Senin, 31 Maret 2014





Vimax adalah produk herbal alami yang sangat efektip dan berhasiat untuk masalah laki-laki yang dapat menambah panjang dan lingkar penis, keinginan seksual, kesehatan seksual dan membantu untuk mencapai ereksi kuat. Diformulasikan dari tumbuh-tumbuhan yang berasal dari seluruh dunia yang telah terbukti berhasiat, Anda akan yakin bahwa Vimax akan dapat meningkatkan kehidupan sexual anda. Vimax menggunakan beberapa jenis tumbuhan yang ditemukan di Polinesia, di mana orang-orang dari suku Mangaian berhubungan seks sangat sering setiap malam, Meski ini bukan apa yang Anda inginkan, itu bagus untuk mengetahui kemampuan seksual Anda yang dapat meningkatkan secara substansial.


Jangan percaya mitos yang mengatakan bahwa wanita tidak peduli tentang ukuran penis anda. Jika Anda memiliki penis yang kecil, maka tidak peduli seberapa baik, tampan dsb, berapa lama anda akan bisa mempertahankan istri anda, karena memiliki masalah dalam hal sexualitas. Kami melakukan survei terhadap lebih dari 50.000 perempuan, ternyata mereka lebih memilih ukuran penis yang lebih baik terutama panjang dan besar. Lihat hasilnya dan buat keputusan apakah Anda akan menggunakan Vimax Kapsul atau tidak sama sekali.

Kapan saya bisa melihat hasilnya?

Tahap #1 
Hasil Vimax dapat dilihat pada beberapa minggu pertama seperti ereksi yang lebih lama, lebar (atau girth). Jika anda termasuk orang yang jarang ireksi di pagi hari make setelah konsumsi vimax Mengembalikan Ireksi pada waktu pagi, Karena bahan vimax memiliki kandungan yang berfungsi utuk merawat dan memperbaiki sistem syaraf dan aliran darah dalam sistem penis untuk kembali pada tahap yang terbaik.

Tahap #2 
Pada minggu ini mulai ada perubahan ukuran lebih besar. Anda akan mendapatkan perbedaan ukuran ketika sebelum anda konsumsi vimax. 

Tahap #3 
Hasil dan perubahan yang kelihatan sekali dari segi panjang dan lebar. ireksi bertambah keras dan mantap.


Tahapan efek pertama yang dirasakan dari setiap konsumen berbeda-beda, ada yg langsung ke pembesaran, ada juga yg ke stamina dulu, ada juga yg ke ireksi dulu. misal efek pertama yg bpk rsakan ireksi aja, saran saya trus lanjutkan konsumsi vimax untuk tahap ke pembesaran. Hasil pada setiap orang berbeda tergantung dari kepekaan dan metabolisme masing- masing. Ada orang yang mendapatkan hasil cepat ada yang lambat juga lambat.

"Namun perubahan dan hasil yang di capai konsumen vimax adalah Positip."




Bingung Cara Order / Pesan?
Customer Service Central Kamasutra siap melayani dan membantu Anda. 

Hp: 082-111-800-719

7 Dewa Pencabut Nyawa Paling Terkenal Di Dunia

7 Dewa Pencabut Nyawa Paling Terkenal Di Dunia - Di dunia ini, dalam setiap kepercayaan selalu ada satu sosok yang diyakini sebagai pengakhir kehidupan. Psychopomp - istilah ini dipakai secara umum, berasal dari kata Yunani "psuchopompos" yang berarti: panduan jiwa. Wujudnya bermacam-macam sesuai keyakinan yang dianut pada agama, wilayah sosial, serta jaman yang mengikuti.

Pada jaman Mesir kuno hingga abad modern, psychopomp hadir dengan julukan tertentu. Ia bisa berupa roh, iblis, bahkan dewa. Apa sajakah psychopomp dalam sejarah manusia? Langsung kita lihat 7 Dewa Pencabut Nyawa Paling Terkenal Di Dunia.

1. Anubis

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Anubis (yang kemudian digantikan oleh Osiris sebagai psychopomp Mesir) dewa pencabut nyawa yang cukup populer. Rupanya sebagai dewa berkepala serigala yang bertugas membimbing jiwa-jiwa yang mati menuju Duat - dunia bawah Mesir - untuk menjalani penghakiman. 

