Selasa, 05 Agustus 2014

Has The Gaza Conflict Brought A New Low In U.S.-Israel Relations?

Has Gaza Conflict Brought New Low In U.S.-Israel Relationship? -- Elise Labott, Richard Roth & Josh Levs, CNN

(CNN) -- Tensions between U.S. President Barack Obama and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have been strained for years. But the conflict in Gaza has ushered in a new low, some analysts say.

"It's probably the worst relationship between a leader of the United States and a leader of Israel since all the way back to the Eisenhower days," says David Gergen, a senior political analyst for CNN who served as adviser to four U.S. presidents. "The relationship has gotten rockier over this period during the war."

While Obama and Netanyahu emphasize friendship and mutual support publicly, a series of recent events present a different picture.

Blaming Israel for an attack that killed several people at a school in Gaza, the United States said it was "appalled" by the "disgraceful shelling" -- sharp criticism from Washington rarely heard when Israel is engaged in battle.

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My Comment: Relations have been horrible for the past few years .... but for their own reasons (and many others) both countries need each other .... and are still able to work together. And while I do expect the complaints and insults to continue to fly .... there will be no fundamental changes in U.S. - Israel relations for the foreseeable future.

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