Rabu, 30 Desember 2009

Ketentuan Layanan

Ketentuan Layanan Kumpulan-Berita-Unik.Blogspot.Com 

Kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com mengumpulkan informasi dari berbagai sumber yang berbeda. Semua gambar atau video yang ada bukan milik Kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com,  gambar-gambar atau video tersebut diambil dari sumber yang berbeda-beda. Para pembaca Kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com wajib mengikuti beberapa ketentuan yang sudah ditetapkan oleh blog ini, antara lain:

1.Para pembaca bebas menyebarluaskan dengan syarat mencantumkan sumber Link Kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com dan sumber artikel yang asli.

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3.Kumpulan-berita-unik.blogspot.com tidak bertanggung jawab untuk apa yang akan terjadi jika tidak mematuhi peraturan di atas. 

 Terima kasih.


Kamis, 17 Desember 2009

World Leaders Call for Global Governance

We have several interesting stories circulating today, but first it strikes me that two of the most powerful men on the planet are consistently calling for a world governance. In two separate commentaries, we see the head of the UN, Ban Ki-moon - secretary of the United Nations making the statements:

"We can do it"

His quote, in the context of governing carbon output (which would affect every business and every home and a new world-tax - in other words everything):

"A deal must include an equitable global governance structure."

We see something similar in a separate commentary as seen in the LA TIMES:

"Copenhagen: U.N. chief weighs in on climate talk expectations"

"We will establish a global governance structure to monitor and manage the implementation of this"

Then, we see the same mantra from the new leader of the EU:

"EU President Herman Van Rompuy on Global Governance".

This is just a small sample of such quotes. What strikes me is this simple fact: Calling for a world government/governance is something that we are hearing from various world leaders almost daily. Something that barely gets noticed. Almost every "crisis" that we see today, usually contrived, whether it has to do with the Swine Flu (or name a convenient disease "crisis" of the day - bird flu, ebola, HIV/AIDS, drug-resistant TB....it probably doesn't matter), the "world financial crisis", and now the "global warming crisis") - and the answer remains the same: create a world governance. It rolls off the tongue of world leaders. In fact, a skeptic may wonder if these perceived "emergencies" are created for the very purpose of forging a world governance.

When the antichrist arrives on the scene, at least for a while, he will have a world governance to work from. Whether he has to create this himself (in which case the public has been "conditioned" by constant and ongoing rhetoric regarding the need for world governance), or if he has such world governance systems in place before his power-grab is almost immaterial at this point. The general public of the world is already being conditioned for acceptance.

I predict that we'll continue to hear this rhetoric as we head into the last days of the last days. It has to happen this way. The bible warns us of the antichrist's reign of terror:

"And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation. All inhabitants of the earth will worship the beast - all whose names have not been written in the book of life belonging to the Lamb..." (Revelation 13:7-8)

"He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark..." (Revelation 13:16)

These scriptures point out that the antichrist will control the world via a form of "world governance"; the very idea that has now become a mantra for world leaders.

It is coming. The antichrist is waiting in the wings right now - waiting for his time to arise and gain control. Perhaps he is waiting for the same thing that prophecy watchers are waiting for - the removal of his biggest roadblock to power - The Church, also known biblically as "the restrainer". In reference to the rise of the antichrist, the apostle Paul provided the following information:

"And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and the splendor of his coming." (2 Thessalonians 2:6-8).

This scripture informs us of several ideas.

We are informed that something will hold the antichrist's rise to power - described as holding him (or his "power") back until being "taken out of the way". And only then can the "lawless one" (aka the antichrist) be "revealed".

The term "taken out of the way", from the greek root, can mean "departure" or "falling away", and is seen as either in various translations. Interestingly, in all biblical versions prior to the King James version, the term was referred to as "departure". Additionally, one has to consider what, on earth, has the power to restrain evil.

First, the "restraint" mentioned ("holding back") must be a world-wide influence which suggests omnipresence. Second, this restrainer must have some kind of supernatural ability in order to restrain the potent forces of evil on earth, including the rise of the antichrist. Third, the restrainer must have some kind of logical reason for ending the "restraint", which subsequently allows for the rise of the antichrist and his ability to seize world power.

To meet these criteria, there is no other option other than the Holy Spirit, residing within the Church, on earth. No individual on earth has ever had the ability to restrain evil, nor has any form of human government. However, the bible speaks of the ability of the Holy Spirit to restrain evil (Genesis 6:3 and Galatians 5:16-17).

No only does this represent a spiritual restraint, but there is a literal restraint imposed by the Church/Holy Spirit. If, for instance, the Church were still on earth as the antichrist began his rise to (obvious) power, then vast numbers of church leaders, prophecy scholars, web-sites, etc., would be passionately warning the world that the figure in question is the antichrist. It would be almost impossible to succeed under such controversy.

The identification of the "restrainer" seems obviously directed to the Church and its Holy Spirit, now residing on earth. But this restrainer will be removed, and when it is removed, the world will witness the revealing of the antichrist. And then, the calls for world governance, so coveted by those in power, can finally be recognized and acted upon.

I believe the antichrist is waiting patiently for his moment. After the rapture of the Church - or, better stated - the removal of the restrainer, there will be enormous carnage, shock, disbelief, financial meltdown, confusion, and basically a collapse of society as known. The world will be desperate for a leader with solutions to this situation. And there will no longer be any restraint.

He is waiting for his moment. But so are we - the Church. We are waiting for the same moment, only our "moment" has a dramatically different outcome. We will find ourselves in Heaven, in the presence of Jesus Christ, and the antichrist will have seven years of God's judgments to face. I like our situation far far better than his situation - at the risk of stating the obvious!

"Behold, I am coming soon! Blessed is he who keeps the words of prophecy in this book." (Revelation 22:7).

Rabu, 16 Desember 2009

In the news...

First, the EU Observer gives us a story that is highly predictable and right on schedule:

"EU's new foreign relations chief criticises Israel". Now thats a shock isn't it?
In her very first speech regarding the Middle East she takes the opportunity to not only criticize Israel, but she makes the predictable statements - almost on cue:

"The EU's new foreign relations chief, Catherine Ashton, criticised Israel in her first speech on the Middle East and unveiled plans to visit the region in the New Year."

"Dubbed recently by one Israeli lobbyist as a "tabula rasa" who will be easy to influence because of her lack of foreign policy experience, Ms Ashton came down hard on the Israeli government in an address to MEPs in Strasbourg on Tuesday (15 December)."

"East Jerusalem is occupied territory together with the West Bank. The EU is opposed to the destruction of homes, the eviction of Arab residents and the construction of the separation barrier," she said on Israeli activity in the city, which is holy to both Jews and Muslims."

"Her speech, which fits in with the Arab-friendly British foreign office tradition, was also significant for what it left out: Ms Ashton did not say that Israel is the only democracy in the Middle East, that it faces a security threat from Palestinian "terrorists" or that Palestinians should immediately return to formal peace talks - the classic tenets of Israeli supporters."


In a second (unrelated) story, we see Copenhagen starting to unravel. Thats a good thing.

"Archbishop Tutu: Rich nations 'condemning Africa to incineration'". Quotes:

"On the eve of the arrival of senior ministers and the first few heads of state at the UN climate summit in Copenhagen, pessimism was rife that divisions amongst the major parties were so wide that talks may end in collapse."

"Adding to developed countries' woes as talks chugged away well into the night, anti-apartheid veteran Archbishop Desmond Tutu wrote to the president of the talks and future EU environment commissioner Connie Hedegaard charging that the position of wealthy nations would "condemn Africa to incineration."

"Talks have all but ground to a halt in particular over the issue of the continuance of the Kyoto Protocol, which focuses on the cuts in greenhouse gas emissions of the developed world."


In a third (unrelated) story, under the category of "It can't be a news day without a story relating to Iran":

"Iran says it successfully tested upgraded Sajjil-2 missile". Quotes:

"British Prime Minister Gordon Brown was quoted by AFP as saying that Teheran's missile test announcement was a matter of "serious concern to the international community and it does make the case for moving further on sanctions."

"Iran successfully test-fired an improved version of its Sajjil-2 medium-range missile which it says can reach targets inside Israel, state television announced."

"The Sajjil is a solid fuel, high-speed missile with a range of about 1,930 kilometers, placing Israel well within range and reaching as far away as southeastern Europe with greater precision than earlier models."

The implications of this development coming out of Iran are obvious.


Last but not least, is an interesting article from the Jerusalem Post. This may mean nothing, but it could also blow up into a big conflict at the Temple Mount, as it has in the past:

"Activists planning Temple Mount ascent". Quotes:

"A group of activists dedicated to bringing Jews to the Temple Mount told The Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that they were hoping to see hundreds of participants take part in a planned "mass pilgrimage" to the mount scheduled for Thursday morning in honor of Hanukka, which celebrates the rededication of the Second Temple after it was recovered from Hellenist Greeks more than 2,000 years ago."

"The pilgrimage, which will include guided tours of the area throughout the morning, will also be a litmus test for the shaky calm that has prevailed in Jerusalem's Old City since October, when rumors of a "Jewish takeover" of the mount sparked fierce clashes between Arab rioters and security forces in and around the sensitive holy site and in various neighborhoods of east Jerusalem."

As seen, this ascent is planned for Thursday. One never knows what the result of such action will be, but this has led to conflict - sometimes prolonged - as a result. We shall see.

