Minggu, 16 Februari 2014

Warships Off The Coast And EMPs

Hal Lindsey's latest video update is definitely worth watching:

Warships Off The Coast

Additionally we have text below:

February 14th, 2014
This week on ‘The Hal Lindsey Report’
When I consider Iran, the word “paradox” comes to mind. Today, we think of Iran primarily as Israel’s greatest threat. The leaders of the Islamic Republic consistently and often threaten to wipe Israel from the map at their first opportunity.
Yet for generations, Iran has been home to the largest community of Jews in the Middle East outside of Israel. And they have lived there in peace and a certain degree of harmony.
In fact, until the Muslims overthrew the Shah more than 30 years ago, Israel and Iran were, effectively, allies. There are, in fact, still Jews living in Iran. They have jobs, businesses, a member of Parliament, and even a hospital, but now just a few thousand remain out of the 150,000 who once lived and thrived there.
Even in their dealings with the United States, whom they call “The Great Satan” and are determined to destroy, the Iranians say one thing and do another.
While the new president, Hassan Rouhani and his cabinet mount a successful major “charm offensive,” Iran’s Supreme Leader and his military officers issue threats against both Israel and the United States. The Ayatollah Ali Khamenei continues to ridicule and threaten Israel. Major military figures imply to the world’s press that teams of Iranian operatives are positioned at critical, vulnerable points to attack and destroy the U.S. from within.
Further, recently Iran announced that — for the first time in its history — it has dispatched three warships to the Atlantic Ocean to patrol (and probe?) the maritime borders of the United States. For several years now, I’ve reported on Iranian preparations (including substantial practice off their own coast in the Caspian Sea) to launch an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) attack against the U.S. Could this be a dry-run for that attack?
Whatever, it’s safe to say that what Iran “says” and what Iran “does” are usually two completely different things. America’s leaders apparently don’t know that, don’t believe that, or don’t care.
Speaking of dry runs. In April of 2013, a power substation serving San Jose, California, was mysteriously attacked in the middle of the night. A team of snipers began firing at the unattended Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E) facility. In less than one minute, the snipers fired more than 100 shots. They damaged or destroyed 17 of the station’s 23 transformers.
Though law enforcement dismissed the incident as a prank by drunken teen aged boys, powerful and knowledgeable people have begun to question that assumption. Jon Wellinghoff, who was the chairman of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) at the time of the incident, recently has gone public. He told The Wall Street Journal that it was “the most significant incident of domestic terrorism involving the grid that has ever occurred.”
“The grid,” of course, refers to the thousands of power generation and distribution stations and substations that supply our nation’s electricity through millions of miles of electrical distribution lines. It is huge and it is extremely vulnerable to terrorist attack.
The one minute assault of concentrated and coordinated gunfire on the San Jose substation took 27 days to repair. Power transformers are very expensive to build and difficult to install. That’s why most power companies have very few of them on hand and at the ready. In fact, most of the transformers in our nation’s power grid do not have replacement units available.
Fortunately for Silicon Valley, there was only one substation attacked. PG&E quickly rerouted around the downed station. Just imagine the possibilities if many substations are attacked at once and in a coordinated manner. The cascading effect could be unbelievably catastrophic. In today’s world, no electricity means society ceases to function. And it could take months to get the grid back up and running.
In view of recent threats by Iranian generals about teams of operatives being in place to attack and destroy America from within, the possibility that the San Jose attack was a “dry run” becomes even more realistic — and frightening.
On a recent “Hal Lindsey Report,” I offered a series of stories about how Christians are increasingly being criticized and ridiculed for their faith and even forced by the state to act in contradiction to that faith. In the course of the program called “No Christians Allowed,” I reported that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) had surprised everyone with its nomination for an Oscar of a song from an obscure Christian movie.
I noted the disgusting media reaction to the song, “Alone Yet Not Alone,” from the movie of the same name. I even reported that one of the film’s producers was surprised, amazed, and overjoyed by the announcement.
Well, apparently the Academy board was also surprised and amazed by the nomination — though apparently not overjoyed! They were probably also a bit shocked by the reaction of the liberal media elites and the gay-rights activists. So they did the only thing a group of hypocritical leftist snobs could do, they withdrew the nomination.
This was almost as great a shock as the nomination itself. In fact, it is so rare that The Los Angeles Times noted, “For the first time in its history, the academy this week revoked an Oscar nomination on ethical grounds, citing improper campaigning….”
In an industry where studios pay companies millions of dollars to deliver Oscar votes (including lavish parties, free screenings, bags of gifts, and who really knows what else), a solitary composer sending 70 emails to his friends and acquaintances simply suggesting they listen to a song seems pretty benign. (He only asked them to listen. He didn’t ask them to vote for it.)
As Gerald Molen, the Oscar-winning producer of “Schindler’s List” noted, in an industry where over-the-top, in-your-face promotion “seems to me to have been the normal practice for a long, long time… the Academy has suddenly discovered lobbying in the case of this one song?”
Then I think Molen hits the nail on the head: “Many will see this decision as faith-based bigotry pure and simple.”
But, really, we should not be surprised. The Bible warns that as we approach the end of this Age, recrimination and discrimination against Christians will increase. It will someday reach the point where Christian thought and activity may be criminalized. I firmly believe that’s the goal. At that point, the government can begin removing Christians from participation in society.
Remember, Jesus Himself warned us that the world would “hate” us simply because they hate Him and our very presence reminds them of Him. He said, “If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you.” (John 15:18 & 20)
Let’s take this as a reminder that we need to actively prepare ourselves and our families for those days. Make certain you’ve accepted the forgiveness that Christ’s atoning sacrifice purchased for you. Then trust Him to strengthen you for the trials that lay ahead. Remember, each challenge to your faith will be an opportunity to share the good news of the Gospel of Jesus with those who do not know Him.
Don’t miss this week’s Report on TBN, Daystar, CPM Network, The Word Network, various local stations, www.hallindsey.com or www.hischannel.com. Please check your local listings.
God Bless,
Hal Lindsey

