Kamis, 07 Agustus 2014

An Epic Slaughter Is Now Engulfing The Entire Middle East

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Apocalypse Ignored: As Gaza Grabs The Headlines, Epic Slaughter Engulfs The Rest Of The Region. But Where Are The Protests?

The fragile ceasefire in Gaza was still holding last night after three days, offering a glimmer of hope that the brutal conflict between Israel and the militant group Hamas might be at an end.

Israel believes it has killed more than 700 Hamas fighters in the past four weeks and destroyed at least 32 of the underground passages through which Hamas smuggles weaponry and launches terrorist attacks on the country.

In their cold-blooded parlance, Israel’s military leaders say they have ‘mown the grass’ sufficiently to enable a withdrawal of troops from Gaza. In other words, they have degraded Hamas’s military capacity to the extent that they believe it will take three or four years before the terrorist organisation can become truly belligerent again; before the gruesome cycle of Hamas provocation and ruthless Israeli retaliation begins once more.

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My Comment: Other countries that are not mentioned in this article but are in turmoil are Yemen, Egypt, and Tunisia.

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