Jumat, 08 Februari 2013

War Preparations In The Epicenter

There are several interesting headlines from around the world today, but the war preparations keep coming back to the news. 

Lebanon, Hezbollah 'Upping Preparedness For Attacks'

The Lebanese Army and the terrorist group Hezbollah are reportedly upping their preparedness in the southern part of Lebanon in response to flyovers by the Israeli Air Force this past week.
The pan-Arab London-based daily al-Quds al-Arabi reported Friday that Lebanese officials fear that an Israeli strike, similar to Israel’s alleged strike on Syrian targets last month, is imminent in light of multiple “mock raids.”
According to the report, there is also suspicion among Hezbollah’s ranks that Israel intends to kidnap one of the organization’s senior members. The paper cites sources in southern Lebanon who said the suspicion is based on increased Israeli threats, and the blaming of a July bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria — in which 5 Israelis were killed — on the Shiite terror group.

A ship seized by Yemeni authorities last month carried a wide variety of Iranian-made weapons, Yemen's Defense Ministry said Wednesday.
They included material for bombs and suicide belts, explosives, Katyusha rockets, surface-to-air missiles, rocket-propelled grenades and large amounts of ammunition.
In a statement, the ministry detailed contents of the Iranian ship seized in Yemen's territorial waters in mid-January. It described contents as "large, diverse and dangerous" weapons that also included night vision binoculars and goggles, remote devices, circuits, wires and rifle silencers.
Yemen state TV showed Interior Minister Abdel-Qader Kahtan and top military officials inspecting the ship, named Jihan 1, docked at Aden port in southern Yemen.
In Washington, U.S. State Department Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said, "This is obviously extremely troubling." She added, "We commend the Yemenis on their interdiction's success."

 Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad tried Thursday to entice Egypt into a new alliance that could reshape the turbulent Middle East, speaking of forging “comprehensive” and “unfettered” relations after decades of distrust.
A warming of ties between the two regional heavyweights could have uncomfortable repercussions for the US and its wealthy Gulf allies, giving Iran a foothold to spread its influence in Egypt. In turn, Egypt could gain an avenue to influence the fate of Syria, a key ally of Iran, as well as economic benefits.
The Iranian president arrived in Egypt on Tuesday to attend a two-day Islamic summit hosted by Egypt’s president, Islamist Mohammed Morsi.

Syrian government jets bombarded the Damascus ring road on Thursday in a bid to halt a rebel advance which threatens President Bashar Assad's hold on the capital, insurgent commanders and opposition activists said.

Warplanes fired rockets at southern parts of the route where rebels have spent the past 36 hours overrunning army positions and road blocks encircling the heart of the city, the site of key state security and intelligence installations.

Opposition sources said the fighting has spilled over into central Damascus, and the Al-Arabiya network reported of fierce battles in the area. At least 109 people, including 12 women and eight children, were killed throughout Syria on Thursday, many of them in the Damascus area.

Iranian-born American pastor Saeed Abedini is being tortured in an Iranian prison, and is being denied any contact with his family on the outside, according to reports.
American Center for Law and Justice Executive Director Jordan Sekulow said in an interview with WND that he and his organization are apprehensive about the pastor’s future.

“We are concerned about the fate of American Pastor Saeed Abedini, who is facing eight years in a brutal Iranian prison because of his Christian faith,” Sekulow said. “We know that his health is not good. We know that he continues to be beaten and tortured in prison. And, we know that he is being subjected to psychological abuse now as well.”
Further, ACLJ spokesman Gene Kapp said the pastor is being denied phone contact with the outside.
“Iranian officials refuse to permit Pastor Saeed to communicate with his family via phone and have been pushing propaganda to try and convince him that efforts to secure his freedom have ceased,” Kapp said.

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