the Holy Bible, and those who reject the fact that Jesus is indeed the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords - will not succeed in their efforts.

While we celebrate the Christmas season, the other side plots evil. Just as Herod attempted to eliminate Christ, in an effort to destroy God's plan, we see the same form of evil again attempting to thwart God's plan. This is nothing new. Throughout history, we see efforts to divert God's plan - only these efforts ALWAYS fail. God's overall plan marches on, completely unaffected by such feeble, human efforts.

Their threats, their attempts to instill fear, their efforts to divert God's plan - all should be of no significance to us. We know how the story ends. Just as Herod failed, so will today's terrorists fail. The best they can do is to attempt to instill fear. But we should have no fear:

"I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies" (Psalm 23:5). What an image. The symbolism of this image is profound. In the very presence of our enemies, we can literally rest assured that God's plan will prevail - and we should have no fear - to the point of comfortably sitting at the table, prepared for a meal - in the literal presence of the enemy.

At the time of Jesus' birth, evil rose and attempted to destroy Christ, and in turn, God's plan for mankind. Similarly, as we celebrate the birth of Christ, the same evil plots against, and opposes the God of the Holy Bible. Just as Herod failed, so will today's efforts to eliminate God and His plan.

As we sit at our tables this Christmas, we should remember the promise issued in Psalm 23. Evil will not prevail. The forces opposing Christ Jesus will not prevail. Only God will prevail. As we celebrate Christmas, we should also remember God's promises. At the conclusion of Psalm 23, we know our fate:

"...and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever." (Psalm 23:6).

Our ultimate fate. It will not change, nor will it be diverted by the evil that exists on earth today. The birth of Christ ultimately led to the sequence of events, over the next 33 years, that ensured us of this fact:

We will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

God's plan. It will not be changed nor diverted, despite the feeble efforts by evil men.

Thank you Father, for the miraculous, divine birth of Christ Jesus, and everything that He did for us.

Sabtu, 13 Desember 2008

One more step; another sign comes into focus

We know from Revelation 13:16-17, that the Antichrist and his "partner-in-crime", the False Prophet, will institute a financial system in which every human on earth will be required to take the "Mark of the Beast". This "mark" will be placed on the right hand or the forehead, and will be required in order to buy or sell anything. This mark will also indicate that the person receiving the mark has "officially" decided to worship the Antichrist.

The seven-year Tribulation will ultimately force people on earth to make a decision. Will they decide to worship Jesus Christ, or will they worship the Antichrist? Every human on earth will be forced to make this epic decision. Ultimately, thats what the Tribulation boils down to - a single decision which will determine the ultimate fate of every human on earth at that time. Deciding to receive the Mark of the Beast serves as a visible indicator of the fact that that individual has decided to follow the Antichrist, and effectively - reject Jesus.

The bible issues a strong condemnation for those who have decided to follow the Antichrist:

"If anyone worships the beast (aka Antichrist) and his image and receives his mark on the forehead or on the hand, he too, will drink of the wine of God's fury, which has been poured full strength into the cup of his wrath." (Revelation 14:9)

We have been following the developments of the company VeriChip, who developed and produces the implantable RFID - which is currently being inserted into animals and humans. Currently, the selling points for use of this microchip focus on safety (tracking children/pets), health (having someone's medical information available via this insertable microchip), and in some cases "just for fun", as in some countries such as Spain, exclusive night-clubs are inserting this chip into its members.

This week we discover that Microsolf has partnered with VeriChip article here for the purpose of using VeriChip's implantable device for accessing medical information.

Microsoft. Thats a powerful organization with a lot of money and influence. I believe this is a significant development. With Microsoft on board, there is no telling how fast the VeriChip technology will expand - and the potential uses for this technology are limitless. That includes use in financial transactions. Because of rising concerns of "identity theft", and other means of tapping into individual's bank accounts - there is an ongoing call for "technology" to somehow develop something which can prevent these kinds of financial thefts.

The VeriChip has been proposed as a means to prevent the above problems from occuring. If each person had the "chip" inserted, and the capability to manage all financial transactions - then current technology such as credit cards, check-books, debit cards. etc., would all become artifacts of the past.

When has Microsoft done anything thats NOT on an epic scale? Microsoft believes in implementation of their technological advances on a world-wide basis. They don't so anything "small". By their partnering with VeriChip, we should expect to see several things occur - all in line with bible prophecy; a) watch for further developments regarding additional uses of the VeriChip (with an eye on financial uses), b) more promotion of and increased "visibility" of the VeriChip, with the usual marketing efforts that we've come to expect from Microsoft, and c) more widescale implementation of the VeriChip - also increasing public acceptability of such use.

Taking the VeriChip today is not the same as taking the "Mark of the Beast". That won't happpen until the Tribulation. However, we're seeing the stage being set for the Tribulation. This is a big development. I fully expect to see Microsoft dramatically expand the uses and implemention of this technology.

Whatever they do with this technology, one thing is certian. We'll be watching and reporting on the developments.

Another day, another sign comes into focus.

Business as usual for a prophecy watcher.

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

Christian Persecution: Another Sign

One of the noteworthy signs that Jesus warned about, as occuring in the last generation was persecution of Christians.

"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other." (Matthew 24:9-10).

To someone living in the United States of America, it may seem difficult to believe that intense persecution, as directed against Christians, takes place on a daily basis throughout much of the world. Voice of the Martyrs is one of many organizations that closely follows the issue of world-wide Christian persecution, and their stories are quite sobering. Countries such as Vietnam, China, Iran, Iraq, Afganistan, India, North Korea, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Egypt, Sudan, and Pakistan just to name a few. The list goes on and on.

Churches burned. Christians murdered. Orphanages attacked and children killed. Hidden, underground meeting places for bible study and prayer. Beatings. Imprisionment. Fear. Intimidation. This is daily life for a Christian in many of these regions.

It is generally accepted among those organizations who follow persecution - groups such as Voice of the Martyrs - that approximately 150,000 Christians are killed annually world-wide, simply because they choose to follow Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Just for reading a bible. Just for going to a church. Just for praying to God. Just for becoming a Christian.

One may be tempted to argue that Christians have been persecuted throughout history. What makes this a sign now?

The answer is simple. The world has never seen persecution as it exists today. As a historical reference, one can review the period of Roman persecution, which started with Nero in 64 AD and lasted until the beginning of the fourth century; a period of approximately 250 years. Typically considered as the worst era of Christian persecution - it is estimated that approximately 100,000 Christians were killed because of their faith during that 250 year period.

That figure is now exceeded ANNUALLY. Thats is a staggering, mind-numbing figure. Over 150,000 Christians killed EVERY YEAR simply because of their faith. In Sudan alone, it is estimated that over 1.5 million Christians have been killed by the Janjaweed (an "Arab-Muslim militia"), just since 1984.

Unfortunately, and sadly, this "sign" doesn't receive much attention. But as you read this paragraph, during this very moment, we have brothers and sisters who are imprisioned, fearful, cold, hungry, beaten, starving and separated from their families - simply because they follow Jesus.

But Jesus is watching this situation and He is fully aware of what these brave, courageous saints are forced to endure. He has also promised them great rewards in Heaven:

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me.
Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven..." (Matthew 5:10-11)

We need to pray for these brothers and sisters daily. Pray that God will give them strength and courage - that God will also give them comfort during their dark days.

Persecution. Another sign of the times.

Putusan Pemilihan Umum Kepala Daerah (Pemilukada) Jawa Timur

Oleh: Pan Mohamad Faiz*

Usai sudah pagelaran sidang sengketa perselisihan suara Pemilukada Jawa Timur antara pasangan Kaji vs. KPU Provinsi Jatim yang turut melibatkan kubu Karsa sebagai pasangan yang sebelumnya dinyatakan sebagai pemenang penghitungan suara putaran kedua. Namun demikian, ketukan palu Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ternyata belum menandai selesainya pesta demokrasi terbesar bagi rakyat Jawa Timur tersebut. Pasalnya, MK tidak lagi memutus hitam-putih seperti biasanya, yaitu alternatif amar putusan antara tidak menerima, mengabulkan, atau menolak permohonan. Kali ini, MK kembali menerapkan doktrin constitutional activism dengan memutus dan memerintahkan KPU Provinsi Jawa Timur untuk melakukan penghitungan dan pencoblosan ulang di beberapa Kabupaten di wilayah Jatim. Artinya, rakyat Jatim akan masih tetap disibukkan dengan sejumput agenda Pemilukada, khususnya mereka yang tinggal di wilayah Kabupaten Pemekasan, Bangkalan, dan Sampang, Madura.

Bukan Pengadilan Kalkulator

Putusan MK yang tidak terduga dan amat berani ini dianggap oleh beberapa pihak menerabas norma yang telah digariskan oleh undang-undang. Sebab, seyogyanya MK cukup memutus secara tegas terhadap hasil sengketa perselisihan suara Pemilukada saja. Namun ironisnya, justru dengan kewenangan yang limitatif tersebut MK seringkali dianalogikan sebagai “pengadilan kalkulator”, karena fungsinya hanya berkutat seputar angka-angka hasil penghitungan suara. Sedangkan, jikalau hanya berjibaku dengan angka-angka saja, alangkah terlalu remeh-temeh untuk kemudian kewenangan mulia tersebut dilimpahkan dari MA kepada MK. Padahal MK sengaja dibentuk untuk turut jua menjaga ruh demokrasi dengan berlandaskan nilai-nilai hakiki Konstitusi sebagaimana tercantum jelas dalam Pasal 22E ayat (1) UUD 1945.

