Rabu, 05 November 2008

The Elections and Prophecy

As I mentioned in a post several weeks ago, I watch the elections strictly through the lens of biblical prophecy. This wasn't always the case, but I believe we are now approaching the very final hours of this last generation - as we head towards the Tribulation described in Revelation 6-18.

The primary question that I have about an Obama presidency, is how the new administration will handle our relationship with Israel. I have closely followed both the campaign rhetoric and president-elect Obama's associations, in order to get a view of how he will handle Israel. The main question is, will an Obama administration support Israel or will his administration turn away from supporting Israel.

The reason for watching this closely is the following:

We know from Zechariah 12:1-3 that in the last days (either just preceeding the Tribulation or during the Tribulation) "all nations on earth" will be gathered against Israel. All nations. We also read in this passage that all nations who attempt to "move" or divide Jerusalem will "injure themselves". There are no exclusions in this scripture.

We can also read from Genesis, where God made an unconditional and premanent declaration: "I will bless those who bless you (Israel) and whoever curses you (Israel) I will curse." (Genesis 12:3).

Over the past few years, the only country who has consistently supported Israel is the United States. I previously assumed that the United States support of Israel would stop following the Rapture of the Church, for obvious reasons. However, by closely following the news and watching president-elect Obama's associations, it appears highly doubtful that his administration will support Israel. A summary of the new administration's probable stance towards Israel has been published in the American Thinker

By Amercia pulling away from Israel and discontinuing support for Israel, we will see one more end times "domino" fall. By the United States pulling away from supporting Israel we will see Zechariah's prophecy fulfilled. All nations will indeed be gathered together - only they will be "gathered against" Israel.

I will be watching the new administration closely in the coming days, but as the saying goes "actions speak louder than words". Forget the rhetoric. The campaign is over. Lets watch the new administration's actions towards Israel - that will be the key factor in an Obama administration - at least from a prophetic perspective.

At the same time, we watch Israel closely. They will have general elections in early Feburary, which will put a new leader in office. The prophetic implications of that are enormous, and will certianly have a significant role to play in prophecy.

Its an exciting time to watch these prophetic developments taking place, as we draw closer and closer to the conclusion of this age. Just remember - God is in complete control and His plan for mankind will be completed, just as foretold in the Bible.
This plan includes the gathering up of the Church, as described in 1 Thessalonians 4 and 1 Corinthians 15.

As Jesus said, keep looking up - our redemption draws near !

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