Senin, 30 Juni 2014

The Epicenter On The Brink

We see ISIS threatening Israel from the east. We see the Golan Heights threatened by Radical Islam as Syria loses control of the region. We already know that Iran is being allowed to develop nuclear weapons as 'the nations' continue useless debate on the topic. And more recently, the escalating crisis of rocket fire from Gaza will lead to another Israeli incursion into the area - one that will ignite even more anti-Israeli passions in the region. 

This powder-keg is about to blow:

At least fifteen rockets exploded around southern Israel following a number of Code Red rocket alert sirens that sounded throughout Monday morning, the IDF said.
A number of homes were lightly damaged from the shrapnel of one of the rockets, police said.

Around 40 rockets have been launched into Israel in the past 18 days since 3 Israeli teens, all yeshiva students, went missing in the West Bank.

A volley of rockets slammed into southern Israel Monday morning, hours after a tense night which saw tit-for-tat Israeli airstrikes and Gazan missile attacks.

In the Sdot Negev region, two people were treated for shock after a high-trajectory rocket hit near two homes, causing light damage, according to police.

“We heard a very loud explosion and afterward saw the broken window and damaged door,” an occupant of one of the homes told the Ynet news site.
An agricultural grove where the rocket landed also suffered damage, Israel Radio reported.
Media reports put the number of rockets fired at Israel over the morning at over a dozen, though exact figures varied.
The other rockets all landed in open areas, and caused no injuries or property damage.
Earlier Monday morning, three rockets from the Gaza Strip struck open areas in the same region, the military said.
Haim Yellin, the head of the Eshkol Regional Council, warned that the deterrent effect achieved by Israel’s last major engagement with Gaza, 2012′s Operation Pillar of Defense, had waned.
“Israel’s government has two arms, political and military, and it needs to use both wisely to return quiet to the region,” he said according to Ynet.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned on Monday that Israel would take action to stop rocket fire from Gaza if the quiet which followed Operation Pillar of Defense continues to be violated.
Netanyahu was speaking at a meeting of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, hours after some 15 rocketsfrom Gaza were fired at southern Israel, causing damage to a number of homes in the western Negev.
The prime minister warned Hamas that it is responsible for reining in the rocket fire. "I want to make clear that if the silence from Operation Pillar of Defense is violated and the shooting continues, their are two options: either Hamas will stop the rocket fire, or we will."

Muslims and Buddhists are working together to destroy the lives of 1500 Christians.

The Buddhist nation of Sri Lanka is driving out from its country 1500 Pakistani Christians back to Pakistan where they will be either imprisoned or executed.

Local news in Sri Lanka said that "These people were to be deported because of their alleged involvement in 'anti-state activities' in India and Pakistan".

By "Anti-state activities" they of course mean the Christians' affronting the state religion of Sri Lanka, Buddhism. Here is a video that previously posted showing a line of dead Christians murdered by Buddhists in Sri Lanka:

Pakistan is totally pleased with the measure and is cooperating with Sri Lanka because it wants the Christian refugees in its hands to shed their blood.
The Buddhists are using their Buddhist blasphemy law in order to help Islamic blasphemy law in Pakistan. As our Pakistani contact informed us:
2nd Week of June, 2014 Sri-Lanka Started Arresting the Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers, without arrest warrants from native country through Interpol.
Two months ago Pakistani intelligence agencies started off loading Christians from there confirm flights of Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and Thailand. More than 800 Pakistani Christians were unlawfully off loaded from Islamabad, Karachi and Lahore Airports.
It was the start of Crack down; Later on they used some so-called Christian politicians and Church leaders to collect the data of Pakistani Christian Asylum seekers from Sri-Lanka and Thailand.
Sri-Lankan authorities arrested 1,500 Asylum seekers according to the NEWS.

Pakistani Authorities are also working a similar action in Thailand and Malaysia, however our team leader in Thailand is working on this important issue.
Pakistan will charge these Christians with high treason cases. And there is NO guarantee of their lives. Please stand with us to Save Christianity in Middle East and East Asia .