Walhasil, putusan sengketa Pemilukada Jatim menjadi bukti ketatanegaraan bahwa MK bukan lagi sekedar menjadi pengadilan kalkulator semata. Sebab, kebenaran materil yang dicarinya turut disandingkan pula dengan prinsip-prinsip pelaksanaan demokrasi yang sehat sesuai dengan asas-asas Pemilu yang langsung, umum, bebas, rahasia, jujur dan adil.

Namun demikian, menjadi salah kaprah pula apabila di kemudian hari, pelanggaran pemilu baik itu yang bersifat administratif maupun pidana, kesemuanya langsung diserahkan bulat-bulat di atas meja merah MK. Tentunya, kita harus pula tetap mengikuti koridor penyelesaian pelanggaran pemilu berdasarkan ketentuan hukum yang ada, yaitu melalui Bawaslu, Panwaslu, dan Pengawas Pemilu Lapangan, dengan Penyidik Kepolisian dan Pengadilan Umum sebagai sarana awal dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak demokratik setiap peserta pemilu.

Terlepas dari adanya kelemahan perangkat pengawasan yang ada, maka bukan menjadi penghalang bagi para peserta pemilu untuk tetap mengikuti prosedur hukum yang sudah ditetapkan. Justru dengan ada-tidaknya tindakan yang diambil terhadap bukti-bukti pelanggaran yang telah diserahkan sebelumnya, maka akan menjadi nilai pertimbangan positif untuk menguatkan argumentasi para pemohon dalam mengajukan sengketa perselisihan suara di hadapan Majelis Konstitusi. Contohnya sudah dibuktikan dengan adanya putusan Pemilukada Jatim ini.

Laboratorium Pemilukada

Proses dua minggu berjalannya persidangan ternyata membuka sutra bening terhadap penguatan sistem dan proses demokratisasi di Indonesia. Setidaknya terdapat beberapa hal yang patut kita jadikan pelajaran berharga yang telah diwariskan dari sengketa Jatim ini, yaitu:

Pertama, sikap arif dan bijaksana yang diperlihatkan sejak awal oleh kedua pasangan calon Gubernur dan Wakil Gubernur Jatim, yaitu Kaji dan Karsa, dengan menghimbau para pendukungnya masing-masing untuk menerima dengan tulus-ikhlas apapun putusan yang dikeluarkan oleh MK, menjadi pendidikan politik tersendiri tidak hanya bagi warga Jatim, namun juga seluruh rakyat Indonesia. Oleh karenanya amat patut kita contoh seraya melayangkan ucapan selamat kepada segenap warga pemilih pada Pemilukada Jatim yang lalu.

Kedua, dengan dibukanya kembali penghitungan dan pencoblosan ulang di beberapa Kabupaten di Jawa Timur, maka otomatis seluruh mata rakyat Indonesia akan menaruh perhatiannya ke wilayah tersebut. Artinya, baik KPU, Bawaslu, Panwaslu, maupun masing-masing pasangan yang kembali bertarung akan semaksimal mungkin mengawal berjalannya agenda perbaikan proses pemilukada tersebut dengan baik, bertanggung jawab dan penuh kejujuran. Jika tidak, maka bukan hal yang mustahil bahwa mereka yang merasa dirugikan haknya akan kembali menggugat Keputusan KPU ke hadapan MK.

Ketiga, berbagai bukti yang terungkap di persidangan telah membawa sinyal kuat kepada seluruh pihak, baik itu penyelenggara maupun peserta Pemilu di masa yang akan datang, bahwasanya segala bentuk penyalahgunaan wewenang dan tindakan pelanggaran akan dengan mudah dibeberkan di persidangan yang terbuka untuk umum. Terlebih lagi, transparansi total terhadap proses persidangan di MK akan menjadi momok tersendiri bagi mereka yang berencana untuk menodai jalannya berbagai pemilihan umum di Indonesia. Sanksinya? Telah tegas tercantum, yaitu sanksi administratif, pidana penjara dan/atau denda hingga puluhan juta rupiah.

Keempat, sebaliknya bagi para peserta pemilu, baik itu parpol maupun perseorangan, akan semakin terpacu untuk lebih mempersiapkan dirinya dalam menyediakan para saksi dan tim “pemburu kejanggalan” proses pemilu di masing-masing daerah pemilihannya. Belum lagi bila digabungkan dengan unsur pemantau pemilu independen, maka akan semakin kecil kesempatan ruang untuk terjadinya berbagai kecurangan pemilu.

Akhirnya, kita pun berharap bahwa proses penghitungan dan pemilihan ulang di beberapa Kabupaten di Jawa Timur, khususnya Madura, dapat berjalan lancar dan memberikan resultante demokrasi yang terbaik. Sebab, masih segar diingatan kita bahwasanya kisruh pemilihan di beberapa wilayah Madura bukan saja terjadi pada kali ini, namun juga pada Pemilu legislatif pada tahun 2004 yang lalu. Putusan MK yang memerintahkan penghitungan ulang di beberapa Kabupaten di Madura terpaksa dilakukan di Jakarta melalui proses seadanya, karena beberapa isi kotak suara telah hilang tanpa diketahui sebab dan alasannya.

Untuk itu, dengan pengamanan yang memadai, sudah pasti dalam beberapa waktu ke depan Jawa Timur akan menjadi laboratorium baru bagi pembuktian ada-tidaknya perubahan dan penguatan proses demokrasi di Indonesia. Semoga keadilan akan selalu bersemayam pada mereka yang melaksanakan Pemilu dengan adil tanpa mencederai sedikit pun proses demokrasi yang tengah sama-sama kita bangun.

* Pemerhati Hukum dan Konstitusi

Keterangan: Unduh Putusan Lengkap (click)

Sabtu, 22 November 2008

Its coming. Are you ready?

I have been following current events as they relate to biblical prophecy for well over 20 years now. I can recall what it was like, back in the early days of following these events. We had a general sense that we were in the last days of this generation, based on several large milestones, such as the miraculous formation of Israel in 1948. Back then, we also had several other signs that were consistent with the prophetic scriptures, as they pertained to the last generation:

- A generation known for dramatic increases in the ability to travel, and ability to acquire knowledge (Daniel 12:4)
- A generation known for its ability to make war, including weapons of mass destruction and the capability to create war on a
world-wide basis. (Matthew 24:6-7)
- A generation who would suddenly "open" and understand the prophetic scriptures as intended for the last generation
(Daniel 12:9; Revelation 1:3)
- A generation who would observe Jerusalem change from an insignificant, basically uninhabited area, into a city which
would become the focus of peace plans in the Middle-East; a city that would be the central issue in terms of solving
the overall conflict in the Middle-East (Zechariah 12:2-3)
- A generation who would observe earthquakes in "diverse areas", and increasing over the earth - like birth pains
(Matthew 24:7)
- A generation who would witness a "revival" of the ancient Roman Empire; something painfully and obviously clear from
watching the rise and the dramatic and rapid growth of the European Union (Daniel 2)
- A generation who would witness the formation of "peace-plans" attempted between Israel and her neighbors, setting
the stage for the Antichrist to arrive and "confirm" the deal (Daniel 9:27)

These are just a few of the completed prophecies which told us that we were in the final generation, as described by Jesus Himself, and the prophets Daniel and Zechariah.

We also watched for signs that informed us that the last seven-year period, known as the Tribulation, was approaching:

- The technology to implement the global financial system, known as the "Mark of the Beast", which would require everyone
on earth to have a "Mark" on the hand or forehead, which will be required for ANY financial transaction - required to be
able to buy or sell anything. It also will serve as a visible indicator that the individual has pledged worship of the
Antichrist. Applied Digital Solutions now has this technology, and we have the satellite capability to complete this
prophecy (Revelation 13:16-17)
- The ability of the world to witness, in "real-time", the "Two Witnesses", as described in Revelation 11, who "witness" to the
entire world, and the ability for the whole world to watch these great prophets from God - being put to death, and then,
witness their miraculous resurrection (Revelation 11:3-10)
- The ability of the "Kings of the East" ("east" meaning anything east of the Euphrates River) to form a 200 million-man
army (Revelation 9:14-16)
- An increase in "pestilences", a sign that would indicate that infectious disease and inability to fight these diseases (aka
"antibiotic resistence") on a world-wide basis

And on and on it goes. These earlier signs told prophecy watchers that we were clearly living in the "last generation". Most of the signs given were present and accounted for. But lately, we have seen new and unexpected signs - signs that frankly, I didn't think we would see on this side of the Rapture of the Church. Signs that really didn't have to occur UNTIL the Tribulation (note: by no means am I saying that we are in the Tribulation now!):

- The "global financial crisis"; which over the last 4-5 weeks has become "The Story" internationally. Shockingly, just over this
period of time, serious discussions regarding the need for a "global financial system", with "global oversight" are taking
place. Serious discussions relating to the necessity for a "global currency" are now taking place. Now, we are in the early
stages of a "global governance" over this financial system (which sounds ominously like the early stages of a "global
government"). Such ideas were scoffed at previously, but not in today's world.