As directed by Jesus, we need to pray for peace in Jerusalem.

Selasa, 15 Desember 2009

War Preparations

Below is an interesting commentary on the ongoing war preparations in the Middle East. While many of us have speculated that the trigger point would be an "attack" on Iran's nuclear facilities by Israel, the commentary below gives a different perspective:

"Iran Hezbollah Prepare for Pre-Emptive War".

Iran and Hezbollah Prepare for Pre-Emptive War

Ill Winds, What is brewing in Lebanon?
By Scott W. Winchell

It appears a powder keg that has been stockpiling in the Middle East for quite a spell is about to explode. What is Hezbollah planning? Is Israel ready? Is Iran planning a larger, bolder strategy for the demise of Israel? What of the involvement of Russia? The plan is a major preemptive strike on all major Israeli airports; auxiliary and military airfields to prevent any military take off against Iran. Ahmadinejad has effectively set much in place in a plan that now appears ready for launch! Iran has erected a building and assembling factory for rocket and missile development for Hezbollah in Lebanon and they are armed to the teeth.

The word is they plan to take out Israeli bases in a prelude to invasion in the Sheba’a Farms, Ghajar, and the Seven Villages region of the Golan. Any invasion, attack, or even a successful victory there would only embolden the Iranians, Syrians, and others to act on other unknown plans. Remember, Hezballah declared victory the last time because any success is all they need for their propaganda machine, and if they succeed there; repercussions are likely to be felt around the world.

It is known that Iranian Republican Guard agents have been placed throughout the world, including the USA and Europe. Is this the other time bomb? Well, it appears so! What then is the overall strategy? Is this the conflagration predicted that will cause worldwide chaos, thus bringing the Mahdi to power? It is said that the arrival of the Mahdi will be during a time of great chaos and strife the world over. With the economy of the world in freefall, Afghanistan re-emerging as a hornet’s nest, Jihadi training here in the USA and elsewhere, increased attacks from lone wolf Jihadist types like the terrorist massacre at Ft. Hood, the time may be at hand.

If Israel is attacked, will the Obama administration act decisively? If the snail’s pace that Obama exhibited in deciding- it took them so long to decide -what to do in Afghanistan, and then doing it all wrong, setting the US armed forces up for failure, we can hardly expect him to act quickly in response to an attack on Israel by Hezbollah and others.
Obama has already thrown (Bibi) Netanyahu and Israel under the bus, so it seems we are at a crossroads. Iran is bolder than ever, and the ties that bind connect the entire world. What about all those visits and interactions with Chavez in Venezuela, and the little tyrant in North Korea? The plans may be bolder than officials have anticipated. The naiveté of this administration knows no bounds and the Islamic world and Russia has taken notice. They rightfully believe we are weaker then ever and they are clearly emboldened.

Information has been flowing from many reliable sources at breakneck speed and the timing of Russia deciding to send the S-300 rocket system to Iran, Russia also trying to give MiG-29s to Lebanon, and what many believe is an already nuclear-armed Iran, the cards are falling into place. And this is no house of playing cards! Make no mistake; what happens there will affect the entire world. Russia’s efforts of late indicate truly that they see the Middle East as the proxy war for control of oil from the Middle East between Russia and the USA, and the players have seemingly disparate goals yet they dove-tail with larger goals like those of the Russians and the coming of the Mahdi.

America has from one side, a losing Arab Sunni alliance represented by mainly Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Kuwait, Bahrain, the UAE, and the Gulf States, versus Russia who has a victorious Shiaa alliance represented by mainly Iran, Syria (Alawite regime part of the Shiaa religion) Hezbollah and now Hamas. Should a nuclear conflict erupt in the Middle East between Israel and Iran (and others) and develop the process into the annihilation of the Jewish state, this could become the end of American presence in the Middle East.

An Israeli collapse may have a domino effect where all the Sunni monarchies in the Gulf capitulate on the spot to an upcoming victorious Iran in order to save their necks. We will see then on the tactical level, an Iran Caliphate ruling the Middle East from Iran all the way to the Mediterranean, (known as the Shiite Crescent), with the American presence reduced to ashes.
On the strategic level, a smiling Russia lies behind the scenes providing a giant come back to the Levant through Iran. Iran would supply it with military, technological, and scientific support, controlling the energy resources of the Middle East.
Russian revenge is one other goal, humiliating the US in that region of the world. With Saudi Arabian, Iraqi, and Iranian oil trading on the market with the Euro, where will the fate of the dollar be? America Foreign policy will be destroyed and damaged forever as the situation within the US may develop into a deep, severe depression where the possibility of riots may erupt in major cities where Washington will be focused on itself busy restoring Law and Order.

In the USA, expect Jihadi sleepers to come out of the woodwork and attack our neighborhoods, malls, and backyards. Expect individuals with predisposed Jihadist ideas to take up arms against us. Expect surprises at every corner. Jihadi forces throughout the world have been planning for years, and the critical mass may be at hand. The tipping point is likely to be a small event, but with so many tendrils connecting so many entities and players with divergent yet expedient aims, we fear the newest world war of Dar al Islam against Dar al-Harb is in the offing."


This is an interesting perspective indeed. The views towards Russia and their involvement in the Middle-East is exactly what is summarized by Joel Rosenberg in his book "Epicenter". It also (unwittingly?) points out much of the Gog-MaGog alliance has formed or is in the process of forming.

It is also interesting that virtually all news coming form the Middle-East could be placed firmly in the category of "Rumors of War", exactly as Jesus informed us in the Olivet Discourse (Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13).

Israel is continuing their ongoing war preparations as well:

"Israel's Air Force Is Prepared For All Scenarios".

Just more rumors of war. That characterizes the Middle East today: One big rumor of an imminent war.

"You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed." (Matthew 24:6)

Senin, 14 Desember 2009

A picture

is worth a thousand words:

Earthquake Map.

In other news, below is a link to a very interesting commentary on Israel's decision to strike Iran's nuclear facilities, and the issues that Mr Netanyahu faces in the near future:

"Binyamin Netanyahu must decide whether to strike Iran's nuclear facilities".


"The moment is fast approaching when Binyamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime Minister, may have to make the most difficult decision of his career — whether to launch a military strike against Iran’s nuclear facilities and risk triggering a conflagration that could spread across the Middle East."

"Israeli experts believe the point of no return may be only six months away when Iran’s nuclear programme will have — if it has not already — metastasised into a multitude of smaller, difficult-to-trace facilities in deserts and mountains, while its main reactor at Bushehr will have come online and bombing it would send a radioactive cloud over the Gulf nations."

"Mr Netanyahu has consistently called Iran the most serious threat Israel faces. President Ahmadinejad of Iran has called for Israel to be obliterated and his Revolutionary Guards supply training, money and weapons to both Hezbollah in Lebanon, on Israel’s northern border, and to Hamas in the Gaza Strip, whose missiles are believed to be capable of reaching Tel Aviv."

"In the run-up to his election this year, Mr Netanyahu promised that “under my Government, Iran will not be allowed to go nuclear”. Yet Mr Ahmadinejad has promised to produce 20 per cent enriched uranium: a big step towards weapons-grade fuel."

"When Mr Netanyahu came to power, he made great efforts to recruit his former commander as Defence Minister. Mr Barak serves with another former leader of the unit, the Deputy Prime Minister, Moshe “Bogie” Yaalon. The Israeli Prime Minister has hard-wired his core Cabinet with so much military experience for a good reason. Striking Iran’s nuclear facilities would be a huge military and political gamble. Although Russia has delayed supplying Iran with S300 anti-aircraft missiles, which could weaken any Israeli attack, the air force would have to mount one of its largest long-range attacks to have a chance of disabling Iran’s nuclear installations."

At the risk of being redundant, it is worth covering every bit of information that lends insight into when this attack will occur. The stakes are incredibly high and the implications of this action, when it occurs, will be "game-changing" for the region. Because many of us believe that any Israeli action against Iran will indeed precipitate the last stages of prophetic developments leading into the Tribulation, we follow this story closely. Very closely.

Its just a matter of time.

Minggu, 13 Desember 2009

Worldwide Persecution

It seems that every year, as we approach Christmas or Easter, the stories of persecution increase and this year seems to be no exception. Lets recall the scriptures, as directed to end times events:

""Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me." (Matthew 24:9).

"Fast-Growing Christian Churches Crushed in China".


"Catholic Church attacked, suspicions fall on Buddhist extremists".


"Church Burnt to Ashes by Hindu radicals in Andhra Pradesh State".

"Islamic Extremists Kill Somali Church Leader".

These are just a few recent stories to drive home the point. Persecution - a story that barely makes news anymore. Thankfully, we have groups who monitor and attempt to disseminate these stories to Christians, as the main-stream-media chooses to ignore the plight of Christians who suffer tremendously throughout the world, simply for following Jesus.

It is most definitely a sign of our times. Comparatively, there has never been an era such as this. It is estimated that between 150,000 - 160,000 Christians are put to death annually simply for peacefully practicing their faith.

Jesus seemed to hold these suffering followers close to His heart:

"Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets before you."
(Matthew 5:10-11).

We need to remember to pray for our brave brothers and sisters who are undergoing this persecution - those who are currently imprisoned, and those who must worship our Lord in hiding - constantly under threat of torture, beatings, death or imprisonment.