Dalam kepercayaan Mesir kuno, Anubis akan mengawasi proses penentuan ini, yaitu saat hati seseorang ditimbang dengan bulu. Jika ternyata hati seseorang lebih berat dari bulu, maka Anubis akan memberikannya pada Ammit, setan yang akan memakan manusia tersebut.

2. Xolotl

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Inilah dewa pencabut nyawa dalam keperayaan Aztec. Yakni dewa petir yang membimbing jiwa yang mati ke Mictlan, dunia bawah. 

Digambarkan juga, Xolotl membawa api dari neraka bagi manusia. Bentuk Xolotl serupa manusia berkepala anjing.

3. Charon

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Jika Charun ada dalam mitologi Etruscan, yang satu ini, Charon muncul dalam kepercayaan Yunani. Tugasnya mengangkut jiwa-jiwa yang mati menyeberangi sungay Styx (kebencian) dan Acheron (nyeri). Uniknya, jiwa mati yang diangkut dalam "perahu" milik Charon harus membayar. 

Oleh karena itu, setiap orang yang meninggal di jaman Yunani biasanya ada koin di dalam mulut almarhum. Masalahnya, bila jiwa yang mati tidak membayar Charon maka harus menikmati perjalanan jauh selama seratus tahun.

4. Mercury

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Sosok dewa Mercury bisa dibilang sangat mirip dengan Hermes. Namun Mercury lebih dikenal dalam mitologi Romawi. 

Pekerjaan Merkurius adalah membimbing jiwa setelah kematian ke Avernus, sebuah kawah di Italia yang menjadi pintu masuk ke dunia bawah Romawi.

5. Thanatos

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Dalam mitologi Yunani juga mengenal sosok Thanatos. Ia sangat dibenci oleh semua manusia karena sangat kejam dan tak kenal ampun.  

Thanatos biasanya digambarkan sebagai seorang pemuda bersayap, membawa pedang, dan secara universal serupa dengan saudaranya, Hypnos, dewa tidur.

6. Grim Reaper

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Nama ini boleh jadi paling populer sedunia karena dikenal banyak orang. Pemakaian sosoknya yang menyeramkan - tengkorak berjubah hitam membawa sabit - di berbagai media industri (musik, seni rupa, buku, dan propaganda lainnya) membuatnya semakin terkenal. Konon, Grim Reaper mulai digambarkan sebagai dewa pencabut nyawa sejak abad kelima belas. 

Berbagai versi berkembang tentang caranya mengambil jiwa manusia. Misalnya saja, ia bisa membunuh hanya dengan menyentuh seseorang dengan jarinya. Kadangkala juga digambarkan bahwa kita bisa melakukan proses tawa-menawar nyawa dengan Grim Reaper. Dalam "The Seventh Seal" diceritakan seorang ksatria bertanding catur dengannya dan jiwalah yang menjadi taruhannya.

7. Charun

Dewa Pencabut Nyawa

Dalam mitologi Etruscan (era antara Yunani dan Romawi), sosok dewa pencabut nyawa "Demon of Death" adalah Charun.  Kerap digambarkan juga sebagai Vanth, penguasa dunia bawah. 

Menurut kepercayaan, Charun akan datang pada setiap orang yang siap mati, lalu memukul kepala dengan palu sampai mati. Selain itu, Charun juga bertugas memukul jiwa orang jahat di dunia bawah selama-lamanya.

5 Karakter Jahat Paling Fenomenal

5 Karakter Jahat Paling Fenomenal - Kejahatan bisa datang dalam berbagai bentuk, seperti pria, wanita, anak-anak, orang dewasa, atau sesuatu yang tidak nyata. Anda tentu masih ingat beberapa karakter jahat yang ditampilkan dalam cerita fiksi. Beberapa dari karakter tersebut rupanya berhasil mencuri perhatian penonton dan sulit dilupakan. Yuk lihat 5 Karakter Jahat Paling Fenomenal :



Sauron adalah karakter antagonis utama yang digarap oleh J.R.R. Tolkien dalam The Lord of the Rings. Dalam karya yang sama, karakter ini juga diturunkan menjadi karakter yang sama dengan Necromancer dari novel sebelumnya, The Hobbit. Sauron, yang dikenal sebagai Pangeran Kegelapan dan tituler dari Lord of the Rings, berhasil menguasai sembilan raja yang memegang Rings of Power. Kesembilan raja, yang dijadikan budak Sauron, diberi nama The Nazgul atau Ringwraiths.