- The urgency to finalize a "peace-plan" in the Middle-East, between Israel and her neighbors. President-elect Obama has
indicated his committment to this. Currently, all discussions center on the previous "Oslo Peace Accords", which,
interestingly, was "signed" yet it was never "confirmed" due to the subsequent violence in the region. The current plans
center on the ability to "confirm" these plans - presumably by sending in "peace-keeping" troops into Israel, and proposed
by the EU (aka "revived Roman Empire"). Daniel gave us this exact scenario in Daniel 9:27).

- Iran achieving the capability to manufacture nuclear weapons. The alliance between Russia and Iran, which was precisely
described in Ezekiel 38-39 - including their all-consuming hatred against Israel. We also watch the growth of this alliance
to include enemies of Israel - as they surround this tiny country.

- The world seeking a leader who can appear to solve these various world-wide problems - including the economic collapse
and the ongoing conflict in the Middle-East.

Its amazing to watch these events come together as they have. It gives us reassurance that God's prophecy is 100% accurate - and that God is completely in control, according to His plan. It gives us reassurance and hope while watching these ominous events taking place. It gives nervous anticipation over what is coming next. It gives us strength in the face of an uncertian world around us. It gives us strength in the face of persecution. It gives us assurance that the remaining events WILL OCCUR exactly as God described.

Jeremiah spent years telling the Nation of Israel that the Babylonians would come from the north and destroy Jerusalem - begging them to repent before it was too late. They didn't listen, and predictably, the Babylonians came from the north and destroyed Jerusalem - taking captive the young men and women of Israel. Exactly as Jeremiah predicted. A typical response to biblical prophecy.

Daniel 12 concludes and summarizes the vast array of prophecy that Daniel had been given. And it is there, that we find a small little verse that rarely receives attention. During this "summary" of the prophecy given to Daniel, we see the following (parenthetical statements mine):

"Many will be purified and made spotless and refined (only obtained throuh salvation), but the wicked will continue to be wicked. None of the wicked will understand (a reference to the "scoffers" - also described by the Apostle Peter: 2 Peter 3)

Only the "wise" will understand. Even though a massive amount of biblical prophecy points to the clear fact that we are in the "last generation" (the generation that would be awaiting the Second Coming of Jesus Christ), only a small part of the Church recognizes this fact. Just as described to the great prophet Daniel. Perhaps that explains the next scripture - this time given by the apostle Paul:

"Now this is in store for me, the crown of Righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will reward to me on that day - and not only me, BUT ALSO ALL WHO HAVE LONGED FOR HIS APPEARING". (2 Timothy 4:8).

Thats how Jesus sees prophecy watching. It reveals our deep love for Him and our deep, almost painful need to be with Him. In His very presence. Wow - just imagine that day - the day that we get to actually be with Jesus. Its mind-blowing to consider, that soon, it WILL happen. We will have "one on one" time with Jesus - our Lord and Savior. The one who willingly took incredible punishment, beatings, humiliation, whippings, and ultimately, death on the cross. We will fall at His feet and thank Him for all that He did. What a glorious moment that will be!

We watch prophetic developments because of that one central fact: Prophecy tells us that we will be in the very presence of Jesus - soon. Perhaps thats why we are "rewarded" for maintaining interest and excitement when we watch these signs. Only a deep love for Jesus dictates a desire to constantly watch these prophetic developments - because these developments reveal the nearness of Christ's return. Excitement and anticipation grows, as we see events lining up exactly as foretold.

Its coming soon. Every prophetic development that we observe - screams confirmation of this undeniable fact. Just as Jeremiah's prophecies were fulfilled, so will these "end times" prophetic scriptures reach fulfillment. Its an exciting time to be a follower of Christ, because we know what awaits us.

Lets be counted as "those who are wise" - those who understand the age in which we live. The age that will see complete fulfillment of all remaining prophecy. The age that will see Jesus, personally.

I believe this day is coming very soon. As a bride prepares for a wedding, lets prepare to meet Jesus. Its time. Jesus is making the final preparations, and as He informed His disciples:

"In my Father's house there are many mansions. I am going there to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me - that you also may be where I am".

Thats the bottom line. That we can be where Jesus is.

Maranatha! Our Lord Comes! Are you ready?

Selasa, 11 November 2008

Globalization and the rise of the Antichrist

The book of Revelation gives us great detail regarding the last 7 year period on earth, known as the Tribulation - which concludes with the Second Coming of Jesus. We have watched world events lining up in preparation for this period; events which perfectly align with the prophetic scriptures detailed in chapters 6-18 of Revelation.

The 13th chapter of Revelation gives considerable detail regarding the Antichrist and his "partner-in-crime", the False Prophet. This revealing chapter describes the "authority" that the Antichrist will have over "every tribe, people, language and nation". In other words, the entire earth. This chapter goes on to describe the fact that the Antichrist will also control the world's financial system (as administered by the False Prophet), and he will do so by implementing the "Mark of the Beast" - which is a "mark" which will be required to be inserted on the hand or forehead. This "mark" will be necessary for ALL financial transactions. In other words, if you don't have this "mark", then you cannot buy or sell anything.

"He also forced receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark..." (Revelation 13:16-17). We've previously detailed how the technology now exists which could fulfill these prophetic scriptures. Digital Angel now has the GPS/RFID implantable microchips which can be inserted into the hand or forehead, and contains the capability to handle financial transactions, global tracking and health related information on every person. This technology is a perfect fit and could easily be implemented as a way to control all financial transactions.

The current economic crisis, which has involved almost every nation on earth, has led to an alarming call by the industrialized nations to create a "global economy". The European Union, is now calling for Global Financial Reform, and will present their plans during an upcoming economic meeting with other major countries on November 15.

At the same time, we now hear a constant drumbeat - which calls for a one-world currency as part of the overall solution to the world's financial crisis. Originally envisioned for 2024, we now see an even more urgent call for a single, global currency - something that is now being discussed as an immediate solution, rather than a long term solution.

Ecommerce Times has produced a summary detailing the necessity for this global currency, as a solution to the current crisis. Its highly probable that discussions held during the November 15 meeting will include the implementation of such a world-currency.

Global financial system. Global currency. Global financial leadership.

These are words that I didn't expect to see on this side of the Rapture. I have always assumed that these discussions would not begin until the Tribulation. Yet, in only a brief 4-6 week period, we have witnessed the world going from a stable financial system which seemed foolproof - develop into an acute "world crisis". Additionally, we now watch world leaders engaged in serious discussions regarding a single, world currency and a global financial system - as solutions to our financial crisis.

All of this had to happen for the Antichrist to ultimately control the world's economy. The world will witness a leader emerge from the European Union (aka "revived Roman Empire") who will seize control of the world's financial system. But for this to happen, there has to be a "world financial system" and a single "world currency". The fact that we are seeing these things developing now is fascinating from a prophetic perspective.

The world is headed rapidly towards the Tribulation. Everything that we see happening in the world today makes that point abundantly clear.

What a difference a few weeks makes.

Its a brave new world - a world which will be very favorable for the rise of a global figure - one who will appear to have the answers for all of the world's problems. A figure who will confirm a peace plan in the Middle-East. A figure who will appear to solve the financial problems of the world. Unfortunately, the bible tells us that his "success" will be brief. Just as the world believes that the Antichrist has finally solved their problems, and when the world is saying "peace and safety", the bible tells us that "destruction will come on them suddenly" (1 Thessalonians 5:1-3). The Tribulation will begin with the Antichrist confirming a peace plan between Israel and her neighbors (Daniel 9:27). But after this, the Tribulation ("destruction") will begin "suddenly".

We do have good news though. The "gathering up" of the Church, also known as the Rapture - will occur before any of this. Jesus stated in Revelation 3:10 "I will keep you from the hour of trial that is going to come upon the whole world."

The apostle Paul confirmed the prophecy made by Jesus. I'll let the apostle Paul close this commentary with his very words - words which inform us of our fate:

"Jesus - who rescues us from the coming wrath". That says it all. We won't be here to see the Antichrist and his reign of terror. We have a date - with Jesus - in Heaven. And this date appears to be coming very soon.


Minggu, 09 November 2008

A commentary worth reading

Occasionally I run across a commentary that I read and think "I couldn't have written this better myself".

My good friend and fellow prophecy watcher Mike Mickey has posted a very interesting commentary regarding current events, including the U.S. elections. This can be found on his site "". First, let me make very clear: I'm not a democrat, nor am I a republican. In other words, I don't have a horse in this race. I watch elections strictly for the purpose of analyzing the prophetic implications. Period.

The following commentary was recently written by Mike, and as stated, I couldn't have said it better myself:

Barack Obama, The EU and Bible Prophecy

by Michael G. Mickey

Since the election of Barack Obama to the office of president of the United States and somewhat even before, there have been a whirlwind of developments taking place of interest to those of us following current events in the world pointing to the soon-coming return of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. In this commentary, I would like to share with you a few of these events, along with links to various articles you can read that will make it clear to you that, although many of us are upset that a man we feel is going to lead our nation further down a path that takes it out of God's will, there is a reason for all things and God is still in control.