Sabtu, 12 Desember 2009

In the news...

There are a lot of interesting news articles today:

1. Under the heading of "Turkey continues their progression into the 'Gog-MaGog' alliance" (Ezekiel 38-39):

"Erdogan warns Israel of 'earthquake' in case of action against Iran". The headline is self-explanatory.

"Turkey warns IAF against using airspace".

Turkey's alliance with Iran/Russia and their rhetoric against Israel is right on schedule, as predicted.

2. Iran-Syrian alliance continues to strengthen:

"Iran, Syria sign defense pact against 'foreign aggression'".

(Don't forget Isaiah 17)

3. The EU continues their attempts to divide Jerusalem:

"Palestine claims EU backing on East Jerusalem".

4. The recently re-formed Sanhedrin (which is a fascinating story) is alive and well. The point of this article isn't so much about the Sanhedrin's point of view regarding the fate of prisoners, but he fact that the Sanhedrin has been re-established after formally disbanding in 358 AD is amazing prophetically. In October 2004, miraculously, the Sanhedrin was put back in place, and today is becoming what it once was: Universal Jewish Authority, or perhaps better put, "the Supreme Court of Israel".

The Sanhedrin, as a body, has powers that lesser Jewish courts never had. They are the only group who can determine the boundaries of the Temple (in fact they are in the process of determining where, exactly, on the Temple Mount, the next Temple will be placed). The Sanhedrin is also the only group who can formally determine the identity of the Messiah when he returns.

Isn't it interesting, after all these years of non-existence, here in the last days, as we approach the rebuilding of the Temple, and the coming of the Messiah, that suddenly, literally out of nowhere, the Sanhedrin is back in business?

They are now taking a very hard-line approach to the terrorists in their region:

"Sanhedrin: Kill prisoners if Shalit doesn't return".

As noted before, every single "sign of our times" - every sign that we have been given to watch, continues its progression towards the end. There isn't a single sign that is showing signs of slowing down or reversing course.

Every single sign, whether its the growth of the revived Roman Empire, the world's anti-Israeli sentiment, growth of surrounding terrorists groups, the Gog-MaGog alliances, the development of weapons of mass destruction, the EU's involvement in Israel and the "peace-plan", the waning U.S. presence, the earthquake story, pestilences, persecution, one-world governance, one-world financial system, single currency, Sanhedrin's re-gathering, Temple Mount news and rebuilding of the Temple, rumors of war, the rise of China as a world power, rising tensions in the Middle-East, Iran's nuclear development, attempts to divide Jerusalem, or Israel's enemy list growing in strength and rhetoric - every single sign continues progression - marching along exactly as prophecy informed us.

Every single sign is moving rapidly towards the ultimate conclusion; every sign is moving in the direction dictated by biblical prophecy. Just as we have been told.

It is a fascinating time to be a Christian and a prophecy watcher. What an incredible kind and loving God, to give us this information - so we would know when Jesus' return would be closing in, giving us time to prepare and to be ready, and perhaps more importantly - to face these days without any fear.

As Jesus said as He began His end-times discourse:

"...but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come." (Matthew 24:6).

"Even so, when you see these things happening, you know that the kingdom of God is near." (Luke 21:31).

We are not only IN the season, we are at the very end of the season.

Indeed. Maranatha! The time of Jesus' return is near.

Jumat, 11 Desember 2009

EU President calls for "world governance"

Much has been written about the current Copenhagen meeting on so-called carbon based, man-made global warming. Although I have strong feelings on this, I try to avoid topics that are not strictly prophecy related. In this case however as many are aware, agreements made at Copenhagen will create a massive transfer of wealth between the industrialized nations and the poorer nations, under the premise that the large industrialized nations are "guilty" of creating world-wide pollution and need to help the poorer nations become green as they develop.

The most succinct review of the implications is found in this video link:

"Is Obama Poised to Cede US Sovereignty?".

Another review is found here (note the interesting comments below the article):

"Copenhagen treaty will establish Marxist World Government".

As far as carbon based global warming, I just have the following brief thoughts:

- The carbon based global warming is based on false, fraudulent data, provided into false modeling and this fact has been painfully exposed through the "leaked" emails and information "sharing" between the main "scientists" responsible for feeding information to the UN. Mike Mickey on RaptureAlert.com has a nice summary of this situation:

"The 'Greatest Show on Earth' opens in Copenhagen".

Also, a link that I highly recommend, which comprehensively covers these issues is found here:


- The CO2 based model only goes back 70-80 years, which is absurd, just by itself. During this period, the CO2 based model cannot account for the cooling period from the 1940's to ~ 1970. The CO2 model cannot account for the last 8-10 years of cooling, while CO2 has increased. According to their model, temperatures should have increased during this period. Scientifically, these facts alone make such a "model" laughable in my opinion.

- CO2 is a tiny tiny fraction of greenhouse gases, the vast majority is simply water vapor.

- The temperature "graphs" popularized by Al Gore, allegedly showing temperature spikes resulting from CO2 have now been proven to be completely fraudulent.

- A FAR better model has emerged and is gaining a lot of momentum. Henrik Svensmark, who leads the Center for Sun-Climate Research at the Danish National Space Center described a model based upon sun activity (sunspots etc) which, using reliable "surrogate markers" can model global temperatures to the sun's activity over a period of thousands of years. The mechanism for this correlation is fascinating and makes a lot of sense scientifically. Link Below:

"The Chilling Stars".

I'll let others handle the scientific aspects of this.

Back to Copenhagen, and the main point in today's post:

The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy is confirming many suspicions regarding the Copenhagen meeting - those suspicions as outlined by Lord Monckton's video link above. Mr Van Rompuy's quotes below:

"In his first big public speech since his appointment last month, Mr Van Rompuy also said a global climate change agreement could form the basis for what he called 'a kind of world governance'".

"Speaking about the Copenhagen climate conference, Mr Van Rompuy said that an agreement there could provide the basis for some kind of world governance. 'Globalisation demands multilateralism more than ever before,' he said."

"He described himself as a strong supporter of further enlargement of the EU..."

There we have it. A newly "appointed" leader of the EU is calling for:

- World Governance
- EU expansion
- Globalization

As a prophecy watcher, it borders on the surreal. I can recall years ago, when I first started speaking on prophecy for this age, people scoffing at the notion that we could be moving in the direction of a global government, as called for by the scriptures. I cannot find anyone who scoffs at this notion today. Its part of daily rhetoric - so much so, that the public seems to accept the premise.

I don't believe that Copenhagen will immediately affect our daily lives (although it could via taxation; we'll have to see the final results from the meeting to see if that is an immediate outcome), however it does represent yet another step in the direction of a "global governance".

Once again, we see the road being paved for the introduction of the antichrist and the beginning of the Tribulation.

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Iran's puppets making a move

When viewing the situation in the Middle East, and making attempts to understand various events in and around Israel, it always helps to go back to the basic understanding of how things operate in the region.

As predicted in Bible prophecy we know that Israel will be surrounded by her enemies. That is easy to understand. Perhaps of greater importance is to understand the power and influence that Iran has in the region. First, the terrorist group Hamas, with its base in Gaza, is largely understood to be directly under the influence of Iran. This is easily confirmed by analysis of the missiles launched from Gaza, and the ships which have been intercepted in route to Gaza, filled with Iranian weapons. Then we turn to Hezbollah, who occupies the southern part of Lebanon - a group formed by Iran and funded by Iran, and, like Hamas, obtains its weapons from Iran, through Syria. Oh, and while we're on that topic, it is well known that Syria is also one of Iran's closest allies in the region.

Because of this, whenever I see any "action" from any of the above mentioned groups, one must first think, "What is Iran's motivation for having _____ (insert Hamas, Hezbollah, or Syria) do this?"

That leads to these recent articles:

"Syria: Israel cannot hold referendum on land it doesn't own".

"Syrian deputy FM: Continued Golan 'occupation' makes resistance necessary". This brief article is included below:

"Israel will not be able to achieve peace with Syria without relinquishing the Golan Heights, making resistance necessary as long as the "occupation" continues, Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Fayssal Mikdad said during a university symposium held north of Damascus on Monday.

According to an Israel Radio report, Mikdad also stated that if talks with Israel were to fail, Damascus would resort to other means to recapture the territory.

The event, titled "Syria's vision on the future of the Golan and the peace process," aimed to explore various topics related to the Golan Heights - including its geopolitical importance and "the falsity of the Israeli Knesset's decision to annex it."

Citing UN resolutions supporting his point, Mikdad asserted that the annexation was an expression of Israel's hostility and attempts to "usurp the rights" of nations in the region.

He added that a solution to the issue of the Golan Heights could only be drafted as part of a comprehensive peace agreement between Israel and its Arab neighbors."

It is interesting that at this critical time in attempts to forge peace in the Middle East, Syria would start "sabre-rattling" right now. Whoever occupies the Golan Heights, because of its strategic location, has an enormous advantage in the event of warfare in the region. This is not a secret. This will be worth watching closely, as I suspect Iran would love to have that strategic advantage prior to any invasion of Israel.

At the same time, we see movement by an increasingly armed Hamas:

"Hamas preparing advanced rockets, missiles and tunnels".


