Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008

US Commanders Welcome Fallujah Revival

From New York Post:

FALLUJAH, Iraq (AP) -- Women shrouded in black shop for gold jewelry and fabric. Young boys tote trays of tea. The smell of tangerines wafts through the air. This is Fallujah 2008 - a former insurgent stronghold that U.S. commanders now hold up as an example for the rest of Iraq.

But a simmering provincial power struggle is threatening to raise new tensions among the fractured Sunni tribal chiefs and politicians of Anbar that some fear could distract them from the fight against al-Qaida in Iraq.

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My Comment: I still always remember how happy the citizens of Fallujah were when 4 American contractors were ambushed and murdered in that city four years ago. I knew then that after such a public show of defiance to Coalition forces, the result will only be a massive military response. Over time American resolve, determination, and having the will to confront and kill the enemy is what then changed this situation. I guess it is better to be feared, and when American military might is unleashed it can be over whelming.

I personally hope that after so many dead and so much destruction that peace will stay and be maintained in that city. All sides certainly deserve that break.

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