A Beast Looking For Teeth

In Bible prophecy, the rising of a revived Roman empire is foretold that will ultimately become what most of us today refer to as a new world order.

In Daniel 7:23, we get a glimpse of this Beast empire the Antichrist to come will wield power over and see it will be an aggressive alliance of global powers:
Thus he said, The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth, which shall be diverse from all kingdoms, and shall devour the whole earth, and shall tread it down, and break it in pieces.
Quietly, this Beast empire has been rising for decades in the form of the European Union which presently consists of 27 member nations.

Recently, with the newly-formed 16-member Mediterranean Union being brought into the fold, the European Union, for all practical purposes, is now 43 member nations strong. (To view three maps of the old Roman empire, the European Union and, lastly, the European Union combined with the Mediterranean Union, click HERE and see how dramatically the Roman empire of the days of Christ has been reborn, for all practical purposes, in our world today.)

On a number of occasions, each time noting that the European Union is headquartered in Brussels, Belgium where the most powerful military force in the world (NATO) also calls home (no coincidence in my opinion), I've brought to my readers' attention that the revived Roman empire is considering the benefit of having its own military, something for us to bear in mind in light of Daniel 7:23's prophecy, in spite of the fact I question its necessity to exist on any grand scale for Bible prophecy to move forward now due to NATO's existence and availability to the EU.

Along these lines, however, on October 27, 2008, the EU Observer reported that the United Kingdom's Defense Minister favors the creation of a European Union military along with French president Nicolas Sarkozy who "had hoped to place EU defense architecture at the heart of his country's EU chairmanship until his best-laid plans were overtaken by the global financial crisis."
The potential of a European Union army rising capable of operating outside of NATO remains an issue of prophetic interest at the very least so bear in mind I'll be keeping an eye on that topic and reporting on it periodically if the Lord wills it.

A Greater Role for the EU?

On the very day of the U.S. elections, something I've told my readers to watch for to occur for years was physically requested by the European Union, namely the EU being given a more influential role in the world to include "more engagement with a resurgent Russia and more emphasis on peacemaking in Afghanistan and the Middle East."

How many times, those of you who have followed along with me through the years, have I told you we should watch for a turn of events to occur that would place the revived Roman empire of Bible prophecy in a posture to potentially resolve the troublesome issue of Middle East peace? I have to tell you, brothers and sisters in Christ, that I got chills and am right now as I type these words to you. Why? Because the EU Observer report that details this request on the part of the EU states the following, in part (emphasis added mine to stress the relation to Bible prophecy):
The letter urges the new US administration to put the Middle East peace process at the top of its agenda and foresees a "useful role" for the EU as co-guarantors of a future Israeli-Palestinian accord.
The European Union as co-guarantors of a future Israeli-Palestinian accord? This language reads as though it was ripped from the pages of Bible prophecy! Let me explain.

In Daniel 9:26-27, we're told that a prince (or leader) of Roman descent is going to confirm (or make strong) a covenant of peace in the Middle East that will be seven years in duration. This leader, the prophesied Antichrist, will go on to head the new world order and will immediately, by confirming this covenant, begin the seven-year Tribulation Period, the culmination of which will be the battle of Armageddon, a sequence of events highlighted by the visible, physical, bodily return of Jesus Christ and the armies of heaven to the earth after which Christ will set up His kingdom on the earth!

Praise God, there is HOPE for us too, Church! CHANGE is coming and not just because Barack Obama has been elected president of the United States of America, contrary to what many believe!

Barack Obama elected president of the United States

As everyone who has read my website at all knows, I have been less than enthused by the prospect of a Left-leaning Democratic party-led president and Congress having control of our nation at a dangerous time in our nation's history like this, but could it put Bible prophecy on the fast track to fulfillment? Absolutely. And why? Because, quite frankly, I believe that Barack Obama, true to his word, is going to be very interested in repairing what the Left believes to be a George W. Bush-shattered image of the U.S. around the globe. The European Union has made a request of president-elect Obama and he will, in my opinion, if for no other reason than to stick one more fork in President Bush's foreign policy, grant it .

Demonstrative of how receptive our world is becoming to practically worshipping a man as though he were god, even a man who has done absolutely nothing like Barack Obama to merit such worship, people around the globe are giving us a glimpse into how nuts mankind is going to go over the prophesied Antichrist when his advent occurs. Below are a few excerpts from an Associated Press article for your consideration that illustrate this (emphasis added mine):
• This is the fall of the Berlin Wall times ten," Rama Yade, France's black junior minister for human rights, told French radio. "America is rebecoming a New World. "On this morning, we all want to be American so we can take a bite of this dream unfolding before our eyes," she said.
• "What an inspiration. He is the first truly global U.S. president the world has ever had," said Pracha Kanjananont, a 29-year-old Thai sitting at a Starbuck's in Bangkok. "He had an Asian childhood, African parentage and has a Middle Eastern name. He is a truly global president."

As is reporting, the European Union is openly rejoicing that Obama has won the presidency. In my opinion this is because the EU's leadership sees Obama as someone they'll be able to get to roll their way on most everything which I concur with. The following is an excerpt from that article:
"This is a time for a renewed commitment between Europe and the United States of America," Barroso said in a statement. "We need to change the current crisis into a new opportunity. We need a new deal for a new world."

"I sincerely hope that with the leadership of President Obama, the United States of America will join forces with Europe to drive this new deal. For the benefit of our societies, for the benefit of the world," he said.

Make no mistake about it, the pathway to a new world order coming into existence just became a lot less rocky to obtain, as if I even need to state that to the majority of my readership.

If a new deal is needed for a new world (order), Barack Obama will be the first to sign off on it as would any president chosen from among the cast members of the loony Left, all of whom I pray will have mercy on me and not send me to a re-education camp now that their evil empire is almost in place. (A little humor interjected there, folks. Sorry, but I couldn't resist. But seriously, Obama Truth Squad dudes, you don't have to fear me. Most people think I'm a nut just like you do so I'm not a threat to you or your plans. I'm just hanging out, watching the fireworks with the religious right - my Bible in one hand and a cup of hot coffee in the other.)

In related news, concerning the new deal the EU is looking for, is reporting that "Obama's US election victory has revived European hopes for deep reform of the global financial system."

Recently, I documented that the EU is presently pushing for a new world order and that vice president-elect Joe Biden indicated he and Obama have accepted the realities of a new world order so I expect the EU has little, if anything, to hope for. My guess is the EU can fully expect the Obama administration to go along with most anything the Europeans want on that front which, once again, will only serve to advance the fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Perhaps, the EU's leaders already realize this based on some of the language found in an EU Observer article.

A "former trade official in the Clinton administration and a consultant on foreign affairs and emerging markets", David J. Rothkopf stated recently, "President Obama will play a bigger role in re-inventing the international system than any other president before in past decades." No surprise here where that is concerned. I wholly agree.


The last few days have been for many in the evangelical community, myself included, pretty anxious in relation to what an Obama presidency may mean for our nation, our constitutional rights, and our standing in the world.

Not surprisingly, I have been overwhelmed with e-mail asking me everything from whether I think Barack Obama is the prophesied Antichrist to whether we've entered the Tribulation Period, neither of which I believe to be true for any number of reasons.

Suffice to say I am where a lot of my brothers and sisters in Christ are right now - a bit concerned, dismayed, frustrated and, admittedly, a little angry with those of us who overlooked the Word of God's teachings and voted for the candidate most likely to lead this nation down the path to destruction and the Body of Christ into persecution. But, even in the midst of all this confusion and hurt, I can see, more and more clearly by the hour it seems, that all of this is part of God's plan, not that I ever really doubted it per se, but I'm seeing it!

While I wholly believe that John McCain wouldn't have been a perfect president by any means, I think he would've held back the darkness that I sense is coming upon our nation and the world to some extent. The old maverick would've put his foot on the brakes now and then, in my opinion, but it looks like God has a different plan - a better one as hard as that is for us to see right now.

I once heard Dr. Charles Stanley preach a sermon wherein he explained that God always hears our prayers and answers them in one of three ways.
1 God answers our prayers with a "yes" and gives us what we want.
2 God answers our prayers with a "yes, but later" response because what we want is something He is willing to give us but there's something else He has in mind for us right now He knows is more important for us to learn or experience.
3 God answers our prayers with a "no, I have something better in mind" response. This is the one we struggle with most as we only hear the "no." From our perspective we can't see past God failing to give us what we want. We often can't envision any scenario wherein He has something better in mind for us than what we wanted but we can be sure He always does. Is it not written that "all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose?" (Romans 8:28)
This is a time for us to do our very best to look beyond our circumstances and perceptions and simply trust the Lord that everything is going to be okay.
Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Even though president-elect Obama isn't, in all likelihood, going to be a president who will value our contributions to this nation or love us enough to stand with us in protecting the unborn, fighting off the homosexual agenda and pledging our unyielding dedication to the nation of Israel regardless of what any power on earth thinks of it, three things he could do to bring remarkable blessings to our land that would benefit him as well as us, we need to pray for him, his family, and his administration.

