Rabu, 29 Agustus 2007

Hukum dan Pendidikan di India


“Setiap anak mempunyai hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan gratis hingga berumur 14 tahun dan selanjutnya menjadi subyek pembatasan dari kapasitas ekonomi dan pembangunan dari negara bagian”
- Uni Krishnan, J.P. dan Ors. Vs. State of Andhara Pradesh and Ors. -

A. Perkembangan Pendidikan di India

India telah menjadi pijakan utama dalam nilai-nilai pembelajaran dari masa ke masa. Namun demikian, ketika negara India memiliki beberapa universitas terbaik di dunia, seperti BITS, ISB, IITs, NITs, IISc, IIMs, AIIMS, mereka masih harus mengatasi tantangan dalam pemenuhan pendidikan dasar guna mencapai angka 100% melek huruf. Pendidikan dasar dan wajib yang bersifat universal, disertai dengan tantangan untuk menjaga anak-anak dari keluarga kurang mampu untuk bersekolah, serta menjaga kualitas pendidikan di daerah pedalaman, menjadi kendala terberat untuk menuntaskan target tersebut.

Hingga kini hanya negara bagian Kerala yang telah melakukan pencapaian target tersebut. Seluruh tingkat pendidikan, mulai dari tingkatan pendidikan dasar hingga pendidikan tinggi, menjadi perhatian khusus dari Department of Higher Education dan Departement of School Education and Literacy. Pada tingkatan tersebut diberikan subsidi sangat besar oleh Pemerintah India, meskipun terdapat wacana menjadikan pendidikan tinggi untuk mencari pembiayaan sendiri secara terpisah.

Menurut catatan pemerintah Inggris, pendidikan adat yang tumbuh di tengah-tengah masyarakat India telah hilang pada abad ke-18 dengan suatu pola di mana terdapat satu sekolah untuk setiap kuil, masjid atau desa yang berada hampir di seluruh wilayah negara India. Bidang pendidikan yang diajarkan pada saat itu meliputi teknik membaca, menulis, aritmatika, teologi, hukum, astronomi, metafisika, etika, ilmu kedokteran, dan agama. Sekolah-sekolah tersebut umunya diikuti oleh perwakilan pelajar dari seluruh lapisan masyarakat.

Sistem pendidikan India saat ini menggunakan pola dan substansi yang diadopsi dari negara barat, di mana pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh negara Inggris pada abad ke-19 yang merupakan rekomendasi dari Macaulay. Struktur tradisional tidaklah dikenal oleh pemerintahan Inggris dan struktur demikian telah dihapuskan pada saat itu juga. Mahatma Gandhi menjelaskan bahwa sistem pendidikan tradisional merupakan suatu pohon ilmu yang sangat indah, namun telah dihancurkan selama berkuasanya Inggris di negara tersebut. Sejarah mencatat bahwa universitas kedokteran pertama di negara bagian Kerala dimulai di Calicut pada tahun 1942-1943 pada masa perang dunia kedua. Dikarenakan kurangnya dokter untuk dapat diabdikan pada tugas militer, Pemerintah Inggris memutuskan untuk membuka cabang Universitas Kedokteran Madras di Malabar yang kemudian berada di bawah Kepresidenan Madras. Setelah berakhirnya perang, universitas kedokteran di Calicut ditutup dan para pelajar tersebut melanjutkan studinya di Universitas Kedokteran Madras.

Dalam kurun waktu 1979-80, Pemerintah India melalui Departemen Pendidikan meluncurkan suatu program bernama Non-Formal Education (NFE) untuk anak-anak berumur kelompok 6 hingga 14 tahun yang tidak dapat bergabung dalam sekolah reguler. Anak-anak ini termasuk mereka yang putus sekolah, anak yang sedang bekerja, anak-anak dari area yang tidak terdapat akses untuk sekolah, dan sebagainya. Fokus utama dari pola ini ditujukan untuk sepuluh negara bagian yang memilik pendidikan terbelakang.. Selanjutnya, program ini diteruskan untuk daerah pedalaman termasuk daerah perbukitan, pedesaan, dan gurun di negara-negara bagian lainnya. Hingga kini program tersebut masih berlangsung di 25 negara bagian. 100% perbantuan diberikan kepada organisasi sosial secara sukarela untuk menjalankan pusat NFE tersebut.

B. Konstitusi India

“Hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan meliputi pendidikan dasar maupun menengah.”

- State of Maharastra Vs. Sant Dhayaneswar Shiksha (2006) 9 SCC 1 -

Menurut Mahkamah Agung India, hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan mengalir dari Pasal 21 Konstitusi India yang memuat tentang perlindungan untuk hidup dan kebebasan pribadi. Isi dan parameternya harus dideterminasikan dan tidak terlepas dari Pasal 41 yang menjamin hak untuk bekerja, bersekolah, dan pertolongan umum di berbagai kondisi. Pada Pasal 45 juga ditegaskan pendidikan gratis dan wajib untuk setiap anak hingga umur 14 tahun. Pengadilan Tinggi telah menyatakan bahwa Pasal-Pasal dari Konstitusi India tersebut dapat dilaksanakan oleh Negara Bagian baik melalui pendirian lembaga pendidikan, mendanai, memperkenalkan dan/atau mencarikan afiliasi untuk menyediakan lembaga pendidikan lainnya.

Perkara Uni Krishnan dan Perkara Mohini Jain merupakan dua perkara yang seringkali menjadi rujukan dalam hal ini. Perkara Uni Krishanan berbeda dengan Perkara Mohoni Jain, di mana dalam perkara tersebut hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan merupakan subyek yang dibatasi oleh kapasitas ekonomi dan pembangunan negara bagian. Setelah bertahun-tahun diputusnya perkara penting ini, situasi menjadi tidak sederhana untuk dipecahkan. Akibatnya, pemerintah mengeluarkan UU Amandemen Konstitusi (amandemen ke-68) pada tahun 2002 dengan menambahkan Pasal 21A. Pasal tersebut secara lengkap dapat dibaca sebagai berikut, “The State shall provide free and compulsory education to all children of the age of 6 to 14 years in such manner as the state mau, by law, determine”.

Ketentuan atas hak untuk memperoleh pendidikan menjadi terkedala untuk mememuhi ekspektasi semula ketika realitas di lapangan menunjukkan hal lain, khususnya realita terhadap masalah kemiskinan. Situasi di India dan seluruh perekonomiannya yang masih dan sedang berkembang yaitu memerangi kemiskinan, di mana terus menjadi akar sejarah perkembangan India. Kemiskinan melahirkan kemiskinan. Mata rantai dari kemiskinan meniadakan ratusan ribu anak-anak untuk memperoleh pendidikan. Progres suatu negara bergantung juga pada pembangunan dari populasinya. Pendidikan merupakan senjata utama untuk mencapai hal yang sama. Bagamanapun juga, penyebaran buta huruf di India akan terus berlanjut jika pemerintah tidak mengalirkan dana yang cukup untuk menjalankan lembaga-lembaga pendidikan miliknya. Setelah lima dekade dari kemerdekaannya, lebih dari 50% dari anak-anak mengalami putus sekolah. Jenis kelamin menjadi salah satu dari pembedaan yang signifikan dari buta huruf, di mana terkarakteristik oleh nilai dan sistem patriarki yang sangat kuat. Tingkat melek huruf mendekati angka 64% untuk laki-laki dan 39% untuk perempuan. Pendidikan adalah suatu nilai dari masyarakat yang berbudaya dan rendahanya mutu pendidikan menjadi salah satu alasan utama dari kejahatan yang sulit untuk ditoleransi.

Oleh karenanya, analisa terhadap Konstitusi India menguatkan adanya eksistensi pasal-pasal mengenai pemberian hak kepada setiap individu untuk mendidik dirinya sendiri. Pasal 45 menggambarkan ketentuan atas pendidikan gratis dan wajib bagi anak-anak. Negara harus berupaya keras untuk menyediakan, pendidikan gratis dan wajib untuk anak-anak hingga mereka berumur 14 tahun dalam jangka waktu sepuluh tahun dari permulaan Konstitusi tersebut. Konsistensi terhadap posisi pasal tersebut lebih menekankan kewajiban Negara daripada daripada orang tua. Undang-undang Wajib Pendidikan yang telah disahkan di 14 Negara Bagian dan 4 Wilayah Kesatuan menyisahkan persoalan impelemtasi akibat tekanan sosial-ekonomi yang menyebabkan anak-anak jauh dari sekolah.