"Since Operation Cast Lead ended almost a year ago, Hamas has increased its weapons smuggling and today operates hundreds of tunnels along the Philadelphi Corridor. It has smuggled in dozens of long-range Iranian-made rockets that can reach Tel Aviv as well as advanced anti-aircraft missiles and anti-tank missiles."

"Hamas is believed to have a significant number of shoulder-launched anti-tank missiles and 9M113 Konkurs, which have a range of four kilometers and are capable of penetrating heavy armor.

In addition, Hamas is believed to have today a few thousand rockets, including several hundred with a range of 40 kilometers and several dozen with a range of between 60 and 80 km. Intelligence assessments are that Hamas smuggled the missiles into the Gaza Strip through tunnels, possibly in several components."

"Hamas has also recently increased its efforts to dig what the IDF calls "offensive tunnels" close to the border with Israel, which the terror group could use to infiltrate into Israel and kidnap soldiers.

These tunnels are believed to be of strategic value for Hamas, which would only use them for large-scale attacks and high-value targets."


Both Hamas and Hezbollah have been receiving massive arms shipments from Iran over the last two years (this is in addition to the weapons sent to the region during previous years). We now see that at least some of the preparations (see last quote above) are intended for large-scale attacks into Israel. At the same time, Syria is threatening Israel in a dispute over ownership of the Golan Heights.

What is going on? All you have to do is look towards Iran. Is this setting up to be a diversion? Will Iran attempt to use Hezbollah, Hamas and possibly Syria to weaken Israel for a larger attack? Is this part of the ongoing efforts to consolidate the collection of nations and terrorists groups who will invade Israel in the Ezekiel 38-39 (aka "Gog-MaGog") attack?

It is hard to know exactly what Iran is planning, but they wouldn't be pouring such vast amounts of money and resources into the region for nothing. Something is being planned, and it won't be pretty for Israel. Only time will tell, but that time appears to be growing short.

Sooner or later, these enemies of Israel will be defeated dramatically on the "mountains of Israel".

We may or may not be here to see this take place. I am officially voting "no" on that one. I have a home in New Jerusalem that is awaiting my arrival.


Jerusalem: The Epicenter

Today's headlines tell the story:

"Fayyad: EU decision - first step towards statehood".

"U.S.: Only Israel, Palestinians should decide Jerusalem's future".

"EU decision shuns obstacles to peace".

"Share Jerusalem With the Palestinians, European Union Tells Israel".

Below are some quotes from these various articles, to further this point regarding Jerusalem as the epicenter of all Middle East peace negotiations:

“If there is to be a genuine peace, a way must be found through negotiations to resolve the status of Jerusalem as the future capital of two states,” it says".

"The Sweden-led attempt to announce a significant shift in E.U. policy regarding Jerusalem is an early flexing of muscles of the 27-member union days after the entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty, which seeks to give the E.U. a more united and bigger voice on the international stage."

"Meanwhile, Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat also issued a statement, saying that he "completely rejects the decision of the EU to support the division of Jerusalem," calling it a real danger for the future of Jerusalem and predicting that such a division would never work. Barkat noted that the recent celebration of the 20th anniversary of the reunification of Berlin reminds us that "no divided city in the history of the world has functioned properly."

The last article quoted above included a nice summary of Jerusalem and the basis of the big conflict over the city's fate:

"Competing claims

The Israeli-Jewish claim to Jerusalem dates back some 3,000 years, to the reign of the biblical King David from the city. Throughout the Babylonian exile and the later one that followed the Roman conquest and destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, Jewish prayers have centered on a yearning for Jerusalem.

When Israel was reestablished in 1948, the new state had control over western parts of the city while the rest was occupied by Jordan, whose administration was recognized only by Britain and Pakistan. Nineteen years later, Israel captured the territory during the Six Day War, and in 1980 enacted a law declaring “Jerusalem, complete and united, is the capital of Israel.”

The U.N. Security Council passed a resolution rejecting the move – the U.S. abstained in the 14-0 vote – and all but a handful of governments relocated their embassies from the city, mostly to Tel Aviv. The remaining few have done so in the years since.

The U.S. Congress in 1995 passed a law recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and stating that “the United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999.”

But Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama, citing national security interests, all exercised a built-in waiver, for consecutive six-monthly periods.

The Islamic claim to Jerusalem is based on the belief that Mohammed rode on his magical winged steed, al-Buraq, from “the sacred mosque” in Arabia to “the farthest mosque” during his “night journey” (Sura 17, the Koran).

Scholars say the “farthest mosque” later became identified with Jerusalem, and specifically the location today of the al-Aqsa mosque – on the site of the first and second Jewish Temples.

Apart from the reference to the “farthest mosque,” there is no mention in the Koran to Jerusalem. By contrast, Jerusalem appears more than 600 times in the Old Testament, and a further 150-plus times in the New Testament.

Critics of the Palestinians’ political claim to the city note that no nation or ethnic group in history, other than the Jews, named Jerusalem as its capital.

They also point out that the founding covenant of the Palestine Liberation Organization, adopted in 1964, does not refer once to Jerusalem.

“Despite the many conquerors of Jerusalem throughout history – Babylonians, Persians, Greeks, Seleucids, Romans, Muslims, Crusaders, Mamluks, Ottoman Turks, British, and Jordanians – the Jewish people constantly remain the only people to claim Jerusalem as their capital for thousands of years,” Barkat, the Jerusalem mayor, wrote in his letter to the E.U.’s foreign representative."


What this all shows is simple and prophetic. It all boils down to the fate of Jerusalem. Until 1967, when Israel reclaimed the entire city during battle, Jerusalem was barely noticed and it certainly wasn't on the world stage. Since that time, Jerusalem has been front and center in the "final status" negotiations for the mythical "Middle East peace process". This relatively small, seemingly insignificant city (at least in modern day times) has indeed become the centerpiece in these negotiations.

But the Bible told us that this would happen. The Bible told us that Jerusalem would be the focus of the world's attention in the last days, and it most definitely is. The Bible also told us that those nations who attempt to "move" or divide Jerusalem would be "Injured" or "cut into pieces". Yet, that is exactly what the nations are doing - moving rapidly into the exact scenario that God warned against. It's all right there in Zechariah 12, and it couldn't be more clear.

Jerusalem: "A cup that sends all the surrounding people reeling." Indeed it is. Who could have guessed this, over 2,500 years ago?

God. He warned us but apparently no one is listening.

Resensi Buku: Menelusuri Jejak Judicial Review di Indonesia

Judul Buku : Judicial Review di Mahkamah Agung: Tiga Dekade Pengujian Peraturan Perundang-Undangan
Penulis : Dr. Zainal Arifin Hoesein, S.H., M.H.
Penerbit : PT. RajaGrafindo Persada
Tahun : 2009;
: xviii + 340 hlm.


One stop reading! Demikian kesan yang akan kita peroleh ketika membuka lembar demi lembar buku hukum karya Zainal Arifin Hoesein tentang “Judicial Review”. Bagaimana tidak, berbeda dengan buku-buku yang sudah ada sebelumnya, karya ini mampu mengupas tuntas berbagai hal seputar sejarah, konsepsi, pengaturan, dan pelaksanaan rill sistem judicial review di Indonesia.

Dengan menyelami buku ini, pembaca akan diajak untuk menelusuri tiga periode penting terkait dengan perkembangan sistem judicial review di Indonesia. Pertama, masa awal penyusunan UUD 1945 hingga tahun 1970. Pada masa ini, judicial review hanyalah sebatas gagasan dan wacana yang tidak pernah terwujud; Kedua, masa saat mulai dirumuskannya UU Nomor 14 Tahun 1970 tentang Ketentuan-Ketentuan Pokok Kekuasaan Kehakiman hingga tahun 1999. Inilah kali pertama judicial review dibahas secara mendalam dan diperdebatkan secara terbuka, sekaligus menjadi tonggak awal diterapkannya mekanisme tersebut; dan Ketiga, masa terjadinya perubahan UUD 1945 hingga tahun 2003. Dalam kurun waktu ini terjadi proses perubahan sistem politik dan kekuasaan negara, termasuk terbentuknya Mahkamah Konstitusi yang diberikan kewenangan untuk menguji undang-undang terhadap UUD 1945.

Perubahan dan perkembangan sistem judicial review tersebut menurut penulis setidaknya disebabkan oleh 2 (dua) hal, yaitu faktor normatif dan faktor politis. Secara gamblang dijelaskan bahwa pada saat itu Mahkamah Agung tidak diberikan kewenangan untuk menguji undang-undang terhadap UUD, sebab selain UUD 1945 (sebelum perubahan) tidak mengenal dan tidak mengatur tentang judicial review, sistem kekuasaan yang dianut Indonesia adalah distribusi kekuasaan yang mengarah pada supremasi parlemen (parliament supremacy). Dalam prinsip tersebut, maka tidak dibenarkan di antara lembaga kekuasaan negara saling menilai atau mengontrol satu dengan lainnya, kecuali dari lembaga kekuasaan yang memberikan atau mendelegasikan kekuasaan itu sendiri.