Joker adalah karakter fiksi, yang muncul dalam buku komik yang diterbitkan oleh DC Comics. Dia menjadi musuh Batman, yang bertanggung jawab atas banyak tragedi dalam kehidupan Batman, termasuk kelumpuhan Barbara Gordon dan kematian Jason Todd. 

Karakter Joker digambarkan sebagai penjahat kawakan yang memiliki karakterisasi bervariasi. Ia adalah seorang psikopat yang sangat cerdas, menyesatkan, humoris, dan sadis.

3.Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort

Lord Voldemort dilahirkan dengan nama Tom Marvolo Riddle. Ia adalah karakter fiksi dan tokoh antagonis utama yang diciptakan oleh JK Rowling dalam seri Harry Potter. Voldemort pertama kali muncul dalam Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone, yang dirilis pada tahun 1997. Voldemort muncul baik secara langsung atau dalam kilas balik di setiap buku dan film adaptasi dalam seri.

Voldemort adalah musuh utama Harry Potter, yang diduga memiliki kekuatan untuk mengalahkan Pangeran Kegelapan. Tidak ada yang berani menyebut namanya secara langsung, karakter lain lebih senang menyebut julukan, seperti You Know Who, He Who Must Not Be Named, dan the Dark Lord.



Damien Thorn adalah karakter fiksi utama dan antagonis dalam serial The Omen. Dia adalah seorang antikristus dan anak iblis. Karakter ini diciptakan oleh Harvey Stephens Spencer, Jonathan Scott-Taylor, Sam Neill, dan Seamus Davey-Fitzpatrick. 

Nama Damien terdengar seperti demon dalam bahasa Inggris. Namun, ini tentu tidak terkait secara etimologis. Damien adalah istilah dalam bahasa Perancis, yang berarti "master" atau "penakluk".

5.Count Dracula

Count Dracula

Count Dracula adalah karakter antagonis utama dalam novel horor drakula, yang diciptakan oleh Bram Stoker pada tahun 1897. Dia menggambarkannya sebagai vampir tipikal. Beberapa aspek dari karakter tersebut terinspirasi oleh jenderal Romawi pada abad ke-15 dan Wallachian Prince Vlad III. Count Dracula sering muncul dalam budaya populer, dari film hingga media animasi.

Nah, itulah 5 Karakter Jahat Paling FenomenalApa karakter jahat yang selalu Anda ingat? Yuk share komentar Anda di bawah ini!

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9 Kegunaan Lain Viagra Paling Unik Di Dunia

9 Kegunaan Lain Viagra Paling Unik Di Dunia

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9 Kegunaan Lain Viagra Paling Unik Di Dunia - Pil Biru yang jadi favorit banyak orang di dunia ternyata fungsinya bukan hanya untuk mengobati gangguan seksual, tapi awalnya dibuat untuk mengobati sakit flu! Selain itu, apalagi fungsi Viagra?

Dilansir dari inilah 9 Kegunaan Lain Viagra Paling Unik Di Dunia :

1. Tumor

Riset membuktikan bahwa Viagra sanggup memperkecil ukuran tumor dan melindungi jantung dari kerusakan, karena Viagra mengandung doxorubicin yang dikenal sangat efektif untuk pengobatan kanker.

2. Pernikahan

University Hospital di Kairo mengadakan penelitian dengan melibatkan 35 orang. 32 di antaranya bermasalah dengan pernikahan dan kurang dari sebulan setelah itu, kehidupan pernikahan mereka membaik. Yang mengejutkan, masalah mereka bukan hanya karena gangguan seksual, tapi juga gangguan mental dan emosional. Viagra menyelesaikan masalah mereka dengan efektif.