C. Kebijakan Pendidikan India

Kebijakan Nasional Pendidikan 1986 merupakan satu dari beberapa langkah maju yang dilakukan melalui penyediaan pendidikan dasar dan rekomendasi atas pendidikan gratis dan wajib dalam rangka pemenuhan kualitas bagi seluruh anak hingga berumur 14 tahun sebelum abad ke-21. Tujuan dari universalisasi pendidikan dasar bersumber pada tiga aspek: Petama, akses dan pendaftaran secara universal; Kedua, daya ingat yang universal dari anak hingga umur empat belas tahun; dan Ketiga, membawa peningkatan substansial kualitas pendidikan yang memungkinkan seluruh anak untuk mencapai tingkatan yang esensial dalam belajar. Kebijakan pemerintah yaitu untuk memotivasi anak agar menghadiri kelas secara reguler dan untuk meningkatkan fasilitas dalam sistem persekolahan, menyediakan pelatihan untuk guru, dan meningkatkan kemahiran belajar dari anak; serta melaksankan pendidikan wajib dengan langkah-langkah yang mempunyai sanksi.

Upaya lainnya terhadap pemenuhan pendidikan gratis yaitu melalui Pemerintah Negara Bagian, yang telah secara aktif menghapuskan biaya sekolah pada Sekolah Negeri hingga sekolah dasar tingkat atas. Usaha-usaha juga telah dilaksanakan oleh badan-badan lokal dan institusi donor swasta untuk menjadikan pendidikan benar-benar gratis dalam segala hal.

Dalam perkara Coomon cause v. Union of India (Perkara No. 697 Tahun 1993), Pemohon menuntut kepada Pengadilan untuk meminta Pemerintah menyediakan segala fasilitas demi pencapaian target universal, pendidikan gratis dan wajib untuk anak hingga berumur empat belas tahun, paling lambat di akhir tahun 1999. Setelah mendengarkan keterangan para pihak, Hakim yang bersangkutan menolak untuk mengabulkan permohonan Pemohon dan menyarakan kepadanya untuk menarik kembali permohonan tersebut.

Peluang untuk mengesahkan suatu undang-undang mengenai pendidikan gratis dan wajib serta implikasi dalam penerapannya telah dibahas dan menjadi diskursus yang sangat menarik selama sekian tahun. Setelah dilakukan analisa mendalam oleh berbagai ahli, wajib pendidikan dasar juga disadari akan membawa dampak positif terhadap penghapusan buruh anak.

Perkembangan setiap negara maju, dan kini diikuti oleh negara berkembang, mereka telah mendeklarasikan bahwa seluruh anak yang berumur enam hingga duabelas atau empatbelas tahun harus mengenyam pendidikan sekolah dasar. Terlepas dari seberapa besar kebutuhannya, tidak ada satu orang tua pun yang diizinkan untuk memutus pendidikan anak dari sekolah. Bahkan, sekolah yang dihadirinya akan dipantau oleh badan otoritas lokal dan pemerintahnya akan diwajibkan untuk menyediakan sekolah dasar dalam jarak yang wajar untuk seluruh anak dalam usia sekolah. Oleh karenanya, undang-undang yang dibuat memuat kewajiban secara spesifik bagi anak, orang tua, badan-badan lokal, dan pemerintah. Pegawai lokal, para pengajar, dewan pengurus sekolah dapat mengunjungi rumah orang tua sang murid yang telah memindahkan anaknya dari sekolah guna memberitahukan bahwa menghadiri kelas adalah wajib. Dalam waktu beberapa tahun implementasi norma tersebut telah menyadarkan seluruh negeri India bahwa seluruh anak harus datang ke sekolah. Suatu norma seperti ini dapat lebih dilaksanakan oleh berbagai tekanan masyarakat dibandingkan tekanan oleh badan yang berwenang. Salah satu pandangan yang menguatkan ketentuan tersebut bahwa kebijakan ini merupakan ekspresi dari “political will” dan hal tersebut mengirimkan pesan kuat kepada masyarakat internasional bahwa India sangat serius dalam menghapuskan buruh anak.

Terdapat juga satu pemikiran lain yang meyakini bahwa ketentuan hukum dengan menyediakan pendidikan wajib mungkin bukan suatu solusi yang efektif untuk situasi dan keadaan di negara India. Pengalaman dari negara Afrika menunjukan bahwa legislasi seperti wajib sekolah seharusnya tidak diperkenalkan, hal mana terdapat tempat-tempat di mana anak ingin terdaftar di dalamnya tetapi mereka tidak dapat diterima karena minimnya infrastruktur dan ketersediaan ruangan. Negara-negara bagian di India yang hampir mendekati target universalisasi pendidikan dasar seperti di Kerala dan Tamil Nadu, legislasi akan dapat membantu mereka yang keluar dari sekolah. Pemikiran seperti ini memberikan argumen bahwa sangatlah penting untuk tidak hanya meningkatkan anggaran umum pada dunia pendidikan tetapi juga memperkenalkan cara-cara untuk mengurangi pembiayaan sekolah. Walaupun hal tersebut merupakan solusi yang parsial, menurut mereka, hal itu lebih penting untuk kepentingan orang tua yang mungkin merasakan bahwa kesempatan dan biaya sekolah masihlah sangat tinggi. Hal ini secara esensial dapat dilihat sebagai permasalahan sikap, yaitu sikap dari orang tua terhadap pendidikan anak-anak mereka, sikap negara terhadap buruh anak dan terhadap peningkatan kualitas sistem pendidikan. Suatu legislasi tidak dapat dengan sendirinya ditegakkan.Langkah-langkah kuat dalam hal penegakkan juga harus didirikan.

D. Kritik terhadap Sistem Pendidikan India

Pendidikan modern di India seringkali dikritisi karena mendasarkan pada sistem penghafalan. Penekanan ditujukan pada lulusnya nilai ujian dengan persentase yang tinggi. Beberapa institusi memberikan pentingnya pengembangan kepribadian dan kreativitas di antara pelajar. Akhir-akhir ini, pemerintah terbebani dengan menaiknya tingkat bunuh diri dari pelajar dikarenakan kegagalan dan rendahnya nilai, khususnya pada kota-kota besar di India, walaupun kasus seperti ini sangat jarang.

Banyak pihak yang juga mengkritisi terhadap kebijakan reservasi berdasarkan kasta, bahasa, dan agama dalam sistem pendidikan India. Pada kenyataannya hanya sedikit kasta rendah yang memperoleh manfaat dari reservasi tersebut dan juga terjadinya pemalsuan surat keterangan kasta dalam jumlah yang cukup banyak. Lembaga pendidikan juga memberikan kesempatan kepada kaum minoritas (selain Hindu) atau minoritas status bahasa. Lembaga seperti ini, 50% dari kursinya disediakan untuk pelajar dari agama tertentu atau mereka yang mempunyai bahasa ibu tertentu. Misalnya, banyak universitas dijalankan oleh Jesuist dan Salesian memiliki 50% kursi yang disedikan untuk agama Katholik.

Dalam hal bahasa, suatu lembaga dapat membuat ketentuan bagi para pengguna bahasa minoritas hanya pada negara bagian di mana bahasa tersebut bukanlah bahasa resmi. Contohnya, universitas teknik dapat menentukan sendiri sebagai lembaga bahasa minoritas (Hindi) pada negara bagian Maharashtra, di mana bahasa remsinya adalah Marathi, tetapi tidak bisa diterapkan di negara bagian Madhya Pradesh or Uttar Pradesh yang juga menggunakan bahasa resminya Hindi. Reservasi seperti ini di satu sisi memang menguntungkan kaum minoritas, tetapi di sisi lain dapat menjadi penyebab keretakan di antara banyak komunitas. Begitu banyak pelajar dengan nilai rendah diterima masuk, sedangkan mereka yang memiliki nilai baik terkadang tidak dapat diterima. Kritik dilayangkan bahwa reservasi seperti ini sangat mungkin menciptakan kerenggangan di tengah-tengah masyarakat. Korupsi yang menjamur di India juga menjadi wacana penting dalam sistem pendidikan India.

Pendidikan adalah fondasi dasar bagi setiap perbuatan ekonomi dan fondasi ini perlu dilindungi dari perbuatan korupsi dan diskriminasi berbasis elemen-elemen dalam masyarakat. Jika hal ini tidak segera diselesaikan, berbagai sistem pada pemerintahan akan melemah. Oleh karenanya Komisi Hukum India merekomendasikan agar kompleksitasnya sistem pendidikan di India untuk segera diperbaiki, jika tidak sistem peradilan di India pun bisa jadi membuat interpretasi keputusan yang beragam atas sistem yang telah ada.