Kedua faktor tersebut ternyata sangat berkorelasi terhadap tinggi-rendahnya perkara pengujian peraturan perundang-undangan yang masuk ke Mahkamah Agung. Akibatnya, banyak sekali produk hukum yang tidak tersentuh oleh kontrol normatif. Bandingkan, jumlah gugatan dan permohonan yang diregistrasi selama kurun waktu 28 tahun (1970-1998) hanyalah berjumlah 12 (dua belas) perkara. Sementara itu, jumlah perkara pengujian selama kurun waktu 4 tahun (1999-2003) sebanyak 130 (seratus tiga puluh) perkara atau apabila dihitung rata-rata pertahunnya, jumlahnya mencapai tujuh puluh kali lipat! Mengapa hal tersebut dapat terjadi?

Penulis merekam bahwa momentum 1999 terjadi setelah diterbitkannya Perma Nomor 1 Tahun 1999 yang mengubah prosedur judicial review. Pada masa itu terjadi pula pergeseran sistem politik yang mengarah pada ’demokrasi’ dan berubahnya sistem kekuasaan negara dalam UUD 1945 dari pola ’distribusi kekuasaan’ (distribution of power) menjadi ’pemisahan kekuasaan’ (separation of power), serta dikuatkannya prinsip ’checks and balances’ dalam sistem ketatanegaraan.

Guna menyempurnakan sistem judicial review di Indonesia, penulis di akhir pembahasannya menyuguhkan 2 (dua) rekomendasi utama. Pertama, diperlukan suatu lembaga yang berfungsi sebagai penyelaras, penilai, dan pemutus untuk menghindari terjadinya pembentukan peraturan perundang-undangan yang berorientasi hanya untuk penguatan kekuasaan, sekaligus untuk memperkecil adanya konflik norma secara vertikal; Kedua, secara kelembagaan, segala bentuk pengujian undang-undang perlu disentralisasi dalam satu lembaga negara agar fungsi pengujian peraturan tersebut dapat dijalankan secara efektif dan efisien serta untuk menghindarkan konflik hukum, khususnya terkait dengan pengaturan objek dan subjek pengujian yang berbeda.

Buku ini tentu sangat baik untuk dijadikan referensi utama bagi para penggiat hukum, terutama para hakim, akademisi, dan praktisi. Sebab, tulisan yang ada di dalamnya telah memperoleh sertifikasi kesahihannya karena berasal dari penelitian akademis sebagai Disertasi Ilmu Hukum sang penulis ketika menempuh studi program doktoral di Universitas Indonesia. Bahkan demi memperkaya buku ini, penulis juga melakukan eksaminasi dan telaahan terhadap beberapa kasus judicial review yang telah diputus oleh Mahkamah Agung.

Sayangnya, karena penelitian ini hanya berlangsung hingga tahun 2004 awal, maka praktik judicial review yang kini berkembang begitu cepat tidak dapat ikut terekam dalam buku ini. Namun demikian, sebagaimana harapan penulis, tentunya buku ini setidak-tidaknya dapat dijadikan pedoman dasar bagi siapa saja yang berminat untuk melanjutkan atau menajamkan subyek penelitian terkait dengan konsepsi judicial review kontemporer di Indonesia. (*)

* Pan Mohamad Faiz, Sekretaris Dewan Pakar Ikatan Sarjana Hukum Indonesia (ISHI).

Sumber: Majalah Konstitusi Edisi Nomor 34, November 2009

Senin, 07 Desember 2009

Kolom Opini: "Mengais Nurani Hukum"

Oleh: Pan Mohamad Faiz, M.C.L.

Sumber: Kolom Opini Duta Masyarakat – Selasa, 8 Desember 2009.

Perasaan kecewa seorang Mahfud MD. yang pernah dialaminya seperempat abad yang lalu nampaknya kini terulang dan hinggap kembali di dada para lulusan muda sarjana hukum. Pasalnya, idealisme kesempurnaan hukum yang dipelajari semasa duduk di bangku kuliah dengan cita penegakkan hukum berkeadilan justru bertolak belakang dengan praktik riil di lapangan. Justicia seringkali terekam tengah bertekuk lutut dan berakhir pada meja rolet milik sang penguasa ataupun pemilik modal.

Syahdan, bagi sebagian kalangan masyarakat, perilaku koruptif, praktik mafia peradilan, dan “vonis dadu”, tetap menjadi tontonan keseharian, bahkan kini justru menunjukkan jejak kaki yang lebih tegas dan terang benderang.

Dalam beberapa bulan terakhir ini, kita semua dibuat tercengang dengan penampilan akrobatik para penegak hukum. Kasus Bibit-Chandra digadang menjadi simbol karut-marut dan amburadulnya sistem penegakkan hukum kita, disusul dengan skandal Bank Century dan puluhan kasus korupsi lainnya yang tak berhujung pangkal.

Sementara itu, secara berturut-turut mulai dari kasus “judi koin” Raju bersama sembilan bocah lainnya, kasus “curhat medik” Prita Mulyasari, kasus “3 biji kakao” nenek Minah, hingga kasus “petaka semangka” Basar dan Kholil, menjadi pemandangan kontras betapa dewi keadilan dengan mudahnya menebas hak-hak kaum plebeius secara serampangan.

Akibatnya, masyarakat menilai secara tidak langsung bahwa pengadilan bukan lagi menjadi bastion of justice, melainkan bassinet of justice yang mudah dininabobokan dan diayun sesuai kehendak oknum penegak hukum bersama dengan pihak yang berperkara.

Moral dan Nurani Hukum

Terungkapnya hasil penyadapan terhadap kejanggalan perilaku dari oknum penegak hukum memperlihatkan bahwa mafia hukum bukan lagi sekedar isapan jempol, namun telah mendedahkan wujud aslinya di hadapan kita semua.

Dengan berlindung pada tirai-tirai KUHP, sebagian advokat begitu asyik membela kliennya mati-matian tanpa memperhitungkan tuntutan rasa keadilan masyarakat. Setali tiga uang, oknum hakim, jaksa, polisi, dan para pegawai di instansi tersebut ikut jua membidani ambruknya nilai komunal moralitas dan nurani penegakan hukum dengan menciptakan pasar lelang perkara.

Ironisnya, secara jujur harus pula kita akui bahwa terkadang masyarakat pun turut terlibat dalam penyimpangan moral dan nurani hukum tersebut dengan cara merekayasa keterangannya sebagai saksi atau ahli di persidangan.

Padahal dengan menggunakan metode “moral reading” dari Ronald Dworkin, Satjipto Rahardjo (2008) telah mengkonstruksikan negara hukum Indonesia sebagai suatu negara dengan nurani atau negara yang memiliki kepedulian (a state with conscience and compassion). Artinya, common sense dan legal sense yang berselaras dengan legal and moral ethics sejatinya menempati status penting dalam sistem penegakkan hukum di Indonesia.

Pada medio 1970-an, Philippe Nonet dan Philip Selznick menyampaikan bahwa obyek pembangunan hukum suatu negara sebaiknya berjalan berdasarkan realitas dinamika internal bangsa sendiri, dan bukan meniru negara manapun.

Dari sudut subyeknya, Kranenburg mengatakan bahwa para sarjana hukum jangan terjebak dalam optik hukum positif semata, tetapi harus membuka hati dan pikirannya terhadap perkembangan masyarakat. Sementara itu, Descartes dalam maha karyanya “Discourse on Method” mengingatkan bahwa berjubelnya hukum tanpa ketegasan justru seringkali menghalangi keadilan.

Dengan demikian, menjalani hukum sebaiknya tidak sekedar dipandang dari sudut legalistik-positivistik dan fungsional an sich, namun juga secara natural memiliki watak kebenaran dan berkeadilan sosial. Jika kita kembali pada Pancasila sebagai filosofische grondslag, maka akan ditemukan bahwa keadilan sosial (social justice) menjadi prinsip penting dalam sistem hukum kita.

Terhadap hal tersebut Mahkamah Konstitusi secara tegas telah menafsirkan bahwa keadilan akan berlaku dengan “memperlakukan sama terhadap hal-hal yang sama, dan memperlakukan berbeda terhadap hal-hal yang memang berbeda” (vide Putusan Nomor 14-17 dan 27/PUU-V/2007). Oleh karena itu, tidak seluruh peristiwa hukum harus diperlakukan sama secara mutlak, bahkan bagi John Rawls keadilan sosial justru lebih menekankan rasa adil yang diperuntukkan bagi kaum lemah (the least advantaged).

Menyikapi Momentum

Setelah terdeteksinya titik-titik kanker koruptif di lembaga penegak hukum kita, maka operasi cesar dengan pisau yang tepat layak segera dilakukan. Kita tentu berkeyakinan bahwa masih banyak para aparat penegak hukum yang memiliki moral dan nurani bersih namun (sengaja) dipinggirkan, sehingga sudah seyogianya momentum ini dimanfaatkan sebagai renaissance nurani hukum.

Oleh sebab itu, komitmen dan kemauan politik dari pemerintah, parlemen, dan pimpinan lembaga penegak hukum menjadi elan vital dalam hal ini. Masyarakat amat merindukan teladan hukum, sehingga prasyarat kejujuran, ketegasan, dan keberanian dalam menegakkan hukum dengan moral dan nurani menjadi syarat minimal dari pencarian tersebut (Deryck Beyleveld, Law as a Moral Judgment, 1986).