3. Hewan Langka

Gangguan seksual juga kerap terjadi pada hewan-hewan yang langka dan hampir punah, seperti macan, rusa, anjing laut, juga panda yang biasanya hanya bisa melakukan hubungan seks selama 30 detik. Dengan bantuan Viagra, para panda itu bisa melakukan hubungan seks selama 20 menit!

4. Atlit

Banyak atlit yang menggunakan Viagra sebagai pengganti steroid yang dilarang untuk mereka gunakan.

5. Jantung

Viagra adalah sebuah pilihan bagi pengobatan jantung, ketika jantung kita tidak mampu memompa cukup darah ke seluruh bagian tubuh kita.

6. Kesuburan

Viagra yang dimasukkan ke dalam alat reproduksi wanita akan meningkatkan aliran darah ke arah rahim dam membuat telur-telur sang wanita menjadi lebih subur.

7. Tanaman

Berikan 2% dosis dari Viagra yang Anda konsumsi pada tanaman Anda. Lihat betapa mereka akan tumbuh lebih subur dan lebih berbunga!

8. Bayi Prematur

Juga bayi yang beratnya kurang dari normal yang dirawat di ruang intensif dan diberi Viagra dapat keluar dari ICU 4 kali lebih cepat dari mereka yang tidak diberi Viagra!

9. Terorisme

Dalam pertikaiannya dengan kaum Taliban, CIA menggunakan Viagra untuk menyogok mereka, karena mereka sadar bahwa para “panglima perang” Afghanistan mengalami masalah gangguan seksual. Beberapa di antara mereka adalah pelaku poligami yang selalu harus tampil prima ketika berada di ranjang.

Salah seorang dari pemuka kaum Taliban berusia 60 tahun dan beristeri 4 yang diberi Viagra oleh CIA, dengan senang hati memberikan info yang dibutuhkan!

Nah, itulah 9 Kegunaan Lain Viagra Paling Unik Di Dunia semoga menambah wawasan dan bermamfaat.

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Obat Kuat Pria " VIAGRA USA 100 MG "

Viagra Original 100mg Kemasan 30 butir ini adalah obat kuat yang biasa di sebut juga Pil Biru, obat kuat ini Sangat bagus untuk membuat ereksi jadi tegang dan keras, serta anda yang loyo dan letoy jadi greng dan bergairah lagi seperti pada usia 17 tahun.

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Viagra Original 100mg ini banyak di rekomendasikan oleh dokter di amerika, eropa dan asia, bahkan di Indonesia juga. Namun produk ini setiap pembelian harus memakai resep dokter, sekarang anda tidak perlu resep dokter lagi, anda bisa langsung membeli nya di tempat kami. barang di jamin asli. sama seperti di apotik. Viagra ini di jamin asli dan langsung kami ambil dari luar negeri. jadi kualitas terjamin dan asli

Manfaat Lain dari Viagra USA :

Viagra Bisa Mengobati Kanker Prostat

Viagra dikenal sebagai obat untuk mengatasi disfungsi ereksi (impoten) pada pria. Tapi studi terbaru menemukan Viagra juga bisa digunakan untuk membantu mengobati pasien kanker prostat.

Uji laboratorium yang dilakukan pada sel dan tikus menemukan bahwa ketika obat anti-impotensi (Viagra) dikombinasikan dengan kemoterapi yang kuat, tidak hanya mengurangi ukuran tumor, tetapi juga melindungi jantung dalam waktu yang sama.

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Genesis 12:3 And 'Other Signs' Worth Watching

There are two signs that rarely receive attention, yet they are equally important signs which were given to us for the purpose of keeping a watchful eye. 

We get (appropriately) consumed with news of the Middle East, Gog-Magog alliances, Israel surrounded by her enemies as 'the nations' line up against God's chosen people, the set-up for Isaiah 17 to take place, etc...

But we rarely get any interest from the major surge in earthquakes during this generation and we rarely get interest from the growing problem with the spread of untreatable bacteria and the co-called "post-antibiotic' era that we seem to be entering. 

Earthquakes and pestilence are two of the main signs that we should be watching and they are no less important than the above. 