Also see:

The commander of Iran’s Army ground forces on Sunday declared that the US is heading for collapse.

Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan was quoted by the Iranian Fars news agency warning Washington against any military action against Iran, and predicting that US was moving toward a final collapse.

“Based on the remarks of the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution (Ayatollah Ali Khamenei), the ‘world arrogance’ is moving on a historical twist,” he said in an address, referring to the US. “And if it repeats its wrong method against Iran, it will no doubt have no destiny, but decomposition like the Soviet Union.”

The remarks, the latest in a series of belligerent comments by prominent Iranian figures, came two days before Iran and world powers begin talksaimed at transforming an interim deal into a long-term accord on Iran’s rogue nuclear program.

Last week, Iran’s chief of staff Hassan Firouzabadi warned the Islamic republic’s foes that Iran was prepared for a “decisive battle” if attacked.
“We are ready for the decisive battle with America and the Zionist regime (Israel),” Fars news agency quoted Firouzabadi as saying.
He also warned neighboring nations not to allow any attack to be launched on Iran from their soil. “We do not have any hostility toward regional states, but if we are ever attacked from the American bases in the region we will strike that area back,” he said.
Washington has many military bases in the region, including in Bahrain, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
US Secretary of State John Kerry said late last month that if diplomacy with Iran fails, “the military option of the United States is ready and prepared to do what it would have to do.”
But Firouzabadi accused the US of bluffing.

Also Sunday, Defense Minister Hossein Dehqan touted the Iranian military’s ability to respond to an American attack, Fars reported. “The Iranian Armed Forces are an intertwined and coherent complex that can give a decisive response to any threat at any level and any place under the command of the commander-in-chief,” Dehqan said in a ceremony marking the 35th anniversary of the revolution that brought the current Islamic regime to power. “The enemy can never assess and think of the range of the response given by the powerful and mighty Armed Forces of the Islamic Iran,” he added.
On February 7, Iranian state TV ran a documentary featuring a computerized video of Iran’s drones and missiles bombing Tel Aviv, Haifa, Ben-Gurion Airport and the Dimona nuclear reactor in a simulated retaliation for a hypothetical Israeli or American strike on the Islamic Republic. The clip also showed simulated attacks on American targets in the region, including an aircraft-carrier.

The Palestinian Authority and Hamas warned Sunday of Israeli “plans” to impose Israeli sovereignty on the Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem.
Al-Habbash claimed thatIsrael has plans to “divide” the Aqsa Mosque. “These efforts won’t succeed,” he added.
He was referring to routine visits by Jews to the Temple Mount and calls by some Israelis to impose Israeli sovereignty over the compound.
PA Minister for Religious Affairs Mahmoud al-Habbash said that there would be no sovereignty over the Aqsa Mosque and Islamic and Christian holy sites other than Palestinian sovereignty. “This is the full right of the Arab, including Muslims and Christians,” he said.
The PA minister said that only Muslims were entitled to pray at the holy site.
The Knesset is set to hold a plenary discussion on Tuesday to discuss a proposal by MK Moshe Feiglin (Likud) to place the Temple Mount under Israeli supervision.
Another top PA official was quoted as warning Israel against the consequences of “desecrating the holy sites in Jerusalem.” Israel, he charged, is “playing with fire.”
In the Gaza Strip, Hamas representative Yunis al-Astal accused Israel of plotting to “destroy” the Aqsa mosque in order to build the Third Temple.
The Hamas official criticized the PA minister al-Habbash for saying that Jews would be permitted to visit the Western Wall after an Israeli withdrawal from east Jerusalem.

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