Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

State Of Emergency Expected In Pakistan

Pakistan’s embattled president, Gen Pervez Musharraf, may declare a state of emergency today following a meeting with his senior security chiefs and political leaders.

Speculation that an emergency was imminent was fuelled when Tariq Azim, an information minister, said the government may impose one because of "external and internal threats".

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More news from:
Musharraf Decides Against Emergency -- Yahoo News
Musharraf Steps Back From Political Brink -- Times Online
US Aid Ban Threatens Alliance, Says Pakistan President Musharraf – Telegraph
Musharraf Rejects Emergency Rule -- BBC News
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice 'Sways Musharraf On Emergency' -- CNN News
Rice Acts Over Pakistan ‘Emergency’ -- Financial Times
In Pakistan, A Groundswell Of Opposition To Musharraf's Military -- International Herald Tribune

Update: 16 Pakistani Troops Missing; Feared Abducted

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