Kamis, 14 Agustus 2014

Iran's Supreme Ruler: Talks With The U.S. Are Futile

Photo: Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Wikipedia

Iran's Ayatollah Khamenei Says Talks With The U.S. Are Futile -- Daily Beast

The Supreme Leader suggests the only thing worth talking to the Americans about is ending sanctions, and even then he doesn’t hold out much hope.

In a speech to diplomats from around the world, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Wednesday that he firmly believes further negotiations with the United States should not go ahead. Iran is willing to cooperate with any country in the world, he said, “with two exceptions: the Zionist regime and the U.S.”

Although Khamenei did not go so far as to forbid the Iranian delegation from continuing the extended negotiations with the United States ove Iran’s nuclear program and the sanctions imposed to curtail it, he warned against the dangers of engaging with the U.S. on all other international matters. The remarks directly undermine the broader position of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani.

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My Comment: One more reason (among many) on why we should not be optimistic that nuclear talks with Iran will get anywhere.

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