Senin, 14 Desember 2009

A picture

is worth a thousand words:

Earthquake Map.

In other news, below is a link to a very interesting commentary on Israel's decision to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, and the issues that Mr Netanyahu faces in the near future:

"Binyamin Netanyahu must decide whether to strike Iran's nuclear facilities".


"The moment is fast approaching when Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, may have to make the most difficult decision of his career — whether to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and risk triggering a conflagration that could spread across the Middle East."

"Israeli experts believe the point of no return may be only six months away when Iran’s nuclear programme will have — if it has not already — metastasised into a multitude of smaller, difficult-to-trace facilities in deserts and mountains, while its main reactor at Bushehr will have come online and bombing it would send a radioactive cloud over the Gulf nations."

"Mr Netanyahu has consistently called Iran the most serious threat Israel faces. President Ahmadinejad of Iran has called for Israel to be obliterated and his Revolutionary Guards supply training, money and weapons to both Hezbollah in Lebanon, on Israel’s northern border, and to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, whose missiles are believed to be capable of reaching Tel Aviv."

"In the run-up to his election this year, Mr Netanyahu promised that “under my Government, Iran will not be allowed to go nuclear”. Yet Mr Ahmadinejad has promised to produce 20 per cent enriched uranium: a big step towards weapons-grade fuel."

"When Mr Netanyahu came to power, he made great efforts to recruit his former commander as Defence Minister. Mr Barak serves with another former leader of the unit, the Deputy Prime Minister, Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon. The Israeli Prime Minister has hard-wired his core Cabinet with so much military experience for a good reason. Striking Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a huge military and political gamble. Although Russia has delayed supplying Iran with S300 anti-aircraft missiles, which could weaken any Israeli attack, the air force would have to mount one of its largest long-range attacks to have a chance of disabling Iran’s nuclear installations."

At the risk of being redundant, it is worth covering every bit of information that lends insight into when this attack will occur. The stakes are incredibly high and the implications of this action, when it occurs, will be "game-changing" for the region. Because many of us believe that any Israeli action against Iran will indeed precipitate the last stages of prophetic developments leading into the Tribulation, we follow this story closely. Very closely.

Its just a matter of time.

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