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2007

Terminologi Hukum (1)



"Ketentuan-ketentuan yang berada di bawah hukum kebiasaaan harus ditafsirkan secara sempit."


"Dalam kekuatan terbesar terdapat kebebasan terkecil. "


"Hak yang dijamin dalam hukum perdata, suatu hak yang dapat dilaksanakan dalam kondisi hukum yang luar biasa."

Senin, 20 Agustus 2007

Indonesian Students International Conference 2007

Studi Analisa terhadap Reversed Brain Drain di India
Oleh: Pan Mohamad Faiz[2]


Brain drain atau human capital flight secara garis besar mempunyai pengertian migrasinya para cendekiawan terdidik dan terlatih dari negara asal ke negara lain. Makalah ini berusaha mengidentifikasi dan mengklasifikasikan konsep berikut akibat dari brain drain yang umumnya terjadi pada negara-negara berkembang. Secara khusus, makalah ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi problematika brain drain dalam kaitannya dengan sumber daya manusia (SDM) dan masa depan Indonesia.

Karya ini juga menguraikan permasalahan dan tantangan Indonesia dalam pengembangan SDM beserta ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang disebabkan oleh fenomena brain drain itu sendiri. Pada akhir makalah, penulis menyuguhkan pola pengembangan SDM guna mencegah dan mengatasi efek negatif dari brain drain dengan melakukan studi kasus terhadap reversed brain drain dari India.

Sebagai salah satu negara berkembang yang mempunyai karakteristik dan permasalahan bangsa yang serupa dengan Indonesia, India kini justru mampu memanfaatkan brain drain yang telah berlangsung sejak puluhan tahun yang lalu sebagai suatu mantra dan asset utama yang baru. Mereka tidak hanya sebatas mengubah konsep brain drain menjadi brain circulation, namun secara perlahan juga telah mengembangkannya menjadi brain gain terhadap negara-negara berkembang serta beberapa negara maju lainnya.

Dalam konteks tersebut di atas, makalah yang akan disampaikan pertama kali pada Konferensi Internasional Pelajar Indonesia (KIPI) 2007 di Sydney, Australia pada tanggal 7-9 September mendatang akan menganalisa faktor-faktor, strategi, dan pengalaman bangsa India dalam mewujudkan reversed brain drain khususnya di bidang industri information and technology (IT). Melalui penulisan yang disusun secara sistematik dengan ditunjang oleh berbagai data dan statistik, para pembaca diharapkan dapat memperoleh wawasan dan pelajaran berharga dalam rangka mengatasi permasalahan bangsa Indonesia yang tengah terserang virus brain drain. ***

Keywords: Brain Drain, India, Indonesia, Pendidikan, Sumber Daya Manusia

[1] Makalah lengkap akan disampaikan pada Indonesian Students International Conference di Sydney, Australia pada tanggal 7-9 September 2007.

[2] Penulis adalah Ketua Umum Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia di India (PPI-India) periode 2007/2008.

Daftar Pustaka Utama:

  1. Bhandari, Dharmetra, Transfer of Knowledge through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN), 1987.
  2. Brain Drain A projective Study, Indian Journal of Labour Economics, July 1981.
  3. Brain Drain Gain : Indian Diasporic Roles in Development, Paper presented at the annual meeting of the International Studies Association, Hilton Hawaiian Village, Honolulu, Hawaii, Mar 05, 2005, available at http://www.allacademic.com/meta/p71533_index.html., last accessed on 10 June 2007.
  4. Can India Plug Its Brain Drain? Technology Review: MIT Publisher, 24 March 2004.
  5. Cervantes, Mario and Dominique Guellec, The Brain Drain: Old Myths, New Realities, Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry, 2002.
  6. Ghosh, B.N. and Roma Gosh, Economics of Brain Migration, Deep & Deep Publications, 1982.
  7. Glaser, William, The Brain Drain, Emigration & Return, UNITAR - Research Report No. 22, Pergamon Press, 1978.
  8. Kurien, C.T., Brain Drain vs. Brain Gain, Sage Publication, New Delhi, 1999.
  9. Study of Concepts and Causes of Brain Drain, AUN Report, 1992.
  10. UNITAR Research Reports, The Brain Drain from Five Developing Countries, 1971.
  11. etc.

Senin, 13 Agustus 2007

NY Times Notes British Failure In Premature Iraq Withdrawal

While the violence in those areas patrolled by the US is finally on the wane as al-Qaeda’s brutallity created a Muslim backlash which has resulted in Iraqis swearing on the Koran to defeat the terrorists, the Southern area of Iraq where British forces operated has been a mixed bag. The UK had the responsibility to deal with the Shiia southern strongholds, deemed moderately challenging given the American’s responsibility for the Sunni areas and the mixed provinces around Baghdad. Now the NY Times is trying to claim the UK has failed in the south of Iraq, and that failure is due to their premature depature - the same premature they and their liberal allies in Congress want the US to execute:

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Also: Surge Produces Impressive Drop In Carnage

Ominous Developments in Afghanistan

CNN reports:

Taliban militants attacked a coalition military base in southern Afghanistan for the second time Saturday and the third time this week, the U.S.-led coalition said. It warned the ambushes could "possibly be a rehearsal for a much bigger attack, possibly an attempt to completely overrun the post." Afghan and coalition soldiers at Firebase Anaconda in Uruzgan province fought off the attackers Saturday. Several Taliban militants were killed, and two insurgents were wounded and taken into custody.

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War Crimes 'Rampant' In Somalia

All sides have committed war crimes in Somalia's conflict this year, according to lobby group Human Rights Watch.

It says the worst abuses have been by Ethiopian soldiers, who are supporting the government against insurgents.

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U.S. Military Starts New Iraq Offensive

BAGHDAD - The U.S. military launched a new offensive on Monday aimed at cracking down on Sunni and Shiite extremists, according to a statement.

The statement singled out Sunni insurgents linked to al-Qaida in Iraq and said the Shiite extremists were being backed by Iran. The military has stepped up its rhetoric recently against Tehran, which is accused of supplying militias with arms and training to attack U.S. forces. Iran denies the allegations.

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Afghan Forces Thwart Taliban Attack, Kill Nine

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (Reuters) - Afghan security forces killed nine Taliban insurgents as they were preparing to attack a district police headquarters close to the Pakistan border, a provincial police chief said on Monday.

"We had intelligence that a sizeable group of Taliban militants were gathered in Spin Boldak district near the Pakistan border in an attempt to overrun the district police headquarters," said Sayed Agha Saqib, police chief of the southern province of Kandahar.

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Iraq's Al-Maliki Plans Crisis Conference

BAGHDAD - Sunni politicians maintained a hard line Monday after Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki invited key Sunni and Kurdish allies to a crisis conference in a desperate bid to reach a compromise among Iraq's divided factions.

With the political process stalled, the U.S. military pressed ahead with its efforts to crackdown on the violence, launching a new offensive against extremists on both sides of the sectarian divide.

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Jumat, 10 Agustus 2007

Things Continue To Progress In Iraq

The path towards a success in Iraw is still be travelled as events continue to head in the direction we need to actually have a huge success in Iraq. First off just look at this long listing of actions against al-Qaeda and their allies. So many it makes no sense to snip a few here at the site.

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Nanotechnology And The Future Of Warfare

From the blog Responsible Nanotechnology:

Having received numerous email requests for my presentation on “Nanotechnology and the Future of Warfare” given at the recent World Future Society conference, I have uploaded the document as a PDF. You can view it here -- and let me know what you think!

How Indonesia Is Winning Its War On Terror

In early June, the Indonesian authorities made a stunning capture. After pursuing a suspected militant to a safe house in central Java, police say they shot him in the leg as he tried to flee. The target was Abu Dujana, the alleged head of the military wing of the extremist group Jemaah Islamiah (J.I.). That same day, the police made more busts. A squad of Indonesian commandos stormed into a home in Yogyakarta, nabbing Zarkasih, whom the authorities say is a veteran jihadist and J.I.'s overall leader. And just a few months earlier, the police uncovered an arsenal of deadly bombmaking materials in another house in central Java, including potassium, TNT, detonators and ammunition for a grenade launcher, all of which might have been used for a massive new terror attack.

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Eradication Key To Afghan Anti-Drug Plan

The US and UK on Thursday unveiled a new counter-narcotics plan for Afghanistan, including a stronger eradication effort, in an attempt to deal with the growing poppy cultivation problem in the war-torn country.

American officials said the coalition's current strategy had achieved some positive results in the more stable northern part of the country. But they conceded that there was a growing problem in the south, which has become increasingly unstable as the Taliban continue their offensive against US and Nato troops.