Sebaliknya, jika terbukti atau setidak-tidaknya terindikasi adanya praktik koruptif dan penyimpangan hukum di aras kekuasaan manapun, maka sudah selayaknya segera dibersihkan. Dalam konteks ini, Cicero sempat berpidato di depan Tribunus dengan mengatakan bahwa ikan membusuk mulai dari kepala hingga ke ekor, sehingga tindakan yang pantas dilakukan menurutnya adalah dengan memotong dan membuangnya (Imperium, 2007).

Masalah pelik dihadapi ketika nurani seseorang tertutup kabut tebal akibat “keterlanjurannya” terlibat atas sandiwara mafia hukum dan peradilan. Pastilah mereka diam dan bungkam seribu bahasa karena khawatir sejarah kelamnya akan ikut terbuka, sehingga tepat ketika J.E. Sahetapy menyitir pepatah Belanda “de pot verwijt de ketel” yang artinya “belanga menuduh panci, maka akan sama-sama hitam pantatnya”.

Satu hal yang tidak kalah pentingnya yakni dengan menggalang pengawasan oleh rakyat dan pers secara langung dan terus-menerus. Tanpa adanya pemberitaan dari media massa, tentu tabir kelam penegakkan hukum seperti sekarang ini tidak akan pernah tersingkap ke meja publik. A blessing in disguise! Oleh karenanya kita patut bersyukur, sebab baik aparat penegak hukum maupun masyarakat luas menjadi terlatih pendengaran telinganya, terasah penglihatan matanya, dan tersinari hati nuraninya.

Perjuangan menegakkan keadilan berdasar moralitas dan hati nurani yang tulus memang terasa berat dan tiada henti. Akan tetapi, keyakinan atas pencapaiannya tidak boleh pernah goyah atau redup sedikitpun.

Tentunya di masa yang akan datang kita berharap bahwa tak perlu lagi kita mengais-ngais untuk sekedar mencari sebongkah nurani di tengah-tengah ilalang keadilan. Bahkan saking pentingnya arti sebuah nurani hukum, Mahatma Gandhi pernah menyatakan, “In matters of conscience, the law of the majority has no place”.

* Staf Analis Ketua Mahkamah Konstitusi, Sekretaris Dewan Pakar Ikatan Sarjana Hukum Indonesia (ISHI). Pendapat pribadi.


Catatan: Artikel ini dipersembahkan untuk kawan-kawan saya para penegak hukum di luar sana yang saya yakini masih banyak sekali yang memiliki idealisme tinggi dan bercita-cita untuk menegakkan hukum dan keadilan dengan moral dan hati nurani tulus serta selalu berusaha untuk tidak terjerat dari praktik gelap mafia hukum. Inilah momentum bagi kita sekalian untuk berani bertindak dengan idealisme suci yang dimiliki. Bangun dan yakinlah, karena anda tidak akan sendirian dalam hal ini!

More news in the Middle East

It is finally here - the long-awaited tipping point in the MIddle East (in my humble opinion). Israel intelligence is saying that Iran has arrived at the threshold of building nuclear weapons - they possess the technology and the enriched uranium and the only thing "separating it from the bomb is the decision to go ahead and build one."

Joel Rosenberg is on top of this and provides an excellent commentary on this situation:


The article discusses the fact that Iran also has developed missiles "with the capability of carrying nuclear weapons that could reach Israel." Perhaps more ominous is the following quote:

"Second, Al-Arabiya reported that 'Ahmadinejad says US planning to prevent coming of Mahdi; US wants to stop mankind’s savior: Iran leader.' Excerpt from the story: 'Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said he has documented evidence that the United States is doing what it can to prevent the coming of the Mahdi, the Imam that Muslims believe will be ultimate savior of mankind, press reports said Monday….They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule,” said Ahmadinejad…."

Mr Rosenberg's conclusion:

"Analysis: The Obama administration now says they will pursue international sanctions on Iran in January. That could be a good development, but it comes very late in the game. It’s still not clear even crippling sanctions would stop Iran from getting the Bomb. And it may simply be too late. Iran is ready to build the Bomb, according to Israeli intelligence, and has missiles that can reach Israel. So Netanyahu is running out of time. He may feel compelled to hit Iran hard, and soon. Netanyahu’s calculus is complicated by the fact that Ahmadinejad may be growing frustrated that the so-called Islamic Messiah has not yet arrived. In 2007, Ahmadinejad gave a series of speeches says the 12th Imam’s arrival on earth was “imminent.” The Iranian president seemed sincere in that belief, but the Mahdi still has not come. Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad may also be laying the groundwork for apocalyptic violence against the U.S. and Israel, and casting the rationale for such violence in eschatological terms. Bottom line: the situation in the region is steadily deteriorating. Someone’s going to make a move. It’s just not clear who’s going to move first."

A separate article was published today:

"Ahmadinejad Reportedly Claims U.S. is Blocking Return of Mankind's Savior". In this article we see the following:

"Ahmadinejad reportedly claims he has documented evidence that the U.S. is blocking the return of Mahdi, the Imam believed by Muslims to be the savior."

"We have documented proof that they believe that a descendant of the prophet of Islam will raise in these parts and he will dry the roots of all injustice in the world,” Ahmadinejad said during a speech on Monday, according to Al Arabiya."

"They have devised all these plans to prevent the coming of the Hidden Imam because they know that the Iranian nation is the one that will prepare the grounds for his coming and will be the supporters of his rule," Ahmadinejad was quoted as saying."

So there we have it (again). Iran's President Ahmadinejad sincerely believes that the Islamic "messiah" is due to return ("reemerge" may be a better term, but the nuances of Islamic folklore regarding their Mahdi isn't worth a lot of my time) and institute sharia law throughout the world. He also believes that the Mahdi will only return at a time of epic fighting between loyal Islamists and those who refuse to convert to Islam, notably the Nation of Israel. He believes it is his job to precipitate this return of the Mahdi.

There are two quotes from Joel Rosenberg's commentary that stand out the most:

1. "Netanyahu is running out of time. He may feel compelled to hit Iran hard, and soon."

2. "Netanyahu's calculus is complicated by the fact that Ahmadinejad may be growing frustrated that the so-called Islamic Messiah has not yet arrived. In 2007, Ahmadinejad gave a series of speeches says the 12th Imam's arrival on earth was 'imminent'...Meanwhile, Ahmadinejad may also be playing the groundwork for apocalyptic violence against the U.S. and Israel, and casting the rationale for such violence in eschatological terms."

I believe we have reached the tipping point. Israel has no choice at this point, and Netanyahu knows this. Israel is being forced into taking action, and that seems to be JUST what Iran desires.

An Israeli attack on Iran could come at any day now. It could also be a matter of weeks or maybe months, but most experts are predicting that something will have to happen before the end of January, if not sooner. When it happens the region will explode. The hatred directed towards Israel will reach unprecedented levels, and Russia will have to align with Iran.

Big things are coming, it is just a matter of time.

Minggu, 06 Desember 2009

Peace and Security

There is a passage found in 1 Thessalonians 5 that also points to a pre-tribulation rapture. It also informs us of much more. First, the scripture (emphasis mine):

"Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night.

While people are saying 'PEACE AND SAFETY', destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.

But you brothers, are NOT IN DARKNESS so that this day should surprise you like a thief. You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness."


We learn several things from this passage.

1. The "Day of the Lord", another phrase to describe the Tribulation, will come upon people very suddenly. In other words, the antichrist will emerge and "confirm the covenant", as described in Daniel 9:27. This will happen suddenly, and perhaps unexpectedly.

2. The Tribulation will begin at a time in which people are crying for "peace and safety" for the Nation of Israel and the Middle East. And it will come on them "suddenly".

3. Those who are in "darkness" (without having reached salvation through Christ Jesus) - will experience "this day" - ie, the day that begins the Tribulation, when the antichrist "confirms the covenant" - as described in Daniel 9:27. This is the official beginning of "the day of the Lord", and therefore, the beginning of the Tribulation.

4. Those who have received salvation through "our Lord Jesus Christ" are NOT APPOINTED to suffer this wrath. Paul had JUST described this process - the process of the Rapture of the Church in the previous chapter of 1 Thessalonians (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17) - in the most definitive description of the Rapture (aka the "gathering up" of His bride).

Back to the original point.

The Tribulation will occur suddenly, at a time in which people are calling for "peace and safety" or, similarly, in many translations, "peace and security" for Israel and the region.

Below is a U-Tube video which was put together by one of our brothers on the "Rapture Ready" website. This video reveals the frequency of this quote and the prophetic implications:


Should we be surprised? No. Prophecy is always 100% accurate - exactly as written. This is simply one more example. The fact that the world's leaders are all using the EXACT phrase that 1 Thessalonians 5 described should be no surprise. It is the nature of biblical prophecy. Specific and literal.

It is almost here. The beginning of the Tribulation. The world will see a leader emerge from the revived Roman Empire (Daniel 7) and once he does arrive, he will "confirm the covenant" which officially begins the Tribulation. It will happen suddenly.

But we, the Church are not in darkness. We are of the light. Therefore, according to the scriptures, we will experience a different fate:

"For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we who are still alive are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever." (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17)

We know the relative timing of this event - given just a few scriptures earlier in 1 Thessalonians:

"to wait for the Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead - Jesus, WHO RESCUES US FROM THE COMING WRATH." (emphasis mine. 1 Thessalonians 1:10).


Everything - and I mean everything that we are seeing in the world today reveals the nearness of the hour.

Peace and safety. Its a quote by almost every world leader who is involved in the Middle East peace process.

