Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

"EU Faces 'last chance' for peace in Israel"

That is the headline in today's article posted in the EU Observer article here.

Below are some interesting quotes from this article:

"The EU must put real pressure on Israel to halt settlement growth in East Jerusalem or risk seeing an escalation of the Middle East conflict that could spill into Europe, a Jewish politician on the front line of the peace process has warned."

"We have reached the last moment when it is still possible to divide and share Jerusalem. If it [decisive action] does not happen this year, it will become impossible to implement any plan like the two-state solution," Meir Margalit, a Jerusalem city councillor, told EUobserver in a phone interview on Thursday (3 December)."

"The clash of civilisations started in Jerusalem and it will end in Jerusalem," Mr Margalit said, referring to the tube bombing in the UK capital in 2005."

{{ Now THAT is an interesting quote isn't it? }}

"Israeli plans for Jerusalem, implemented at an accelerated rate, are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible," the report says."

"It describes how government-backed Jewish communities in the Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah districts of the occupied city are driving out Palestinian residents to encircle the Holy Basin, an area containing sacred sites in Judaism, Christianity and Islam."

"If the Holy Basin is cut off, Muslims will be forced to seek passage to the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest place in Islam, through a cordon of hard-right Jewish settlers, creating a recipe for violence."

"Encirclement would also make it impossible for the old parts of the city to be part of the future capital of a Palestinian state - a red line for Palestinian negotiators."

"The Israeli actions in districts such as Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah "represent both an immediate and long-term strategic threat to European interests," the EU report says."

Several thoughts. The EU is becoming more and more involved in the peace process for Israel, and the dividing of Israeli land, including Jerusalem. It appears that the U.S. has given up its leadership role in the Middle East and deferred to the EU. This has become painfully obvious over the last 2-3 months. Prophecy dictates that this would happen in the latter days.

This article also quoted a representative from the EU stating that the EU may impose sanctions on Israel.

The recent focus on the Middle East and Israel, by the EU is an interesting development, particularly following the Lisbon Treaty. It seems that the EU has "taken it up a notch" on the Middle East process, while the U.S. has been atypically silent. The assumption is that President Obama has his plate full, with Afghanistan, the financial crisis, Iraq, healthcare, etc etc., and as a result is quite happy to give the leadership role to the EU.

It had to happen sooner or later.

The road is being paved for the entrance of the antichrist. This is just one more bit of evidence.

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