Jumat, 25 September 2009

Update on Iran

More information is coming out regarding Iran's disclosure of a previously unknown nuclear facility.
In this article ,"Ahmadinejad has enough uranium to go the whole way", we see some interesting quotes:

"The crisis in relations with Iran escalated ominously yesterday after the leaders of the US, Britain and France accused the regime in Tehran of operating a secret uranium enrichment facility buried deep in a mountain bunker near the ancient religious city of Qom. Barack Obama called Iran's activity "a direct challenge" to the international community."

"The accusations were made public in an extraordinary joint statement by the US President, flanked by Gordon Brown and the French President, Nicolas Sarkozy before the start of the G20 summit in Pittsburgh."

"The new revelation sharply raises the stakes at a time when Israel has been signaling that military strikes against Iran are on the table."

There is much more information in this lengthy article. There are several bits of information that this situation reveals:

1. This should put to rest any possibility that Iran's intentions are peaceful; there is absolutely no reason to have hidden such enrichment facilities if the purposes were "peaceful". It seems silly at this point, to even have to make this case.

2. Iran may be much further along than predicted by anyone, including Israel intelligence (which is estimating ~ 6 months for a operational nuclear weapon). We have witnessed this before, notably Pakistan, when our intelligence was significantly inaccurate and Pakistan had nuclear weapons far sooner than projections estimated.

3. What else does Iran have hidden?

4. Is Iran baiting Israel into the much anticipated "attack" on their nuclear facilities?

This situation is moving towards a climax. We know that the ultimate fate of this crisis will be the epic battle of Gog-MaGog, but exactly how it gets to that point is unknown. Given that, its not a stretch to see how current events are moving in that direction, and moving rapidly. As mentioned many times before, once this powder-keg gets ignited, I believe remaining events occur in rapid succession. We shall see.

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