We should pray for the salvation of president-elect Obama and his administration above all, but also for them to be wise in deciding the course our nation will take in the next four years. Additionally, just in case their hearts are too cold or stubborn to do what is right for our common good, we should pray that God Himself will honor our wishes that His will be done and, if necessary, supernaturally set up roadblocks that only He can that will prevent Him from having to judge our nation harshly that the vital work of those of us who still believe in His Word and are trying to honor it can continue in His service here without fear until He comes for us, if that is His will.

Hang in there, brothers and sisters! A happy ending is coming as well as tremendous reward if we faint not in these troublesome times that vex our souls! Everything is proceeding according to God's plan and THAT is something no power on earth, whether by means of an election or by the edge of a sword, can change!

Our redemption draweth nigh!

Until next time, God bless you all

Jumat, 07 November 2008

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (87): PMF


Beberapa waktu yang lalu saya menerima pesan elektronik mengenai hasil review dari salah satu “Bapak Blogger” Indonesia, A. Fatih Syuhud, terhadap Blawg saya yang berbahasa Inggris. Dalam tulisan singkatnya menyimpulkan bahwa saya berhak menyandang masuk dalam daftar lanjutan "Blogger Indonesia of the Week" yang ke-87.

Saya sendiri tidak dapat berkomentar banyak terhadap penilaian tersebut, karena saya menyadari dan menilai bahwa masih banyak rekan-rekan Blogger Indonesia yang seyogyanya lebih pantas mendapatkan apresiasi tersebut. Namun demikian, tetap wajib hukumnya bagi saya untuk mengucapkan untaian tulus rasa terima kasih kepadanya, karena secara tidak langsung Cak Fatih turut pula membangkitkan kembali ‘gairah’ menulis saya di dalam Blawg ini yang sempat surut.

Setidaknya, saya pun akhirnya menjadi tersadarkan bahwa pengunjung blog khusus hukum ini ternyata bukan hanya inklusif dari komunitas hukum saja, namun juga berasal dari berbagai latar belakang program pendidikan, baik yang memang disengaja berkunjung maupun yang kebetulan ‘mampir ‘ menjenguk blog ini.

Tentunya apresiasi yang dialamatkan kepada saya ini harus pula membawa perubahan yang berarti bagi saya, khususnya dalam “melayani” para pembaca untuk senantiasa memperoleh bahan bacaan yang lebih berisi, bermanfaat, ringan dan mudah dipahami oleh semua pihak.

Berikut ulasan yang disampaikan oleh A. Fatih Syuhud atas penganugerahan “Blogger of the Week (BOW)" terhadap Blawg saya. Semoga dapat juga menjadi bahan inspirasi bagi kita semua.

Salam Hangat dari München (Jerman),
Pan Mohamad Faiz

Blogger Indonesia of the Week (87): Pan Mohamad Faiz

Pan Mohamad Faiz is a visionary blogger and a man-of-principle personality, so to speak. He knows what he wants to do. When the first time I met him in my last-year stay in India in 2007 he asked me how to make a blog.

At the same time he insisted that he wanted to have a niche blog on law, his specialty, not a personal blog. He knows that a niche blog will not get a good traffic instantly but he is sure it will create faithful readers and, thus credibility to the blogger concerned. He wants his blog to emphasize on specific quality content. I couldn’t agree more with him.

Many new bloggers just want to make a blog with instant high traffic and many comments–like old timers. The absence of which will make them discouraged and then quit blogging. That’s why we saw many “drop-out” bloggers every now and then.

Faiz, as I used to call him, is the kind of blogger who care less to traffic of his blog or to the amount of comments he receives. He focuses more on how to write a good content vigorously. He doesn’t expect many comments nor many visitors, though he’ll be grateful if any. These are the keys for any blogger to survive and endure a long blogging experience without which you’ll find your blogging passion dissipates in a short span of time.

The Content

To know Faiz’s blog content is simple. Read his profile, and you’d immediately know what it is all about:

Pan Mohamad Faiz was born in Jakarta, Indonesia. After getting his Bachelor of Law (LL.B.) degree from Faculty of Law, University of Indonesia, he received a Full Scholarship from ICCR to continue his advance study at Faculty of Law, University of Delhi. On July 2008, he successfully graduated from University of Delhi (First Division Rank) with degree in Master of Comparative Laws (M.C.L.) specializing on Comparative Constitutional Law.

Presently he is a legal and constitutional law observer as well as an active op-ed writer in many National Newspapers and Journals. Moreover, he is appointed as a Judicial Administrative Assistance to Constitutional Justice at Constitutional Court of Indonesia. This Blawg (Law Blog) describes his strong thought about Law and other Social Sciences.

So, it’s clear that Faiz’s niche blog is about law. Both Indonesia and international law. This is what he wants to achieve: whenever you want to know about law, visit his blog. And whenever you want to talk about it, talk to Faiz. This is the advantage of having a niche blog and of being a “niche” blogger. []

Rabu, 05 November 2008

The Elections and Prophecy

As I mentioned in a post several weeks ago, I watch the elections strictly through the lens of biblical prophecy. This wasn't always the case, but I believe we are now approaching the very final hours of this last generation - as we head towards the Tribulation described in Revelation 6-18.

The primary question that I have about an Obama presidency, is how the new administration will handle our relationship with Israel. I have closely followed both the campaign rhetoric and president-elect Obama's associations, in order to get a view of how he will handle Israel. The main question is, will an Obama administration support Israel or will his administration turn away from supporting Israel.

The reason for watching this closely is the following:

We know from Zechariah 12:1-3 that in the last days (either just preceeding the Tribulation or during the Tribulation) "all nations on earth" will be gathered against Israel. All nations. We also read in this passage that all nations who attempt to "move" or divide Jerusalem will "injure themselves". There are no exclusions in this scripture.

We can also read from Genesis, where God made an unconditional and premanent declaration: "I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and whoever curses you (Israel) I will curse." (Genesis 12:3).

Over the past few years, the only country who has consistently supported Israel is the United States. I previously assumed that the United States support of Israel would stop following the Rapture of the Church, for obvious reasons. However, by closely following the news and watching president-elect Obama's associations, it appears highly doubtful that his administration will support Israel. A summary of the new administration's probable stance towards Israel has been published in the American Thinker

By Amercia pulling away from Israel and discontinuing support for Israel, we will see one more end times "domino" fall. By the United States pulling away from supporting Israel we will see Zechariah's prophecy fulfilled. All nations will indeed be gathered together - only they will be "gathered against" Israel.

I will be watching the new administration closely in the coming days, but as the saying goes "actions speak louder than words". Forget the rhetoric. The campaign is over. Lets watch the new administration's actions towards Israel - that will be the key factor in an Obama administration - at least from a prophetic perspective.

At the same time, we watch Israel closely. They will have general elections in early Feburary, which will put a new leader in office. The prophetic implications of that are enormous, and will certianly have a significant role to play in prophecy.

Its an exciting time to watch these prophetic developments taking place, as we draw closer and closer to the conclusion of this age. Just remember - God is in complete control and His plan for mankind will be completed, just as foretold in the Bible.
This plan includes the gathering up of the Church, as described in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15.

As Jesus said, keep looking up - our redemption draws near !

Selasa, 28 Oktober 2008

Sumpah (Saya) Pemuda!


“Memilih satu momentum yang tepat adalah pula satu keharusan, sebab kalau tidak maka segala-galanya akan menjadi sia-sia dan mubazir. Saya katakan mubazir sebab sebenarnya fungsi pemuda di dalam masyarakat yang sedang bergolak adalah pendek sekali, dan kerenanya masa yang pendek itu haruslah dapat menghasilkan prestasi dan momentum yang menentukan”.

- Adam Malik dalam "Mengabdi Republik" -



Berduyun rakyat kian mengaduh
Terhampar duka dan rasa pilu
Gemuruh bising rakyat menjerit
Meratapi nasib yang begitu pelik

Rakyatku miskin,
Namun terlalu kaya bila ditelusuri
Negeriku demokratis,
Namun seringkali berubah anarkis

Bangsaku Merdeka,
Namun masih saja bergantung kepadanya
Generasiku pintar,
Namun terbuai oleh manisnya benda berbinar

Indonesiaku di persimpangan jalan...

Kini ku merenung,
100 tahun sudah tertanam jiwa nasionalisme
80 tahun berkumandang di atas sumpah darahku
63 tahun menghirup udara kemerdekaan
10 tahun melaju di landasan pacu reformasi

Tetapi entah mengapa,
Perubahan itu kian hari kian tak menentu
Semua yang hadir masih saja terlihat semu
Layaknya fatamorgana memendar bayangan kelabu

Indonesiaku di persimpangan jalan…

Jangan lagi kau tertunduk bersujud
Kembalilah pada titah awal negeri ini terwujud
Sebab kini rotasi dunia berputar begitu kencang
Tak lagi iba meninggalkan bangsa yang terbelakang

Bangkitlah Indonesiaku!
Negeri subur, sumber daya menjamur
Bangkitlah Indonesiaku!
Robohkan jiwa egoisme, wujudkan rasa optimisme

Tepat hari ini ku torehkan seberkas janji
Niat mengabdi di haribaan Ibu Pertiwi

Jakarta, 28 Oktober 2008

Puisi di atas merupakan bagian pembuka tulisan dari Buku yang akan diterbitkan oleh Penulis dalam waktu dekat ini.

