Senin, 13 Agustus 2012

"Jesus To America: 'Why Do You Persecute Me?'"

That isn't my title but the title given to an article by Michael Carl, writing for WND and I believe this is an important article, worthy of a separate posting. Genesis 12:3 is an unconditional warning issued throughout all time, and there are no exclusions (such as America).

Not only are the U.S. administration's actions in the Middle East harming Israel but the same actions are precipitating Christian persecution in the region. This is a relatively long article but well worth the read:

Analysts and human-rights groups claim U. S. foreign policy is responsible for the destruction of the Middle East’s Christian communities.

The reasoning says the U. S. government’s assistance of the radical elements in the “Arab Spring” has wreaked havoc with the region’s Christians.

The Vatican’s official news service Fides says events in Syria are proof U. S. policy and its support of jihadists is contributing to the death of the country’s Christians.

The human-rights group, Open Doors, USA analyst and spokesman Jerry Dykstra says Syrian Christians are experiencing very harsh conditions.

“In Syria, the future of 1.5 million Christians is bleak if President Bashar al-Assad is forced out of office by the rebel force. Under Assad Christians enjoyed a measure of freedom to worship,” Dkystra said.

“Already many Christians have been targeted by the Free Syrian Army, which reportedly includes al-Qaeda-style jihadists and Muslim Brotherhood members. Christians likely would face even more reprisal should Assad fall. Some Christians have already fled to Lebanon or Iraq, and there would be a mass exodus if the rebels take control,” Dykstra said.

Dykstra specifically pointed to Egypt, where a Muslim Brotherhood member won the presidency.

“Let’s take Egypt as an example,” Dykstra said. “Since the fall of Hosni Mubarak, there has been a complete collapse of law and order. Christians have been marginalized more than ever before. Many are leaving the country, especially after the election of President Mohammed Morsi of the Muslim Brotherhood earlier this summer.”

A day before Morsi announced the new cabinet, Muslims attacked a church and Christian homes in a village outside Cairo,” Dykstra said.

International Christian Concern’s Middle East analyst Aidan Clay agrees, saying Morsi’s cabinet maneuvers are a reflection of how Morsi will govern.

“The situation for Christians continues to decline,” Clay said. “Last Thursday, for example, Egypt’s president, Mohammad Morsi, announced a cabinet that only included one Christian representative in a minor government role.

“Under a Shariah state, attacks on Christians, like what was seen in Dahshur last week, will continue to increase, and those who incite violence against Christians will not be prosecuted. Christians will continue to be vulnerable and defenseless, having no assurance of protection,” Clay said.

The situation is similar for other country’s in North Africa and the Middle East.

WND also reported that the U. S. supported the Libyan rebels, which led to a Muslim Brotherhood-friendly government in that North African Arab nation.

Dykstra gives Tunisia as an example of another Arab government that is feeling the pressure from the Arab Spring, as promoted by U. S. policy.

“The Obama administration has embraced certain policies which guarantee the Christians will become ‘collateral’ damage throughout the region,” Rubin said. “Obama prefers to ‘lead from behind,’ but he forgets that those countries through which he prefers to work – Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Turkey – often support the most radical elements among the Islamist oppositions and themselves promote hatred of Christianity.

The bottom line?

The U.S. Administration is actively supporting regime changes in these countries which are now engaging in extreme persecution against Christians and Jews.


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