Just as the Bible informed us. It is coming, and it is coming soon. It is time to be prepared.

Jesus is coming. Be ready.

Further thoughts: The EU and Middle East peace

The latest article regarding the peace efforts in the Middle East has that very title "EU faces 'last chance' for peace in Israel", as written in the EU Observer.

The more I consider this article (see previous commentary) - the more prophetic is seems and it points out several prophetic milestones. It is worth repeating because it seems to point out so many significant "facts" relating to prophecy. Some of this is redundant, but I still believe it is worth repeating.

"The EU must put real pressure on Israel to halt settlement growth in East Jerusalem or risk seeing an escalation of the Middle East conflict that could spill into Europe, a Jewish politician on the front line of the peace process has warned."

"We have reached the last moment when it is still possible to divide and share Jerusalem. If it [decisive action] does not happen this year, it will become impossible to implement any plan like the two-state solution," Meir Margalit, a Jerusalem city councillor, told EUobserver in a phone interview on Thursday (3 December)."

"This is not an internal conflict. You [the EU] are part of this conflict," he added. "I am talking about terrorism. I am talking about another London, about the clash of civilisations. The clash of civilisations started in Jerusalem and it will end in Jerusalem," Mr Margalit said, referring to the tube bombing in the UK capital in 2005."

"Mr Margolit in recent months worked with EU diplomats based in the occupied Palestinian territories to write a study called the "EU Heads of Mission Report on East Jerusalem." The EU paper, dated 23 November, was exposed by Israeli newspaper Haaretz earlier this week and has also been seen by this website.

"Israeli plans for Jerusalem, implemented at an accelerated rate, are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible," the report says."

Meanwhile, Mr Margalit believes the situation has reached such a dangerous point that the EU should consider economic sanctions against Israel. The councillor rejected the argument that Europe cannot influence Israeli policy unless it acts jointly with the US.

"The EU is not a bunch of boy scouts," he said. "It is the biggest power here after the US. It must realise that what happens here will impact what happens in Europe much more than what happens in the US."

"The EU document represents the agreed position of the 21 EU diplomatic delegations in the region and will form part of the background for discussions on Israel when EU foreign minsters meet in Brussels next week."

As one can see from these articles, the whole peace process boils down to the fate of Jerusalem - exactly as Zechariah 12 informed us. We know from the first several passages in Zechariah 12 that the entire world would be lined up against Israel, with "moving" Jerusalem from Israel - aka dividing Jerusalem - the main "obstacle" of the overall plan for peace.

The second interesting aspect of this article is the fact that the EU is becoming SO involved in the effort to divide Jerusalem, and involved in the overall peace process. Prior to completion of the Lisbon Treaty, the EU had been a quiet partner in the "Quartet" (EU, UN, US and Russia) who had been formed to forge a peace plan, but now it appears that the EU has assumed a leadership role. Again, exactly what Bible prophecy would predict.

The third interesting part of this article is found in the fact that the EU foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels next week for "discussions" on Israel.

Just a moments reflection reveals the absurdity of the overall situation. The "nations" are meeting to determine the fate of Israel and Israel's borders. They may or may not allow Israel to be part of this process. It is hard to imagine that we are living in an age in which a sovereign nation can be split up and its borders changed, as part of a "peace process".

Can you imagine if a day came in which an alliance including the UN, the EU and Russia determined that the US should give up southern California and New Mexico - and give the land to Mexico because of "disputed" land? Now, imagine it happening against the will of the United States - as determined by these other countries.

There is only one explanation. It is supernatural. We are witnessing the countdown to the final conflict between good and evil We are witnessing the final countdown between God and Satan. We are witnessing the process of the changing of the guard on planet earth, but it must necessarily involve this scenario that we are now witnessing. Satan has had reign over the earth since Adam and Eve. Jesus is coming to regain the earth for His rule - but only after the Tribulation has run its course.

The revived Roman Empire, which is now a potent force is beginning to flex its muscles in the region. Soon, a leader will emerge and complete the process, while "confirming" the covenant.

It is just a matter of time now, but that time appears to be very near.

Maranatha! Jesus is coming for His bride!

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009

"EU Faces 'last chance' for peace in Israel"

That is the headline in today's article posted in the EU Observer article here.

Below are some interesting quotes from this article:

"The EU must put real pressure on Israel to halt settlement growth in East Jerusalem or risk seeing an escalation of the Middle East conflict that could spill into Europe, a Jewish politician on the front line of the peace process has warned."

"We have reached the last moment when it is still possible to divide and share Jerusalem. If it [decisive action] does not happen this year, it will become impossible to implement any plan like the two-state solution," Meir Margalit, a Jerusalem city councillor, told EUobserver in a phone interview on Thursday (3 December)."

"The clash of civilisations started in Jerusalem and it will end in Jerusalem," Mr Margalit said, referring to the tube bombing in the UK capital in 2005."

{{ Now THAT is an interesting quote isn't it? }}

"Israeli plans for Jerusalem, implemented at an accelerated rate, are undermining prospects for a Palestinian capital in East Jerusalem and incrementally render a sustainable two-state solution unfeasible," the report says."

"It describes how government-backed Jewish communities in the Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah districts of the occupied city are driving out Palestinian residents to encircle the Holy Basin, an area containing sacred sites in Judaism, Christianity and Islam."

"If the Holy Basin is cut off, Muslims will be forced to seek passage to the Al-Aqsa mosque, the third holiest place in Islam, through a cordon of hard-right Jewish settlers, creating a recipe for violence."

"Encirclement would also make it impossible for the old parts of the city to be part of the future capital of a Palestinian state - a red line for Palestinian negotiators."

"The Israeli actions in districts such as Silwan and Sheikh Jarrah "represent both an immediate and long-term strategic threat to European interests," the EU report says."

Several thoughts. The EU is becoming more and more involved in the peace process for Israel, and the dividing of Israeli land, including Jerusalem. It appears that the U.S. has given up its leadership role in the Middle East and deferred to the EU. This has become painfully obvious over the last 2-3 months. Prophecy dictates that this would happen in the latter days.

This article also quoted a representative from the EU stating that the EU may impose sanctions on Israel.

The recent focus on the Middle East and Israel, by the EU is an interesting development, particularly following the Lisbon Treaty. It seems that the EU has "taken it up a notch" on the Middle East process, while the U.S. has been atypically silent. The assumption is that President Obama has his plate full, with Afghanistan, the financial crisis, Iraq, healthcare, etc etc., and as a result is quite happy to give the leadership role to the EU.

It had to happen sooner or later.

The road is being paved for the entrance of the antichrist. This is just one more bit of evidence.

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009

Begging for a fight

Iran's President just won't stop. After snubbing his nose at the UN by declaring that he would build 10 more enrichment plants, rather than discontinuing his nuclear development - he now defies the world by announcing that he will also continue to pursue high grade uranium:

"Iranian President says Tehran to Produce High-Grade Uranium". Quotes from this article:

"Mr. Ahmedinejad thumped his fists on the podium lectern as he drove home his point that Tehran could care less about what the outside world thinks of its nuclear program, insisting that "neither Israel, nor its backers can stop it."

"He also stressed that he is not worried about the military option being used against Iran's nuclear facilities, despite talk of a possible Israeli attack:

He said many people warned him, when he visited the United Nations in September, that Israel would attack Iran's nuclear facilities. He said that is media hyperbole, because there is nothing that Israel can do to stop us."

"It was the second day, Mr. Ahmedinejad grabbed the spotlight on national TV to drive home the point that he is in charge of the country's nuclear agenda and that he would not compromise an inch."

Can there be any doubt that he is baiting Israel to attack?

This is like a situation where someone has hostages - held at some public location - and during negotiations to let the hostages go, the hostage taker states that not only will he NOT let anyone go, he will kidnap several other people during negotiations. Thats how bad this situation with Iran really is.

President Ahmadinejad knows full well that he is boxing Israel in a corner. In fact, he is literally daring Israel to attack.

I believe the question isn't whether Israel will attack their nuclear facilities or not. The question is really when they attack.

And when Israel does attack - everything in the Middle East will change immediately. It is hard to even imagine what would happen next (following the "invasion"). The Muslim world will be inflamed beyond belief, and Russia will immediately become involved. Iran and Russia will most likely work to develop a coalition to attack Israel - presumably the Gog-MaGog coalition.

Keep watching the Middle East - things are getting very interesting in the region.

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009

The Coming Of The 7th Day

The title of this post reflects an article I recently stumbled on, and it is something that has interested me for some time now. It is something that I put in the category or file of "Hmmm...Thats interesting", but not something I have devoted a lot of study to, mainly because it isn't something that is specific to "Signs of the Coming Christ". However, I believe this "theory" (for lack of a better term) has some merit and worth the read. The original link can be found here.

The Coming Of The 7th Day

By Matt Leasher

The book of Genesis records that God created everything in six days and then on the seventh day He rested. Why did it take God six days to create everything and why did He need to rest on the seventh? After all, He is God. I’m sure He could have spun the universe into existence in the blink of an eye without needing any rest afterwards. Being a believer of the Bible as being the infallible truthful Word of God, I do believe that He did it as it is written but I also believe that God does things for a reason.