Minggu, 26 Oktober 2008

The invasion of Gog-MaGog inches closer and closer

Joel Rosenberg's blog has a timely update on the situation between Iran and Israel.
We've been closely watching Iran's leadership continue to call for the total destruction of Israel.
We've also been watching their progression towards having enough enriched Uranium in order to produce nuclear weapons.
At the same time, we watch Israel and their confirmation that allowing Iran to produce such nuclear weapons is not an option; in other words, they must take action to prevent Iran's race towards nuclear weapons.

At the same time, many people are wondering what, exactly Joe Biden meant when he stated that Barack Obama, if elected, would face an "international crisis" within 6 months of the election. One can't help but wonder if perhaps this situation in the Middle-East is the reason for these comments.

This week, the rhetoric has increased quite dramatically. Top Iranian officials are now stating that they believe Iran must strike Israel first, in a "preemptive strike"article here. This threat must be taken seriously - will this hasten Israel's promise to destroy Iran's nuclear facilities?

With either scenario, it seems certian that war between Israel and Iran looms on the horizen. We have already mentioned the alliances between Iran and Russia. Additionally, if Israel destroys Iran's nuclear facilities, it will result in the deaths of many Russian workers, as Russia workers and engineers are vital to the building of these facilities.

Ezekiel 38-39, describes a massive invasion of Israel, as led by Russia. We see a leader called "Gog" leading people of "MaGog" and "Meshech and Tubal"; an identification of the descendants of Noah. These people migrated to and settled in modern day Russia. We also know that the invading people will come from "the far north" of Israel - which also identifies modern day Russia. The second country mentioned as aligned with Russia is easy to identiy. The land now known as "Iran" was previously called "Persia" until the 1930's when the name changed. Interestingly, its these two countries, Iran and Russia who can arguably claim to have the strongest alliance in the Middle-East today. Current events are progressing rapidly to the fulfillment of this prophetic battle - one which will be ended supernaturally by God himself: "I will execute judgment upon him...I will show my greatness and my holiness, and I will make myself known in the sight of many nations." (Ezekiel 38:22-23).

That should be very interesting. A massive, epic invasion of Israel, in which God supernaturally intervenes in order to protect Israel. It is difficult to know exactly when this will happen, but it appears possible that such events could take place very soon. Keep your eyes on the Middle-East right now, we may be on the verge of another prophetic fulfillment, on a scale not seen since 1948, when the world witnessed the miraculous regathering of the Nation of Israel.

Minggu, 12 Oktober 2008

Mundurnya Sang Laskar Konstitusi

Oleh: Pan Mohamad Faiz

Mundurnya Jimly Asshiddiqie dari jabatannya sebagai Hakim Konstitusi amat disayangkan oleh banyak pihak. Pasalnya, mantan Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) ini dianggap sebagai spirit sekaligus icon dari MK, Mahkamah yang telah menjelma menjadi peradilan modern pertama di Indonesia yang hingga saat ini masih terbilang bersih dari segala macam praktik korupsi dan mafia peradilan. Memang tidak bisa dipungkiri bahwa keberadaan MK dalam menjalankan fungsi dan wewenangnya seperti sekarang ini tidak terlepas dari andil besar Jimly, sang Laskar Konstitusi.

Sederet kebijakan, gagasan, dan keputusan yang sebelumnya sama sekali tidak pernah terbayangkan oleh banyak orang, Jimly tanamkan pada lembaga pengadilan yang dilahirkan dari rahim reformasi ini, termasuk misalnya penempatan (positioning) dalam pergaulan antar sesama lembaga negara. Untuk menyelesaikan dan menuntaskan programnya membangun institusi MK, selaku arsitek pertama, Jimly tidak jarang pula terpaksa menerapkan pola “kebijakan besi”. Sehingga selama periode kepemimpinannya, MK sering kali diterjang ketidaksukaan yang datang baik itu dari lembaga negara ataupun para perseorangan lainnya. Akan tetapi sampai penghujung akhir periode kepemimpinannya, Jimly terbukti dan dianggap berhasil menggawangi MK bersama-sama dengan delapan hakim Konstitusi lainnya.

Sejumlah Asumsi

Mengherankan memang, tatkala di negeri ini banyak orang yang berebut dan berjuang mati-matian untuk mempertahankan suatu posisi atau jabatan tertentu, Jimly justru meletakkan jabatan strategisnya dengan sukarela. Tidak pelak, sejumlah asumsi dan reaksi berhamburan di tengah-tengah keterkejutan dunia hukum terhadap keputusannya. Asumsi-asumsi publik tersebut muncul dan berkembang cepat atas misteri di balik mundurnya Jimly. Misalnya, adanya asumsi mengenai kekecewaan pribadi, mengincar kursi Ketua Mahkamah Agung, ingin kembali ke kampus, menghilangkan kesan “matahari kembar”, hingga berhembus kabar adanya tawaran dari parpol tertentu untuk menjadikan Jimly sebagai Capres atau Cawapres pada Pemilu 2009 mendatang.

Walaupun jawaban mundurnya telah dibeberkan secara langsung pada saat Konferensi Pers yang digelar pada Selasa (7/10) lalu, namun tetap saja tidak akan memuaskan rasa keinginan tahu banyak pihak. Sebab, pengunduran diri seorang pejabat negara masih dianggap tidak lazim di era bobrocracy dan kleptocracy seperti sekarang ini. Oleh sebab itu, beragam respons bermunculan, ada yang menyayangkan, ada yang menaruh simpatik, dan ada pula yang menunjukkan kekecewaan beratnya. Salah satu reaksi keras terutama datang dari beberapa anggota Komisi III DPR RI yang terlibat langsung dalam mensukseskan dirinya melenggang ke gedung sembilan pilar.

Sejatinya, respons yang beragam ini dapat terkelola dengan memposisikan duduk perkara sebaik-baiknya. Hal ini bertujuan, seandainya terdapat buntut permasalahan, kita pun dapat menemukan solusi yang terbaik dan tercepat, sekaligus memperbaiki tata nilai dan sistem yang dianggap kurang sempurna. Bukan dengan justru menyengajakan untuk memicu atau mengkeruhkan suasana, bersamaan dengan isu-isu liar lainnya yang seakan-akan ikut memperpanas wajah dunia peradilan di Indonesia. Teknik devide et empera yang diwariskan penjajah kolonial kadangkala menjadi metode yang sering digunakan oleh para elit akhir-akhir ini. Padahal pola seperti ini sama sekali tidak memberikan jaminan dapat menjernihkan duduk permasalahan, apalagi untuk memecahkan suatu masalah.

Budaya dan praktik ketatanegaraan kita haruslah pula tumbuh menjadi lebih bermartabat dan harmonis. Akan tetapi, harmonis di sini juga janganlah diartikan bahwa semua pendapat harus sama atau disamakan. Menurut pakar komunikasi, mengelola perbedaan pendapat ibarat memandu sebuah grup orkestra. Suara musik yang berlainan justru harus dimanfaatkan agar dapat menghasilkan irama lagu yang indah. Berangkat dari hal tersebut, biarkanlah respons keterkejutan ini berkembang apa adanya sepanjang tersampaikan dan terbentuk dengan cara-cara yang baik nan konstitusional, sebagaimana negara maju seperti Jepang selalu bersikap besar hati terhadap seorang pejabat yang memutuskan mundur dari jabatannya.

Toh, seandainya memang DPR akan meminta keterangan dari Jimly atas keputusan mundurnya secara santun dan berwibawa, kita pun yakin bahwa sebagai seorang negarawan hukum, Jimly akan dengan senang hati menyambut permintaan itu. Meskipun sebenarnya sejak jauh-jauh hari, Jimly telah pula mengkomunikasikan niatnya untuk mundur itu secara lisan kepada hampir seluruh pimpinan pejabat lembaga negara, termasuk pimpinan Komisi III DPR, tokoh-tokoh bangsa, serta pimpinan ormas dan parpol yang turut mendorongnya dalam pemilihan Hakim Konstitusi generasi kedua beberapa saat yang lalu.

Ladang Pengabdian

Keputusan yang telah diambil Jimly berdasarkan saran, nasehat, dan hasil renungannya selama bulan suci Ramadhan kini telah bulat. Maka sejak akhir November nanti Jimly definitif akan kembali menjadi “rakyat biasa”, dengan catatan tidak akan ada permasalahan administratif diturunkannya Keppres Pemberhentian. Kita semua tentunya sangat berharap, pencetak 32 buku ilmiah di bidang hukum dan Konstitusi ini akan tetap dan terus berkarya di ladang pengabdian akademisnya, baik itu dari dalam kampus maupun dari luar kampus. Gagasan, pendapat, dan ide-ide visioner dari Guru Besar hukum tata negara ini akan teramat ‘mubazir’ apabila tidak tersalurkan secara baik dan tepat.

Oleh karena itu, kita pun tidak dapat menutup kesempatan apabila terdapat kemungkinan bagi Jimly untuk mengabdi kembali bagi negara dalam suatu jabatan atau posisi publik tertentu. Kalaupun ada setitik hitam akibat keputusan mundurnya dari MK, sejatinya tidak pula kita tiba-tiba menghitamkan seluruh kain putih yang telah Jimly bentangkan selama ini. Sebagai bangsa yang besar, kita pun dituntut untuk dapat melihat sebuah persoalan bangsa dengan semakin jernih dan bijak dari beraneka ragam sudut pandang.

