Selasa, 19 Mei 2009

Obama meets Netanyahu

The first meeting finally took place yesterday, concluding with the usual "political speech" and rhetoric. We are left to attempt to read between the lines and ponder what was stated behind closed doors. There will be additional meetings this week, which could reveal more information - we'll be watching closely. We are also led by biblical prophecy, which tells us that all nations will turn against Israel in the last days.

The best and most complete review of the meeting is found on Joel Rosenberg's website (see here). To me, the most revealing quote, as given by Mr. Rosenberg is quoted below:

"Yes, it appears a diplomatic train wreck is coming between the U.S. and Israel in the not-too-distant future given that Netanyahu understand Iran's leaders are part of an apocalyptic, genocidal death cult and believe it is their God-given mission to annihilate Judeo-Christian civilization as we know it, and the American President and his team clearly do not."

President Obama, consistent with his earlier rhetoric believes diplomacy will work in this situation and stated that he wants to see a "positive response from Iran by the end of the year."

The problem is, waiting until the end of the year may give Iran enough time to develop their enriched uranium into a nuclear warhead. The clock is ticking, and Israel's future is dependent upon stopping Iran's nuclear development. Obama seems to be in no hurry.

Perhaps more interesting is a quote from this meeting, as reported in the Jerusalem Post (read here), which referred to President Obama planning "to formulate a new Middle-East peace initiative which would be presented soon.".....A new peace plan? I'm surprised this isn't receiving more media attention. A new peace plan? This hasn't been mentioned before. We'll be watching for this "new" plan VERY closely as it develops.

One quote which would actually be funny, if it weren't so sad and true. Mr. Netanyahu stated the obvious:

"The prime minister said he is ready to resume peace talks immediately, but that progress is contingent on the Palestinians acceptance of Israel's right to exist as a Jewish state." In other words, Israel is being forced to negotiate with groups/nations/states who REFUSE TO ACCEPT ISRAEL's RIGHT TO EXIST.

At the risk of stating the obvious:

How can you negotiate peace with groups who are committed to your complete destruction?
How can you negotiate peace with groups who refuse to admit that you even have a right to exist?

The basic premise of demanding that Israel seriously "negotiate" under such a scenario is so ridiculous, its hard to believe, yet we all pretend that "real peace" can be brokered under such a bizarre setting.

More importantly - what is really going on between Obama and Netanyahu, behind closed doors.

Thus far the picture that is emerging (and this could rapidly change depending upon circumstances):

- President Obama still believes that you can negotiate with Iran, apparently not understanding or simply not caring about their religious, apocalyptic view of destroying Israel in order for their (Islamic) Mahdi to return.

- Prime Minister Netanyahu did not even utter the words "two-state solution", and has probably realized that he will not receive help from the U.S. in terms of seriously dealing with Iran. Apparently Obama was unable to convince Netanyahu to buy-in to the U.S. view. That is comforting for anyone who is concerned for Israel's future.

- Prime Minister Netanyahu may be seeing these meetings as one last chance to obtain U.S. "buy-in" for launching a strike against Iran's nuclear facilities. Israel CAN do this on their own, without U.S. approval, but it will be more difficult. I believe Israel is prepared to complete this mission even if the U.S. strongly disapproves. Their survival as a nation may depend on it.

- It is clear that the U.S. feels no urgency in dealing with Iran, despite their race to complete the final stages of nuclear development.

- President Obama has a "new plan" being developed? THAT could prove to be very interesting, yet interestingly, isn't receiving much attention.

There should be more information leaking out this week, as further meetings take place, between Israel and the U.S.

For a prophecy watcher - this is fascinating because we are seeing a push for a comprehensive, Middle-East peace plan, like we haven't seen before. Things are moving rapidly, and any new development is potentially significant.

We're watching this situation closely for any significant developments. Meanwhile, be listening for the Trumpet to call us home - it may not be long now.

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