Rabu, 13 Februari 2008

Infamous Hezbollah Terrorist Imad Mughniyeh Assassinated By Car Bomb In Syria -- Roundup Of News

From Yahoo News:

BEIRUT, Lebanon - Imad Mughniyeh, the militant accused of attacks that left hundreds of Americans and Israelis dead, including a U.S. Navy diver during the infamous 1985 hijacking of a TWA jetliner, has been killed, Hezbollah said Wednesday.

The militant group blamed Israel for the assassination — a charge the Jewish state denied — but it did not say how he died. However, Middle East media reported he was killed in a recent car bomb in Syria.

His killing is a major blow to Hezbollah, which fought Israel in the summer 2006 war in Lebanon, and its Iranian and Syrian backers.

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News Updates From Other News Services:
News FromThe BBC: Bomb Kills Top Hezbollah Leader

News From Haaretz: Hezbollah Deputy Leader Was Behind String Of Terror Attacks

From Yahoo News: Attacks Blamed On Mughniyeh

From First Post: Death Of The ‘Original Bin Laden’

From Breitbart: Hezbollah Says Top Militant Is Killed

From Times Online: Imad Mughniyeh, Hezbollah Terror Leader, Killed In Car Bomb

From The Belmont Club: Mughniyeh Killed in Damascus

From CNN: Hezbollah Commander On FBI Terrorist List Killed

My Comment: You can run, but you cannot hide. Aside from the story that he is now dead, the next story should be what is Syria's involvement in giving sanctuary to such a person. Obviously there is and always has been a direct collaboration between the two.

With his death Syria's role in terror attacks against U.S. interests will probably now never be known. But what is known is that this is a clear signal to Hezbollah that their leadership are not immune to attacks and being safe in countries that support their efforts.

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