Additionally, there is an excellent video which relates to Genesis 12:3 and is appropriately entitled:

[This video is definitely worth watching]

“Historically, peoples and nations that fought and opposed the people and land of Israel were destroyed. Tyrants like Hitler or Stalin and others came to terrible ends!” states Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum, president of Azamra in Jerusalem.
In Genesis 12:3, God states his blessing for those who bless His people and His land as well as the curse for those who go against His people. This curse has played out through time from the extinct Philistines to the destruction of Nazi Germany.
Focus on Israel asks, if America demands Israel give up land for peace, will it suffer the same curse as previous empires who have done so?
In this revealing episode, host Laurie Cardoza-Moore dissects the powerful “Genesis Curse” through ancient history to today. Is it mere coincidence that some of the most horrific disasters in U.S. history – such as the “Perfect Storm” of 1991, Hurricane Katrina in 2005 and the deadly tornados of 2011 – occurred as American foreign policy turned against Israel? By pushing Israel toward a suicidal “two-state solution,” America has betrayed Israel and the Jewish people.
Rabbi Avraham Greenbaum comments from Jerusalem, “In the book of Genesis, God is teaching humanity that those who are associated with the mission of Abraham to bring the knowledge of God to all humanity through the ways of peace and hospitality and loving kindness will receive the blessing of Abraham. And those who don’t will be in a dark place.”
Mike Moore a successful international businessman further states, “If there’s a God in heaven that actually controls life on this planet, He has made some pretty bold statements about His people! God is not finished with the nation of Israel. God made some promises to them.”
As individuals, we are also given the choice to curse or bless Israel and the Jewish people. Learn more about the “The Genesis Curse” in this episode:

In the category of "Other Signs":

A MAGNITUDE 4.8 earthquake has shaken Yellowstone National Park and rattled observers of one of the world’s deadliest super volcanoes.
The quake — the most powerful in 30 years — struck near the Wyoming border with Montana yesterday, almost in the centre of the United States’ most famous national park.
Late last year a new study into the enormous super volcano found the underground magma chamber to be 2.5 times larger than previously thought — a cavern spanning some 90km by 30km and capable of holding 300 billion cubic kilometres of molten rock.
If the sleeping giant were to wake, the outflow of lava, ash and smoke would devastate the United States and affect the entire world.

NBC News this morning reported a spokesman for the USGS Yellowstone Volcano Observatory as saying the super volcano’s thin crust moved near the Norris Geyser Basin.

Geologists have been closely watching the enormous Yellowstone Plateau in recent years with increasing evidence the enormous underground magma chamber is gradually filling with molten rock.
In recent times the national park has been lifted an average of 7cm a year. This is three times more than when measurements began in 1923.

Why are fault lines and volcanoes all over North and South America suddenly waking up?  Are we moving into a time when major earthquakes and volcanic eruptions will become much more common?  For the past several decades, we have been extremely fortunate to have experienced a period of extremely low seismic activity along the west coast of the United States.  You see, the west coast lies right along the infamous Ring of Fire.  Approximately 75 percent of all the volcanoes in the world are on the Ring of Fire, and approximately 90 percent of all global earthquakes occur along the Ring of Fire.  Scientists tell us that it is inevitable that "the Big One" will hit California someday, but people have gotten very apathetic about this because things have been so quiet out there for so many years.  Well, now it appears that things are changing in a big way - and not just along the California coast.  The following are 12 signs that something big is happening to the earth's crust under North and South America...

Experts said that the earthquakes occurred on the Puente Hills thrust fault, which stretches from the San Gabriel Valley to downtown Los Angeles.
Last night's quake was shallow, which 'means the shaking is very concentrated in a small area,' said Caltech seismologist Egill Hauksson.
Hauksson revealed that the earthquake was unusual because the 5.1 quake was preceded by the weaker foreshock.
Scientists such as Hauksson are very concerned about the Puente Hills fault because it runs directly under downtown Los Angeles.
'This is the fault that could eat L.A.,' seismologist Sue Hough told The LA Times in 2003.

The fact that this fault appears to be waking up is really bad news.
According to seismologists, a major earthquake along this fault line could cause hundreds of billions of dollars of damage...
Video simulations of a rupture on the Puente Hills fault system show how energy from a quake could erupt and be funneled toward L.A.'s densest neighborhoods, with the strongest waves rippling to the west and south across the Los Angeles Basin.
According to estimates by the USGS and Southern California Earthquake Center, a massive quake on the Puente Hills fault could kill from 3,000 to 18,000 people and cause up to $250 billion in damage. Under this worst-case scenario, people in as many as three-quarters of a million households would be left homeless.