West Africa's first-ever Ebola outbreak in humans is now the most deadly and geographically widespread outbreak on record and is threatening to spread, health officials say.

According to the latest figures from the World Health Organization (WHO), there have been more than 635 cases of Ebola across three countries in the region since the outbreak was first declared in southeastern Guinea in March. It has since spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. At least 399 people have died.

"It's very much a serious outbreak," said Daniel Epstein, spokesperson for the WHO. "I wouldn't say it's out of control, but the emergence of this outbreak definitely threatens regional public health security. We've ramped up our response, in so far as we can, but we have to continue to improve our work to contain this outbreak."

About 150 WHO experts are now on the ground, working alongside local health ministries and clinics as well as international partners to stop the transmission chain, prevent new cases and treat those currently affected.

WHO announced Friday that key players from 11 countries in the region will meet in Ghana starting Wednesday to discuss the outbreak, as well as how countries in the region can work together to step up response efforts.

One of America’s leading physicians is warning it’s time to stop looking at the flood of illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. border from Mexico as a political issue to be bantered about, but a serious medical issue that could erupt into an emergency room “catastrophe.”
Dr. Jane Orient, an internal medicine specialist and the executive director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, was interviewed on “Aaron Klein Investigative Radio” on New York’s 970 AM The Answer Sunday.
“This really should not be a political issue, but rather a public health and humanitarian issue,” Orient said. “We already have overburdened emergency rooms, we already have a serious shortage of intravenous solutions for rehydrating people, so, you know, when you’re importing, say, up to 100,000 people who are susceptible to something like [tuberculosis or norovirus], it affects not only those children but anyone they come in contact with.”

As WND has reported, several health experts have warned the tens of thousands of immigrants entering the nation without health screenings or vaccinations, potentially carrying diseases largely stamped out or unknown in the U.S., is becoming a medical crisis.

Klein talked with Orient about the dangers of tuberculosis, norovirus and the measles, specifically, then asked her if an outbreak or epidemic in the U.S. is inevitable.

“We could very easily have a big public health catastrophe,” Orient answered. “This could really put a huge burden on our public health facilities as well as just our emergency rooms for treating common diseases.”
“Tuberculosis is the single most dangerous disease because it is highly contagious and can be easily picked up at the mall, at a school, or on the bus,” Orient told Breitbart News in an earlier interview. “Cases coming from south of the U.S. border can be very resistant to medications. They don’t respond to traditional antibiotics, and the few drugs they may respond to are often toxic, with lots of side effects.
Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., told WND, “President Obama’s non-enforcement immigration doctrine seemingly invites illegal border crossings, which brings with it a wave of illnesses and diseases that have long been stamped out in America.”
Gingrey, a 30-year practicing physician, said the threat posed to American families is very real.
“There is a logistical nightmare these scarce diseases impose on the medical community,” he said. “The White House must stop neglecting the consequences of its reckless, open-border policies and protect the health and safety of our citizens – not to mention the security of our nation.”
“TB is highly contagious – you catch it anywhere around infected people: schools, malls, buses, etc. The drug-resistant TB now coming across our borders requires a complex, extremely expensive treatment regimen that has serious side effects and a low cure rate.”
Chagas, or “kissing bug” disease, caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi, is carried by the triatomine bug that transmits disease to humans, Vliet reported. Although “kissing bugs” are already here, they are not as widespread as in Latin America. Right now, Chagas disease is uncommon in the U.S., so many doctors do not think to check for it.
Furthermore, Texas public health officials have confirmed a new wave of dengue fever has cropped up in the southernmost tip of Texas, marking the first outbreak the state has seen since 2005, according to reports in the Scientific American. Texas public health officials announced that the same area that saw an outbreak almost a decade ago now has 18 confirmed cases of the disease. Seven are believed to have been locally acquired (rather than contracted when traveling to a dengue-endemic region), according to the Texas Department of State Health Services. The dengue outbreak in southern Texas’s Cameron County and neighboring Hidalgo County comes after there had been an uptick in cases directly across the Texas-Mexico border in Tamaulipas over the last couple of months.

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