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Police Terrorized By Taliban -- Washington
Afghan, Pakistan Jirga Won’t Stop Violence -- Khaleej Times
Pakistan Gunships Pound Taliban, Al-Qaeda Amid US Pressure -- Yahoo News

Russian Military Bragging About Overflights

The Russian government continues its strange game of imperial ambitions, this time bragging about using Soviet-era bombers to overfly American-patrolled airspace. Moscow says it's reviving a grand tradition of Russian audacity by eyeballing American pilots. Americans say that Moscow is reviving a grand tradition of Russian baloney:

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Homes Burnt In E Timor Violence

Scores of homes have been burnt in two districts in East Timor, amid protests triggered by the appointment of a new prime minister.

The worst violence was in Viqueque and Baucau in the east, both strongholds of former ruling party Fretilin.

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Fierce Fighting Rocks Mogadishu

Somalia's capital, Mogadishu, has been rocked by the sound of fierce fighting during a two-hour gun battle between insurgents and government forces.

A BBC correspondent says the sound of the clashes echoed across the city, leading to widespread fear.

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Japan, U.S. Sign Deal On Military Secrets

TOKYO (Reuters) - Japan and the United States sealed a deal on defense secrets on Friday, in a show of solidarity days after a powerful opposition leader publicly rebuffed a U.S. request for continued support for its Afghan operations.

A smiling Foreign Minister Taro Aso greeted U.S. Ambassador Thomas Schieffer at the ministry in Tokyo, before they signed and exchanged copies of an agreement Japanese officials said would facilitate the exchange of classified information.

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Threats From North Korea Again

Over 50 Killed In Southern Philippines Fighting

MANILA, Philippines - Philippine troops shelled Muslim rebel positions and raked them with helicopter fire overnight on the southern island of Jolo after a day of intense fighting in which at least 58 people, including 26 troops, were killed.

The fighting which broke out on Thursday morning is the heaviest in the volatile Philippine south for almost three years, but the military said it suspended operations at daybreak on Friday following a request from the provincial governor.

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More from Herald International Tribune...

Iraq -- War News Updates August 10, 2007

Record Death Toll Of British Troops In Iraq -- Telegraph
Dangerous Time For British Forces In Basra -- Telegraph
U.S. Troops Navigate Fault Lines Of Sect And Tribe -- MSNBC
U.S. Seeks U.N. Help With Talks On Iraq -- MSNBC
U.S. Helicopter Forced Down South Of Baghdad -- MSNBC
15 Die In Iraq Violence; U.S. Chopper Down -- CBS News
Jordan Yields Poverty And Pain For The Well-Off Fleeing Iraq -- International Herald Tribune
UN To Vote On Bigger Iraq Mission -- BBC News
Guard Unit Home After Record Combat Tour -- CBS News

British Clear Most Of Afghan 'Green Zone'

British forces have cleared Taliban from the majority of the crucial "Green Zone" in Afghanistan's Helmand Province, a senior commander has revealed.

The narrow strip of lush vegetation which cuts through the desert province along the Helmand river had provided a refuge and ideal fighting ground for the extremists, offering a degree of cover unavailable in the surrounding desert.

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U.K. Military Bloggers Gagged By The MoD

Wide-ranging new guidelines which strictly limit the way military personnel can blog and post messages on internet bulletin boards have been introduced by the Ministry of Defence.

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My Comment: Fallout from the U.S.'s New Republic case.

Kamis, 09 Agustus 2007

What's Happening In Syria?

For years the Assad regime has had trouble if Islamist militants. They also make tactical and operational alliances with the radicals.

But this Reuters report is still very interesting.

The lede:

Syria is facing a violent campaign by Islamist militants and six border soldiers died in attacks launched from inside Iraq, a senior Syrian security official said on Thursday.

This is the first time Syria has publicly disclosed details of the fight against militants, which has intensified this year.

“We are conducting operations against terrorist cells and we have taken martyrs,” Mohammad Mansoura, head of the Political Security branch of Syria’s intelligence apparatus, told a closed door session of an international security conference on Iraq.

“Raids have yielded arsenals of weapons including suicide explosive belts. Our border forces have come under 100 attacks from inside Iraq. Six soldiers died and 17 were injured,” he said in a speech obtained by Reuters in a translated copy.

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Iraq -- Task Force Warhorse: Classical Counterinsurgency On Haifa Street

By Wesley Morgan, who is currently embedded in Iraq. Wes writes for The Daily Princetonian and was invited to embed in Iraq by Gen. David Petraeus. His assignment in Iraq is sponsored and financed by Public Multimedia Inc.

In the tactical operations center here on Forward Operating Base Union III, a huge poster is emblazoned with the slogan “Army Strong – Cav Tough.” From what I’ve seen in the past few days as I’ve lived and ridden with the Stryker cavalry Task Force based here, called Task Force Warhorse, that slogan is true enough, but could just as well read “Army Strong – Cav Smart.” This unit – two cavalry troops and an infantry company, headquartered by the 1st Squadron, 14th Cavalry – has been in three different areas of operations in the past year and has been engaged in an enormous spectrum of operations, from neighborhood cleanup to a multiple-day, full-squadron assault on enemy positions.

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Captured Iraqi Video Of An Insurgent Attack

Can't Run, Can't Hide, Can't Make a Deal -- A Good Summary on Iraq

August 8, 2007: There are now 162,000 American troops in Iraq, the most ever. The surge tactics, of constantly chasing after terrorist groups, has left more of the terrorist leaders vulnerable. This week, the guy who planned the two bombing attacks on the Shia Al Askaria (Golden Dome) mosque in Samarra was killed up north. In nearby Mosul, the local Sunni Arab community is becoming even more vicious, knowing that their politicians have been unable to obtain amnesty for the terrorist leaders who have been presiding over the bombers and death squads in the northern oil city. The Sunni Arabs must have Mosul, because it's where about a third of Iraq's oil is. If Iraqi gets split up into a federated union, the Sunni Arabs need oil. But the Kurds want the oil as well, and are ready to ignore U.S. calls for calm, and launch an ethnic cleaning campaign. All the Sunni Arabs would be driven out of Mosul. To do this would risk fighting with American troops, but the Kurds, and other minorities in the area, are fed up with Sunni Arab terrorism, and want either peace, or peace through revenge.

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Scores Killed In Fighting At Strategic Darfur Town

KHARTOUM, Sudan - Fighting over a strategic town in southern Darfur has killed many rebels and government forces over the past week, and the Sudanese air force has bombed several villages, rebels and international observers said Thursday.

The clashes began Aug. 1 when rebels captured the town of Adila, where Sudanese troops were stationed to protect the only railway linking Darfur to the capital of Khartoum, rebels said.

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Sri Lanka Civil War -- Done In By A Booming Economy

August 9, 2007: The LTTE is being seen as an empty threat. The collapse of LTTE forces in eastern Sri Lanka, and inability to carry out a promised terror campaign, has encouraged government forces, and made Tamil civilians more willing to resist LTTE pressure (to volunteer, or donate money.) The navy continues to destroy LTTE gunrunner boats off the northern coast, while the air force bombed an LTTE base on the northern coast. These bases are disguised as fishing villages, but better intelligence has led to the discovery of which "fishing villages" are simply masquerading as smugglers bases.

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A Change In The Tide In The Iraq War?

$750M Sought To Airlift Armored Vehicles To Iraq

WASHINGTON — The Pentagon has asked Congress for nearly $750 million to urgently airlift needed armored vehicles to troops facing roadside bombs in Iraq, according to budget documents.

The emergency funding request would allow the military to fly many of the Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles to troops rather than send them by ship, which takes weeks. The flight takes 13 hours, allowing for same-day delivery, said Lt. Col. Ed Thomas, an Air Force spokesman.

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More from Willism.

Cdn Colonel: Fight Against Taliban Not Ending Any Time Soon

KANDAHAR, Afghanistan (CP) - A Canadian colonel serving in Afghanistan says the fight against the Taliban isn't about to end any time soon.

Christian Juneau, deputy commander of Canadian troops in southern Afghanistan, said today it is premature to talk about an end to the hostilities in the war-ravaged country. Juneau's comments come a few days after Asadullah Khalid, the governor of Kandahar, predicted NATO forces would defeat the Taliban in the not too distant future.

Juneau says it's hard to know whether the war will end in two, three or 10 years.

The colonel acknowledged that while Taliban insurgents can't match NATO forces in terms of military might, they are still capable of deadly strikes.

