Selasa, 19 Februari 2013

'Connecting The Dots': North Korea And Iran

Connecting The Dots: N. Korea's Nuke Was Bought And Paid For By Iran

All intelligence indicators received and processed by GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs show that the nuclear weapon tested by the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) on Feb. 12, was paid for, and intended for, the Islamic Republic of Iran.
It was, in essence, a test of an Iranian nuclear weapon, and involved scientific as well as financial involvement by the Iranian government.

Moreover, the weapon was not — as some media reporting has averred — a “step toward” a North Korean or Iranian nuclear weapons capability: it was in fact a demonstration of a common North Korean and Iranian operationally-ready nuclear weapon.

Just as North Korean officials indicated long before the first North Korean nuclear weapons demonstration on Oct. 9, 2006, that the North Koreans had effectively tested its weapons and proven their design in the May 1998 Chagai-I series of tests by Pakistan, so the North Korean tests — particularly the February 12, 2013, test, were to prove Iranian weapon design efficacy. However, given the commonality of the payload “nipple” on the Iranian and North Korean missiles, it seems likely that the nuclear weapon design tested would be the baseline system for both countries.

President Bashar Assad has evacuated most of the troops of his 5thArmy Division from their permanent bases on the Golan opposite Israeli forces and transferred the unit along with its artillery to Damascus

The Syrian ruler’s step had three purposes:
1. To reinforce his Damascus defenses;
2. To carve out a buffer zone along the Israeli border and leave it under rebel control.
3. To provide the jihadists fighting in rebel ranks with access to the Israeli border fence. 

Senior officers in the IDF’s northern command believe it is just a matter of time before these al Qaeda-associated fighters hurl themselves at the border fence to break through, or target Israeli military targets from across the Syrian border. 

Israeli submarines have allegedly been spotted cruising off the coast of Lebanon between Sidon and Nakura,according to a report in Lebanese media.
French tracking installations informed the United Nations that the subs had been detected, according to the report, published in the Al-Dayar daily newspaper.

Lebanon has filed complaints with the United Nations that Israel is in violation of the U.N. 2006 cease fire resolution 1701 each time IAF aircraft are detected in Lebanese air space.  However, resolution 1701 calls for disarmament of all groups other than the Lebanese government army, and particularly the disarmament of terrorist organizations such as Hizbullah.

U.N. Interim Forces in Lebanon (UNIFIL) which were to oversee that process, to be carried out by the Lebanese Army, declined to enforce the order, and the Lebanese government refused to carry it out.
Hizbullah, meanwhile, has never laid down its arms, and has restocked its arsenal of missiles to a capacity far beyond that which it had prior to the start of the 2006 Second Lebanon War. The terrorist group is generously funded, equipped and trained by the Iranian and Syrian governments.

Yair Lapid sent a message to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu on Monday, reassuring him that he could be trusted if he includes Yesh Atid in the coalition, sources close to Lapid said.
Lapid sent the message after hearing from The Jerusalem Post that Netanyahu had told Likud ministers on Sunday that the Yesh Atid leader only cared about himself politically rather than the good of the country. Netanyahu had been angered by a statement made by Lapid in which he hinted that he intended to run and win the premiership in the next election.
“We will not undermine you or topple you,” Lapid told Netanyahu. “We want the next government to serve out its term. We have goals to reach and accomplishments to achieve. Do not worry.”
A source connected to Likud Beytenu’s negotiating team downplayed the message from Lapid and said it could not be taken seriously if it was delivered via the press. He said he did not know whether the prime minister had also received it directly.

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