For years, we have watched as the rest of the Ring of Fire has been absolutely ravaged by major seismic events.
We all remember the earthquakes that caused the Indonesian tsunami of 2004 and the Japanese tsunami of 2011.
And the world mourned when major earthquakes devastated New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Japan and the Philippines.
Scientists assured us that it was only a matter of time before the west coast started to become seismically active again, and now it is happening.
If you live on the west coast, I hope that you will consider these things very carefully.
Just because the earth under your feet has been relatively quiet for a very long time does not mean that it will always be that way.
Something big appears to be happening to the earth's crust, and you won't want to be in the "danger zone" when things finally break loose.

EXPERTS say a bigger earthquake along the lesser-known fault that gave Southern California a moderate shake could do more damage to the region than the long-dreaded “Big One” from the more famous San Andreas Fault.
The Puente Hills thrust fault, which brought Friday night's magnitude-5.1 quake centred in La Habra and well over 100 aftershocks by Sunday, stretches from northern Orange County under downtown Los Angeles into Hollywood — a heavily populated swath of the Los Angeles area.
A magnitude-7.5 earthquake along that fault could prove more catastrophic than one along the San Andreas, which runs along the outskirts of metropolitan Southern California, seismologists told the Los Angeles Times.
The US Geological Survey estimates that such a quake along the Puente Hills fault could kill 3,000 to 18,000 people and cause up to $US250 billion in damage. In contrast, a larger magnitude 8 quake along the San Andreas would cause an estimated 1,800 deaths.

Part of the problem with the potential damage is that the fault runs near so many vulnerable older buildings, many made of concrete, in downtown Los Angeles and Hollywood. And because the fault, discovered in 1999, is horizontal, heavy reverberations are likely to be felt over a wide area.

About 150 aftershocks, including one of magnitude-4.1, have been felt since Friday night's quake, which forced several dozen people in the Orange County city of Fullerton out of their homes after firefighters discovered foundation problems that made the buildings unsafe to enter, authorities said.
Fire crews red-tagged 20 apartment units after finding a major foundation crack. Structural woes, including broken chimneys and leaning, were uncovered in half a dozen single-family houses, which were also deemed unsafe to occupy until building inspectors clear the structures. Seventy residents remained displaced, down from 83 after the initial quake.

One of the world’s most terrifying viruses is multiplying. Thus far at least 70 people have died from the Ebola virus in Guinea in recent weeks and though officials have taken steps to shut down the country’s border it may already be too late. The deadly strain of hemorrhagic fever has reportedly already spread to neighboring Sierra Leone and Liberia.

The virus is normally acquired as a result of the butchering of or consumption of meat from bats or monkeys, which has prompted Guinea’s government to issue a ban on, among other things, the sale and preparation of bat soup. But because the virus can be spread from human-to-human via feces, blood, saliva, or sweat, it’s possible that the virus is now spreading through the general population.

Frighteningly, while the virus has historically be contained in rural areas of Africa, the latest outbreak has spread to Conakry, Guinea’s capital city of two million people.

The disease has traveled 526 miles from Nzerekore to Conakry since Wednesday. It is a highly infectious disease and there are fears that community spread has already occurred.
With an incubation time between 4 and 21 days, and an average mean of 16 days, the amount of people an infected person has come into is considerable. Public transport is often overloaded and crowded living conditions give the disease ample opportunity to spread.

Because of an incubation period that can last nearly three weeks, it may be difficult to identify those who have contracted the virus, which is one reason that officials in Africa, Europe and the United States are watching closely:

What governments and clinicians fear is a person incubating Ebola travelling through an international airport, infecting people from around the globe, before boarding their flight. With the average incubation taking 16 days tracing contacts of an infected individual would be a logistical nightmare. Many believe it would be an impossible task as airports only hold names of those booked on flights, not friends and relatives who are seeing them, and thousands of others off on their journeys.
After three decades in the health care environment I am not easily scared by bacteria and viruses. Out of all the diseases that are capable of doing us harm, Ebola scares me the most, in fact it terrifies me.