Iraq War News Updates -- August 9, 2007

A summary of Iraq War News for August 9, 2007

US Military: Kills 8 Terrorists, Detains 29 In Iraq – Voice Of America
Two More British Troops Killed In Iraq – Telegraph
Four UK Troops Die In Iraq In 48 hours -- Reuters
Sadr City Fighting Kills About 30 – CNN
US, Iraqi Forces Kill 30 Iranian-Backed Special Groups Operatives – Fourth Rail
Major U.S. Raid in Sadr City Targets Shiite Militia Faction – Washington Post
Iraq Report: Pressing al Qaeda In Diyala And The North – Weekly Standard
Roadside Bomb Attacks In Iraq Reach An All-Time High – Independent
Explosives From Iran Weakening Security In Iraq, Commander Says -- CNN
Thousands Make Iraq Pilgrimage Despite Fears – MSNBC
Shiites March Peacefully In Baghdad – International Herald Tribune
Baghdad On Alert For Shia Festival – Guardian
Iraq Report Hints: More Time Needed -- Yahoo News
The Tenuous Case for Strategic Patience in Iraq: A Trip Report – CSIS Reports
Burns: Analysis Of The Surge & Endgame – INDC Journal
Analysis: Military Makes Gains in Iraq – ABC News
The Surge Is Working. What Now? – The National Examiner
Commentary: Rational Optimism on Iraq -- Commentary Magazine
An Iraqi Interpreter’s Story – Middle East Journal
Renewed Hope For Abandoned Iraqi Interpreters – Times Online
Disaster Looms As 'Saddam Dam' Struggles To Hold Back The Tigris – Independent
Iraq: Suicide Bombers Seen As Phantoms Of Death -- Radio Free Europe
Labor Dept: 1,001 Contractors Have Died In Iraq – Houston Chronicle
Sun Tzu and the Art of Border Security – Captain’s Journal
Talks On Iraq Open In Damascus – Tigerhawk
Sunni Fighters Find Benefits In Alliance With U.S. – MSNBC
Iran Urges US Pull-Out From Iraq – BBC News
Polls Show Shift In Attitudes On Iraq Following Military Inroads – Houston Chronicle
New Republic Iraq Stories Questioned – Washington Post

You May NOT Get What You Wish For

Syria Reveals Army Deaths From Militant Campaign

DAMASCUS (Reuters) - Syria is facing a violent campaign by Islamist militants and six border soldiers died in attacks launched from inside Iraq, a senior Syrian security official said on Thursday.

This is the first time Syria has publicly disclosed details of the fight against militants, which has intensified this year.

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Territorial Wars R.I.P.

Daniel Drezner on the decline of territorial wars .......

Rebels Kill 20 Philippine Troops

At least 20 Philippine soldiers have been killed by suspected Islamic rebels on the southern island of Jolo.

Ten of the victims died when gunmen ambushed a military convoy near the town of Maimbung.

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My Comment: 80% of the Muslim population support the Islamic rebels ..... this war will be going on for a very long time.

Russia Sparks Cold War Scramble

Russian bombers have flown to the US island of Guam in the Pacific in a surprise manoeuvre reminiscent of the Cold War era.

Two Tu-95 turboprops flew this week to Guam, home to a big US military base, Russian Maj Gen Pavel Androsov said.

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My Comment: Nothing changes........

Still At War - But Two Koreas Agree To Meet

The presidents of South and North Korea took the world by surprise yesterday by simultaneously announcing that they would soon hold their first summit in seven years in the North Korean capital, Pyongyang.

But while stockbrokers opened champagne, opposition politicians smelt a rat. Conservatives denounced the summit as a stunt to boost the prospects of liberal candidates in the South Korean presidential elections, which are due to take place in December.

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State Of Emergency Expected In Pakistan

Pakistan’s embattled president, Gen Pervez Musharraf, may declare a state of emergency today following a meeting with his senior security chiefs and political leaders.

Speculation that an emergency was imminent was fuelled when Tariq Azim, an information minister, said the government may impose one because of "external and internal threats".

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More news from:
Musharraf Decides Against Emergency -- Yahoo News
Musharraf Steps Back From Political Brink -- Times Online
US Aid Ban Threatens Alliance, Says Pakistan President Musharraf – Telegraph
Musharraf Rejects Emergency Rule -- BBC News
U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice 'Sways Musharraf On Emergency' -- CNN News
Rice Acts Over Pakistan ‘Emergency’ -- Financial Times
In Pakistan, A Groundswell Of Opposition To Musharraf's Military -- International Herald Tribune

Update: 16 Pakistani Troops Missing; Feared Abducted

Global Military Spending Hits $1.2 Trillion

Fom Say Anything Blog .....

Afghanistan -- Canadian Troops Make Difference

Encouraging news out of Afghanistan for Canadians was President Hamid Karzai's insistence in Washington that the Taliban posed no threat to his government.

A continuing threat to Afghan people, yes, but not to the regime as a whole.

It was an unusual observation by a ruler whose control in the country is claimed by critics to be precarious, possibly transitory and wholly dependant on the presence of foreign troops to keep barbarians from breaking down the gates.

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Rabu, 08 Agustus 2007

British Military Asks U.S. Forces To Leave Afghan Province

SANGIN, Afghanistan: A senior British commander in Afghanistan's Helmand Province said he had asked the U.S. military to withdraw its special forces from his area of operations because the high level of civilian casualties they have caused was making it difficult to win over local people.

A U.S. military spokesman denied the request was ever made, either formally or otherwise, but the dispute underlined differences of opinion among NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan on tactics for fighting Taliban insurgents and concerns among soldiers on the ground about the consequences of civilian casualties.

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Russia And Georgia: On The Brink Of War

Britain's Telegraph newspaper reports that Russia has fired missiles into Georgia. The paper states: "Vano Merabishvili, Georgia's interior minister, said that two Sukhoi attack aircraft entered Georgian airspace from Russia at 7:30 pm last night and fired at least one air-to-surface missile towards the village of Tsitelubani, 40 miles west of Tbilisi. The missile carved a 5-metre deep crater into a corn and potato field but failed to detonate." Merabishvili told the paper by telephone: "We cannot understand why this has happened. This village has no political or military importance. But less than 5 kilometres from the area is a Georgian tracking radar, and it is my view and the view of our military that this was the target." Rushing to the scene, Georgia's president Mikhail Saakashvili condemned the raid as an yet another effort to destabilize his nation.

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Update: Russia And Georgia Lock Horns Over Missile

Iranian Nukes: Bringing The Bear To Bear And The Iraq Endgame

Iraq, Iran, the U.S., and Russia ...... a must read post from Tigerhawk.

You Think ....

Yemen, Another Front In The War On Terror

From Strate-Sphere ..... an observation.

"Grim Milestone" Reached: 500 Palestinian Arabs Killed By Each Other This Year

We have reached the "grim milestone" of 500 PalArabs that we have been able to document violently killed by each other this year.

Since we started the self-death count 13 months ago, we have documented 705 violent deaths of Palestinian Arabs due to infighting, honor killings, "work accidents," shootings during funerals and weddings, children picking up bombs being built by their parents, and similar self-inflicted incidents.

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Selasa, 07 Agustus 2007

The Arsenal Of The Iraq Insurgency -- It's Made In China.

This year, many truckloads of small arms and explosives direct from Chinese government-owned factories to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards have been transshipped to Iraq and Afghanistan, where they are used against American soldiers and Marines and NATO forces. Since April, according to a knowledgeable Bush administration official, "vast amounts" of Chinese-made large caliber sniper rifles, "millions of rounds" of ammunition, rocket-propelled grenades (RPGs), and "IED [improvised explosive device] components" have been convoyed from Iran into Iraq and to the Taliban in Afghanistan.

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Investigation Reveals Ties Between Turkish al-Qaeda and Iraq

A firefight with U.S. military forces on June 23 near the town of Hawija in northern Iraq exposed the presence of Turkish al-Qaeda operatives. It also revealed their probable role in facilitating a flow of jihadis to Al-Qaeda in Iraq on behalf of al-Qaeda, as well as the identities of two of the operatives and their backgrounds and roles (Terrorism Focus, July 10; MNF-I Statement, June 28). Additional details provided since that time as a result of the continuing investigation by U.S. military authorities serve to reinforce the validity of the implications reported in Terrorism Focus on July 10. The identity of a third individual, Ahmed Sancar (also known as Khattab al-Turki), killed in the June 23 firefight south of Kirkuk, has been announced by U.S. military officials (TurkishPress.com, July 20). Sancar, also Turkish, was characterized by the U.S. military as a "senior" leader in al-Qaeda, and as a "key" financier and facilitator for the group. In a significant finding, the cell's leader, Mehmet Yilmaz (also known as Khalid al-Turki), was said to be a "close" associate of 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Muhammad. These conclusions continue to reinforce the magnitude of the loss suffered by al-Qaeda, Al-Qaeda in Iraq and the Turkish al-Qaeda organization in the June 23 firefight. These revelations also highlight the difficulty that al-Qaeda will have in replacing the Yilmaz cell in order to restore the flow of jihadis into Iraq from the north to its previous rate.