Jarum jam terus berputar, tetapi jarum sejarah akan tetap bertahan. Jimly sudah pasti akan menjadi salah satu pelaku sejarah yang terekam dalam perkembangan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia. Umumnya, seorang negarawan (statesman) akan memutuskan sesuatu atas dasar pertimbangan ataupun kepentingan bangsa dan negara yang lebih besar daripada sekedar kepentingan pribadinya. Oleh karena itu kita semua pun berharap, suatu saat nanti akan ada cahaya penerang atas kesimpangsiuran atas keputusan mundurnya Jimly. Akhirnya, patut kita layangkan ucapan terima kasih atas pengabdian Jimly selama di MK, seraya berharap Jimly dapat terus menjadi motor dan inspirator bagi para Laskar (pelangi) Konstitusi lainnya.

* Penulis adalah pendiri Institute for Indonesian Law and Governance Development (IILGD)

Kamis, 09 Oktober 2008

More Signs: The New Global Economy

Prophecy watchers keep an eye on world events - watching to see if these events are consistent with biblical prophecy. I can recall several years ago - discussing the various signs that point to the coming seven-year tribulation period as described in Revelation 6-18. One such sign involved the development of a global economy - something that has to be in place according to Revelation 13:16-17. Chapter 13 gives a detailed description of a figure known as the Antichrist - an individual who will rise up during this tribulation period and who will ultimately seize control of a "world-government" system, as described in Revelation 17.

This figure known as the Antichrist will ultimately control the world financial system, and he will do so by forcing all individuals to do two things:

1) Pledge full devotion to the Antichrist, and "prove" this devotion by,
2) Taking the "Mark of the Beast", which will be a visible mark on his/her right hand or forehead.

By doing this, the Antichrist will have the capability of controlling finance of every individual in this manner.

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name."

First of all - what is this mark? It must to be something which controls the ability of someone to buy or sell. Numerous articles and commentaries have been written about the "VeriChip", which is a tiny (about the size of a grain of rice), implantable microchip, which can contain an individuals medical and financial information. It could also be used as a way to manage financial transactions, eliminating the need for credit cards, checkbooks, and debit cards. It would also be more secure than our current system of handling money and all of our financial transactions. This technology sounds ominously similar to the "mark" described in Revelation 13.

To do so, however, must include a single currency for the entire world.

The recent economic crisis, which has cascaded from the U.S. to the rest of the world, has solidified the concept that we are indeed in a "global economy". Something that received little attention outside of economic circles, the term "global economy" is heard daily on the news and in commentaries. There is no doubt that we are indeed living in a global economy. But an interesting story is emerging as well - a call for an international, single currency. One can see a variety of proposals, even suggestions that the world could go back to the gold standard in efforts to create a single currency. The benefits of a single, world currency are now being discussed as a matter of fact, not speculation. Are you ready for a global currency? and similar articles are now mentioned as something real and tangible, not as speculation.

I can recall teaching on these possibilities, just a few short years ago, and the concepts such as a global economy and a global currency seemed impossible in our lifetimes. Yet, here we are, in just a few short weeks, such talk is common.

It is amazing how quickly our world can change. The world's economy has reached a crisis stage in a matter of weeks.
The stage is being set for a world economic system, accompanied by a unified world currency. It may be the only way for the world to resolve this current economic crisis.

These things must happen. We know because Bible prophecy gives us a clear understanding of the future; and in this instance, a future which includes one single economic system, and currency, which will ultimately be led by this figure known as the Antichrist.

Jesus warned us that these things would take place. He also told us, in Matthew 24 that such things must happen, but we are not to have a spirit of fear. He also told us why we should not fear:

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near." (Luke 21:28).

Thats a good plan. As we watch these world events - events which we believe are leading into the final stages of this age - we know that our redemption is close. We know that the return of Jesus, for His church, is close. Very close.

Rabu, 08 Oktober 2008

INFO: Lomba Menulis Cerpen "Boston Legal"

Dear Blawg readers,

Berikut saya sampaikan info dari salah satu rekan Blawgger saya, , Rika Amrikasari, yang berinisiatif untuk melakukan semacam kompetisi menulis yang bertemakan Hukum setelah terinsipirasi oleh film "Boston Legal".

Bagi yang berminat silahkan ikut berpartisipasi, sebab selain akan mengasah skill menulis, jika beruntung juga akan memperoleh "Bonus" yang beraneka ragam

Salam Hangat,


Dear Bloggers/Blawggers,

Dalam rangka ulang tahun saya tahun ini, saya yang sedang keranjingan bikin
buku, berencana ingin membuat buku lagi.

Untuk itu, sekali lagi saya ingin mengadakan lomba menulis cerpen, yang hasilnya
akan saya bukukan juga.

Tema yang saya ambil kali ini agak berbeda dari biasanya, mengingat hari ini
adalah hari spesial saya.

Bagi bloggers yang sering membaca tulisan-tulisan saya pasti tahu bahwa saya
adalah penggemar film seri 'Boston Legal'. Saya penggemar berat tokoh Alan Shore
yang ada di film tersebut.

Nah, untuk memuaskan hasrat saya, (*doh bahasanya...hahahaha....), saya
mengundang para Blogger yang memang merasa dirinya seorang penulis yang baik,
untuk membuat sebuah cerpen dengan tema kehidupan seorang Lawyer perempuan
dengan karakter tokoh Alan Shore dan cerita hidup sehari-harinya yang
berhubungan dengan pekerjaannya sebagai seorang Lawyer!

Bagi yang belum pernah menonton film-nya silakan nonton dulu deh, supaya punya
bayangan apa yang harus ditulis.

Cerita harus original, tidak mengambil cerita orang lain, dan tidak berupa
translate dari salah satu kisah yang ada di film tersebut. Contoh kasus yang
dijadikan cerita, disesuaikan dengan kehidupan dan situasi hukum di negara kita.
Sebagai bumbu cerita anda harus menambahkan bumbu cinta, komedi, keprihatinan,
intrik, atau apapun yang anda anggap bisa mempercantik cerita anda.

Remember, saya hafal semua cerita sampai ke detail kasus pada film Boston Legal,
jadi kalau ada yang menyontek, pasti ketahuan! ;)

Selain akan dibukukan dan dilempar ke pasar, lomba cerpen ini juga berhadiah,
lho! Meskipun hadiahnya nggak banyak, tapi saya ikhlas kok! :D *katanya harus
ikhlas kan?

Hadiah I - uang tunai sebesar Rp. 1,500,000
Hadiah II - uang tunai sebesar Rp. 1,250,000
Hadiah III - uang tunai sebesar Rp. 1,000,000

Seleksi pemenang kali ini TIDAK BERDASARKAN FAVORITISME. Karya anda akan dinilai
oleh juri-juri yang akan saya umumkan kemudian setelah mendapatkan konfirmasi
dari yang bersangkutan. Dengan cara ini saya yakin, penulis terbaik akan
mendapatkan hasil terbaik pula!


Naskah cerpen yang akan dilombakan, seperti biasa diposting di blog
masing-masing dan menginformasikan link-nya di blog saya
( , serta diberi tanda "You would need a good
lawyer to set you free from the Jail of My Heart" pada ujung kanan halaman
pertama. Mengingat saya tidak memberikan alternatif judul pada kompetisi kali
ini, maka untuk lebih membebaskan imajinasi, judul dibuat sendiri sesuai dengan
tema yang sudah saya berikan. Tadinya saya ingin karya anda dikirimkan ke email
saya, tapi setelah saya pikir-pikir lagi, kalau diposting semua orang bisa baca
kan? Jadi tambah semangat menulisnya! ;)

Hasil karya blogger selambat-lambatnya sudah saya terima pada tanggal 25 Oktober
2008. Pengumuman pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 15 November 2008.

Selamat mencoba! ;)

PS : Lomba ini khusus diperuntukkan bagi Blogger, karena saya hanya ingin
membukukan karya para Blogger! *Dari Blogger untuk Blogger, if not us, who else?

Risa Amrikasari

Selasa, 07 Oktober 2008

Breaking News (6)


Tidak ada yang berbeda dengan aktivitas keseharian fungsi dan tugas Mahkamah Konstitusi pasca merebaknya penyerahan surat pengunduran diri Hakim Konstitusi, Prof. Dr. Jimly Asshiddiqie, S.H., kepada Ketua MK pada Senin (6/9) kemarin. Guru Besar Hukum Tata Negara UI ini pun masih sempat memberikan kuliah khusus kepada para mahasiswa S-3 UI dan menerima beberapa kunjungan tamu khusus di ruang kerjanya sebelum jam aktif kerja Hakim Konstitusi dimulai.

