Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

What Does A U.S. Secretary of State Do When His Plane Breaks Down

Secretary of State John Kerry boards airplane at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland at the start of his Feb. 24-March 6 trip to Europe and the Middle East. State Dept Image / Feb 24, 2013

Secretary of State Flies United After Air Force 757 Breaks Down -- USA Today

Not even the U.S. Secretary of State is immune to flight delays.

John Kerry found that out on Thursday, forced to fly United Airlines from Honolulu to Washington after his Air Force Boeing 757 suffered mechanical problems, The Washington Post reports.

Kerry had been in Hawaii as part of a week's worth of travels. But when his usual 757 went out of service, Kerry had to do what travelers everywhere must do: scramble to find another option.

For the Secretary, that meant a commercial United Airlines flight "hours later," according to the Post.

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My Comment: Any bets that he did not take an economy seat?

Update: Oh no .... here comes the comments on how this symbolizes the breakdown of U.S. foreign policy.

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