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U.S. Says Iran- Supplied Bomb Is Killing More Troops In Iraq

BAGHDAD: Attacks on American-led forces using a lethal type of roadside bomb said to be supplied by Iran reached a new high in July, according to the American military.

The devices, known as explosively formed penetrators, were used to carry out 99 attacks last month and accounted for a third of the combat deaths suffered by the American-led forces, Lieutenant General Raymond Odierno, the No. 2 commander in Iraq, said in an interview.

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My Comment: Iran has been complicit in the deaths of hundreds if not thousands of Americans for the past 28 years. The Beirut barracks, their support of terrorist organizations and their facilitators, their involvement against the west in Iraq and Afghanistan. If this is not a hot war ..... what is?

Somalia -- Poor Prospects for Peace

August 7, 2007: Most of the 400,000 Mogadishu residents who fled the major fighting in February-April belonged to clans that opposed the new government (which is supported by clans from outside Mogadishu, and several thousand Ethiopian troops). Since May, about 120,000 of those refugees returned. But that brought back many of the Islamic radical clan gunmen who are intent on regaining control of Mogadishu for their clans. The increased fighting since June has caused another 30,000 people to flee the city. Now the government and Ethiopian troops are again clearing out neighborhoods believed to be harboring terrorists.

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Hamas, Fatah In Secret Talks: Haniya Aide

Gaza City - The Hamas movement is holding secret talks with the rival Fatah movement of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, a member of the dismissed Hamas government said Tuesday.

The discussions are aimed at resuming the general dialogue between the two movements which are entangled in a political stand-off, after Hamas beat Fatah in deadly Gaza street battles and assumed sole control of the Gaza Strip in mid-June.

More news ...
Additional news from Israel and her neighbours:
Terrorists Dupe Israelis On Weapons Deal -- WND
Israel And Hamas Resume Contacts Over Soldier -- Khaleej Times

Author Tells U.S. Army He Made Up Stories Published in New Republic

Reason #2836 for why this blog exists .....

Israel Warns Against Travel In Mideast

What do they know that we do not .....

Pakistan -- Terrorism Updates August 7, 2007

Pakistan Army Strikes Tribal Area -- BBC News
Pakistan On The Precipice -- The Futurist
Pakistan Bombards Militant Hide-Outs -- Yahoo News
Paradoxical Policies For Pakistan and Iran -- Counter Terrorism Blog
All Freed 'Terrorists' In Pakistan To Be Re-arrested -- Times Of India
Pakistan: Lawmaker Supports Jihad And End To US Ties -- AKI
Pakistan President Rejects US Al-Qaida Strike Bid -- Jerusalem Post
Foreign Strike Inside Pakistan Will Amount To War: Niazi -- Daily Times
Pakistan Strikes Two Al Qaeda Camps In North Waziristan -- Fourth Rail

Lebanon Civil War Watch

Violence Breaks Out In East Timor

The war for independence is over, but long term sectarian strife will be there for a very long time ....

Pakistan Forces Destroy Militant Hideout

MIRAN SHAH, Pakistan - Helicopter gunships and artillery on Tuesday bombarded two militant hideouts that had been used to launch attacks on security forces in a troubled tribal region near the Afghan border, the Pakistani army said.

Spokesman Maj. Gen. Waheed Arshad said forces targeted a pair of compounds in Daygan, a village about 10 miles west of North Waziristan's main town of Miran Shah after receiving "credible intelligence that militants were present there."

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ANALYZING AL QAEDA VIDEOS: Things Are Not As They Appear

Neal Krawetz, a researcher and computer security consultant, gave an interesting presentation today at the BlackHat security conference in Las Vegas about analyzing digital photographs and video images for alterations and enhancements.

Using a program he wrote (and provided on the conference CD-ROM) Krawetz could print out the quantization tables in a JPEG file (that indicate how the image was compressed) and determine the last tool that created the image -- that is, the make and model of the camera if the image is original or the version of Photoshop that was used to alter and re-save the image.

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Darfur Rebels Agree on Approach to Peace Talks, U.N. Says

UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 6 — Eight rebel groups from the chaotic Sudanese region of Darfur agreed Monday on a common platform for peace talks with the government, the United Nations announced.

After three days of talks in Arusha, Tanzania, the rebel factions reached a framework on “power-sharing, wealth-sharing, security arrangements, land and humanitarian issues, for the final negotiations” with the government, which could begin with two or three months, according to a statement from the United Nations and the African Union. Details of these agreed-upon elements, which have historically proved deeply divisive, were not immediately available.

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Update: Sudan Not Enthusiastic On Darfur Rebel Platform: U.N. Envoy

Afghanistan -- War News Updates August 7, 2007

Taliban Weigh Hostage Fate After Bush And Karzai Meet -- Reuters
Taliban Warns Of 'Bad Result' For Hostages -- MSNBC
Father Of 2 South Korean Hostages Waits And Hopes -- International Herald Tribune
Taliban Launch Frontal Attack On Base -- Yahoo News
Over 20 Taliban Militants Killed in Attempt to Overrun Afghan Coalition Base -- FOX News
Bush And Karzai Divided On Iran's Role In Afghanistan -- International Herald Tribune
Bush, Karzai Hold Summit On Strategy -- LA Times

Russian Military Jets 'Drop Bomb On Georgia'

Two Russian military jets invaded Georgian airspace last night and fired a missile that narrowly missed a village, Tbilisi claims.

Georgia said that it had “incontrovertible evidence” that Russian aircraft had bombed its territory and said that it would raise the matter at the United Nations Security Council.

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More from Yahoo News....

Iraq -- War News Updates August 7, 2007

Roadside Bombs Kill 4 US Troops In Iraq -- Yahoo News
26 U.S. Troops Killed In 1 Week In Iraq -- CBS News
US Says UK 'Has Failed In Basra' -- Telegraph
As British Leave, Basra Deteriorates -- MSNBC
How We Are Beating al-Qaeda -- The Sun
Baghdad Curfew Announced Ahead Of Shi'ite Festival -- Reuters
Iraqi Prime Minister Visits Turkey -- Yahoo News
Turkey pressures Iraq PM on Kurds -- BBC News
Al Qaeda Is Guilty Of Monstrosities In Iraq - No Matter What Anyone Says -- New York Daily News
Commentary: Why I Have Come to Iraq -- TCS Daily
Bread and a Circus, Part II of II -- Michael Yon
The Brookings Report On Iraq -- Belmont Club

Senin, 06 Agustus 2007

Bush, Karzai Say They Are Aligned Against Taliban

CAMP DAVID, Maryland (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush and Afghan President Hamid Karzai vowed on Monday to finish off the Taliban, which Karzai said was a defeated force that attacks civilians but is not a threat to his government.

Karzai, visiting the United States amid renewed concern about worsening violence in Afghanistan and the threat from militant hide-outs across the border in Pakistan, said he was building up his army and police with U.S. help.

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The Iraq Government -- The Untimely Recess

The withdrawal of the Accord Front from Maliki's cabinet and the persistence of the parliament on taking a month long recess is a major embarrassment for Baghdad and Washington alike and for anyone who was looking forward to seeing some political progress in Iraq before the September milestone.

When it comes to the recess, two main factions can be identified as the cause of the deadlock:

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'Plot Would Have Killed Thousands'

Terrorists who had planned to detonate gel-based explosives on U.S.-bound flights from London last August would have achieved mass devastation, according to new information from Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff in an exclusive interview with ABC News.

"I think that the plot, in terms of its intent, was looking at devastation on a scale that would have rivaled 9/11," Chertoff told ABC's Pierre Thomas. "If they had succeeded in bringing liquid explosives on seven or eight aircraft, there could have been thousands of lives lost and an enormous economic impact with devastating consequences for international air travel."

