Kamis, 26 Februari 2009

"The Iran-Israel nuclear endgame is now much closer"

This is the title of a new article as seen in the Jerusalem Post (here) today. We've been watching this situation closely, as the new administration in Israel has promised to take military action against Iran if diplomatic efforts fail. We already know that all such efforts undertaken thus far have failed, so its a foregone conclusion that Israel will take military action against Iran. Quotes from this article include:

- "Teheran plans three more satellites this year, creating an easily weaponized space net that worries American military..."

- "American policymakers are now convinced that Iran, despite all protests and charades is in a mad dash to create a deliverable nuclear weapon."

- "Binyamin Netanyahu has just become prime minister of Israel. He is determined to take action before -not after- Iran achieves its nuclear potential."

- "This creates a volatile, hair-trigger situation that could explode at any moment."

- "The consequences for this confrontation are apocalyptic because Iran's full partner in this enterprise is Russia."

- "Iran, of course, has repeatedly threatened to counter any such attack by closing the Strait of Hormuz, as well as launching missiles against the Ras Tanura Gulf oil terminal...and indispensable Saudi oil facility"

This last quote is particularly concerning, as such actions by Iran would effectively shut down 40% of all seaborne oil and 18% of global oil, including 20% of American daily consumption.

So, not only would a regional war become ignited, but the U.S. gas and oil prices would skyrocket to unimaginable levels. Many of us also believe the epic battle (as led by Russia-Iran) of Gog-MaGog, described in Ezekiel 38-39 could be triggered by this scenario of Israel "attacking" Iran.

Stay tuned to this one. This situation is approaching rapidly, and it seems obvious that Israel will be forced to "attack" within a few months if not weeks. When they do, a cascade of subsequent events appears inevitable - events which are shaping up exactly as described by the prophet Ezekiel over 2,500 years ago.

Of all the prophecy news circulating right now (and there are many), this may be the most significant. When the invasion of "Gog-MaGog" occurs, God will reveal Himself in a big way, making His divine intervention obvious to all.

The question isn't IF these events will happen - the question is WHEN these events will happen, because, according to God Himself:

"It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of." (Ezekiel 39:8)

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