Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

President Obama Tells U.S. Lawmakers That Criticism of His Syria Policy is 'Horsesh*t'

Candid camera: Official photographer Pete Souza caught the split-second reaction of Obama, VP Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton after she accidentally dropped all of her briefing papers onto the Oval Office rug

Exclusive: Obama Told Lawmakers Criticism Of His Syria Policy Is 'Horsesh*t' -- Josh Rogin, Daily Beast

Hillary Clinton and Congressmen alike have called on Obama to arm Syria’s rebels. But the President fumed at lawmakers in a private meeting for suggesting he should’ve done more.

President Obama got angry at lawmakers who suggested in a private meeting that he should have armed the Syrian rebels, calling the criticism “horseshit.”

The argument that America should have done more in Syria, made for years by foreign policy leaders in both parties and several members of Obama’s senior national security team, was brought back to the fore this past weekend. Obama and Hillary Clinton gave dueling interviews in which they publicly split on whether the security and humanitarian catastrophe in Syria could have been avoided if the United States had played a larger role. Obama’s outburst on July 31, one week prior, reveals the criticism was already getting to him, even before the White House tried to deflect Clinton’s remarks as pre-presidential political posturing.

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My Comment: With hindsight .... we are all geniuses. In the case of these lawmakers criticizing President Obama's Syrian policy .... I do recall last year how many of these same politicians were adamant that President Obama should not launch air strikes on the Assad regime after Syrian President Assad was accused of launching a chemical attack that killed approximately 1,000 Syrians. But this is how Washington operates .... and after Hillary Clinton's criticism over the weekend .... expect more criticisms of President Obama's foreign policy in the months to come .... followed by even greater blow-back from the White House.

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