Sabtu, 27 Desember 2008

Conflict in Gaza: Is this the beginning?

Despite repeated warnings and pleas from Israel to the terrorist group Hamas, missiles have continued to land on Israeli soil from Gaza. Hamas ignored these warnings and finally Israel took action.

Israeli air strikes have now destroyed several Hamas
buildings and the death count in Gaza already exceeds 150 according to
a reuters article, as the Israeli military targeted the Hamas infrastructure and pledged more strikes if necessary.

As usual, its difficult to know if this most recent conflict will escalate
into something bigger, involving more of the surrounding terrorists
groups, or if yet another "cease-fire" will be created. We know from
biblical prophecy that one of these conflicts will escalate into a
broader war - one that will be supernaturally and dramatically ended by
God (Ezekiel 38-39).

Another article from Jerusalem reveals a number of reasons that this
most recent conflict may escalate.

Prophecy watchers will be paying close attention to this situation in the Middle-East.

Israel is also in the midst of their election cycle, with elections to be held in early Feburary. This election will determine how Israel will react to the terrorist groups and, more importantly, how Israel will deal with Iran as they enter the "nuclear club"; those nations who possess nuclear weapons.

These are certianly interesting times in Israel. Any noteworthy change in and around Israel is potentially loaded with prophetic implications. This recent incursion into Gaza, combined with new political leadership in Israel, in a matter of weeks, could make subsequent developments very interesting.

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