The Ebola virus seems to remain isolated in Africa for the time being, but if one infected individual boards an international flight to Europe, South America, Asia or the USA then all bets are off. With cramped quarters on an airplane over a period of several hours you could potentially end up with scores of cases, and most of those infected would have no idea. From there we could have a spread of deadly contagion unlike any we’ve seen in modern times.
If even a single case pops up in the United States or Canada it could cause mass panic, and for good reason. Nine out of ten people who contract the virus would likely perish.

The following video reveals the reach and rapidity of pandemic spread originating at a major international airport:
The models rely on the concept of ‘effective distance,’ and the belief that contagion now travels much more quickly and effectively between busy airports in different countries than between cities and more rural areas in the same country.
The maps show various routes travelling from a given airport which is the source of the contagion (in this case London Heathrow).
Circular diagrams show the radial distance from the disease source and the expected spreading path a contagion phenomenon will take – including other airports that might become gateways for the disease. (Exclusive News)

The Palestinian leadership presented an offer to American mediators – that Israel release 1,000 more prisoners, of the Palestinian Authority’s choosing and in exchange, peace talks would be extended until the end of 2014. Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas also demanded that Israel freeze settlement construction and transfer some Area C regions to the Palestinian Authority’s control.

On Saturday, some sources claimed Israel was holding off on freeing the prisoners because of rumors that the PA would back out of peace talks once the fourth group of convicts was released. Israel has also balked at releasing Israeli Arabs.
As of Saturday evening, however, Abbas was insisting that the prisoners be released before he would consider extending the talks beyond their current deadline.
Saturday’s offer had stipulated that Israel would determine which additional 400 security prisoners would go free, Palestinian sources said.

Germany has said its air force is ready to increase security on Nato’s border with Russia, despite Moscow’s promise not to escalate the crisis in Ukraine.
A German defence ministry spokeswoman told the Reuters news agency on Sunday (30 March) “the army could take part in flights to patrol airspace with Awacs machines [surveillance planes] over Romania and Poland as well as training flights in the framework of a Nato air policing mission over Baltic states”.
The statement comes after Denmark and the US in the past few weeks agreed to send more than a dozen extra F-16 fighter jets to the region.
It also comes after the Pentagon, on Friday, told Nato’s military chief, US general Philip Breedlove, to return from Washington to the Nato HQ in Brussels.

There are many competing claims at play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but the simple question of who was here first, as childish as it might sound, remains central to the contest.
That is precisely why, in addition to leveling all sorts of other accusations at Israel, the Palestinian Authority is engaged in an effort to invent a new historical narrative that puts the Palestinians in the land long before the Hebrews ever arrived from Egypt.
If, as the Palestinians also claim, they are part of the wider Arab world, then this new narrative is easily debunked by any number of historical documentation and archeological finds. And yet, it is catching on at an alarming rate with those who would likely consider themselves cognizant of regional history.

One of the latest proponents of what can only reasonably be labeled a “fairytale” is chief Palestinian Authority negotiator Saeb Erekat, who told a diplomatic gathering in Munich last month that his particular tribe had been residents of Jericho thousands of years before the arrival of Joshua Ben Nun, the Israelite leader following Moses.
In a thorough expose, Ambassador Alan Baker of the Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs picked apart Erekat’s assertion and those like it.
In summary, Baker noted that Erekat’s own genealogy, which is easily researched, puts his ancestral Huweitat tribe back in the Arabian peninsula as recently as the 19th century. Only after the Jews began returning to the land en masse did the Huweitat tribe take up residence near Jericho, Jerusalem and other parts of what are now Israel and Jordan.
“Several leading scholars of Middle Eastern studies and Islamic history have confirmed that the Palestinians do not have ancient roots in the area and are trying to invent origins for themselves that predate the Jewish people’s presence,” wrote Baker.
By contrast, “the historical presence of the Jewish people in the ‘Holy Land’ is well-documented, not only in the scriptures of all three monotheistic religions, and visible in extensive archeological remains, but also in historic writings by early Greek, Roman, pagan, and other visitors to the area,” he continued.