Sedikit perbedaan hanya terlihat dari jumlah kehadiran para wartawan yang lain dari biasanya dan sudah berdatangan sejak dini hari guna melakukan konfirmasi atas kebenaran dan alasan pengunduran tersebut. Tepat ketika Jimly turun dari kendaraan dinasnya di lobi Mahkamah Konstitusi, beberapa wartawan mencoba untuk mendekati guna mengajukan berbagai pertanyaan seputar berita pengunduran dirinya. Namun, Jimly hanya mengisyaratkan bahwa konferensi pers secara khusus dan bersama-sama akan diadakan pada Rabu (7/9) sore hari ini, selepas kembalinya rombongan Hakim Konstitusi melakukan kunjungan kehormatan kepada Presiden di Istana Negara.

Konferensi Pers yang dibuat terpisah ini ditempuh oleh Jimly Asshiddiqie berdasarkan alasan bahwa dirinya sangat menjunjung tinggi etika bernegara dengan cara menyampaikan maksudnya terlebih dahulu secara langsung kepada Presiden dan Pimpinan Komisi III DPR RI. Setelah itu, alasan pengunduran dirinya akan disampaikan secara terbuka kepada wartawan dan publik secara luas.

Rencananya rombongan dijawalkan akan berangkat dari Mahkamah Konstitusi pukul 14.00 WIB dan diperkirakan akan kembali ke lokasi yang sama setelah Pukul 15.00 WIB. Sedangkan lokasi konferensi pers akan dilaksanakan pada Ruang Konferensi Pers Lt. 14 Gedung Mahkamah Konstitusi di Jalan Merdeka Barat No 7 Jakarta Pusat. (pmf)


Alasan apakah yang turut melatarbelakanginya keputusannya tersebut? Tunggu berita selanjutnya di Jurnal Hukum.

Konstitusi Rakyat

Oleh: Pan Mohamad Faiz *

Bola panas kembali bergulir menjelang digelarnya pesta rakyat (pemilu) lima tahunan. Kali ini isu mengenai perubahan UUD 1945 kembali mengemuka, hanya saja sifat usulannya lebih ‘halus’ yaitu didahului dengan pembentukan lembaga pengkaji UUD semacam Komisi Konstitusi. Adalah MPR yang memunculkan gagasan tersebut setelah menyambut baik usulan amandemen dari Presiden SBY yang disampaikannya di hadapan para anggota DPD belum lama ini.

Berbeda dengan ketiga lembaga tinggi negara di atas (MPR, DPD, Presiden), DPR lebih bersikap dingin atas usulan amandemen kelima terhadap UUD 1945. Pasalnya, lembaga perwakilan rakyat tersebut merasa sudah cukup puas dengan kewenangan kuat yang melekat pada dirinya (legislative heavy) sebagai hasil pergulatan panjang amandemen UUD 1945 dalam empat tahap dari tahun 1999-2002. Sebaliknya, baik MPR maupun Presiden merasa bahwa kewenangan yang dimilikinya terlucuti akibat hasil amandemen. Sedangkan bagi DPD, kewenangan konstitusional yang dimiliknya berdasarkan Pasal 22D UUD 1945 menciptakan kondisi seakan-akan hidup segan mati pun tidak mau.

Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan klasifikasi kepentingannya, amandemen kelima ini dapat dikatakan cenderung membawa kepentingan-kepentingan lembaga tertentu untuk lebih dapat mendongkrak kekuasaannya masing-masing (Negretto, 1998). Jika benar adanya, maka dikhawatirkan bahwa amandemen kelima nanti akan kembali mengulang sejarah kesalahan yang sama dengan menjadikan ajang amandemen sebagai permainan politik di kalangan elite semata. Kepentingan rakyat sebagai pemegang kedaulatan tertinggi sekaligus pemilik sejati sebuah konstitusi negara, seakan-akan dikesampingkan dalam hal ini.

Untuk menghindari terjadinya pencemaran konstitusi oleh para elite politik, maka salah satu jalan keluarnya adalah dengan melibatkan partisipasi masyarakat secara luas dan aktif (Murray, 2001). Sehingga, produk konstitusi yang akan dihasilkan akan menjadi cerminan konstitusi yang memiliki legitimasi kuat dari masyarakatnya.

Menelaah Tim Telaah

Konstitusi sebagai living organism tentunya harus mampu menyesuaikan diri dengan kondisi dan perubahan jaman. Sebelum terjadinya amandemen, UUD 1945 yang sangat kaku dan terlalu disakralkan memang terbukti membawa dampak buruk bagi perkembangan kehidupan berbangsa dan bernegara. Oleh karena itu, Thomas Jefferson (1975) berargumentasi bahwa konstitusi sebaiknya diamandemen pada setiap generasi baru untuk memastikan bahwa pasal-pasal yang sudah mati tidak akan berbenturan dengan kehidupan kekinian masyarakatnya.

Hadirnya Tim Telaah Konstitusi berdasarkan hasil rapat gabungan MPR menunjukkan bahwa kajian terhadap substansi dan pelaksanaan konstitusi dirasa kian mendesak. Namun demikian, beberapa telaah kritis perlu pula dialamatkan terhadap pembentukan tim tersebut.

Pertama, pembentukan tim telaah konstitusi ini terkesan kurang terencana, terlalu dipaksakan, dan lahir secara prematur. Mengenai siapa pembentuk dan penamaannya ternyata lebih mendominasi pemikiran para pengusungnya. Sedangkan terhadap siapa saja yang akan terlibat di dalamnya, agenda dan target apa yang akan dituju, hingga limitasi waktu pelaksanaan tugasnya, justru dipikirkan dikemudian hari. Kalaupun telah dibahas, transparansi dan publisitasnya pun sampai sekarang sama sekali tidak terdengar. Oleh karena itu, tim telaah ini dikhawatirkan akan bernasib sama dengan Komisi Konstitusi yang dibentuk beberapa tahun silam, yaitu tidak adanya kejelasan tindak lanjut atas hasil kerjanya.

Kedua, kajian terhadap konstitusi melalui suatu lembaga yang dibuat khusus seharusnya dilakukan dengan memetik pengalaman terhadap pola-pola yang telah sukses dilaksanakan oleh negara-negara lain. Untuk menyebut beberapa di antaranya, misalnya Constitutional Drafting Assembly di Thailand, National Commission to Review the Working of the Constitution (NCRWC) di India, atau South African Constituent Assembly di Afrika Selatan. Produk kajian yang dihasilkan oleh lembaga-lembaga tersebut memiliki legitimasi rekomendasi dan analisa yang cukup kuat. Selain pembentukannya dirancang sedemikian matang, partispasi publik sebagai kunci penting perubahan konstitusi juga dibuka secara luas dengan tingkat penjaringan yang efektif sekaligus sebagai ajang pendidikan konstitusionalisme bagi rakyatnya.

Partisipasi Rakyat

Sala satu kelemahan mendasar dari UUD 1945 hasil perubahan yaitu terjadinya kerancuan sistematika dan teknik penyusunan (legislative drafting). Akibatnya, teks-teks dalam konstitusi teramat sulit untuk dimengerti oleh masyarakat luas. Hasilnya, konstitusi (baru) Indonesia dinilai semakin tidak merakyat. Apatisme publik yang terjadi selama proses amandemen tahap pertama hingga keempat turut pula menghambat terciptanya suatu konstitusi rakyat (people’s constitution). Padahal, adanya partsipasi dari publik dapat menjadi senyawa aktif dalam menciptakan konstitusi yang demokratis. Lebih dari itu, kesadaran berkonstitusi tentunya akan meningkat tajam apabila keterlibatan publik secara aktif benar-benar terlaksana.

Dalam konteks ini, mengutip rekomendasi yang dihasilkan oleh Commonwealth Human Rights Initiatives, Denny Indrayana (2007) mengutarakan sebelas prinsip pembuatan konstitusi yang terkait erat dengan partisipasi publik, yaitu: (1) legitimasi; (2) inklusivitas; (3) pemberdayaan masyarakat sipil; (4) keterbukaan dan transparansi; (5) aksesibilitas; (6) pengkajian yang berkesinambungan; (7) akuntabilitas; (8) pentingnya proses; (9) peran partai politik; (10) peran masyarakat sipil; dan (11) peran para pakar.

Guna terciptanya Konstitusi Rakyat, maka mau tidak mau dan suka tidak suka, tim telaah yang sudah terbentuk saat ini maupun yang akan datang, haruslah memenuhi kesebelas prinsip minimum di atas. Dengan memanfaatkan momentum Pemilu 2009 mendatang, justru lembaga perwakilan melalui partai politik dan perseorangan independen yang ada di dalamnya dapat lebih mudah membumikan hasil kajian konsep amandemen maupun menjaring berbagai masukan dari setiap elemen masyarakat. Tidak terkecuali bagi 34 Pusat Kajian Konstitusi (PKK) yang sudah terbentuk di berbagai universitas yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia, sudah seyogyanya mereka dilibatkan untuk turut menyumbangkan kajian ilmiah bagi penyempurnaan UUD 1945 saat ini. Diharapkan hasil kajian akademis mereka dapat terhindar dari kepentingan politik praktis.

Kiranya kita semua harus mengingat kembali akan arti pentingnya gagasan dasar atas konstitusi yang dikemukakan oleh Patrick Henry, “the Constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people, but it is an instrument for the people to restrain the government”. Jadikanlah rakyat sebagai aspirasi dan jiwa dari konstitusi itu sendiri!

* Pengamat Hukum dan Konstitusi. Alumnus Faculty of Law, University of Delhi.