Rabu, 04 Juni 2014

New World Order Marching Into The Tribulation

It seems that every day we have yet another article revealing this truth: The so-called 'New World Order' is almost here, and when it arrives, the Tribulation won't be far behind:

The false paradigm method and the Hegelian dialectic are in full force today. Only a few years ago, Russia, China and the United States were considered close economic and political allies. Today, those alliances are being quickly scrapped in order to make room for conflict, a conflict useful only to a select international elite. As I have outlined in numerous articles, including Russia Is Dominated By Global Banks, Too and False East/West Paradigm Hides The Rise Of Global Currency, when one looks beyond all the theatrical rhetoric being thrown around between Barack Obama and Vladimir Putin, the ultimate reality is that the relationship of both governments to the global banking elite is the same.
During both of Obama’s Presidential terms, he has flooded his cabinet with current and former employees of Goldman Sachs.
And who is the primary economic adviser to Vladimir Putin and the Russian state? WhyGoldman Sachs, of course!
U.S. and European elites have been calling for a centralization of economic power under the control of the International Monetary Fund, as a well as a new global currency.
Not surprisingly, Putin also wants a new global currency under the control of the IMF.
Obama is closely advised by globalists like Zbigniew Brzezinski, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and cofounder of the Trilateral Commission, who in his book Between Two Ages: America’s Role In The Technetronic Era states:

The nation-state is gradually yielding its sovereignty …[F]urther progress will require greater American sacrifices. More intensive efforts to shape a new world monetary structure will have to be undertaken, with some consequent risk to the present relatively favorable American position…
As long as he has been in power, Putin has been closely advised by Henry Kissinger, yet another member of the CFR and proponent of the Trilateral Commission, who has said:
In the end, the political and economic systems can be harmonized in only one of two ways: by creating an international political regulatory system with the same reach as that of the economic world; or by shrinking the economic units to a size manageable by existing political structures, which is likely to lead to a new mercantilism, perhaps of regional units. A new Bretton Woods kind of global agreement is by far the preferable outcome…

Both Kissinger and Brzezinski refer to this new harmonized economic and political structure as the “New World Order.” The fact that the political leaders of Russia and the United States are clearly being directed by such men should not be taken lightly.
China, too, has called for a restructuring of the global monetary system into a centralized currency basket under the dominance of the IMF.
China’s ties to the banking elite of London are well documented.

The call on both sides for a new monetary system and the end of the dollar as world reserve appears to be growing along with the consolidation of economic and military ties between Eastern nations. While disinformation agents and media shills have attempted to downplay any danger to the strength of America and the dollar, Eastern governments have been swiftly establishing alliances.

Russia has recently established what Putin calls the “Eurasian Economic Union,” a deal which includes Kazakhstan and Belarus, two countries that hold large, freshly discovered oil fields.
In response to the engineered conflict over Ukraine, as well as the “Asian-Pacific Pivot” by the U.S., China has openly called for a new security pact with Russia and Iran.

While the rise of the East is being painted in Western circles as a threat to U.S. and NATO dominance, the bigger picture is being hidden from view. Yes, indeed, the consolidation of the East is a considerable threat to the dollar and the U.S. economy — most importantly in the event that China refuses to accept dollars as payment on exports and debts. With the world’s largest exporter/importer refusing to take dollars as a reserve, most nations will inevitably follow their lead.

The New World Order players have positioned the East and West for just such a scenario. Why? In my article Who Is The New Secret Buyer Of U.S. Debt?, I give evidence suggesting that the Bank of International Settlements and the IMF are preparing the financial world for a new global monetary system, brought into existence by a second Bretton Woods conference. The debasement of the dollar and the rise of the East are extremely advantageous factors in this plan. There can be no global economic system without “harmonization” and the end of sovereign economic governance.

The propaganda is being carefully planted within the mainstream. Christine Lagarde of the IMF now spends the whole of her media interviews inserting the phrase “global economic reset” without explaining exactly what that would entail, while central banking elites like Volcker suggest a Bretton Woods II conference leading to a global monetary authority.