In 2 Peter 3:8 it says, “But beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.” And in Psalm 90:4 it also says, “For a thousand years in Your sight, are like yesterday when it is past”. These statements are in the Bible for a reason, but for what and why? Could it be that God’s procedure of creation is also a foreshadow of His plan and timetable for man’s destiny?

While there exists much scientific evidence of the earth being much older than 6,000 years this can still be true in light of the scriptures. There is what is called the gap theory. Meaning that scripture does not tell us how much time may have existed between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis. Verse 1 being, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Verse 2 being, “the earth was without form, and void, and darkness was on the face of the deep”. The theory suggests there could be thousands of years between those two verses. Then starting in verse 3 God begins to count the days and what He creates within those days. Of course this does suggest that man has only roamed this earth for 6,000 years and leads us to the debate of evolution, which is a topic for another time. For this study lets just stick to scripture and what God is telling us.

So the question remains, why does God tell us in His Word that He created the earth and the life within, as we know it, in six days and rested on the seventh? Could the beginning be a harbinger of the end? After all, the Lord does declare in Isaiah 46:9-10, “remember the former things of old; for I am God, and there is no other; I am God, and there is none like me, declaring the end from the beginning and from ancient times things not yet done.” The book of Isaiah is a fantastic resource for hearing the words of the Lord directly as many chapters reveal the Lord speaking in the first person. Here He is telling us that He declares the end from the beginning. We are given another hint that the end is determined from the beginning in Ecclesiastes 1:9, “That which has been is what will be, that which is done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.” Jesus also tells us in Revelation that He is the Alpha and the Omega. The beginning and the end.

To understand this concept it requires circular thinking and an understanding of “prophetic time”. Prophetic time moves in a circle and in cycles. When you come to the end of a circular cycle you are back at the beginning. When 60 seconds is up you start over and begin counting the next 60 seconds. You don’t come to the end of 60 seconds and say “Ok, now what?” Rather, you get a minute out of it and then start counting minutes while the 60 second cycle is still rotating within the minute and then so on with an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, a decade, a century, a millennia and so on. Cycles within cycles that never stop moving. If you were to remove or add 1 single second from within those cycles all of time would be thrown off and the divine order of things would be disrupted. Interesting how the last few words in the Bible are of Jesus warning us not to add or take away from the words which are written in this book. If the Bible is a prophetic book declaring the destiny of our existence from beginning to end, (which I firmly believe it is), then surely every word in it must be there for a reason and like the divine cycles of time, cannot be tampered with.

Based on Isaiah 46:9-10 we can conclude that God reveals the end of things by encoding them in the beginning of things and that the future is hidden in the past. But why the big secret, why not tell us things straight up so that we can be warned clearly without doubt. First of all, God loves us and would not leave us unwarned, nor would he deceive us with riddles. Just take a look at what He is saying in Isaiah 48:16, “Come near to Me, hear this: I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was I was there.” This is a clear indication that He is not hiding anything from us. Its all in His Word. All we have to do it is pick it up and read it and not try to rely on our own understandings.

So if a thousand years with the Lord is as one day perhaps the Lord is telling us that the six days of creation are representative of the 6,000 years of man’s existence in a sin cursed world and the seventh day of rest is the 1000 year millennium of Christ’s reign on earth after He returns, spoken of in Revelation 20. (Ironically the 1000 years of Jesus’ earthly kingdom are mentioned six times in Revelation 20). The last 1000 years being the “day of rest” as sin will have been wiped off the face of the earth and Jesus will reside as King of Kings and show the earth what it will be like to live in true peace and harmony, …hence, a day (or thousand years) of rest!

If this theory is true then that would mean from Adam to the birth of Jesus would have been the first 4,000 years and from Christ’s first advent to His second coming is the remaining 2,000 years which is the time that we are currently living in which is referred to as “the Church Age” or the “Age of Grace”. That being the case that would also mean that the remaining 2,000 years are almost up! There are even several references from scripture telling us of this 2,000 year period and its closure. These references are almost always in regards to the re-birth of Israel and the Jewish people. The land and the people that God has remarkably preserved throughout the ages specifically for His return! Lets examine them keeping in mind that one day with the Lord is as a thousand years.

In Exodus 19:11 the Lord tells Moses to consecrate the people for 2 days and on the third day the Lord will come down upon Mount Sinai in the sight of all the people. This is very representative of the 2,000 year, (or 2 days), “age of grace” that we currently live in before the Lord returns to be “in our sight”.

In Hosea 6:2 it says, “after two days He will revive us; on the third day He will raise us up, that we may live in His sight”. This is in regards to Israel. We have seen with our very eyes the beginning of Israel’s revival with Israel becoming a nation again in 1948. No other nation in history has ever been eliminated out of existence and come back into existence but miraculously Israel has done it twice! (The first being in the Book of Ezra after King Cyrus allowed them to return to their land after 70 years of captivity in Babylon). Jesus also gave us a prophetical sign of this coming to pass when He cursed the fig tree after entering Jerusalem saying “Let no fruit grow on you ever again”, (Matthew 21:19). Immediately the fig tree withered away. The fig tree of course is representative of Israel, (see Hosea 9:10). Then in Mark 13:28-31, Jesus tells us to learn the parable of the Fig Tree to understand when we are close to the end of the age. He says, “when its branch has become tender, and puts forth leaves, you know that summer is near. So you also when you see these things happening, know that it is right at the doors! Assuredly, I say to you, this generation will by no means pass away till all these things take place.” Now when a fruit tree begins to bear leaves in the spring that means that the fruit is soon to blossom on it in the summer. Israel becoming a nation again in 1948 was the Fig tree bearing its leaves but Jesus said it would never again bear fruit! Furthermore, the generation that sees this happen will not pass away. A generation according to Psalm 90:10 is 70 years or 80 if by strength. Lets do the math here. 1948 plus 70 brings us to 2018. If by strength we are graced with an extra 10 years then we are looking at 2028 at the latest for the return of the Lord. Either way, it will be in our lifetime! Even though Jesus said we will not know the day or the hour, He did say that we will know when it is right at the door!

Now even though Israel is a nation again the Jews for the most part still reject Jesus as the Messiah and live under the Old Law. However, in recent years many Jews in Israel are converting and becoming what is known as Messianic Jews, or “completed Jews” and are accepting and realizing Christ as the Messiah and as their Savior. This conversion of the Jews cannot fully take place until Jesus returns and is in their presence. So the fact that so many are now starting to convert is a stark sign that He is coming very soon. Preparations for the coming third temple that He will reside in are also well underway as well. This can be observed at http://www.templeinstitute.org/main.htm

Another symbolic sign of the 2,000 year age of grace that we live in is in John 11 where Jesus waits 2 days before going to raise Lazarus from the dead. This is symbolic of the 2,000 years before Jesus returns and raises His faithful from the dead at the Rapture.

In Matthew 17 we see the account of the Transfiguration. Where Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up to a mountain and is transfigured in front of them in their presence. His face shined like the sun and His clothes became white as the light and Moses and Elijah appeared with Him speaking to Him and the Father spoke from the clouds announcing Jesus as His Son. This was no doubt a preview to the three apostles of the glory of what His appearance will be like at His second coming. But what is most noteworthy about this account is that in verse 1 it says, “after six days Jesus took Peter, James and John up on a high mountain...”. If this was a preview of His glory at His second coming than it happened after 6 days! Just like the creation theory.

The Transfiguration event also parallels the description of the rapture in Thessalonians 4:16-17:

“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And thus we shall always be with the Lord.”

Similarly, at the Transfiguration, Moses represents the dead in Christ because he experienced death. Elijah represents those who are alive at the time of the Rapture because he never experienced death, (see 2 Kings 2:11). They, the dead and the alive, join Jesus and are transformed. Also the Old Testament saints and the New Testament saints are together during this event as represented by Moses, Elijah and the three apostles. Although they are not in the air, they are on a “high mountain”. A cloud envelopes them and they are “with the Lord in the clouds”. Lastly the voice of God is heard and we know from other scriptures that the voice of God is like the sound of a trumpet. (See Exodus 19:19, Revelation 1:10 and Revelation 4:1). So the Transfiguration appears to be a rehearsal for the Rapture!

Now getting back to the creation theory and the 7th Day. Not only does God rest on 7th day but the Bible also shows us that God measures time in sevens with rest for His people always being on the 7th day. In the Old Testament the Jews were commanded to work 6 days and always rest on the 7th, that being the Sabbath. Passover lasts for seven days with the last day, (the 7th) being a day of rest. Then the 7th week after Passover comes another day of rest known as the Feast of Weeks (a.k.a. Pentecost). In the 7th month on the Hebrew calendar there are 3 feasts of rest. They are Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kipper and the Feast of Booths (or Tabernacles). Every 7th year was a year of rest for the land where in Exodus 23:11 the Lord says to leave the land unplowed and unused. Then every 49th year, (7 x 7), comes a year of Jubilee (see Leviticus 25:8-17), which is a year of rest for the land and also liberty for all people including the servants and workers.

So in conclusion we can see that the Lord has provided us with several clear, prime examples of the timing of His coming. All we have to do is examine how it all began. There is something to be revealed from the beginning. Even Genesis and Revelation parallel each other. In Genesis the world began with man dwelling with God in paradise until sin cursed the world. In Revelation Jesus will return and bring the world back to a land of perfection and rid the curse of sin from the land providing a glorious day of rest for us all!

Come Lord Jesus