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Iraq War News Updates -- August 6, 2007 Evening

Iraqi Political Crisis Grows -- Yahoo News
More Ministers Pull Out Of Crumbling Iraq Cabinet -- Reuters
Iraqi Political Crisis Grows -- Breitbart
Latest U.S. Poll Shows Growing Support For Iraq War Policy -- USA Today
Analysis: Military Shows Gains in Iraq -- Breitbart
America Accuses Iran As Baghdad Talks Open -- Telegraph
Abandoned By Britain: The 91 Iraqis Who Risked All -- Times Online

80% of Filipino Muslims Support Abu Sayyaf Terrorists

Filipino Congressman Wahab Akbar from the war-torn Mindanao region of the Philippines claims that 80% of Muslims support the Al-Qaeda linked terror group Abu Sayyaf.

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The Continuing Hostage Crisis In Afghanistan

Pakistan Ambassador -- U.S. Intel Is ‘Absolutely Incorrect’

Pakistan’s ambassador to the United States blasts Barack Obama and the National Intelligence Estimate conclusion that Pakistan is a safe haven for Al Qaeda.

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One Wonder's How Long Has This Been The Case

New al Qaeda Video Released

The new AQ video announced Thursday is out - looks like the focus of their threats is on embassies and consulates. The Blotter has an item, as well.

via CNN and Laura Mansfield:

The video begins with a computer animation sequence showing a reproduction of the March 2006 attack on a US Embassy vehicle in Karachi, Pakistan, that killed four people including one American diplomat. In the attack, an explosives-packed car rammed a vehicle carrying the American diplomat.

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Qaeda Member Threatens U.S. Embassies

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - American al Qaeda militant Adam Gadahn warned the United States and its allies on Sunday that the militant network would target diplomats and embassies in retaliation for U.S.-led actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Al Qaeda released a one-hour, 17-minute video showing a computer-animated depiction of the 2006 suicide attack on a U.S. diplomatic vehicle in Karachi, Pakistan, in which American diplomat David Foy died, according to the Web site of terrorism expert Laura Mansfield.

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East Timor Erupts In Violence After New Prime Minister Named

DILI, East Timor: Xanana Gusmão, a leader in the struggle for independence, was named East Timor's new prime minister Monday, triggering fresh violence in the capital a year after bloody street battles led to the collapse of the government.

Despite hopes that the appointment would end months of political tension, the country's largest party immediately slammed the decision as illegal. Youths in Dili, the capital, set up barricades of burning tires and set a tax office on fire, witnesses said.

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North, South Korean Soldiers Exchange Fire

SEOUL, South Korea - North and South Korean soldiers briefly exchanged gunfire along their border Monday, the office of South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff said.

North Korean soldiers fired several shots toward a South Korean guard post in the eastern part of the Demilitarized Zone that divides the Korean Peninsula. South Korean soldiers immediately returned fire, a statement said.

No South Korean soldiers were hurt. It was unclear if anyone was hurt on the northern side and comment there was not immediately available.

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Three Killed In Sri Lanka As UN Envoy Begins Visit

COLOMBO (AFP) - At least one soldier and two Tamil rebels were killed in Sri Lanka on Monday as a top UN rights official began a four-day visit to the embattled island, the defence ministry said.

The trooper died in a mine blast in the northern district of Vavuniya, the ministry said, adding that four soldiers were also wounded in another blast in the Jaffna peninsula, further north.

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More from the BBC News

Commentary From Robert Fisk: Mistrust Fuels Cycle Of Violence In Lebanon

When, oh when, will the Lebanese Christians stop destroying each other? General Michel Aoun's Free Democratic Party (colour them bright orange) stood yesterday, along with their pro-Syrian allies, against the Phalangist candidate Amin Gemayel, former president and father of the assassinated incumbent MP, Pierre, murdered - by Syrians? By rival Christians? You name it - last year.

For Gemayel, read authority, the power of the democratically elected parliament, the government of Lebanon and, much more to the point, the US-supported government of Lebanon. For Aoun - who once claimed to be "liberating'' Lebanon from Syria in a disastrous 1990 war, but who would now like to be Syria's president in Lebanon - it was a heady moment. His candidate, Camille Khoury, may not win, but he will reformulate the politics of Lebanon where "pro-Syrian" may become once more a respectable political label.

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Darfur Rebels Want Talks

ARUSHA, Tanzania - Almost all of Darfur's splintered rebel factions have agreed to hold peace talks with the Sudanese government within three months, U.N. and African Union officials said Monday.

After four days of meetings, the rebel factions reached a "common platform" for talks with the government on issues such as power- and wealth-sharing, security, land and humanitarian issues, the AU's envoy to Darfur, Salim Ahmed Salim, and the United Nations special envoy to Darfur, Jan Eliasson, said in a statement released after the meeting.

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More news .....

and more from the BBC

‘Rival To Nato’ Begins First Military Exercise

Russian and Chinese troops are joining forces this week in the first military exercises by an international organisation that is regarded in some quarters as a potential rival to Nato.

Thousands of soldiers and 500 combat vehicles will take part in “Peace Mission 2007”, organised by the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) in the Chelyabinsk region of Russia. Russian officials have also proposed an alliance between the SCO and a body representing most of the former Soviet republics.

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Afghanistan -- War News Updates August 6, 2007

Bush And Karzai Discuss Security -- Yahoo News
Taliban Warn Of More Kidnappings -- Yahoo News
Bush, Karzai Responsible For Fate Of Koreans: Taliban -- Reuters
British Will Be In Afghanistan 'For 38 Years' -- Telegraph

Iraq -- War News Updates For August 6, 2007

Suicide Truck Bomb Kills 28 In Iraq -- Yahoo News
Suicide Attack Rips Through Northern Iraqi City, Killing Dozens -- International Herald Tribune
Blast Rocks Northern Iraqi Town -- BBC News
Armed Robots To Go To War In Iraq -- Telegraph
U.S. And Iran Meet To Discuss Iraq Security -- Reuters
Pentagon Can't Account for Missing Weapons -- ABC News
The Brookings Report On Iraq -- Belmont Club
Smith From Iraq On Sacrifices and Syrians -- Threatswatch
The Joint Campaign Plan - Flexibility For Iraq -- Threatswatch
Iraq Transitioning To Success -- Strata Sphere
al-Qaeda Has Lost Iraq - No Question II -- Strata Sphere
Iran Arming Iraqi Militias Via Chinese Arms Purchases -- Threats Watch

President Bush Signs Law To Widen Legal Reach For Wiretapping

WASHINGTON, Aug. 5 — President Bush signed into law on Sunday legislation that broadly expanded the government’s authority to eavesdrop on the international telephone calls and e-mail messages of American citizens without warrants.

Congressional aides and others familiar with the details of the law said that its impact went far beyond the small fixes that administration officials had said were needed to gather information about foreign terrorists. They said seemingly subtle changes in legislative language would sharply alter the legal limits on the government’s ability to monitor millions of phone calls and e-mail messages going in and out of the United States.

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U.S. Congress Approves Wiretap Bill -- Guardian

Minggu, 05 Agustus 2007

Top Republican 2008 White House Hopefuls eserved The Right To Launch US Strikes Against Al-Qaeda In Pakistan

Bush, Karzai Hold Strategy Talks On Afghanistan

CAMP DAVID, Maryland (Reuters) - The struggling, six-year effort to rebuild war-ravaged Afghanistan and defuse the threat from Taliban and al Qaeda militants hiding over the border in Pakistan will dominate talks this weekend between U.S. President George W. Bush and Afghan President Hamid Karzai.

The more immediate crisis of trying to free 21 Korean hostages seized by the Taliban last month will also be high on the agenda for the talks, which began on Sunday.

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Also more from Yahoo News ....

U.S. Congress Approves $460B Pentagon Budget

WASHINGTON - The House approved modest changes to President Bush's record Pentagon budget proposal early Sunday, but Democrats signaled plans to resume a more contentious debate over the Iraq war after the August recess.

The House's $459.6 billion version of the defense budget, approved on a 395-13 vote, would add money for equipment for the National Guard and Reserve, provide for 12,000 additional soldiers and Marines, and increase spending for defense health care and military housing.

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U.S. Claims Victories Against Al Qaeda In Iraq

BAGHDAD (Reuters) - U.S. and Iraqi government forces claimed a series of victories on Sunday against al Qaeda militants in a central province of Iraq that has been one of the heartlands of the Sunni militant insurgency.

On the stalled political front, Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki's office said he had refused to accept the resignations of six cabinet members from the main Sunni bloc in parliament, who triggered a crisis by quitting last week.

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US Kills Shrine Bomber; Mortars Kill 13
US Military: Coalition Forces in Iraq Kill 4 Suspected Terrorists, Capture 51
Suicide Bombers Destroy Last Peace In Baghdad

UN Darfur Force 'Will Be Too Weak'

United Nations officials in Sudan fear that the hasty plan to send a 26,000-strong peacekeeping force to Darfur, approved by the Security Council last week, will backfire because its mandate is too weak.

