Jumat, 19 Juni 2009

In the news: more rumors of war

It has been an interesting week to say the least.

For some reason North Korea is creating a lot of controversy and concern for the U.S. and the world. After weeks of threatening South Korea, they are now threatening the U.S. As seen here, the U.S. has been forced to position missile defense systems around Hawaii in response to N. Korea's threats to send a missile towards the state of Hawaii. According to reports, North Korea probably lacks the technology for a missile to actually reach Hawaii, but they could send a missile to approximately 500 miles short of Hawaii.

So why would they aim a missile towards Hawaii?

Then we hear that North Korea is threatening retaliation against the U.S. and our allies "if provoked" read here, either in reference to their threat to send this missile, or perhaps another new threat emerging from North Korea.

This new threat as seen here involves
a mysterious ship which left North Korea and is now in the Pacific Ocean, and is being tracked closely by the U.S. Appparently, this ship is felt to have "illicit weapons proliferation" materials, which are rumored to involve nuclear materials. More rhetoric has come from North Korea, threatening war if any other country attempts to divert or board this ship.

The question becomes, why is North Korea threatening the U.S. with these actions?

Coincidentally (?) we are all following the story in Iran, as there are mass uprisings, primarily from the nations youth, because of the recent elections.

Could these two stories be interrelated? We know that North Korea and Iran consider themselves as allies. Could North Korea be creating an intentional diversion for reasons yet to be revealed? Or, is North Korea testing the U.S. resolve, for a future conflict? Or testing the U.S., somehow, for Iran's purposes?

Its difficult to know what the end-game will be for North Korea and/or Iran. It is also difficult to know what, if any, prophetic implications will be from these tensions. But these events seem potentially significant, as the world closely watches these developments in the region.

As always, we'll be watching.

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