The best lies contain elements of truth. The truth here is that the East is forming alliances in opposition to the West, the West is involved in underhanded covert operations all over the planet, and both “sides” are in fact on the verge of a catastrophic battle for supremacy. The great lie is what has been left out of our little story. Both sides are merely puppet pieces in a grand game of global chess, and any conflict will ultimately benefit the small group of men standing over the board. They include the international financiers who have influenced the very policy fabric of each government toward a final crisis which they hope will finally give them the “New World Order” they have always dreamed of.

It’s often said that we are only nine meals from anarchy. The theory behind the saying is simple. Most people have no more than a three day supply of food in their homes,  and that equates to nine meals before they start to go hungry.
Some believe that many  governments would take advantage of this and use it against their own people in times of civil unrest. History shows us there is justification for holding this view.

With the war that is being waged against coal in the name of protecting the environment this is a rather stupid policy. The UK has already had warnings from energy providers that lack of investment is likely to lead to rolling blackouts within the next couple of years.

The decommissioning of coal fired power stations before there is adequate provision to replace the massive drops in the electricity produced will lead to domestic power insecurity that will see homes and businesses having their electricity rationed, and periods of each day will most likely be without a supply at all.
That Barack Obama has just put the United States in exactly the same position is unbelievable. One would have hoped that only the UK government was stupid enough to do this…but apparently not.

Not only will such behaviour have a massive impact on very fragile economies, but it will heavily change our ability to access food. Both governments have played down the effect that closing coal fired power stations will have on the citizens of their countries, they must really think that we are all totally stupid.

You only have to look at the reaction of people who are stocking up when there is news of a storm on the way to see how quickly a store will be stripped if they think the power is going off. Most people are bright enough to know that it’s not just the initial blackout that causes the problem, it’s the knock on effect that follows. Stores are used to stocking up on a list of given items, they would not cope with restocking a whole store in one go. Knowing this people buy more…in a couple of hours even a large store is picked clean, you have an empty store and panic spreading through those people that were too late to get what they needed.

Enemies of our nations can simulate the damage from a CME with an electromagnetic pulse weapon. Causing the same issues as a natural electromagnetic pulse from a CME but over a much more localised area, such as an individual country, or even part of a country.
The human race survived for millennia without electricity, and we can do so again, but the transition period will be long, hard and ugly. So many people really believe that life will never change, like the stores they believe that what is normal today will be normal tomorrow. One day that will not be the case.
There has never been a more appropriate time to start stocking up on long life foods that can see you through a crisis. Likewise, if you know nothing about growing vegetables this summer would be an excellent time to learn, best to make mistakes before an event than during it.

Influential financial publisher and former presidential candidate Steve Forbes is out with a new warning that the U.S. faces an economic catastrophe due to the Federal Reserve's loose dollar policy, and returning to a strict “gold standard” is the only way to avoid disaster.
In Money: How the Destruction of the Dollar Threatens the Global Economy -- and What We Can Do About It, Forbes blames President Obama's money team for the stagnant economy, high prices, declining mobility and big government.
"[The Fed's] vastly misguided monetary policies are now setting the stage for a new economic and social catastrophe — one that could rival the financial crisis and horrors of the 1930s,” he wrote in the book co-authored by Elizabeth Ames.
"The refusal of many in the policy establishment to entertain the idea of a return to a gold standard is based on astounding ignorance about just what a gold standard would mean and how it would work,” he wrote in the new book.

The book is extremely critical of the Fed, especially former Chairman Ben Bernanke and current Chairwoman Janet Yellen. "The Federal Reserve must stop trying to run the banking system and the economy."
Instead, the power of the Fed should be restrained, he said. "In an ideal world the head of the Federal Reserve would be no more important than the director of the Office of Weights and Measures inside the Department of Commerce."

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