Kamis, 21 Agustus 2014

Should The U.S. Declare War Against The Islamic State?

Photo from Veeoz

Why Washington Should Declare War on ISIS -- James Kitfield, National Journal

The terrorist group has a bigger sanctuary, far more money, and is more indiscriminately murderous than al-Qaida was on Sept. 10, 2001.

When a centrist Democrat, a Republican hawk, a libertarian, and a tea partier all find common ground on Capitol Hill, it's worth noting this rare outbreak of bipartisan consensus. Sens. Tim Kaine, James Inhofe, Rand Paul, and Ted Cruz all believe the White House should seek new approval from Congress for U.S. military operations in Iraq. President Obama should give the senators exactly what they are requesting.

As Obama said during a press conference earlier this week, the administration is already closely consulting Congress on the Iraq crisis, because when confronting a threat like the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, the United States needs to show a united front. ISIS's brutal execution of American journalist James Foley is just the latest atrocity that has clarified the growing threat posed by what is arguably the most powerful terrorist group in history.

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My Comment: Taking the fight to ISIS is the one topic that everyone in Washington is in agreement with .... even if it means going to war against them. This is not mission creep .... this is a rush to the front-lines.

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