Senin, 29 April 2013

Iran Has Crossed "Red Line" While U.S. Warns Israel Not To Attack

If true, this is an unbelievable scenario that is developing. The first two articles tell the story:

The former head of Israel's military intelligence said last week that Iran has already crossed the "red line" Israel previously set as the point beyond which it would be nearly impossible to stop the Islamic Republic from attaining nuclear weapons.
In remarks carried by Israel National News, Maj.-Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, who today heads the Institute for National Security Studies, explained that by this summer, Iran will "reach a distance of one or two months between a decision and a bomb."
What that means is that as soon as the Iranian leadership decides to build an atomic bomb, it will be able to do so in a mere month or two. Far too short a time for Israel or the international community to act.
"This is a breakthrough range that will make it very difficult to stop Iran, when it decides to have a bomb," said the general.

According to informed Middle Eastern security officials, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel delivered a strongly worded message to Israel – do not attack Iran.
The officials told WND that Hagel informed the Israeli government the Obama administration will not accept any unilateral Israeli attack against Iran and that Israel must not strike Tehran without coordination with the U.S.
Hagel further told Israel that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu cannot decide alone whether Iran has crossed the nuclear threshold, or the so-called Red Line previously outlined by the Israeli leader.
In a speech at the United Nations in September, Netanyahu drew a red line on a drawing of a bomb, depicting the point where he said Iran will have enough medium-enriched uranium to move rapidly toward building a nuclear bomb.

Last week, Israel’s former military intelligence chief, Amos Yadlin, said, “If Iran continues to enrich uranium at its current rate, toward the end of the year it will cross the red line in a clear manner.”
The information comes after a former International Atomic Energy Agency senior nuclear inspector warned that Iran has discovered a way to circumvent Israel’s red line and that the red line may have already been passed.

Iran has already passed Netanyahu’s red line of 250 kilograms of 20 percent enriched uranium, estimating Tehran possess as much as 280 kilograms, excluding any material that has already gone through the conversion process.

Also See:

Slowly and unsafely, Israeli residents of the south are returning to a grinding and familiar daily reality: Every once in a while, a rocket falls in or next to one of the towns and villages in the area; Israeli political and military leaders promise that there will be no return to the grim routine of intermittent rocket fire that prevailed before November’s Operation Pillar of Defense; the IDF strikes unmanned targets in Gaza; and the cycle continues. As of Sunday, a total of 18 rockets had fallen on Israeli territory in the five months since the end of Pillar of Defense.

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