Senior aid workers and UN staff on the ground are strongly critical of the deal, hurriedly struck in New York with the backing of Britain, France and the US, immediately after Gordon Brown's first visit as Prime Minister to the organisation's headquarters.

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Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2007

Virtual Jihad Hits Second Life Website

Islamic militants are suspected of using Second Life, the internet virtual world, to hunt for recruits and mimic real-life terrorism.

Police and the intelligence services are concerned that it may have been infiltrated by extremists to proselytise, communicate and transfer money to one another. Radicals may also be responsible for “virtual” terrorist attacks in which buildings depicted on the website are blown up.

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Rebel Commanders Arrive For Darfur Talks

ARUSHA, Tanzania (Reuters) - Field commanders from Darfur rebel factions flew in for a second day of unity talks on Saturday, boosting hopes they will agree a bargaining position ahead of peace negotiations with the Sudanese government.

Around a dozen rebel groups are attending the African Union and United Nations-sponsored meeting in the Tanzanian resort of Arusha, which is due to continue until Sunday. The AU and U.N. also hope to set a date and venue for peace talks with Khartoum.

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Darfur Rebels In Talks About Talks

Two Palestinian Militants Killed In Israeli Air Raid Against Southern Gaza

2 Dead, 6 Hurt In Israeli Strike On Gaza

GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip --Two Palestinians were killed and six wounded in an Israeli air strike on two vehicles near the southern Gaza Strip's border with Egypt on Saturday evening, eyewitnesses and hospital staff said. The Israeli military confirmed it carried out an attack in the area, near the Rafah frontier crossing, but could not immediately give details.

The militant Islamic Jihad group said some of its members were in at least one of the two struck by Israeli missiles -- a Mercedes and a pickup truck parked next to it. Eyewitnesses said several explosions came from the pickup after the attack, suggesting that it had been carrying explosives.

The group said its operatives had fired a rocket into Israel shortly before the air strike, but it was not clear if they were the same group hit by the Israeli strike.

Three Turkish Soldiers Killed In Roadside Attack

DIYARBAKIR, Turkey (Reuters) - Three Turkish soldiers were killed on Saturday when their vehicle was blown up by a remote controlled explosive device laid by Kurdish rebels on a rural road, security forces said.

The deaths follow some of the heaviest fighting since the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) started its spring offensive this year, with 11 killed in clashes earlier in the week.

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The Civil War In Lebanon Continues

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich Says War On Terror 'Phony'

Washington — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Thursday the Bush administration is waging a "phony war" on terrorism, warning that the country is losing ground against the kind of Islamic radicals who attacked the country on Sept. 11, 2001.

A more effective approach, said Gingrich, would begin with a national energy strategy aimed at weaning the country from its reliance on imported oil and some of the regimes that petro-dollars support.

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My Comment: The goals that Newt Gingrinch proposes are thoughtful and perceptive, especially in recognizing the threat and where it is coming from. Unfortunately, the world's addiction to oil is real ...... and if anything .... our dependence on it from unstable countries will only increase.

Iraq -- War News Updates August 5, 2007

Iraqi Soccer Players SOB At Homecoming Celebrations! -- Gateway Pundit
In Iraq, A Perilous Alliance With Former Enemies -- Washington Post
U.S. Soldier Found Guilty In Iraqi's Murder -- Reuters
U.S. Forces Kill Mosque Bomber In Iraq -- Reuters
Iraq's National Electricity Grid Nearing Collapse; Cities Short Of Water... -- PR Inside
Iraq’s National Electricity Grid Nearing Collapse -- MSNBC
Former Members of Baath Party Being Exterminated by Militants in Southern Iraq -- BBS News
Iraq Summit To Focus On Powersharing -- Reuters
U.S. And Iran To Meet Again In Baghdad -- CBS News
In Iraq, A Perilous Alliance With Former Enemies -- MSNBC
Al-Qaeda Mastermind In Samarra Killed, Iraqi TV Reports -- M & C
Al-Qaeda Has No Presence In Ramadi Anymore -- US Commander -- Kuwait News Agency

Afghanistan -- War News Updates August 5, 2007

British Make Initial Gains Against Taliban -- Telegraph
Another Record Poppy Crop In Afghanistan -- CBS News
The Forgotten South Korean Christian Hostages -- Michele Malkin
Iran Gives Taliban Hi-Tech Weapons To Fight British -- Times Online

The Politics And Abuse Of Foreign Aid To Africa

A new book called The Bottom Billion by Oxford economist Paul Collier shows that Bono is half blind in calling the nations of West to pour huge new sums of cash into Africa. As the Economist reports: "Take Nigeria. Over the past 30 years or so, it has received some $280 billion 'with depressingly little to show for it.' Plainly, vast dollops of aid have gone down the drain. In one of many statistical cameos, he cites a study showing that only 1% of 20 million British pounds of aid sent to Chad actually reached the rural health clinics that were its intended target."

Algerian Army Kills 16 Qaeda Militants: Papers

ALGIERS (Reuters) - The Algerian army, stepping up a counter-offensive after attacks by al Qaeda's north Africa wing, has killed around 16 of the group's fighters in the past three days, newspapers reported on Saturday.

At least 13 members of the al Qaeda Organisation in the Islamic Maghreb were killed near borders with Tunisia in Tebessa province, some 634 km (396 miles) east of the capital Algiers, independent dailies Liberte and El Khabar said.

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Taliban, Afghans Seek Venue For Hostage Talks

GHAZNI, Afghanistan (Reuters) - The Afghan government and Taliban kidnappers on Saturday sought a venue for negotiations to try to free 21 South Korean Christian hostages held for more than two weeks, the provincial police chief said.

A South Korean delegation was in Ghazni province, southwest of Kabul, where the church volunteers were snatched, seeking direct talks with the kidnappers.

But Seoul has told the insurgents there is a limit to what it can do since it has no power to concede the main Taliban demand for the release of rebel prisoners in Afghan jails.

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Nato Airstrike Kills Senior Taliban Leaders

Nato is reported to have killed at least two senior Taliban leaders in an airstrike north of Helmand as they were watching a public execution.

The bombing took place in the northern district of Baghran on Thursday, a district entirely controlled by the Taliban.

The Taliban's commander for southern Afghanistan, Mansoor Dadullah, was among those targeted, according to unconfirmed reports.

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Senior Darfur Rebel Leader Blasts Arusha Talks

Unlike the previous post, this one makes more sense,

U.N. Chief: Momentum In Darfur

Hell is going to freeze over .....

Suicide Car Blast Kills 9 In Pakistan

PESHAWAR, Pakistan - A suicide attacker detonated a car bomb at a busy bus station in northwestern Pakistan on Saturday, killing at least nine people and wounding 35 others, officials said.

Elsewhere in the region, four soldiers and 10 militants were killed in a checkpoint shootout.

The attacker rammed an explosive-laden car into another vehicle near a bus packed with passengers in Parachinar, a town in the North West Frontier Province, said Mohammed Kamal, a local police official.

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Update: 22 killed in guerrilla raid and suicide attack in Pakistan (Reuters)

Jumat, 03 Agustus 2007

U.S. Capitol Police Step Up Security Fearing Terror Attack In Next Six Weeks

An increased threat of another al Qaeda attack between now and Sep. 11 of this year has caused Capitol Police officials to step up security on Capitol Hill, Roll Call reported.

An unnamed Capitol Police source told Roll Call that Congressional security officials were recently made aware of the potential threat by federal anti-terrorism authorities.

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Pakistan: In The Line Of Fire -- A Comprehensive Report

This year has been one of tumult and challenge for the administration of President Pervez Musharraf of Pakistan. Last year, he had tried to deal with the twin threats of "legitimate" Islamists and terrorists who were threatening to undermine the nation. Within the National Assembly's 342 seats, there are 63 seats that belong to members of a coalition of six Islamist parties known as the MMA (Muttahida Majlis-e-Amal or United Action Front). The MMA members of parliament forced a compromise when Musharraf tried to water down the so-called Hudood Ordinances. These religious laws were introduced by the dictator Zia ul-Haq in 1979 with the full blessing of the Jamaat-e-Islami party, which is now the main member of the MMA coalition. The Hudood laws meant that any woman who complained of being raped could be found guilty of adultery if she could not provide four (male and Muslim) witnesses.

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President Bush Rreassures Pakistan's Musharraf Over Attack Warnings