Minggu, 07 April 2013

Netanyahu: 'We Won't Leave Our Fate In The Hands Of Others'

Is he telegraphing the future? PM Netanyahu leaves us with some very interesting quotes and it is hard not to attempt to read between the lines. His comments, coupled with what U.S. President Obama said during his recent trip to Israel makes one wonder if an agreement has been struck, giving Israel the green light to deal with Iran's nuclear plans:

Israel will defend itself with its own forces and prevent a Holocaust from ever happening again, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said at a ceremony marking Holocaust Remembrance Day Sunday night, echoing a familiar refrain that the Jewish state won’t tolerate an Iranian nuclear weapon.
President Shimon Peres, also speaking at the ceremony, lamented the fact that anti-Semitism still persists, and that the Holocaust “is still with us.”
“Iran is warning openly about its intentions to destroy us and is working with all its might to carry it out,” Netanyahu said. “The hate against Jews hasn’t disappeared, but has morphed into a murderous hate against the Jewish state. 

We won’t leave our fate in the hands of others, even the best of our friends.”

“Here, and today, I promise — there will never be another Holocaust,” he added.
“The rebirth of the Jewish people is tied to the battle against those who wish to destroy us,” he continued. “Our ability and willingness to defend ourselves, that is what enabled the establishment of the Zionist enterprise and that is what ensures our continued existence and our future.”

Paraphrasing the Passover Haggadah, the prime minister said that “in every generation there are those who rise up against us to destroy us. In every generation, every one of us must think of himself as though he survived the Holocaust and established the state [of Israel]. In every generation, we must ensure that there will not be another Holocaust.”
“The history of the Holocaust is not just a lesson from the past, it is also a guide for the future,” Peres said. “That we will know how to defend ourselves against dangers… that we can rely on ourselves. That we must maintain our moral legacy, which withstood even impossible situations.

Three missile were fired from the Gaza Strip into Israel Sunday night, breaking several days of silence after a slight renewal in rocket fire last week.
Several explosions were heard in the Western Negev region and the remains of a rocket were found in the open area in the Shaar Hanegev region.

The missiles from the Gaza Strip were fired as Israel began observing the annual Holocaust Remembrance Day, but may have been aimed to coincide with a visit by US Secretary of State John Kerry, who arrived in Israel Sunday afternoon to push forward peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority.

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