Senin, 28 September 2009

Signs of His return

Occasionally we run across a day's worth of headlines which seem lifted straight out of prophetic scriptures.

Today on Drudge, the top six headlines are quoted below (with links):

"Iran tests most advanced missiles"

"Iran test-fires long-tange missiles"

"Russian FM: Iranian missile tests cause concern"

"Venezuela exploring uranium deposits with Russia"

"India raises nuclear stakes"

"China to display upgraded missiles in Oct 1 parade"

All of these headlines in one day of news. Of course there are more, but these made the top six at Drudge. By scrolling newswires, you can also find interesting stories on the G20's quest for a single world currency and a global financial system. Or perhaps with just a tiny bit of digging you can find stories on Christian persecution in record numbers, stories on imminent warfare, famine (this weekend alone, there were several stories regarding severe famine in various parts of the world), the growth of the EU and "behind the scenes" maneuvering for the "President" position when the Lisbon treaty becomes final, stories on missiles being fired into Israel from Gaza, stories on the orbiting space-station (yes, Daniel 12), stories on the Verichip, and on and on it goes.

Just in one weekend, we see multiple headline news which are completely consistent with a literal view of prophecy - prophecy which would be fulfilled during the age of the return of Christ Jesus. Even the secular world (perhaps moreso than the Church) has taken notice, and in secular films and documentaries, we see a vast array of "end of the world" scenarios portrayed.

God told His people in advance, exactly how things would be at this time in history. The accuracy of these scriptures, as recorded by God's prophets, is stunningly accurate - just as it has always been.

Just as we inform our children about what they will be facing, when they approach something new and potentially scary (first day of school, a doctors visit, a trip to the hospital, a funeral, etc.) - in order to comfort them and give them assurances, God does the same with prophecy. I can't help but think about what a loving and merciful God we have. A God that loves us enough to give us the future in advance - so that we would know that although the world appears scary and tenuous - He is right there, in control of every detail.

He also informed us that we should have no fear as we approach these last days. He informed us that Jesus will return - to take His beloved bride, His Church - to a place in Heaven called New Jerusalem. Just as the ancient Jewish wedding ceremony dictated that the bridegroom would prepare a place for his bride, and once finished, he would return unexpectedly and "catch up" his bride to take her to the place he had prepared.

Jesus said He would do the same for His bride, the Church:

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me.
In my Father's house are many rooms;
If it were not so, I would have told you.
I am going there to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me
that you also may be where I am." (John 14:1-3)

"When these things begin to take place, stand up and lift your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." (Luke 21:28)

These things have most definitely started taking place. We're well into the last generation, but not quite yet into the Tribulation.
Therefore, one can only come to a single conclusion: We should be lifting our heads, because OUR REDEMPTION IS DRAWING NEAR.


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