Rabu, 25 Februari 2009

America and Genesis 12

As mentioned on many occasions, I attempt to remain apolitical during these last days. Watching politics for many prophecy watchers becomes a "tunnel-vision" scenario, as the only concern being how our administration may play a prophetic role; in other words, how may a U.S. administration shape the prophetic future. To further narrow this discipline of viewing politics - through the lens of prophecy - one main concern is how our administration handles policy towards Israel. Based on this, I would have to give the Bush administration a D-, as an emphasis of the Bush administration was to force Israel to give away land for peace. Many believe that such efforts completely disregard the mandate given in Genesis 12, which is intended to serve as a directive on determining policy towards Israel.

As God was giving the land known of Israel to Abraham, He informed both Abraham and the entire world of His view:

"I will make you into a great nation. amd I will BLESS YOU...I will BLESS THOSE WHO BLESS YOU, and whoever CURSES YOU, I WILL CURSE" (Genesis 12:2-3).

A clear, unambiguous command. God wasn't kidding around. In fact, a detailed analysis has been done by author John P. McTernan in several books ("Israel, The Blessing or the Curse", "God's Final Warning to America", and more recently, "As America has done to Israel") correlating various national disasters with policy against Israel.

With the current administration now in power, we have been closely watching to see how Israel would be viewed and what exactly our new policy would be towards Israel. The early trends are quite ominous. Once again, my good friend, prophecy watcher and brother-in-Christ, Michael Mickey, has written a timely review of this situation (here) and below:

Obama Administration Betraying Israel

by Michael G. Mickey

If you thought things were bad and getting worse here in the United States of America before President Obama took office, I have some more discouraging news for you. The future isn't looking any better and this time? The discouraging news doesn't have a thing to do with poor lending practices by banks, bailouts needed or anything of that nature. Today's commentary is about a stern promise God made to Abraham long ago concerning the nation of Israel and our new president's willingness, based on reports, to overlook it.

Genesis 12:3: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.
It doesn't get much plainer than that, does it? If you want your nation to be blessed, bless the nation that God has asked you to. If you prefer to be cursed by God, roll with Satan and those who bow to his desire to see Israel wiped from the face of the earth and take your lumps! That's it, simply put.

So, how is the Obama administration performing in relation to blessing Israel? It depends on who you ask - and who you believe. While the Obama administration is paying lip service to being concerned with the welfare of Israel, from the outset of President Obama's term in office he has been cuddling up to Israel's enemies. His first telephone call to a foreign head of state, for example? Mahmoud Abbas, president of the Palestinians. His first television interview? On an Arabic television station, but there's more to consider.

Israel National News is reporting that Chas Freeman, "former U.S. ambassador to Saudi Arabia, considered a sharp critic of Israel, is to be named to a top intelligence post in the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama." The headline of that story? New U.S. Intel Chief: Support of Israel Not a U.S. Interest

Support of Israel not a U.S. interest? Clearly, assuming INN's story is accurate, the Obama administration doesn't understand God's promise of blessing and curse found in Genesis 12:3!

The INN report contains two excerpts of speeches made by Freeman, both of which make it clear to me that he has bought into the precise logic that I have stated in the past is going to lead the world into isolating Israel as foretold in Bible prophecy. The logic of which I speak is this in a nutshell:

Radical Islamic terrorists hate Israel. They pose a threat to the United States primarily because we support Israel in its stubborn refusal to cease to exist as a nation. Therefore, theoretically, if the United States would care less about Israel, terrorists would be less interested in targeting and attacking us.
Below are the aforementioned excerpts of Freeman's speeches (emphasis added mine).

"American identification with Israeli policy has also become total. Those in the region and beyond it who detest Israeli behavior, which is to say almost everyone, now naturally extend their loathing to Americans. This has had the effect of universalizing anti-Americanism, legitimizing radical Islamism, and gaining Iran a foothold among Sunni as well as Shiite Arabs. For its part, Israel no longer even pretends to seek peace with the Palestinians; it strives instead to pacify them. Palestinian retaliation against this policy is as likely to be directed against Israel’s American backers as against Israel itself. Under the circumstances, such retaliation – whatever form it takes – will have the support or at least the sympathy of most people in the region and many outside it. This makes the long-term escalation of terrorism against the United States a certainty, not a matter of conjecture."

"We destroyed the Iraqi state and catalyzed anarchy, sectarian violence, terrorism, and civil war in that country... Meanwhile, we embraced Israel’s enemies as our own; they responded by equating Americans with Israelis as their enemies. We abandoned the role of Middle East peacemaker to back Israel’s efforts to pacify its captive and increasingly ghettoized Arab populations. We wring our hands while sitting on them as the Jewish state continues to seize ever more Arab land for its colonists. This has convinced most Palestinians that Israel cannot be appeased and is persuading increasing numbers of them that a two-state solution is infeasible. It threatens Israelis with an unwelcome choice between a democratic society and a Jewish identity for their state. Now the United States has brought the Palestinian experience – of humiliation, dislocation, and death – to millions more in Afghanistan and Iraq. Israel and the United States each have our reasons for what we are doing, but no amount of public diplomacy can persuade the victims of our policies that their suffering is justified, or spin away their anger, or assuage their desire for reprisal and revenge.”
Israel is a real problem for the United States, isn't it? It's a burdensome stone of sorts in Mr. Freeman's opinion. Interesting to me is Mr. Freeman's statement above that we "embraced Israel's enemies as our own" as though the war on terror was initiated by us as an act of allegiance to Israel! I wonder where he was on September 11th, 2001. Regardless, great to know that Mr. Freeman is going to be having a voice in the Obama administration where our relationship with Israel is concerned, huh?

And then there is the following from Forbes.com, the headline of which alone is enough to make me sweat bullets for our nation - The Obama Administration Sacrifices Israel. Again the emphasis added below is mine.

The Obama administration's decision to join the planning of the U.N.'s Durban II "anti-racism" conference has just taken a new twist: cover-up. On Friday, State Department officials and a member of the American Durban II delegation claimed the United States had worked actively to oppose efforts to brand Israel as racist in the committee drafting a Durban II declaration. The trouble is that they didn't.

The Feb. 20 State Department press release says the U.S. delegation in Geneva "outline[d] our concerns with the current outcome document" and in particular "our strong reservations about the direction of the conference, as the draft document singles out Israel for criticism." One member of the delegation told The Washington Post: "The administration is pushing back against efforts to brand Israel as racist in this conference." In fact, tucked away in a Geneva hall with few observers, the U.S. had done just the opposite. The U.S. delegates had made no objection to a new proposal to nail Israel in an anti-racism manifesto that makes no other country-specific claims.
Imagine that! A liberal State Department telling Americans what the vast majority of us wants to hear concerning our relationship with Israel yet doing the opposite behind closed doors and covering it up, endangering us all in the process. Who would've guessed it, especially coming from the messiah of liberalism's cronies?


Zechariah 12:3: And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it.

It appears, from the outside looking in, that the Obama administration's State Department has started the betrayal of Israel foretold in Bible prophecy. As we see in God's Word, both in Zechariah 12:3 and Genesis 12:3, the Lord isn't going to take kindly to it!

Mr. Obama campaigned on a platform of Hope and Change. If the stories above are any indication of his plans for our nation's foreign policy and future direction, there is no Hope whatsoever that America's current problems are going to be solved during this president's time in office. Rather, rough waters lie ahead. Nonetheless, keep your eyes on the skies, Christians! Jesus Christ is Lord and He is coming soon

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