Rabu, 24 Juli 2013

Daniel 2:41 - "...so this will be a divided kingdom..."

The accuracy of biblical prophecy is just stunning when you see the details and the specificity of these ancient scriptures. 

Daniel 2 and 7 give us a portrayal of the kingdoms that would rule over Israel. We know that there will only be four such kingdoms - beginning with the Babylonian Empire and ending with the Roman Empire which will be 'revived' at the time of the Tribulation and Second Coming. The Roman Empire which will be in existence at the time of the Tribulation ( and we are watching it already forming now,  as we watch the continual growth and expansion of the EU/Med Union) is given most of the text in these two chapters of Daniel. 

In Daniel 2:41-43 we get one of the many detailed views of this kingdom:

"Just as you saw that the feet and toes were partly of baked clay and partly of iron, so this will be a divided kingdom; yet it will have some of the strength of iron in it, even as you saw iron mixed with clay. As the toes were partly iron and partly clay, so this kingdom will be partly strong and partly brittle. And just as you saw the iron mixed with baked clay, so the people will be a mixture and will not remain united, any more than iron mixes with clay."

We've already recognized the deep divide within the EU regarding the Roman Catholic roots as contrasted with the ever growing Islamic influences and those clashes. 

Now we have even greater divides - a problem and growing concern among the EU elites:

A new survey has revealed large differences in economic confidence and perceptions about the EU between northern and southern member states.

While 80 percent of Swedes and 77 percent of Germans expressed confidence about the state of their country's economy, this contrasted with only 1 percent of Spaniards, and 2 percent of Cypriots and Greeks.
Respondents from the crisis countries were also far more likely to feel disconnected from EU decision making, according to the eurobarometer survey released Tuesday (23 June).

Two thirds responded negatively to the question "my voice counts in the European Union", including 89 percent of Cypriots and Greeks.
Greece has been at the centre of the eurozone debt crisis since 2010 and is now in its six consecutive year of recession.
A controversial €17 billion bailout package was agreed for Cyprus in April, €7 billion of which is to be raised from a levy on bank deposits.
Meanwhile 69 percent of Greeks and Cypriots, and 67 percent in Portugal said that they were pessimistic about the future of the bloc.

“This latest survey exposes the extent of the breakdown in trust between citizens and the EU – particularly in crisis-hit southern eurozone countries, which seem to be losing faith in the EU as a positive counter-balance to unpredictable national politics," said Vincenzo Scarpetta, a political analyst at think-tank Open Europe.

"If this is not urgently addressed, the legitimacy of the EU may struggle to recover,” he added.

It doesn't take long to see just how divided the EU actually is:

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